01-23-02 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23,2002 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. 2. Agenda Approval 02-06 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment - None CONSENT CALENDAR 4. 5. a. b. 6. 02-07 Minutes: January 9, 2002 Approval of Payments: Checks 16772-16851, Totaling $71,617.28 Claims vouchers: 16777-16851, Totaling $71,277.28 Manual checks: 16772-16776, Totaling $340.00 Payroll Approval: Preliminary January 2002. MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7 Washington State Department of Ecology, Environmental Excellence Award for Reclaimed Water. Mayor Rivas introduced Linda Hoffman, Deputy Directory of Department of Ecology. Ms. Hoffman provided an overview of her involvement with Yelm over past years and expressed her pleasure in participation in recognizing Yelm's efforts. The award being presented is called the Environmental Excellence Award which is awarded infrequently making it very special. The intent of the award is to provide much deserved recognition and to inspire others to learn from those who exemplify model behavior to the benefit of the overall environment. The award recognized Yelm's visionary work to successfully reclaim and reuse 1000/0 of the City's water allowing the community to extend the life of its drinking water and to benefit creeks, rivers and salmon. Yelm City Council Minutes ab\cc\2002\minutes\01-23-02 Page 1 of 5 8. 02-08 9. 02-09 REPORTS Mayor Rivas accepted the Environmental Excellence Award on behalf of the City adding that this effort would not have been possible without the assistance of the Departments of Ecology, and Health, the state legislature and the governor in helping Yelm become the first city to receive funding for this type of project. Shelly Badger recognized individuals involved with the project including Brian Matthews and Tom Skillings, Skillings Connolly, and the various City employees involved in: the original project, the plant expansion and upgrade, the ongoing effort to produce high quality water, and reclaimed water users. Ordinance No. 751, Yelm Municipal Code Amendment. Changing the Yelm Municipal Code publisher. Agnes Bennick reported that Council had supported a project to revise and update the YMC. This ordinance recognizes Code Publishing as codifier for the Yelm Municipal Code. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 751 RECOGNIZING CODE PUBLISHING AS CODIFIER FOR THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE. CARRIED. Resolution No. 424, Adopting the 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan for Thurston County. Agnes Bennick explained that the plan was adopted by the City of number of years ago. The state requires periodic revision and Readoption of the plan. A SWACK representative attended a past meeting to review revisions. There was some discussion concerning costs, benefits to the community, and the need to satisfy state mandates. MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING RESOLUTION 424, ADOPTING THE 2001 COMPREHENSIVE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THURSTON COUNTY. CARRIED. 10. Mayor Rivas a. Mavor Pro Tempore appointment - Mayor Rivas explained that pro tem appointments must be made at least biennially (every two years). Councilmember Harding questioned that the RCW (35A.12.065) also states "at the first meeting of a new council." As the January 9 regular meeting was the first meeting of a new council, that he believes that the biennial reference speaks to the fact that there is/(may be ) a (partially) new council every two years, due to the two year election schedule. Mayor Rivas requested that city attorney Brent Dille research and clarify this matter. b. Public Disclosure Commission - Mayor Rivas reminded Council of the need to complete and return their Annual Personal Financial Affairs Statement. There is an option to file on line, but the PDC is just now accepting appointments for March. Yelm City Council Minutes ab\cc\2002\minutes\01-23-02 Page 2 of 5 c. Other meetinas/activities attended: TPIC meeting, IT submitted a suggestion to the Thurston County Commissioners to shrink the boundary down to Lacey/Olympia/Tumwater and Yelm. There was discussion concerning fixed route ADA requirements, tax revenue reduction vs. service costs, number of runs per day, Interlocal support among south county jurisdictions, and the lack of riders on rural routes. Jail meetina update - a resolution will be coming before council for consideration in February. Some problems with the sound quality of the jail video were reported. Staff will attempt to obtain a better copy. Fire District - The first fire contract is scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) night at the Fire District. A talking point information letter identifying contract areas needing additional details was included with distributed information. Councilmember Isom questioned the appropriateness of the entire Council entering into negotiations which Council will eventually have to approve in terms of budgetary requirements. He expressed concerns about the potential "appearance of fairness." Normally, negotiations are a function of the executive branch then brought back to the legislative branch for approval. There was additional discussion concerning improved communications and eliminating any financial discussion from this first meeting. Mayor Rivas added that he is looking for an outline of the level of service the district can provide to the City. This point will be clarified at the first meeting. Shelly Badger pointed out that it is not uncommon to have a sub committee representing the City participate in the negotiation process, and that the committee could include a combination of staff and elected officials. 11. Councilmembers Meetina/Activities a. Councilmember Miller Public Works - The January 23, 2002 written report was included with packets. Highlights: PW is in the process of distributing door hangers providing residents with information about their STEP (sewer) tanks; what to do in an emergency, who to call, etc. Water conservation continues to be a major focus. Other Meetinas/Assianments - CAPCOM met, the county is in the process of purchasing the Crawford Mt. MCI tower, a 60 ft. steel tower. b. Councilmember Thompson City Hall - A CH monthly activity cycle overview was provided with the January report. Highlights: the first credit card payment for a utility bill has been processed, a "Clean Desk Week" competition was held last week. Yelm City Council Minutes ab\cc\2002\minutes\01-23-02 Page 3 of 5 Police - A PD report was provided. Highlights: cases increased 200/0 over the past year, former reserve Richard Barnard has been hired as patrol officer, four taser units were purchased, a $2,850 WSPC grant was received to purchase a portable radar trailer, Matt Rompa has been accepted to attend FTO school, a surplus '93 Ford Crown Vie was sold for $2,012.12. Other Meetinas/Assianments City logo sweat/tee shirts are available at Yelm Cinema, it was noted that the Community Development Dept. is taking orders for these items also. c. Councilmember Isom Court - A YMC activity report was included and staff was thanked for the job they do tracking records. Park/Park Use Requests - Three requests were reviewed for approval: 1) Lion's Club Easter Egg Hunt, 3/30/02; Prairie Days 6/27-6/30/02; and American Legion Country Fair, 6/7-6/9/02. Other Meetinas/Activities There was some discussion concerning outside storage for commercial properties and the potential safety hazards. These types of issues generally fall within the CDD's area. 02-10 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING PARK USE REQUESTS FOR THE LIONS CLUB EASTER EGG HUNT, PRAIRIE DAYS AND THE AMERICAN LEGION COUNTRY FAIR. CARRIED. Other Meetinas/Assianments - He was unable to attend the Thurston County Home Visitation Task Force (TCHVTF) meeting. d. Councilmember Harding Plannina/Communitv Development - He attended the Planning Commission meeting where most of the discussion concerned an ordinance that has involved a lot of CDD staff time, and the Comprehensive Plan review. A written Community Development Department report was provided. Other Meetinas/Assianments - The SWAC meeting concerned a lot of old business items and included discussion concerning recycled oil. The SWAC goal is 1000/0; actual recovery is estimated to be 870/0. There was also discussion concerning the possibility of moving Hazo House. Councilmember Harding expressed concern about the difficulty seeing students at the Edwards/Yelm Ave. school intersection. Tim Peterson has a meeting planned with a PSE representative and will bring this up for possible solutions. Other possibilities include a flashing light, like at the high school, having patrol officer presence at the intersection, or adult crossing guards. Yelm City Council Minutes ab\cc\2002\minutes\01-23-02 Page 4 of 5 e. Councilmember Fetterly Nisaually River Council - Unable to contact the chairman for meeting information. Yelm Senior Center - The Senior Center staff and members are excited about their CDBG application. Representative Adam Smith's representative was at the Center. Shelly Badger added that as the Hispanic population increased to 5.4%) in the census, exceeding the 50/0 grant threshold, the City must conduct another CDBG Public Hearing with a Spanish speaking interpreter available. Spanish language notices will be published. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was reviewed. ADJOURN: 8:4 ~) "'----~ .....~_.n.._ '" _...-,~...,-_.._._-- Attest: '1 /'1 ;) '~/fLu >-J V I; Ie Agn P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab\cc\2002\minutes\01-23-02 Page 5 of 5