02-13-02 Minutes YELM CITY COUNICL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2002 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly 2. Agenda Approval: 02-11 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment - None CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes: January 23, 2002 regular meeting and January 24, 2002 Study Session with Yelm Fire District. 5. Approval of Payment: Checks 16852-16998, Totaling $94,860.96 a. Claims vouchers: 16852 - 15889, Totaling $8,105.31 b. Manual checks: 16890 - 1998, Totaling $86,755.65 6. Payroll Approval: Final payroll, January 2002, Totaling $136,865.62 02-12 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Community Development Block Grant. Mayor Rivas opened the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. announcing the date, time, place, and purpose of the public hearing. No objections to participants were voiced. Mariana Sparkman, a Spanish interpreter, was introduced and repeated the Mayor's comments comment in Spanish. Being no response Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. Shelly Badger provided a history of the original public hearing conducted on September 26, 2001 and resulting in Council authorization for the Senior Center to submit a CDBG application for a new facility. A granting agency threshold review found that 2002 Census data reflects that Yelm's non- English speaking residents exceed 5%. As the City's Hispanic population is Yelm City Council Minutes a b \cc\2002\m i n utes \02 -13-02 Page 1 of 5 currently 5.40/0, the City must advertise and conduct the public hearing in an alternate language The threshold review also uncovered invalid statistics that had been questioned by staff resulting in Yelm's Low-Moderate Income Index being reduced from 700,10 to 500,10. Mayor Rivas and Ms. Sparkman called for comment. Being none, Mayor Rivas closed the public hearing at 7:36 p.m. 8. Water Comprehensive Plan Addendum NO.1 - Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. Stephanie Conners referred to project related meetings including: 1) the initial Comp Plan update agreement with Skillings Connolly, Inc in July 2000; 2) a Council work session to review major plan components on September 11, 2001; 3) an additional (budget) work session on November 6, 2002; and 4) a rate increase public hearing conducted December 12, 2001. A draft plan, addressing short and long term goals to bring the water system up to date and expanding the life of the system, should be available for Council review in March. While not part of the original Water Comp Plan project scope the proposed project is identified but not funded in the Water Reclamation Plan. Building a reclaimed water storage tank at the WWTP would allow supply accumulation during low demand months that can make up for reclaimed water shortages during peak use periods. This would assist in the City's potable water conservation efforts. Addendum NO.1 to the original Water Comp Plan would authorize an additional $5,066 for Skillings Connolly to prepare an estimate for design and construction costs. Completion of the estimate will provide information concerning project viability, Water Comp Plan inclusion and funding options. No rate increase is proposed. 02-13 Discussion followed concerning: size of the proposed tank, minimum 250,000 gallons; use of reclaimed water as augmentation to streams/rivers; amount of potable water drawn to supplement reclaimed water supply shortages during high use periods, how the supplemental water (approximately 5,000 gallons per day) is accounted for (metered), sales price, and cost of the study. MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE OF AN ADDITIONAL $5,066 FOR ADDENDUM NO.1 TO THE WATER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. CARRIED. 9. Ordinance No. 752 - Extending the Commencement Date of Foreclosure Proceedings Related to Local Improvement Districts to July 1 (annually). Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. Shelly Badger reviewed the LID formation process which provided property owners with an option to pre-purchase, through a property assessment, sewer ERU's at the 1997 rate. The City formed the LI D in September of 1998 and the assessment rolls were confirmed in October of 1999. The property Yelm City Council Minutes ab\cc\2002\minutes\02-13-02 Page 2 of 5 02-14 10. 02-15 owner's commitment would be paid through annual assessments over a 15 year period at 6.20,10 interest. The annual assessments would provide funds to meet bond redemption payments on the $2 million LID Bonds. State law (RCW 25.50.030) requires foreclosure proceedings to commence by March 1, on any assessment that has two delinquent installments on January 1 st of any year, or on or before such other date in such year as may be fixed by general ordinance. As staff goes through this process the first time, we find that it doesn't allow adequate time to complete all required steps and provide every opportunity for property owners to avoid the foreclosure process. There are currently six accounts ($38,000) subject to foreclosure. Adoption of Ordinance 752 would change Yelm's foreclosure commencement date from March 1 to July 1. Discussion concerned bond redemption history, guarantee fund requirement and draws against the fund to make up bond redemption shortfalls, current balance in the guarantee fund, bond structure, benefits of allowing maximum response time, the foreclosure process, dollar amount due of the six foreclosure accounts, and the right of redemption period. Additional discussion concerned the original lid process and the opportunities provided for property owners to opt out of the LID. MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM, ADOPTING ORDINACE NO. 752 EXTENDING THE COMMENCEMENT DATE OF FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RELATED TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS TO JULY 1. CARRIED. Resolution No. 425 - Supporting a Phased Regional Justice Center Concept. Mayor Rivas provided background on jail capacity issues leading to formation of a Justice Project Oversight Committee (JPOC) to work with the Justice Project Management Team (JPMT) to provide a recommended solution based upon a work program and guiding principles provided by community leaders. The Report and Recommendations of the Justice Project Oversight Committee identifies how to best meet current and future criminal justice facility needs. Remaining work includes a draft Intergovernmental Agreement addressing multiple issues such as ownership, services and costs. Resolution 425 supports the concept of a phased regional justice center and commits to participation in the preparing an Intergovernmental Agreement. It was noted that the resolution does not obligate the City to provide funding. Councilmembers who have not toured the jail were encouraged to do so. Additional discussion concerned legislation discouraging privatization of jail services in Washington, number of outstanding warrants, overcrowding, voter (bond) funding requirement, and results in Pierce County of a similar situation. MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON, APPROVING RESOLUTION 425 SUPPORTING A PHASED REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER CONCEPT. Yelm City Council Minutes ab\cc\2002\minutes\02-13-02 Page 3 of 5 OLD BUSINESS 11. Yelm Avenue E. Improvement Proiect, Phase 2 and Approval of WSDOT Letter of Understanding LA-46047686 for Construction. Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. Shelly Badger reported that in 1999 Yelm was awarded a TRPC grant for Yelm Ave. frontage improvements and center turn lane from 4th Street to Five Corners and for and intersection realignments at Clark Road and Vancil Road. As this area was also part of an approved WSDOT SR 507 repaving project the City and DOT partnered and DOT became the lead on the project allowing improvements and repaving to be bid as one project. Phase I of the project, Clark Road intersection and Yelm Ave. north side improvements, was removed and constructed as part of the Yelm Cinema area development. Since that time work has continued to obtain right-of-way along Yelm Avenue, exchanging improvements for property. The right-of-way and design processes are nearing completion and WSDOT will be ready to bid the project in March. Yelm's share of the costs is $106,854.13 and the City must commit to this expense in a Letter of Understanding to Agreement LA-4686. Funding for the project is a combination of grant funds, Yelm Ave. project funds, Transportation Facilities Charge funds, and private funding. 01-16 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE WSDOT LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING, AGREEMENT LA-4686 FOR THE YELM AVE. E IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PHASE 2 AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION RESPONSIBILITIES TO WSDOT. CARRIED. REPORTS 12. Library Report - Kristin Blalack reviewed written report items updating the status of tenant improvements to the 8,000 sq. ft. library space including work on a tile surround designed by YCS students under the guidance of local artist Barb Kates and a display of materials being used to reflect local themes in building materials and colors. There was some discussion concerning possible uses for the space to be vacated when the library moves. 13. Mavor's Report: Mayor Rivas attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting where he delivered the state of the City address. Council commended Mayor Rivas on his presentation. 14. Councilmembers MeetinQs/Activities a. Councilmember Miller reported that: Yelm City Council Minutes ab\cc\2002\minutes\02-13-02 Page 4 of 5 CAPCOM has purchased the MCI tower. Other: He attended the Chamber meeting. b. Councilmember Thompson reported that: Other: He attended an EDC meeting; Dennis Mattson congratulated the City on the Ecology Award. He participated in the Oral Board interviews for 17 PD candidates. He attended the Chamber meeting. c. Councilmember Isom reported that: Parks Advisory Board - requested that he find out the status of Longmire Park and express concern about the possibility of losing lAC grant funding while waiting for the Army Corps of Engineers to perform work. There was discussion about the existing extension and the insurance release negotiated by the City attorney. Thurston Regional Planning Council - Yelm Community Services received approval for a grant to purchase two vans. Other: He will be attending court tomorrow. d. Councilmember Harding reported that: Planning Commission - discussed mostly old business and a request to reclassify Yelm Creek. IT - expenditures approval, no major issues were discussed. e. Councilmember Fetterly reported that: Financial - she met with Agnes and reviewed the End of Month report and credit card expenditures, and that a report on current city debt was included in Council's packet. Agnes is available to answer questions. Transportation Policy Board - held election of officers and approved expenditures. There was some initial discussion concerning updating the regional plan. Other: She attended the Chamber meeting and two AWC Training Classes. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence reviewed included information about the AWC Certified Municipal Leadership Program and Municipal & Public Finance News mention of Yelm receiving the Dept. of Ecology award. /1 ,/!, J / f \(J.}r d -L Attest: : L .~ /j!; ~/ I' V)./t I/;A i..L . . Ag es P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab\cc\2002\minutes\02-13-02 Page 5 of 5