05-22-02 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22,2002 OPENING 1. Mayor Pro Tem Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, Bob Isom, Pat Fetterly and Ron Harding. Mayor Rivas was excused. 2. Agenda approval 02-53 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment - There was no response to the call for public comment. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes approval: May 3, 2002 5. Payments approval: 17572 - 17639, Totaling $72,991.63 a. Manual checks: 17572 - 17581, Totaling $461.65 b. Claims checks: 17582 - 17639, Totaling $72,529.98 6. Payroll approval: Preliminary May 2002 7. Park Use Requests: Forenpohar/Shope Wedding, Outdoor Church Service, Covin Wedding, Scout Pack 267, and Yelm Prairie Historic Society 02-54 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 8. Reclaimed Water User Agreements. Stephanie Conners reported that 8 agreements were included in tonight's packets. Agreements for the City will provide services to Public Works, City Park, Cochrane Park and the WWTP. Additional agreements are with United Methodist Church, St. Columban Church, Yelm Middle School and Thurston County Parks. Although the facility was completed at the end of 1999 and reclaimed water was made available to these properties for a portion of the summer of 2000 and 2001, agreements weren't finalized until demand could be analyzed and backflow prevention devices installed. Agreements with Yelm High School and Central Reddi Mix are still pending. Policies and procedures have been put in pace for the setup and billing of reclaimed water, the meters have been set and will be read monthly. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/m in utes/05-22 -02 Page 1 of 5 In response to questions Stephanie Conners responded that flow was determined through modeling that considered the acreage involved, the portion to be irrigated, and the demand level. Billing will begin immediately but will not be back billed to 2000/2001. Councilmember Fetterly expressed concern that there was no charge for water used during that period. Staff explained that both use and availability was sporadic during the 2000/2001 period and that agreements were not in place at that time. 02-55 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN SEVEN RECLAIMED WATER USER AGREEMENTS. CARRIED. 9. Home & 2060 Inter-Local Agreements - Chris Lowell, Thurston County Housing Authority, explained that a consortia consisting of Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater and Thurston County has formed to apply for $880,000 made available by the US Housing and Urban Development fund thru the HOME program. Yelm was invited to join the process by signing an Inter-Local Agreement. Funding must be used to provide decent, safe and affordable housing for low- moderate income families/individuals and for special needs populations including the homeless and developmentally disabled, and for people with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. Some of the funding will be used to expand existing programs like the Housing Rehabilitation Program. Thurston County will act as the lead jurisdiction and the Housing Authority of Thurston County will administer the funds. The required 250/0 match will be met by signing a second Inter-Local Agreement for 2060 funds. 2060 funds are state funds generate through legislative action imposing a $10 surcharge on permits and documents processed through the County Auditor's office. Additional discussion established that becoming an entitlement county for this program does not mean the county would also become an entitlement for CDBG funding. An advisory group of elected officials from each consortia jurisdiction will be formed to oversee the process. 02-56 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING ENTERING INTO THE HOME CONSORTIA AND THE 2060 INTER-LOCAL COOPERATON AGREEMENTS. CARRIED. 10. CAPCOM 1 Y2%l Local Option Sales Tax - Jim Quackenbush, CAPCOM Director forwarded a request from the Thurston County Commissioners for Council consideration, and possible endorsement, of a proposal that would place a local option (Thurston County) 1/1 Oth of 1 % sales tax for emergency communications on the ballot in September or November of 2002. If approved by the voters this would reduce communications costs for every jurisdiction. The expectation is that costs to jurisdictions would decrease by 700/0 in 2003 and provide stable funding for emergency communications services. At this time 8 jurisdictions have responded, all of them in support of this as a ballot measure. Additional discussion areas: plan origination, from CAPCOM; reasons the County Commissioners have solicited support from jurisdictions, the legislative change that allowed this possibility, and the need for stable funding for Yelm City Council Minutes ab/ cc/2002/m in utes/05-22 -02 Page 2 of 5 emergency communications. 02-57 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY SUPPORTING PLACING A 1 % % LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX FOR EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ON THE BALLOT IN 2002. CARREID. 11. Contract for Utility Billing Services - Agnes Bennick reported that the contract is for printing and mailing services for utility bills. All programs should be in place for the August billing. This moves the City away from the current post card bills to a sheet sized statement that can accommodate reclaimed water and stormwater programs as well as space for other programs that might be developed in the future. The contract permits two mailings per month at $.30 p/piece plus postage, and includes the statement, mailing and return envelopes, printing, folding, and insertion and mailing services. An additional single page insert (Newsletter) can be included with outgoing bills. We currently pay approximately $700 for newsletter printing/postage. In addition to the newsletter this provides a way to get water conservation information to every customer without having to deal with the mailing process in house. There was some discussion concerning interpreting contract specifics for when payments to outside vendors would be required. 02-58 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND PUGET SOUND ENERGY FOR UTILITY BILLING SERVICES. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 12. Ordinance No. 762 - Budget Amendment, Police Sergeant. Agnes Bennick explained that the Police Sergeant position and Step Range was approved in the 2002 Budget. This ordinance allows filling the position at Step. There was some discussion concerning the reasons for starting at Step 3 and the upcoming schedule for reviewing and renegotiating the Teamsters (Police) Union Agreement. It was pointed out that most civil service promotions are accompanied by a step increase. Shelly Badger added praise for Barb Bange, the Civil Service Secretary, and Chief Stancil for setting up a good process for filling this position. Four internal candidates applied for the position. 02-59 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO.762 FILLING THE POLICE SERGEANT'S POSITION AT STEP THREE. CARRIED. 13. Ordinance No. 761 - Budget Amendment for the Fire Protection Services Contract. Agnes Bennick explained that this is follow up from the last meeting. A $20,460 shortfall in the Fire Suppression Services budget appropriation of $180,000 was covered by reducing the City's Capital Reserve Account by the same amount. 02-60 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDINGADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 761 INCREASING THE FIRE SUPPRESSION APPROPRIATION IN THE 2002 BUDGET. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/m i n utes/05-22 -02 Page 3 of 5 14. City of Yelm/Yelm Prairie Historical Society Museum Services Contract. Shelly Badger provided a review of prior Council (1996) action providing a 50/50 split between parks and museum for proceeds from the lodging taxes. Taxes are a return of a portion of the state's collection from services within the community. Funds may be provided to museum on a reimbursement basis for services identified in a contract. Contract Exhibit B identifies planned expenditures including: $25,000 for the planning and fabrication of museum exhibits and displays, $150 per month for insurance, utilities, general maintenance and storage rental; and $100 p/month to help supplement paid staffing. Invoices would be submitted to the City for review for intended uses, with repayment to take place within 30 days. An addition to Section 6. Termination. Line 1 terminate this Agreement... by the addition of... upon 30 days written notice. There was discussion concerning funding options for building a museum, and difficulties encountered by the Historic Society and the possibility of including a "funding availability" clause in case the funding source ceases for some reason. 02-61 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING ENTERING INTO A SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR MUSEUM SERVICES, PAID FROM THE LODGING TAX FUND, WITH THE YELM PRAIRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CARRIED. ABSTAINED: DON MILLER REPORTS 15. Mayor's Report - information concerning an invitation for the EDC Business Recognition Awards was provided. 16. Councilmembers' Reports a. Councilmember Miller Public Works: Stephanie Conners clarified information in a recent NVN article and stated that the City does in fact have a $49,000 grant along with a $16,000 match available to do the sidewalk improvements at the senior center. Additionally, they are trying to retain on street parking options. However, they are still trying to work out right-of-way options. b. Mayor Pro-Tern Thompson Fire Oistrict: the District is looking at a replacement % or 1 ton truck, a new computer system to replace a leased system, a smart board, and a coop engine share plan with the Department of Natural Resources. A practice burn has been scheduled. Police: Sergeant Wood will start June 1, and $6,500 was received from Red Wind Casino (2%> award) to be used for a mobile data terminal. A grant application is submitted to the committee by the department for consideration. A citizen's patrol is being established. City Hall: Rural Development Civil Rights Compliance meeting was held and staff is in the initial stages of evaluating payroll/ business licensing programs. Yelm City Council Minutes a b/cc/2002/min utes/05-22 -02 Page 4 of 5 c. Bob 150m Court: Hanni Lilly is retiring effective June 30. d. Ron Harding IT: the meeting concerned restructuring and re-voting members and housekeeping items. There was additional discussion on the 3/10th of one percent tax. Planning: The new director will start June 3. Other. Expressed concern about the citizens patrol and the possibility of authority to cite and things like that. Developing traffic problem at Yelm High School were discussed. Recently the Moose Lodge stopped allowing cars to move in and out of their parking lot. Now cars are parking on the shoulder of the highway. Additionally, kids are walking alongside the parked cars adding to the situation. Staffing and school involvement is needed to address the problem. He hasn't discussed this with Chief Stancil yet. Shelly will bring the matter up to Todd who will be meeting with the new principal e. Pat Fetterly Attended the Chamber meeting. Nisqually River Council: a June meeting date change to the 14th to meet with 8 delegates from the Chesapeake Bay, where cleanup began with the bay area and now needs to be extended to the rivers, to see how the process works in reverse with the river banks cleaned up first. TRPC: Discussion concerned transportation services and an application for federal funding for job access/commute. CORRESPONDENCE Attest: /) )" \' .' ') ./ I .... \ /./'\' .t ~f0 7' \....) fllv< ty AsP. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/m i n utes/05-22 -02 Page 5 of 5