10-01-02 BWS Budget Work Session Yelm City Council Chambers October 1, 2002 Present: Mayor Rivas, Councilmembers: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. Staff: Shelly Badger, Agnes Bennick and Janine Schnepf Work session to review 2003 Budget Revenue Sources, comparing these estimates to 2002 actual year to date reven ue. 1. Revenue Sources Review Revenue is over 2002 estimates including Sales Tax, Property Tax, Utility Tax, Business and Occupation tax, and population based state revenue. Discussed key factors for revenue being over including rollover of budgeted amounts not spent, estimate increase in collected fees to municipal court, building and development permits and new businesses and services available in Yelm. Hotel Motel Tax has been changed to Tourism Promotion. CONSENSUS TO BE REMAIN CONSER VA T1VE IN 2003 BUDGET ESTlMA TES. Other topics discussed were option to add admission tax and cover charge as other revenue sources not currently elected. CONSENSUS TO LEA VE AS ITEM FOR FUTURE CONSIDERA TION. Councilman Thompson requested consideration to add the Chamber of Commerce to contribution from Tourism Promotion. Council action needed to change distribution currently shared by Parks and Historic Society. Directed to add this request to wish list for consideration later. 2. Funds Not Scheduled for Review on agenda. 104 Cumulative Reserve & Economic Development, 105 Park Reserve, 106 Emergency/Disaster, 107 Tourism Promotion, 110 YTD Special Projects, 112 Five Corners Debt Repayment, 119 Park Use Deposits, 202 1993 GO and 203, 204 94/99 Sewer Revenue Bonds, 402 Consumer Deposits, 403 Garbage, and 407, 416 Local Improvement District. 3. City Debt Information Attachment provided on Long Term Debt for review. 4. Current Fund Budget Review Legislative and Executive expenditure report reviewed. Don Miller left the meeting at 5:30. 5. Salary Comparison and Assumption was provided showing the 10 closest cities to compare current position. There was discussion on the salary considerations and funds available. Insurance costs were discussed. Pat Fetterly left the meeting at 6:45 p.m. The 2003 Budget Revenue and Expenditure estimate is a balanced fund with general fund reserve. There was discussion in regard to other cities and it's continued growth. Agnes Bennick indicated this fund should retain enough in reserve to support operation for a 2-month period. ~~j~~~~ ~~o~r~a :e;ei~~ered. \;V