01-28-15 Study Session MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2015 5:00 P.M.
Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Present: Councilmembers: JW Foster, Bob Isom, Jennifer Littlefield, Tracey Wood, Ken Garmann,
Russ Hendrickson. Staff: Shelly Badger, Teresa Mattson, Grant Beck Guest: Tom Crawford, Vice
Chair, Thurston County Climate Action Team.
Agenda Approval
4a. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report -Thurston Climate Action Team. (TCAT) Tom Crawford, TC
Climate Action Team Vice Chair briefed the Council with a presentation on the need for a better
approach to clean energy. Data gathered from multiple resources, including P.S.E. locally, and
nationally for energy consumption and waste as well as the cost to generate energy and its effects
on the environment and consumer's health and those costs. TCAT set targets for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2020 and 80% reduction by 2050. Outlined possible
strategies to increase energy efficiency in commercial buildings, promote efficient vehicles and
solar energy, reduce PSE coal use, and promote government policies and potentials for funding,
tailored to individual cities to build a regional Climate Action Plan. Yelm's biggest energy user by
building type is residential. Discussion followed investigating specific remedies. GMA identified
current building structure options and the movement into urban areas. The challenge will be
significant funding needed to retrofit energy efficiency in older homes.
http://olywa. us/thurstonclimateaction/PDF/ThurstonCounty/GreenhouseGaslnventoryReport2010v1-
4 b. 2014 Budget Amendment
Teresa Mattson, Treasurer, provided a detail listing of the 2014 year-end budget amendment for
expenditures that incurred throughout the year by department to balance each fund. Discussion
followed regarding the increasing costs associated with the WWTP. Shelly Badger invited
Councilmembers to visit with Ryan at the plant to review the pilot project objective to extend the
capacity of the plant and get consistent daily results.
5. Mayor's Report: Mayor provided update of projects.
1) Tahoma Terra: concerns for drainage of water building up in varied areas including streets and
some foundations on the upper hill. The City has called in a consultant to address the conflicting
attempts to a solution, including the now bankrupt builder's site preparation, current builder's retro
fix and Dept of Ecology permitting requirements for Phase II and 111.2) SW Well 1A: Anticipate the
one year construction project to go to bid late February -mid March, subject to water rights appeal.
3) Skateboard Park: Target completion in September subject to environmental testing and removal
of fuel tanks on the site. 4) Community Center. Completion of first phase anticipated for September.
Dr. Stokes, South Sound Community College (SSCC) Campus President, approached the Mayor
with a plan to go after funds for the second phase to include classrooms to be used for SSCC
continuing education classes. 5) Deschutes Farm: interlocal agreement for design and continuation
of maintenance on farm prior to construction phase will be presented to Council at a future Council
6) State of the City: Mayor will be giving the State of the City address on February 10 and is
requesting the Council send any suggestions for additions to the presentation. 7) Council Retreat
preference: Conducted an informal survey of preferred times to hold a 4 hr retreat to review status
overall and prepare goals for second meeting in August, prior to budget season.
8) A request was forwarded to the Mayor for review with the Council from Steve Klein for a city -
sponsored honor for Steve Craig addressed to the Parks Advisory Committee and Tree Advisory
6. Council Initiatives
Adjourn: pm
Attest: 4"
Ron 14arding, M yor Ja a Schnepf, City Clerk