09-25-02 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2002 OPENING & CONSENT AGENDA 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson and Ron Harding. Bob Isom was excused and Pat Fetterly would be late, if she was able to attend. Mayor Rivas presented a Certificate of Recognition to Janet Harding who will represent our area as Miss Yelm Washington Junior Teen 2002, in the American Miss Junior Teen competition in Florida. 2. Agenda Approval. There was some discussion concerning a park use request with a bonfire and parade for Yelm High School's Homecoming. Amanda Zigler agreed to coordinate the bonfire with the fire district. Chief Stancil added that there is concern about the parade due to the lack of planning time. Normally a parade with traffic rerouting requires over 20 officers for traffic detail. WSDOT will make the final route determination. The group is willing to adjust the parade route. Council consensus was to approve the park use request, and allow the group to work out parade details with WSDOT. Final parade route approval will come from Mayor Rivas or Chief Stancil. 02-95 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING THE AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. 3. Public Comment - Yelm High School students declined an invitation to speak. 4. Approval of Minutes: September 11, 2002, Regular Meeting 5. Approval of Payments: Checks 18428-18507, totaling $54,346.13 a. Manual Checks: 18428-18457, totaling $1,611.54 b. Claims Checks: 18458-18507, totaling $452,734.59 6 Preliminary Payroll: September 2002 a. Park Use Request: YHS Homecoming, 10/23/02,4-10 pm, 400-500 attending. Discussion as agenda item 2. ab/city council/2002/minutes Page 1 of 4 NEW BUSINESS 7. Ordinance 767 - Agnes Bennick explained that this is a budget amendment ordinance reducing the Current Fund reserve line and making an operating transfer to the Five Corners Bond Repayment Fund. During the budget planning process, it appeared that there would be adequate funding carryover from the prior year to cover all 2002 payments. However, the existing commercial loan was being converted to a bond at the end of 2001 and a payment made in December of 2001, reduced the planned 2002 carryover. 02-96 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON ADOPTING ORDINACE 767 AMENDING THE 2002 BUDGET BY AUTHORIZING A DEBT PAYMENT TRANSFER. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 8. Resolution 431,2002-2008 City of Yelm Water Comprehensive Plan. Stephanie Connors reported that the plan, which has been reviewed by City Council several times over the past year and included a public hearing, has been submitted to and received final approval from the state Department of Health. This resolution is the City's final step in the approval process. 02-97 MOTION BY DON MillER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING RESOLUTION 431 AND ACCEPTING THE 2002-2008 CITY OF YElM COMPREHENSIVE WATER PLAN. CARRIED. 9. Executive Session to Discuss Collective Bargaining Strategy. Mayor Rivas announced the Council would adjourn to an executive session to discuss the city's collective bargaining strategy for approximately 30 minutes. The regular meeting was closed at 7:48 p.m. There was no one present at 8:20 or 8:50, to hear an announcement that the executive session was running longer than expected. Mayor Rivas reopened the regular meeting at 9:32 p.m. REPORTS 10. Librarian's Report - a written report was provided. 11. Mayor's Report - Mayor Rivas reported on attending the School Auction, thanked the fire department for their rapid response to a grass fire close to his father's home, and announced that on Friday he would be participating in the architect interview process for the regional jail. ab/city council/2002/minutes Page 2 of 4 12. Council Reports a. Councilmember Miller Public Works - a written report on current activity was provided. There was some discussion concerning report formats and the need to keep council updated on city activity. Other Meetings/Assignments - Councilmember Miller expressed his appreciation of the support for the sales tax increase for Emergency Communications needs. This will impact the budget of every jurisdiction. b. Councilmember Thompson City Hall Liaison - as a written report was not provided, Agnes Bennick reported that almost 1600 utility bills had been posted, the extract produced, and the file transferred for printing. Some computer problems were encountered. Reloading her computer while she was on vacation did not correct the problems she had been experiencing. A new computer has been ordered. Four hundred and twenty B&O tax reports were printed and awaiting folding, stuffing, and mailing. It would be wonderful to find someone to do the folding/stuffing process. The payroll process is underway, and the budget planning process is moving along on schedule. Police Liaison - a written report updating current activity was provided. c. Councilmember Isom - excused. Court Liaison - a written report updating current activity was provided. TRPC - A pre-agenda was provided. d. Councilmember Harding Community Development - A written report updating current activity was provided. Longmire Community Park progress is on hold while the Army is in Yakima training. Intercity Transit - Transit Authority members were pleased with the tax increase outcome. Councilmember Harding announced that the Friday Express Service will begin again on a temporary basis until new routes/services are established. He indicated that he expressed that Yelm should be on the top of the list when service extensions are discussed, and requested council's support when this happens. IT has some surplus vans for sale and the Senior Center would like to have another. The City provided them with an 18 passenger van with a lift. However, the center appears to be having problems getting drivers that have the required commercial driver's license. ab/city council/2002/minutes Page 3 of 4 Additional discussion concerned the need for a bus that stops at senior locations, and the high cost of the Dial-A-Lift service. Other Meeting/Assignments - He attended the Heartwalk with his daughter. e. Councilmember Fetterly - absent Financial Report - Agnes Bennick pointed out that the August report was provided in the packet and offered to answer any questions. CORRESPONDENCE - Correspondence was reviewed. ,\ ~....{/ J1\L " ~-"~~_._----- Attest: ( /-) . ) 'IALJ Y'0~lk)iit l- s P. Bennick, City Clerk ab/city council/2002/minutes Page 4 of 4