07-24-02 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2002 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. 2. Agenda approval: 02-76 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA BY ADDING ITEM SA. NRC WATER FESTIVAL DONATION REQUEST and ITEM 11A. EMPLOYMENT DISCUSSION. CARRIED. 3. Public comment - There was no response to the call for public comment. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes approval: July 10, 2002 5. Payments approval: Checks 18015-18094, Totaling $182,714.99 a. Manual checks: 18015-18038, totaling $9,904.76 b. Claims checks: 18039-18094, totaling $172,810.23 6. Payroll approval: Preliminary July 2002 7. Park Use Requests a. YCP,8/2, Marlin Bryant, Soccer Group picnic, 7-8:30 pm, 25-30 b. YCP,9/14, Thad Nelson, Golf Tournament Picnic, 4-6 pm, 70 02-77 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 8. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Ordinance No. 764, Environment, Water Plan, Residential to Industrial Re- designation. Ordinance No. 765, Secure Community Transition Facilities Siting. Grant 8eck reviewed the staff report for Ordinances 764 and 765. Comprehensive Plan amendments in four areas are recommended: the Environment, Yelm's Water Plan, a rezone of 5 industrial parcels to residential, and Special Uses. The changes establish new goals and policies and set the stage for updating the critical areas ordinance next year. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/07 -24-02 Page 1 of 6 Questions and discussion followed regarding property owner concerns including: who would notify the county auditor for tax purposes, Yelm Creek becoming a boundary and splitting one of the parcels, and the effects of future development on the creek. There was additional discussion about the future of Yelm Creek in regard to the DOE update to the Shoreline Master Program. 02-78 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING ORDINANCE 764 AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. CARRIED. Abstained: Don Miller Ordinance No. 765 - Secure Community Transition Facilities Siting. A public hearing held on June 17 generated a request for the city attorney to review the DSHS letter regarding Secure Transition Facilities, to insure that Yelm's ordinance is consistent with current law and accomplishes the state's goals. City Attorney Brent Dille agreed with compliance in regard to the DSHS interpretation of the law. Grant Beck responded that the Planning Commission looked at the siting for special use being subject to both DSHS and the City regulations as the basis for meeting criteria rather than limiting siting to a particular zone. 02-79 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY ADOPTING ORDINANCE 765 AMENDING YELM MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 17.66 CODE TO ALLOW SITING OF SECURE COMMUNITY TRANSITION FACILITIES. CARRIED. Opposed: Bob Isom 8a. NISQUALL Y RIVER COUNCIL. Councilmember Fetterly presented a request for funding and/or volunteers for the Water Shed Festival at the Wildlife Refuge and asked for direction on how to proceed with the request. Agnes Bennick reported she spoke with a representative of NRC for background. The NRC is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Funding has been provided by the state D.O.E. as well as private sources. The state shortfall brought about this request for support. Any support would have to be accompanied by an agreement requiring specific results for funding supplied. Possible funding sources include the water and sewer departments or current fund reserves. Shelly Badger indicated that other groups have made the same request and provided some examples. She suggested that consideration could be done now or during the budgeting process for next year. Council expressed the feeling that donations would be more appropriate coming from a personal level rather than the city budget. 9. PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS. Agnes Bennick reported that the funding had been approved in the budget for painting the Public Safety 8uilding. The painting bid came in low allowing consideration of replacing the existing single pane windows with double panes for energy saving and improvement. Three bids were provided. Discussion concerned: security glass and/or a coating over glass to prevent fragmentation, and low E grade window cost versus energy savings. Councilmember Harding requested that future bids provide additional product Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/07 -24-02 Page 2 of 6 detail for comparison. Discussion continued regarding bid process requirements and the use of local businesses. Stephanie Connors explained the difference between a formal and informal bid process is set by the job cost. Work exceeding $7,500 requires awarding to the lowest responsive bidder. Shelly Badger indicated the City attempts to select local businesses when appropriate. 02-80 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING A BID FROM DAVE'S WINDOW AND GLASS FOR $2,343.60, WITH THE PROVISION THAT THEY CAN BRING IN THE LOW E FACTOR FOR NO MORE THAN 200/0 ABOVE THE ORIGINAL COST. CARRIED. Yes Votes: Bob Isom, John Thompson *Opposed: Ron Harding, Pat Fetterly Abstained: Don Miller The tie breaking vote was cast by Mayor Rivas. *(A second motion by Ron Harding and seconded by Pat Fetterly was set aside to deal with the existing motion on the floor.) 10. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT REVISION - Shelly Badger reviewed a staff report outlining the management reorganization of the Public Works department that currently splits supervision between two people. Department growth in staffing, work load, projects and programs has brought forward the need to dedicate someone to programs and projects management to meet mandated state and federal government deadlines, and to manage organizing and implementation of the Comprehensive Water Plan, which includes the water conservation and well head protection programs as well as transportation projects, and grant and loan opportunities. The recommended reorganization would task daily management of the department to the Public Works Director. The Projects/Programs Manager would report directly to the City Administrator. Salary recommendations were comparables for similar size cities. Staff was commended by Council on the great job they are doing. Councilmember Isom expressed concern with the current state of the economy. He offered that it was not a good time for the requested salary increase. Further, with the addition of a hearing examiner and starting salary increases for newly hired department heads, there was some uncertainty about available budget funding for other salaries. Councilmember Harding expressed his feelings that all employee salaries should be reviewed together with next year's budget and use same cites listings for comparisons. It was suggested that a temporary increase be implemented for the management change with a review occurring during the budget process. Stephanie Connors added that they need to be proactive to avoid cross over of duties to be efficient with the increased work load and expectations of the department. Discussion concerned: the possibility of the management change taking place without a salary adjustment, or approving an increase on a temporary basis due to concerns about the economy and the budget for the next year. Shelly Badger suggested possible ways of accomplishing the change. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/ccl2002/07 -24-02 Page 3 of 6 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT REVISION WITH SALARY INCREASE AS REFLECTED IN THE STAFF REPORT. FAILED. Opposed: Bob Isom, Ron Harding, Pat Fetterly 02-81 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE RECOMMENDED PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT REVISION WITH A 501'0 SALARY INCREASE EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1,2002 WITH FURTHER REVIEW OF SALARY AT BUDGET TIME. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 11. PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT CONFIRMATIONS Grant Beck reported on the process and procedure for appointing members to the Yelm Planning Commission. Councilmembers Harding and Fetterly requested an executive session to discuss the proposed appointments to the Planning Commission before confirmation. Research found that executive session extends only to evaluating the qualifications of applicants for public employment or appointment of elected officials. Other discussion concerning appointments must be open to the public. Council discussed concerns about the selection process. Councilmember Fetterly read a prepared statement listing her concerns which included her feeling that applicants were solicited and chosen rather than selected through an application process. Councilmember Harding supported a more open application process giving the public the opportunity to serve and suggested that the application process be repeated. Both felt that Council should have been informed of the vacancies prior to the application process. 02-82 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING PLANNING COMMSSION APPOINTMENTS OF GLEN CUNNINGHAM, LARRY HANSON AND EVERETTE SCHIRMAN. CARRIED. Opposed: Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. Abstained; Bob Isom A tie breaking vote was cast by Mayor Rivas 11 a. Employment Discussion. Bob Isom restated his request for an ordinance draft regarding subsequent employment of employees upon leaving the city citing RCW 42.52; Employment after service and conflict of interest. Mayor Rivas and Shelly Badger asked for direction on proceeding. It was suggested that this topic be discussed in the upcoming worksession. REPORTS 13. Councilmember's Reports a. Councilmember Miller Public Works Liaison - A written report was provided. Well 3a is currently in use due to increased water demands in July and will be discontinued when not needed. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/07 -24-02 Page 4 of6 Other Meetings/Assignments - Attended baby shower at Public Works for Dana Spivey and Camy Greenwood. Camy's baby born 07-20-2002. b. Councilmember Thompson City Hall Liaison - A written report was provided. Staff provided sample utility bill amounts reflecting the new water rates for commercial and residential customers. A bill increase article appeared on the front page of the latest Nisqually Valley News edition, and information has been provided throughout the year. Even so, increased telephone calls about the increase are expected. Elected officials may also receive some calls. Yelm Municipal Code can now be accessed on the MRSC's Web Site. Police Department Liaison - A written report was provided and reviewed. Economic Development Council -no report Fire District - no report Other Meetings/Assignments -no report c. Councilmember Isom Court Liaison - Maryam Olson joined city staff on July 15 and Camy Greenwood will not return following the recent birth of her baby. Thurston County Home Visitation Task Force (TCHVTF) - No report. Other Meeting/Assignments - d. Councilmember Harding Community Development Liaison - A department update was provided. Planning Commission - Meeting was cancelled. Intercity Transit -Reported he viewed presentation at the IT meeting that is available to be presented to cities on request. Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) - Unable to attend. Other Meetings/Assignments e. Councilmember Fetterly Nisqually River Council- Attended July 19 meeting where discussed grant proposals and requests for donations in hopes of expanding conservation corridor. Shared facts about the Nisqually River. Other Meetings/Assignments - Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/07 -24-02 Page 5 of6 CORRESPONDENCE was provided. Agnes Bennick asked if all of the councilmembers had received their Library opening invitations. Ron Harding indicated he would not be able to attend. ADJOURN:,,9:35 P.M. \ \ ,"d,,"'''~ ,.""";'~ ",' ~ ,." " - \ I:' , ~( Ada ATTEST: /j ,// \/) t) - ~U/~e:::,a 8t~d a: Minutes prepared by Janine A. Schnepf, Deputy City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab/ccl2002/07 -24-02 Page 6 of6