08-14-02 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCI LMEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2002 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom and Ron Harding. Pat Fetterly was excused. 2. Agenda approval: 02-83 MOTON BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment - One individual would like to comment about the Medic I situation. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes approval: July 24, 2002 Regular Council Meeting 5. Payments approval: Checks 18039-18154, totaling $98,698.70 a. Manual checks: 18095-18154, totaling $11,118.90 b. Claims checks: 18039-18094, totaling $87,579.80 6. Payroll approval: Final July 2002, checks 5987-6096, totaling $147,980.48 7. Park Use Requests: a. YCP, 7/12/03, YHS Alumni Picnic, 10-?, 100+/- attending b. YCP, 9/13-9/15, Drew Harvey BuffetlFundraiser, 4:30-7:30 & 11 :30- 2:30, 250 attending 02-84 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-14-02 Page 1 of 4 NEW BUSINESS 8. Medic One Update. Mayor Rivas introduced and welcomed Thurston County Commissioner Diane Oberquell. Commissioner Oberquell reported that negations are ongoing. There was a report that came out of the Medic I Council with a recommendation that there be three service providers rather than the existing four. It was the decision of the full Board of Commissioners that the negotiation team conducts negotiations with four service providers. The report was accepted as presented, but not approved. The Commissioners have asked that there be some rotation of medics between units to keep skills up to par. One of the providers, if awarded the contract, would like to reduce the service to a Sprint unit. That is not what the Board of County Commissioners wants. A lot of this situation came about when Yelm Fire District 2 decided to divert some money from the Medic program to other programs that they have for their district. The contract the Board of Commissioners had with the District (#2) had Medic I paying for 80010 of the salary of the medics and the departments/districts paying 200/0 and allowing the medics to also serve as fire fighters. With Yelm not doing that, the Commissioners could not continue service with Yelm Fire District. A couple of reasons for the split: the medics want to be covered under the LEOFF retirement system and if they aren't fire fighters, they have to go under the PERS system. If Medic I pays 1000/0, they no longer qualify as fire fighters and are not eligible for the LEOFF retirement system. Commissioner Oberquell answered questions concerning: 1) The proposed CAPCOM tax that will reduce fees paid by system users that is slated for the ballot. 2) The length of time Medic I negotiations will continue? Unknown at this time, but It was noted that in addition to the 80/20 salary split, Medic I also pays a space based fee for storage of the unit, administration and equipment such as fax machines, etc., so fire districts receive a benefit beyond personnel. 3) A site has not been selected for the Yelm unit. Mayor Rivas noted that the City of Yelm had contributed $46,000 per year to Yelm Fire District #2 to help support the District's 20010 funding requirement for Medic I costs. Yelm stopped the payments when the district's contract for Medic I services ended. The Yelm Fire District is not included in negotiations at this point. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-14-02 Page 2 of 4 9. Public Hearing - Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan 2003 - 2008 - Mayor Rivas opened the public hearing at 7:44 p.m. announcing the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing. No objections to participants were stated. Stephanie Connors provided an overview of the staff report explaining that the process of prioritizing projects occurs annually and that project placement may be advanced or pushed back based upon the possibility of obtaining funding for the projects or project impact. Projects are based upon the Transportation Plan approved by Council. Grants are being submitted for Priority #1-103rd Avenue improvements and #4- Stevens Avenue improvements. There was some discussion concerning selection methods, reasons for transferring funds from Yelm Avenue West to Yelm Avenue East, the impact of development in providing city funding availability, increased traffic on Van Trump and West Road, and timing grant applications to conditions that allow the best chances for project funding through WSDOT or other agencies. Being no additional comment, Mayor Rivas closed the public hearing at 7:54 p.m. Resolution No. 429 - Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan 2003- 2008 02-85 MOTION BY DON MillER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN RESOLUTION 429, THE SIX YEAR 2003-2008 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 10. Ordinance No. 766 - Budget Amendment PW Director and Program/Project Manager Salary Increases. Shelly Badger reported that this is follow-up of Council direction from the 7/24/02 meeting. 02-86 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 766 WITH THE FOllOWING CHANGES: PW DIRECTOR SALARY RANGE OF $3,950-4,717 WITH CURRENT SALARY AT STEP 3/ $4,191, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2002. PROJECT/PROGRAM MANAGER SALARY RANGE OF $3,325 - $3,852 WITH CURRENT SALARY AT STEP 3/$3,422, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1,2002, AND THAT ANY REFERENCES TO 12/31/02 BE DELETED. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-14-02 Page 3 of 4 REPORTS 11. Mayor's Report - a calendar was provided setting out the schedule for budget work sessions. A productive work session was held earlier today. Council has put together a retreat and additional work sessions may also be scheduled. 12. Council Report a. Councilmember Miller - No report b. Councilmember Thompson passed along Bill Steel's apology for not being able to attend the Medic I update tonight due to a conflict in scheduling. He reported that the Fire District Commissioners approved a residential burning permit system, signed a new computer lease agreement, and participated in training opportunities. An open house is planned the first week in September for Fire Prevention Week c. Councilmember Isom - No report d. Councilmember Harding - No reports due to conflicts. It is still planning to place a 3% sales tax measure on the ballot and suggested a resolution of support. Consensus supported a resolution. Yelm Police Dept. was commended for their response to a recent call. e. Councilmember Fetterly - absent, but financial reports were provided in councilmembers packets. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was reviewed. ADJO.....: uRT'.......a:09~. . .\ . / . ; / " \ , , / \ ij:::' _ ...,,>),---::::::-1 I --. ,..../.. ..' ,-\/- \ i ~Y26 Adim Rivas, Mayor Attest: I.. l'I:.,." / " f.",,-.~. ( Agrle~ P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-14-02 Page 4 of 4