10-22-02 BWS Budget Work Session Yelm City Council Chambers October 22,2002 Present: Councilmembers: Don Miller, John Thompson and Ron Harding. Mayor Rivas arrived at 4:15 p.m. Staff: Shelly Badger, Agnes Bennick, Grant Beck, Stephanie Conners and Janine Schnepf Excused: Pat Fetterly and Bob Isom Work session to review 2003 Budget for the following funds: General Fund Department DARE Tree Fund Park Fee-In Lieu Of Transportation Facilities Charges CDBG Municipal Building Code Yelm Creek Longmire Community Park 103rd Street Project Shortline RR Fund 109 116 118 120 197 302 312 314 316 430 Presenter Agnes Bennick Grant Beck Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Agnes Bennick Grant Beck Stephanie Shelly Changes/notes/follow up requested.: 1. DARE fund remains the same. May require transfer from general fund because of school year budget timing and salary payments to DARE/resource officer. School has provided computer space for resource officer at the High School. Councilmembers asked Shelly Badger to check status of contract with the school district and the Yelm Police Department. Some discussion on changing name of DARE fund. 2. Tree Board Fund looking for intermediate size trees to restock nursery and use now. Have not had to purchase tree in the past. Staff time needed for training to update tree plan. 3. Park-in-Lieu of. Primary use for open space purchase not for existing improvements. Ron Harding reported shed at trailhead is in need of repair. 4. Municipal Building Fund. Shelly provided a Cash Flow Analysis indicating estimated funds available for City Hall remodel with proposed floor plan for review. Project will be revisited. 5. Yelm Creek Fund. Operating transfer needed to balance this fund. CONSENSUS TO TAKE FROM GENERAL FUND RA THER THAN RESERVE FUND. 6. Longmire Park. Mayor Rivas asked staff to keep him informed on schedule of events on completion of project. Requested recognition of Miles for their donation and Army's participation on a permanent plaque. 7. Shortline Railroad. Has been recommended using federal grant in this fund for trailhead/trail from City Hall to as far as it can go along tracks. 2. Salary. No discussion Ad.J....our\.: 5:.3 ~'_.. p.m... ., ./7 " \1+_,/ :...t-Iv Maycf Adam Rlvas Attes