10 14 2014 Updated Agenda Packet AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING UPDATE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014 6:00 P.M. Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated d reports, resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items mattachments. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations- Proclamation- Substance Abuse Prevention Month Public Comment 5. the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speak are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Minutes; Regular Meeting September 23, 2014 & Study Session September 24, 2014 b. Payables Checks #63342 - #63467 Totaling $784,375.22 Public Hearing- none scheduled 7. New Business- none scheduled 8. Design Contract Amendment -2014 Asbestos Cement Water Main ACTION a. Replacement 10 min Presenter: Ryan Johnstone Attachments: Staff Report, Project Amendment Scope, Budget & Map 9. Old Business none scheduled 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Foster represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) Councilmember Baker represents Yelm on the following committees. Intercity Transit Board Yelm Adult Community Center Councilmember Isom represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Economic Development Council Committee (TRPC) Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Position 4 - Vacant Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees. Yelm Transportation Committee (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember Garmann represents Yelm on the following committees. Yelm Transportation Committee Thurston County Law and Justice Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees. Medic One Yelm Emergency Operations Board Mayor Harding represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County Economic Yelm Finance Committee Development Council Yelm Emergency Operations Board Yelm Transportation Committee Yelm Economic Development Committee (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board 11. Executive Session- Council will go into a 30 minute Executive Session for 0 the purpose of evaluating the qualifications of a candidate for appointment min Yelm City Council Position #4. (RCW 42.30.110 (h). 12. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request.) AWC Cityvoice Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Thurston County Bountiful Byway Celebration October 13, 3:00-4pm, Schilter Family Farm, Olympia Adjourn 13. Upcoming Meetings Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Council Study Session Wednesday, October 29, 2014, 5:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, November 12, 2014, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape or CD (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, pleas Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with s time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limit public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated w elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. It i person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodationor participate in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnep working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us Agenda Item 4. Proclamation City of Yelm City of Yelm Proclamation Proclamation Substance Abuse Prevention Month Substance Abuse Prevention Month 7(%2%!3þ t¶¤­³¸ ²¨· ¯¤±¢¤­³ ( ¨­ “) ®¥ 4hursto­ County ¦± £¤ ²³´£¤­³² ´²¤ ³§¨±³¸ ³¶® ¯¤±¢¤­³ ®¥ 9¤«¬ High 3¢§®®« stud¤­³² § ve ´²¤£ alcoh®« ¨­ ³§¤ ¯ st 30 ÿ  ­£ WHEREAS, recent ±¤²earch ¨ndica³¤²  «¢oh®« § ²   ²¨¦­¨fica­³ impact ®­ ³he de tee­ ¡rain,³§¤ area² ³§ ³ ¢®­³±®« mo³®± impu«²¤ ¢®­trolþ memoryand dand 7(%2%!3þ toba¢¢® ´²¤ ¨² ³§¤ ²¨­¦«¤ mo²³ ¯reventabl¤ cau²¤ of di²¤ ²¤þ £ death ¨­ ³he 5nite£ Statesÿ  nd ´²¤ ®¥ ¢¨¦ rs  nd ¤«ectroni¢ cigarettes ¨² ®­ ³he se WHEREAS,´²¤ ¨² ³§¤ numbe±  ±ea²®­ ente± ²´¡²³ nce ²¤ treatmen³ ¯rogra¬² ¨­ St ³¤þ  nd und¤± 21 ega and WHEREAS,  ¨­ 20 (4.7%) 4hursto­ County10 ¦± £¤ ²³´£¤­³² § µ¤ tr¨¤£ th and WHEREAS þ 4/'%4(%2 ¬ ¨­³ ¨­²   µ¨²¨®­ ³§ ³  «« ¸®´­¦ ¯¤®¯«¤ ¨­ ®´± ¢®¬¬ supp®±³¤£þ §¤ «³§¸þ ² ¥¤  ­£ µ «´¤£ÿ  ­£ WHEREAS,§ ² bee­   ¯±¤¬¨¤± ¯±¤µ¤­³¨®­ agency¨­ 4§´rsto­ Countyand Statesince th¤¨± founding ¨­ 1989 ­£ ¨² ¢¤«¤¡± ³¨­¦ ³§¤¨± 25  ­­¨µ¤±² ±¸ th ³§¨² ¸¤ ±þ ./7þ 4(%2%&/2%þ )þ Ron ( ±£¨­¦þ - ¸®± ®¥ ³§¤ #¨³¸ ®¥ 9¤«¬ £® §¤±¤¡¸ ¯±®¢« ¨¬þ October ‘“  ² . ³¨®­ « 3´¡²³ ­¢¤ !¡´²¤ 0±¤µ¤­³¨®­ -®­³§ andþ ¢ «« ´¯®­ ³§¤ ¢¨³¨¹¤­² ®¥ 9¤«¬ ³® ±¤¢®¦­¨¹¤ ³§¤ ¨¬¯®±³ ­¢¤ of ¯±¤µ¤­³¨®­ ¨­ ¯±®¬®³¨­¦ ² ¥¤  ­£ §¤ «³§¸ ¢®¬¬´­¨³¨¤²  ­£ ¢®¬¬¤­£TOGETHER!þ  «®­¦ ¶¨³§ ³§¤¨± ¯ ±³­¤±²þ ¥®± ‘” ¸¤ ±² ®¥ « ­£¬ ±ª ¯±¤µ¤­³¨®­ ¶®±ª ¨­ 4§´±²³®­ #®´­³¸ Signedthis14th £ ¸ ®¥ Octoberþ ‘“ 2®­ ( rding - ¸®±þ #¨³¸ ®¥ 9¤«¬ Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 1 of 2 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014MINUTES 1.MayorHardingcalled the meeting to order at 6:00p.m.and asked Taylor from Boy Scout Troop 9220 to lead everyone in the flag salute. 2.Roll CallPresent: J. W. Foster,Tracey Wood, Ken Garmann and Russ Hendrickson.Absent: Bob Isom 14-084 MOTION BY JW FOSTERTO EXCUSEJOE BAKERFROM THE MEETING. CARRIED. 3.Agenda Approval 14-085MOTION BYRUSS HENDRICKSON APPROVINGTHE AGENDA AS PRESENTED.CARRIED. 4.Special Presentations – Nisqually River Land Trust Day, September 23, 2014- Mayor Harding proclaimed September 23 as Nisqually Land Trust Day as they th celebrate their 25year, preserving the natural wonders of the Nisqually River and surrounding areas.Joe Kane,Executive DirectorNisqually Land Trust accepted the Proclamation andthanked the Mayor and Council for the Proclamation and expressed how great it has been working with the City of Yelm. Helooks forward to a continued partnership and the construction of a trail along the Nisqually River through the different cities, whichwould allowbetter access to the river for everyone. 5.Public Comment – Cameron Jayne,Triad Theater addressed the Counciland invited them to attend events at the Theater. Ms Jayneintroduced volunteer Debra King, whohanded out a letter to the Mayor and Council asking for permission to use 100 square feet of City owned sidewalk that is adjacent to the Historic Wolf Building for placement of outdoor furniture. This is the second request from members of the Triad Theater to put outdoor furniture on the sidewalk. The letter responds to the reasons of denial addressed by Mayor Harding’s letter dated August 21, 2014. 6.Consent Agenda Minutes – Regular Meeting August 26, 2014, September 9 meeting cancelled. Payables – Checks #63180 - #63274 Totaling $491,701.24 (September 9) & Checks #63275 - #63341 Totaling $299,034.55 14-086MOTION BY TRACEY WOODAPPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing –none scheduled 8.New Business – none scheduled 9.Old Business –none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster attended the City of Yelm Employee Appreciation Luncheon on September 5, 2014at the Public Works Facility and hosted by Mayor Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 2 of 2 Ronand MyrnaHarding. Councilmember Foster attended the Yelm Chamber Luncheon recognizing Public Service workers and Veterans. Also attended the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committeemeeting. Councilmember Foster th invited everyone to attend the 25Annual Nisqually Watershed Festival on September 27, 2014 from 8am – 5pm. Councilmember Woodattended the Transportation Policy Board meeting and reported they discussed the Draft 2015-2018 Regional Transportation Improvement Program. There is an improvement scheduled to widen the Bald Hills Road. Also attended the TComm 911 Admin Board meeting and reported they are working on the new 911 Telephone System replacement. He announced that he got married last weekend. Mayor Harding attended the Thurston County EconomicDevelopment Council Business Resource Committee’s Finance meeting. Mayor Harding, along with staff will attended the Real Estate Forum on September 25, 2014 at 11am at the Red Lion in Olympia. The Economic Development Committee hosts this forumand the current economic status of Thurston Countywill be discussed. Council is welcome to attend. Janine Schnepf reminded Council to bring their Unified Development Code with them to the Study Session tomorrow night. Shelly Badger reminded Councilof the AWC Operation Strong Cities meeting in Tumwater on September 30, 2014. 11. Executive Session – none scheduled 12.Correspondence included – City of Olympia, Nisqually Indian Tribe; McAllister Wellfield Dedication Ceremony Invitation, October 4, 10 a.m. Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater Visitor & Convention Bureau, ENewsletter September 15, 2014, www.visitolympia.com Washington State Senator, Randi Becker, ENewsletter, September 10, 2014 AWC, City of Tumwater, Operation Strong Cities invitation, September 30, 2014, 6 p.m. Thurston Regional Planning Council Pre-Agenda, October 3, 2014 8:30-11am Yelm Chamber Luncheon Forum October 14, 2014 11:30am-1pm at Prairie Hotel Conference Room-Yelm Invitation to Yelm Farmers Market Sunday, September 28, 11:30am at Nisqually Springs Farm SR 507 13.Adjourn6:20pm. ___________________________ Attest: _________________________ Ron Harding, Mayor Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk Agenda Item 6. a. Study Session Minutes Page 1 of 1 YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 5:00 P.M . Mayor Pro-tem Isomcalled the meeting to order at 5:00p.m. Present: Councilmembers: Bob Isom, Russ Hendrickson, JW Foster. Mayor Harding arrived at 5:10 p.m. Tracey Wood arrived at 6:00 p.m. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ryan Johnstone, Grant Beck, Tami Merriman. Agenda Approval -Mayors Report moved ahead of 4b to include staff present. 4a.Cochrane Park Improvement Project Update and Recommendation, Ryan Johnstone reviewed the current progress and budget for the Cochrane Park improvements. Revised estimates above original estimates. 5.5a) : Ryan Johnstone updated Council: When an engineer is required for hire on projects: WAC requirement, certain services require Engineers stamp according to Washington State standards. 5b) AC Waterline replacement Update: completed on Railroad, VanTrump and Second; design phase for Tranquility, Yelm Ave and part of Algiers; coordinating efforts with WSDOT to prioritize Yelm Ave prior to WSDOT overlay project. Viewed map of water line replacement projects. 5c) Triad Theatre and outdoor seating. City Building Official contac st removing tables and chairs on sidewalk along 1 Street. Mayor Harding denied 8/21/14 to their 8/1/14 written request to allow. Second letter from Cameron Jayne presented at 09/23/14 Council meeting. Guidelines reviewed for permitting and ADA requirements not met. Discussion related to working with property owners and taking to beautification commit Mayor Harding offered to place bench on City owned sidewalk thatas a compromise. Correspondence provided. CONCENSUS,AGREE THAT SITE IS NOT COMPATABLE WITH PUBLIC SAFETY REQUIREMENTS TO PLACE TABLES AND CHAIRS IN THAT RIGHT-OF-WAY. 5d) Animal Control is slated to be re-worked in the Code to address current topics including: zoning of commercial and hobby kennel defined and urban chickens.ns have become more popular as have complaints about chickens. Staff was directed to look at other 6:00 pm community wants. 4b. Unified Development Code Update and Overview Tami Merriman reviewed the updated Unified Development Code (UDC) that reflects current regulations. The UDC combines existing zoning, subdivision and development related regulations from theYMC and Development and Design Guidelines in a manner that reflects how approval process proceeds to ease processing for developer, property owner and staff. The Planning Commission participated in public outreach meetings, held a public open house, and public hearing to receiv the public. The update includes analysis of the comments and changes incorporated based on those findings. Council has been provided with a draft for their from the Planning Commission to bring it forward. 5e)Prairie Christian Center has met the current deadline. 5f) Retail Marijuana Licensing,Grant Beck reviewed local marijuana regulation. State issued a marijuana retail license to a local business who has leased property inside the Cwner is disputing City requirements to locate in that space. Maps provided 1/29/14 and updated 8/26/14 showing changed to restricted areas and 1,000 ft buffer zone. 5g) Mazama Pocket Gopher and permitting approach.Update on what the designation of endangered species for the gopher means at the local level. City will continue to regulate under 6. the Protected Species Act. Council Initiatives. Seven applications received for Position 4 vacancy, currently under review. Evening odor in Yelm likely roofing work being completed at Burger King on Yelm Ave. Yelm bypass speed limit is currently 45 m.p.h. Adjourn : 7:50 p.m. _____________________________________ Attest: ______________ Ron Harding, Mayor Janine Schnepf, City Clerk Agenda Item 6 b. VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of checks approved for payment at October 14th council PR Direct Deposit9999999999$145,955.36 PR Checks6334263352$17,675.92 Payroll AP Checks/EFT6335363362$175,280.04 Vouchers6336363459$444,625.92 Utility Refunds6346063467$837.98 TOTAL$784,375.22 ____________________________ /_______________________________/________________________________ Mayor Councilmember Councilmember ____________________________/________________________________/________________________________ Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember ____________________________/_______________________________ Council member Councilmember ATTEST:_____________________________ CITY CLERK:______________________________________ The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by______________________________________________at a regular council meeting held this 14th day of October 2014 1 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 2 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 3 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 4 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 5 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 6 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 7 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 8 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 9 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 10 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 11 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 12 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 13 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 14 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 15 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 16 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 17 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 18 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 19 of 20 Agenda Item 6 b. 20 of 20 Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 1 of 11 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To:Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council From:Ryan Johnstone,Public Works Director Date:October 2, 2014 (for October 14, 2014 City Council Meeting) Subj:Design ContractAmendment - 2014 Asbestos CementWater Main Replacement Attach:Project Amendment Scope, Budget, and Map Recommendation Authorize Mayor Harding to sign a contract amendment in the amount of $48,341with BHC Consultants for additional design services for asbestos cement (AC)watermain replacement. Background The capital improvement program(CIP)(attached) approved as part of the current water system plan contains water main replacement projects necessary to increase the reliability and efficiency of the potable water distribution system. One of the primary means of increasing reliability and efficiency of the distribution system is to replace old, AC water main with new PVC or ductile iron water main. Three of the nine distribution system improvement projects listed in the CIP were completed in 2013.The approval to enter into a contract with BHC Consultants to design the next three projects, D-4, D-5, and D-6was givenby Council on July 22, 2014. The contract was approved in the amount of $84,369. Current Situation As the design of the current water main replacement project began, it became apparent that there were additional areas that should be added to the current project. These additional areas are shown in red on the attached maps and explained below. AreaNo. 1 is proposed for addition to this contract due to WSDOT grinding and overlaying the full width of Yelm Ave E from the intersection with First St to the City limits (Wal-Mart area) in the Summer/Fall of 2015. Completing the replacement of this water main on Yelm Ave E from 2nd St SE to 4th St SE in advance of WSDOT's project Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 2 of 11 will eliminate having to trench through a new roadway surface and the negative impacts to the road and negative perception by the public that may occur. Area No. 2 is proposed foraddition to the project in order to maximize City construction funds. Because this project will already be replacing the water main shown in blue, it makes sense to add the red sections that extend from the end of the current project to Plaza and Creek Streets, respectively. This water main requires replacement as well and completing this now eliminates coming back to this area at some point in the future, re-mobilizing a contractor, and replacing these remaining sections. This will also minimize any disruptions to local businesses and the citizens due to construction activities and water shut downs. Design of the previously approved water main sections isunderway. If the addition of Areas No. 1 and 2 isapproved, design will begin on those immediately as well. It is anticipated that the additional design work will push the design completion date to February 2015.Approval of the design of these additional water main replacement areas will increase the design contract total from $84,369 to $132,710. Currently, $450,000 for the completion of design and construction of this project is in the 413Water Capital Improvement fund.Each water main replacement section that is part of this project will be bid as a"bid alternate". Each replacement section will receive its own bid price and the City can select which water main sections to replace while not exceeding the funds currently available for the project. Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 3 of 11 BHC Consultants, LLC 950 Pacific Avenue, Suite 710 Tacoma, WA 98402 253 . 344.5084 253 . 244.7165 (fax) Engineers Planners www.bhcconsultants.com September 25, 2014 Ryan Johnstone, PE City of Yelm 901 Rhoton Road SE Yelm, WA 98597 Subject: Authorization for Additional Scope of Work 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Dear Mr. Johnstone: Per City request, BHC is pleased to offer additional design and project authorized by the City on July 22, 2014 for an original to-exceed value of $84,369. The supplemental Scope of Services and Budget for these tasks, which main replacement areas, are detailed in Exhibits A-1 and B-1, at supplemental to Exhibits A and B of the original Agreement, and A brief description of each proposed additional area is as follo Additional Water Main Replacement Area No. 1: Expand the intended water main work within the vicinity of Capital Project D-4 to include the replacement o 6-inch diameter asbestos cement water main with new 8-inch diame chloride water pipe on Yelm Ave. (SR 507) between 2nd and 4th St Additional Water Main Replacement Area No. 2: Expand the intended water main replacement work within the vicinity of Capital Project D-5 to include the r lineal feet of 6-inch diameter asbestos cement water main with n polyvinyl chloride water pipe on NE Algiers Rd between NE Plaza (approximately 300 lineal feet) and between NE Yelm View Ct. and 350 lineal feet) . Signature of the Authorization below will constitute City approv Services and Notice-to-Proceed with integration of the work into the original delivera Respectfully submitted, BHC Consultants, LLC Christopher W. Kelsey, PE Project Manager Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 4 of 11 City of Yelm Additional Scope of Work 2014 Water Main Replacement September 25, 2014 Page 2 Authorization: I approve the addition of Water Main Replacement Areas No. 1 and July 22, 2014 Agreement between the City of Yelm and BHC Consult to-exceed project Budget of $132,870. ___________________________________ __________________ __________ Signature Title (print) Date (print) OR I approve the addition of Water Main Replacement Area No. 2 only 22, 2014 Agreement between the City of Yelm and BHC Consultants,to- exceed project Budget of $97,520. ___________________________________ __________________ __________ Signature Title (print) Date (print) Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 5 of 11 EXHIBIT A-1 Additional Scope of Services CITY OF YELM 2014 Water Main Replacement Project September 25, 2014 Project Background and Understanding Under an agreement with the City of Yelm that was executed on Ju preliminary engineering, final design, and bid support services er System Plan. The work plan detailed herein proposes to potentially add two (2) additional project areas to and bid support services: Additional Water Main Replacement Area No. 1: Expand the intended water main work within the vicinity of Capital Project D-4 to include the replacement of approximately 1,000 lineal feet of 6-inch diameter asbestos cement water main with new 8-inch diameter duc water pipe on Yelm Ave. (SR 507) between 2 and 4 Streets. ndth Additional Water Main Replacement Area No. 2: Expand the intende work within the vicinity of Capital Project D-5 to include appro diameter asbestos cement water main with new 8-inch diameter duc water pipe on NE Algiers Rd between NE Plaza Dr. and NE Algiers feet) and between NE Yelm View Ct. and NE Creek Dr. (approximate Consistent with the originally authorized Scope of Work, design additional areas will include installation of new water mains, f valving for system maintenance, and other associated water syste include all excavation, backfill, and surface restoration work n main facilities and placement into service. The Scope of Services and engineering Fee Estimate for these areas are added by individual task, indicating the elements of design development and bid support ef developed based on BHCCity staff. This supplemental work is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the original Agre Project Approach and Scope BHC proposes the following task elements within this Scope of Se Task 7 Design and Bid Support for Additional Water Main Replacement Ar Using task items 1 through 6 of the original executed agreement, and bid support of this area includes: City of Yelm 1 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Additional Scope of Services Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 6 of 11 Project management to coordinate field and design work for this and subconsultants during design, and perform additional QA/QC f deliverables. Provide survey and base mapping for the right-of-way where additional replacement will occur. Develop and provide an estimated additional three (3) plan/profi one (1) additional civil detail or traffic control sheet, follow milestone submittals as the original scope. Add additional bid items and descriptions to the bidding documen allowance for supplemental information within the technical spec WSDOT, is included. Additional coordination time associated with application and per the expanded work proposed within their right-of-way on Yelm Ave. A nominal allowance for additional information requests that mig addenda/clarification items that might result, for this area dur Task 7 Assumptions: Additional area deliverable documents (plans and supplemental biill be integrated into the planned submittals of the original Agreement herein. Task 7 Deliverables: Milestones, format and quantity of deliverables will remain the Agreement. Task 8 Design and Bid Support for Additional Water Main Replacement Ar Using task items 1 through 6 of the original executed agreement, and bid support of this area includes: Project management to coordinate field and design work for this and subconsultants during design, and perform additional QA/QC f deliverables. Provide survey and base mapping for the right-of-way where additional replacement will occur. Develop and provide an estimated additional two (2) plan/profile documents, following the same 50%, 90% and Final milestone submi Add additional bid items and descriptions to the bidding documen additional technical specifications are anticipated to add this A nominal allowance for additional information requests that mig addenda/clarification items that might result, for this area dur Task 8 Assumptions: Additional area deliverable documents (plans and supplemental biill be integrated into the planned submittals of the original Agreement herein. City of Yelm 2 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Additional Scope of Services Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 7 of 11 Task 8 Deliverables: Milestones, format and quantity of deliverables will remain the Agreement. Estimated Schedule BHCScope of Work will occur over the following estimated schedule for the project. Authorization to Proceed October 2014 Preliminary Engineering October 2014 50% Design Level Plans and Specifications Deliverable (Revised) 90% Design Level Plans and Specifications Deliverable (Revised) Final Bid Ready Plans and Specifications Deliverable (Revised) February 2015 Fee Estimate The budget for this Scope of Services is attached as Exhibit B-1 Water Main Replacement Area No. 1 and $13,151 for Additional Wat Authorization of Areas No. 1 and 2 would adjust the budget under the original Agreemento- exceed value of $132,870. Authorization of Area No. 2 only woul Agreement to a not-to-exceed value of $97,520. The budget is based on Charges, included with the original Agreement. City of Yelm 3 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Additional Scope of Services Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 8 of 11 EXHIBIT B-1 BUDGET SPREADSHEET City of Yelm 2014 Water Main Replacement Project - Additonal Services QA/QCPMProject Eng.Staff Eng.CAD DrafterProj AdminClerical/WP Task No.Task DescriptionBHC Total LaborExpensesTOTAL COST DornKelseyWhitehouseLoveCaldwellPiersonSiffermanSubconsultant Costs {Ò©Ý;äD;š·;-w HoursCost Hourly Billing Rate:$220$184$130$96$99$101$76 ParametrixPanGEO 7ADDITIONAL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AREA NO. 1 Project Management 84113$2,093$6$2,099 Surveying/Basemapping 0$0$11,952$1,035$12,987 Design Elements 0$0$0$0 Civil Pipeline Plan/Profile - 3 Sheets 36364893$11,196$66$11,262 Civil Detail or Traffic Control - 1 Sheet 14121633$4,100$22$4,122 Bidding Document/Cost Estimate Items 446216$1,984$0$1,984 WSDOT Permitting 241016$1,848$0$1,848 Bid Period Assistance 246$888$0$888 TASK SUBTOTAL, HOURS 42664166412177 TASK SUBTOTAL, LABOR COST $880$4,784$8,320$1,536$6,336$101$152$22,109$11,952$0$1,129$35,190 8ADDITIONAL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AREA NO. 2 Project Management 6219$1,465$6$1,471 Surveying/Basemapping 0$0$2,400$240$2,640 Design Elements 0$0$0$0 Civil Pipeline Plan/Profile - 2 Sheets 24243262$7,464$44$7,508 Bidding Document/Cost Estimate Items 12418$904$0$904 Bid Period Assistance 224$628$0$628 TASK SUBTOTAL, HOURS 213304321183 TASK SUBTOTAL, LABOR COST $440$2,392$3,900$384$3,168$101$76$10,461$2,400$0$290$13,151 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR AND OVERALL COST 63994209623260$32,570$14,352$0$1,418$48,340 Original Agreement $84,369 * Note surveying for Area No. 1 includes $8,552 for base mappin Revised Agreement, Area No. 1 and 2 Authorized$132,710 services along Yelm Ave., and $1,800 for revised base mappin Revised Agreement, Area No. 2 Only Authorized$97,520 Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 9 of 11 Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 10 of 11 Agenda Item 8. a. BHC Contract Page 11 of 11 Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 1 of 3 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Cathy Wolfe District One News Release Sandra Romero ` District Two Karen Valenzuela Creating Solutions for Our Future District Three FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 CONTACT: Becca Pilcher, Assistant to Thurston County Commissioner Romero at (360) 786-5747 or Pilcher@co.thurston.wa.us Celebrate the Launch of the Thurston Bountiful Byway! finest farms, wineries, and historic attractions. On the founders of the Byway to celebrate its launch at the Schilter Family Farm. The Bountiful Byway is and agricultural lands. The Byway promotes agricultural tourism, or agritourism, in the rural parts of the county. The route starts in the Nisqually Valley, stretches south to the city of Yelm and west to the Capital Forest before ending at the intersection of Mud Bay Road and Delphi Road SW. Along the way, you can explore dozens of special stops and activities including creameries, nurseries, wineries, historic sites, and even a sculpture garden. Pick a day and stop at as many attractions as time allows! The Byway route was developed in cooperation with several community partners including local farmers and business owners, Thurston County, the Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater Visitor and Convention Bureau, Thurston County WSU Extension, and the Thurston Regional Planning Council.For more information please visit www.ThurstonBountifulByway.com. WHAT: Thurston County Bountiful Byway Celebration free and open to the public WHEN: Monday, October 13, 3:00-4:00pm WHERE: Schilter Family Farm 141 Nisqually Cutoff Road SE Olympia, WA 98513 Thurston County Board of Commissioners, 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98502-6045 www.co.thurston.wa.us (360) 786-5440 Fax: (360) 754-4104 TDD: (360) 754-2933 Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 2 of 3 -30- Thurston County Board of Commissioners, 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98502-6045 www.co.thurston.wa.us (360) 786-5440 Fax: (360) 754-4104 TDD: (360) 754-2933 Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 3 of 3