01 13 2015 Agenda PacketAGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING THF.Rnay jaNtIaRY in 9015 R•00 P M Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated documents including staff reports, resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not have attachments. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations -none scheduled 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speakers (five) are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Minutes; Regular Meeting December 9, 2014 b. Payables Checks # 7. Public Hearing- none scheduled 8. New Business - a. Ordinance No. 993 Establishing Lodging Tax Advisory Committee ACTION 10 Presenter: Janine Schnepf min Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 993 9. Old Business — none scheduled 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Foster represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County Solid Waste • Nisqually River Council Advisory Committee (SWAC) • Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Baker represents Yelm on the following committees. • Intercity Transit Board • Yelm Adult Community Center Councilmember Isom represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Economic Development Council Committee (TRPC) • Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Littlefield Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees. • (TRPC) Transportation Policy • Yelm Transportation Committee Board • TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember Garmann represents Yelm on the following committees. • Yelm Transportation Committee 0 Thurston County Law and Justice Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees. • Medic One Yelm Emergency Operations Board Mayor Harding represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County Economic • Yelm Finance Committee Development Council • Yelm Emergency Operations Board • Yelm Transportation Committee • Thurston County Mayor's Forum Yelm Economic Development • (TRPC) Transportation Policy Committee Board 11. Executive Session- none scheduled 12. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request.) Thurston Regional Planning Council Pre - Agenda Friday, January 9, 2015 Nisqually Watershed Salmon Recovery Newsletter Winter 2014/2015 Thurston County Chamber of Commerce Voice Jan /Feb 2015 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project update December 2014 13. Adjourn Upcoming Meetings Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Council Study Session, Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 5:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per CD (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 1 of 4 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014 MINUTES Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Jennifer Littlefield, Ken Garmann and Russ Hendrickson. 14 -103 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO EXCUSE TRACEY WOOD. 3. Agenda Approval 14 -104 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations -none scheduled 5. Public Comment - Shelly Badger announced that Michael Cade, representing Thurston Asset Coalition, is expected to be present, but has not yet arrived. 14 -105 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO REOPEN Agenda Item 5 PUBLIC COMMENT, WHEN MICHAEL CADE ARRIVES. (9a.) CARRIED. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes - Regular Meeting November 26, 2014 Payables - Checks #63639 - #63703 Totaling $472,019.39. 14 -106 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing -2015 City of Yelm Budget Mayor Harding continued the Public Hearing at 6:07 pm from 11/25/14. (12/09/14) Shelly Badger reported that some minor changes were made to the budget from the 11/25/14 presentation updating actual revenue, expenditures, remaining carryover, and ending cash after a line -by -line review by City Treasurer, Teresa Mattson. Mayor announced that copies of the updated budget are available at City Hall and the City of Yelm website www.ci.yelm.wa.us . Councilmember Isom asked for clarification of estimated reduction of new water hookup connections from 50 to 25. Councilmember Foster inquired about labor negotiations not scheduled to begin until after the New Year begins. From (11125114) Shelly Badger stated Mayor Harding presented the 2015 budget forecast to Council on October 29, 2014. In light of the current state and national economic forecast, the $6.625 million dollar general fund budget reflects a conservative approach to revenue projections (4.633 million), as well as a thorough analysis of planned expenditures. The Projects and plans included in the 2015 Budget are as follows: Community Center construction; Cullens to Solberg sidewalk project; Comprehensive Plan update; continued effort to obtain funding for Phase 2 of the SR 510 Yelm Loop; SW Yelm 1A- construction of treatment system and reservoir; water rights mitigation projects associated with Deschutes River Farm; AC water line replacement projects; Cochrane Park wetland rehabilitation and rapid infiltration basin construction; Completion of the Sewer Capital Facilities Plan and Stormwater Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Badger gave a detailed account of each fund through a power point presentation. The Public Hearing will be continued until the Council meeting on December 9, 2014 to hear any additional public comments and is scheduled for adoption that evening. Councilmember Wood asked about the status of the Yelm Loop 510 Bypass Project. Ms. Badger stated it was up to the Legislature on the development of a Transportation package. Mayor Harding stated that we have spent a lot of time lobbying the legislature for that project and we will continue to do so. Councilmember Wood asked about Phase 2 of the Mosman Ave Project. Mayor Harding stated that Phase 2 to Longmire is not fully funded. Ms. Badger stated we do have small Page 1 of 4 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 2 of 4 grant for additional design. Mayor Harding stated the Public Hearing is continued until the December 9, 2014 meeting. There was no comment from the audience when the Mayor called for comment and the Public Hearing was closed at 6:13 p.m. 12/09/14. 8. New Business — a. Ordinance No. 992 - 2015 City of Yelm Budget 14 -107 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 992, CITY OF YELM MUNICIPAL BUDGET FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2015. CARRIED. b. 2015 Yelm Chamber Contract. Shelly Badger reported that this is an annual renewal request included in the approved budget. Tourist related services provided in exchange, include research and providing materials promoting the City of Yelm; sponsoring events that bring attendees to Yelm, including Home & Garden show, Prairie Days; and providing research data and regional maps for local distribution. 14 -108 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN SERVICE PROVIDER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND THE YELM AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2015 TO DECEMBER 31, 2015 IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,500. CARRIED. c. 2015 Nisqually River Foundation Education Project. Shelly Badger continued with an annual contract renewal request for the Nisqually River Foundation Education Project (NRF). On approval, this would be the 13th year the City has supported awareness of the importance of care for Yelm Creek, Nisqually River and City of Yelm water resources, including groundwater, surface water, wastewater and reclaimed water through this established watershed education program. The $3,500 contract contributes to those efforts including support to Yelm Community School student's participation in the Green Conference and habitat improvement projects. Funds will be used for water quality testing kits, and other support fees for collecting data that will be provided to the City's water and reclaimed water departments. 14 -109 MOTION BY JW FOSTER AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2015 — DECEMBER 31, 2015 IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,500 BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND THE NISQUALLY RIVER FOUNDATION - NRF. CARRIED. Councilmember Isom requested that both the NRF and the Yelm Chamber of Commerce provide an annual report to Council. d. 2015 Legislative Services Contract. Shelly Badger reported that Kathleen Collins and Davor Gjurasic have been contracted with the City since 2005 as advocates for the City during the legislative sessions. The proposed scope of work for the 2015 session (January — April) includes efforts toward completion of the 510 Yelm Loop; water and reclaimed water issues; monitoring city revenue legislation; and identifying funding opportunities for capital projects. Funding is appropriated in the 2015 Budget for $4,000 for each of 4 months, plus maximum of $2,000 combined expenses. 14 -110 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A LEGISLATIVE SERVICES CONTRACT TO ENGAGE DAVOR GJURASIC AND KATHLEEN COLLINS TO LOBBY ISSUES OF BENEFIT TO THE CITY OF YELM FROM JANUARY 1, 2015 THROUGH APRIL 30, 2015. CARRIED. Page 2 of 4 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 3 of 4 e. First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement for legal services related to the Mazama Pocket Gopher ESA designation. Shelly Badger stated that this item was included in the Agenda update as an amendment to the interlocal agreement with the City of Tumwater and Lacey for legal services related to the Mazama Pocket Gopher. City of Lacey has opted out, and the City of Yelm desires to continue to partner with the Tumwater for shared expenses for shared work through 2015 related to the endangered species listing. 14 -111 MOTION BY JENNIFER LITTLEFIELD AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN AN AMENDMENT TO THE EXISTING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES RELATE TO THE MAZAMA POCKET GOPHER EXTENDING THE PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CITY OF TUMWATER THROUGH 2015. CARRIED. 9. Old Business —none scheduled 9a. Mayor Harding re- opened Public Comment from Agenda Item 5 to receive Public Comment. Casey Cochrane, Yelm Chamber of Commerce Director, introduced himself as the new Director of the Chamber with the departure of Cecilia Jenkins after 17 years of service. He is excited to accept the position and looks forward to serving the community. Expressed thanks for Council's approval of the Chamber contract and looks forward to increased communication with the Council. Michael Cade representing Economic Development Council, Business Resource Center expressed appreciation for partnership with the City of Yelm. Mr. Cade introduced Mindie Reule from the Asset Building Coalition at EDC, who highlighted a free tax preparation services available again this year in Yelm at the Senior Community Center. In 2014, 190 household were served. Looking for volunteers to participate. January training provided to those who volunteer. Councilmember Isom requested additional information on how folks find out about EDC services. Mayor Harding thanked EDC for all they do to assist. Recommend that their service contact information could be added to the City of Yelm website. 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster reported success of the co- mingling recycling from his attendance at the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) meeting where two recycling contractors presented. Most people are respectful of the process. Shared some interesting numbers about recycling 400 tons of recyclables a day, of which 5% goes into the landfill and 13.2 million plastic bags a month are picked from the recyclables. Solid Waste Thurston County is involved in improving recycling, including Food for Flowers program. Working with Thurston County schools, educating students and staff to reduce food waste. They have seen a 92% reduction in food waste by switching the lunch period from before recess to after recess with the added benefit of making for a healthier environment for the children to learn by eating better, wasting less and learning more. Attended South Sound Military Partnership presentation at JBLM with other city elected officials and attended the local business awards at the Chamber lunch. Councilmember Baker attended Intercity Transit meeting where they adopted 2015 -2020 Strategic Plan and the 2015 Budget. Plans to proceed with a one tenth of one percent sales tax increase vote to the citizens in August. Page 3 of 4 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 4 of 4 Councilmember Isom reported from the TRPC meeting and announced the completion of the final stage of the Rails to Trails Pacific Ave Crossing that intersects the Old Chehalis Western Trail with the Woodland Trail connection. Invited to attend the Bridging the Gap ceremony, Saturday, December 13, 2014 at 11 a.m. There was also a briefing by Cheryl Haywood from Timberland Regional Library. He added that he was amazed at the extensive databases and information available to access at the Timberland Regional Libraries including free music and books to download direct from their website. He attended another successful Christmas in the Park with Councilmember Baker. Councilmember Littlefield attended Christmas in the Park. She commented that it ran smoothly and was a good turnout as well as a great opportunity for the community to get photos taken with Santa at no charge. Shelly reported that the City provided approximately 380 photos. Councilmember Hendrickson reported that the JBLM South Sound Community Military Partnership Survey is available from the partnership event. Mayor Harding attended annual meeting of the South Sound Military Partnership for a year -end recap and looking at work plans for 2015 and partnership areas. Update from Congressman Heck was informative. Attended Business Resource Center meeting which is a branch of Economic Development Council to outline a work plan for 2015. Has served on the EDC Board that will expire after the one - year term in January. Thanked City staff for taking photos at Christmas in the Park free of charge. Presented Citizen of the Year with a key to the City at the Chamber Forum to Debbie Edwards and attended a going away celebration for Cecilia Jenkins, noting that she will likely continue to volunteer in the community. Attended Emergency Management meeting concentrating on providing services in time of need and lessons learned from 2011 Ice Storm, while keeping in compliance with state and federal standards. 11. Executive Session - none scheduled 14 -112 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO CANCEL THE REGULAR COUNCILMEETING OF DECEMBER 23, 2014 AND STUDY SESSION OF DECEMBER 24, 2014. CARRIED. 12. Correspondence included - Chamber of Commerce 2014 Business and Member of the Year Awards, December 9, 2014, 11:30 am @Prairie Hotel in Yelm Comcast price increase list, November 25, 2014 Olympia - Lacey- Tumwater Visitor & Convention Bureau enewsletter, December 1, 2014 13. Adjourn 6.56 p.m. Attest: Ron Harding, Mayor Janine Schnepf, City Clerk Page 4 of 4 To: Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council From: Janine Schnepf, City Clerk Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 993 Page 1 of 3 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT Date: January 6, 2015 (for January 13, 2015 City Council meeting) Subj: Establish Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendation Adopt Ordinance No. 993 establishing a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, defining the duties and functions of the committee and declaring an effective date. Background Any county, city or town that has imposed the hotel /motel (lodging) tax and has a population of 5000 or more is required to establish and maintain a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee per RCW 67.28.1817. The committee's membership must be a minimum of five members confirmed by the Council and made up of equal number of business members of the community that collect the tax and eligible agencies that request funding from the revenue collected from the tax, including any municipality, used directly or indirectly through convention, visitors bureau or destination marketing. One member shall be an elected official of the municipality who shall serve as chair of the committee. Current Situation This ordinance would establish the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and define the duties and functions of the committee. The State Auditor's office requires a detail reporting of the distribution of the revenue annually. The committee would oversee the tax revenue, establish policies and procedures for the operation of the committee and follow the criteria established by RCW 67.28.1816 for selection of applicants eligible to receive tax revenue. A list of candidates and amounts to be awarded would be provided to the Council for approval. Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 993 Page 2 of 3 CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 993 AN ORDINANCE ADDING A CHAPTER IN TITLE 2 TO THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING A LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE, DEFINING THE DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMITTEE AND ESTABLISHING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, STATE OF WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 2. Entitled, Lodging Tax Advisory Committee is hereby added to the Yelm Municipal Code: LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE SECTION 2 Purpose. There is hereby established an advisory committee for the purpose of determining how lodging tax revenues may be used for tourism promotion, directly by a municipality or indirectly, through tourism marketing; operation of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; supporting the operations of tourism - related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit organizations as described under USC SEC 501(c ) (3) and 26 USC Sec 501 (c ) (6) of IRS code of 1986 or supporting the operations and capital expenditures of tourism - related facilities owned or operated by municipality. SECTION 3 Membership and Term. Appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the legislative authority. Membership requirement as directed in RCW 67.28.1817. The appointing authority shall review the membership of the committee annually and make changes as appropriate. A. Minimum number of 5 member committee. B. Minimum of 2 members who are representative of businesses required to collect the lodging tax. C. Minimum of 2 members who are involved in activities authorized to be funded by revenue received from the tax. D. One member shall be an elected official of the municipality who shall serve as chair of the committee. E. Committee may include one non - voting member who is an elected official of the county in which the city is located. SECTION 4 Role of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee A. Select candidates from amongst applicants applying for use of revenues in this chapter and provide a list of such candidates and recommended amounts of funding to the municipality for final determination. The municipality may choose only recipients from the list of candidates and recommended amounts provided by the local lodging tax advisory committee. SECTION 5 Responsibilities of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee A. Adopt policies and procedures. B. Advertise funding opportunities and deadlines. C Follow the criteria established by the State statute RCW 67.28.1816 for selection of applicants eligible to receive tax revenue. D. Provide a list of such candidates and recommended amount of funding to the municipality for final determination. E. Attend meetings as scheduled and meet deadlines as established in the application process and those of required reporting. Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 993 Page 3 of 3 This ordinance shall become effective five days following publication as provided by law. Adopted this 13th day of January 2015. Ron Harding, Mayor Authenticated: Janine Schnepf, City Clerk PASSED and APPROVED: January 13, 2015 PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, January 23, 2015 Anenda Item 17 Cnrresnnndence illYru �1 JI fiii�% 4µ' ^ u w � um e WHW~ iuu e "e a mu n I e 1r wl, �. Y rrtr��lE PRE - AGENDA Friday, January 9, 2015 8:30 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. The pre- agenda provides members the opportunity to review the topics of the upcoming TRPC meeting. This information is forwarded in advance to afford your councils and boards the opportunity for discussion at your regular meetings. This will provide your designated representative with information that can be used for their participation in the TRPC meeting. For more information, visit our website at www. trr c. orq. Consent Calendar ACTION These items were presented at the previous meeting. They are action items and will remain on consent unless pulled for further discussion. a. Approval of Minutes — December 5, 2014 b. Approval of Vouchers Recognition & Staff Anniversaries RECOGNITION Thurston Thrives Update 1ST REVIEW Thurston Thrives (TT) is an ongoing effort by Thurston County Board of Health, the result of which is the coordination of the delivery services of the numerous regional health and social services agencies and organizations. This effort is a continuation of the sustainability work of TRPC in the health sector. Don Sloma, Executive Director of Thurston County Public Health and Social Services, will provide an update on this 18 month effort and discuss TRPC's role in the future of TT activities. Washington Transportation Plan Update PRESENTATION The Transportation Commission is poised to take action on the updated WTP. Policymakers will hear about the strategies and recommendations from the plan. South Sound Military & Communities Partnership Participation ACTION A presentation will be given to the Council regarding the Partnerships recent efforts and successes by Tiffany Speir, Esq., Program Manager. The Council will consider continued membership and involvement in the South Sound Military and Communities Partnership (SSMCP) and authorize payment of 2015 dues. Salary Survey & Proposed Adjustments ACTION At the November meeting the 2014 pay and classification review was presented as a first review with a recommendation to perform market adjustments for seven positions. Since then, management has determined that the Project Assistant position should be left at its current range and that a new position should be added. A detailed presentation will be provided to the Council. It is proposed that the new position be titled Graphics and Digital Outreach Coordinator. 2015 Operating Budget ACTION The 2015 Operating Budget will be presented for adoption. The budget is based on the previously approved Work Program and Funding document that also includes the 2015 assessments. The core work elements outlined in that document will be included in the operating budget as well as estimates for expenditures and revenues in 2015 Call for Written Officer Nominations INFORMATION As called for in the TRPC by -laws, the Chair will solicit nominations for office in writing from all voting member representatives. At the February meeting, as part of the election process, the Chair will present the slate of nominees to be considered for each position as well as taking nominations from the floor. 2015 Legislative Priorities DISCUSSION TRPC will continue to hone its priority legislative issues packet in preparation for the 2015 state Legislative Session. Membership Sustainability Update UPDATE This agenda item is to allow TRPC members an opportunity to share their jurisdictions' actions or planning efforts underway which are incorporating or supporting the Regional Sustainability plan visions and /or goals.