02 24 2015 Updated Agenda PacketAGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING ► UI'UA I t TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2015, 6:00 P.M. Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated documents including staff reports, resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not have attachments. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations- none scheduled 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speakers (five) are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Minutes; Regular Meeting February 10, 2015 b. lo. Payables; Checks #64143 - #64218 Totaling $254,775.07 7. Public Hearing- none scheduled 8. New Business- none scheduled 9. Old Business — none scheduled 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Foster represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County Solid Waste • Nisqually River Council Advisory Committee (SWAC) • Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Baker represents Yelm on the following committees. • Intercity Transit Board • Yelm Adult Community Center Councilmember Isom represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Economic Development Council Committee (TRPC) • Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Littlefield represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County HOME Yelm Finance Committee Consortium Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees. • (TRPC) Transportation Policy • Yelm Transportation Committee Board • TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember Garmann represents Yelm on the following committees. • Yelm Transportation Committee Thurston County Law and Justice Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees. • Medic One Yelm Emergency Operations Board Mayor Harding represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County Economic • Yelm Finance Committee Development Council • Yelm Emergency Operations • Thurston County Mayor's Forum • (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board Board Yelm Transportation Committee Yelm Economic Development Committee 11. Executive Session- Council will got into a 30 minute Executive Session for the purpose of reviewing the proposals made in collective bargaining negotiating sessions RCW 42.30.140 (4)(a)(b). 12. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request) Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce, Free Marketing Seminar February 26, 2015 8 -9:30 am Yelm Cinemas Invitation for dinner at the Indian Summer Golf & Country Club, March 21, 2015 to benefit Behavioral Health Resources ► Thurston Regional Planning Council Pre - Agenda Friday, March 6, 2015 8:30 -10:45 am 13. Adjourn Upcoming Meetings Council Study Session, Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 5:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 24, 2015, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per CD (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at wv_ww_.,i.y lrr7.w .us Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 1 of 3 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2015 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Jennifer Littlefield, Tracey Wood, Ken Garmann and Russ Hendrickson. Agenda Approval 15 -010 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations -none scheduled 5. Public Comment - Susan Freitag, a Thurston County resident presented Council a handout outlining ways to make positive changes in the City of Yelm. Ms. Freitag invited the Council to participate in a vision of using street signs to recognize the accomplishments of Yelm's youth. The handout provided a detailed outline and proposal of how that could be accomplished. Ms. Freitag was a schoolteacher for many years and loves Yelm and its surrounding areas. She thanked Council for what they have done for the community. Councilmember Isom asked that this be brought before Council at the next Study Session. Councilmember Foster thanked Ms. Freitag for bringing this matter to Council. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes - Regular Meeting January 27, 2015 & Study Session January 28, 2015 Payables - Checks #64050 - #64142 Totaling $471,677.88 15 -011 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing -none scheduled 8. New Business - a. Ordinance No. 994, 2014 YEAR END BUDGET AMENDMENT Teresa Mattson stated there are variations in both revenue and expenditure appropriations that occur throughout the budget year, creating the need for an amendment. The City of Yelm adopts the annual budget by department level for the Current /General Fund and by fund level for all other funds. Many revenue line items (and ending cash) ended the year well above the original budgeted amount, this amendment addresses expenditures only - except where there are transfers in to balance the fund. The 2014 Amendment totals $382,212.90. 15 -012 MOTION BY JENNIFER LITTLEFIELD ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 994, AMENDING THE 2014 BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR 2014 CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS, TRANSFERS, AND OTHER EXPENDITURE RELATED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 996, Amending Chapters 2, 5, 9, and 13 Yelm Municipal Code Tami Merriman explained that on January 27, 2015, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 995, creating the Unified Development Code and amending other Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 2 of 3 sections of the Yelm Municipal Code. The Ordinance repealed Chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17, created a new Chapter 18, and amended several other chapters. Ordinance No. 996 corrects references to sections that have been repealed or moved to the Unified Development Code and makes no substantive changes to the Code. 15 -013 MOTION BY 7W FOSTER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 996 AMENDING CHAPTERS 2, 5, 9, AND 13 YELM MUNICIPAL CODE CHANGING REFERENCES IN THE CODE TO REFLECT THE NEWLY ADOPTED UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, TITLE 18 YMC. CARRIED. 9. Old Business —none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster in his role as Chair of the Career Technical Education (CTE) Committee for the Yelm High School observed and participated in a visit from Governor Inslee to Yelm High School to view the CTE program. Yelm Schools have created such a successful and effective career and technical education program that it is being modeled for the rest of the State. Councilmember Foster also attended the Nisqually Tribe's Charitable Foundation Awards Ceremony where they presented well over $150,000 dollars to different agencies within Yelm. Attended the grand opening of The Cattleman's Restaurant and the Yelm Chamber Luncheon and listened to Mayor Harding present the State of the City Address. Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit Advisory committee meeting and updated the Council on the Bus Buddy Program. The Bus Buddy program is a partnership between Catholic Community Services of Western Washington, Intercity Transit and the Washington State Department of Transportation. The bus system provides free one on one assistance for people that need a little help riding the bus. The Bus Buddy can help you ride the bus to work, shopping and many other events. The Bus Buddy program enhances your mobility, increases your independence and gives you more travel options. Mayor Harding will have staff send an invite for a future presentation on the Bus Buddies Program. Councilmember Isom attended the Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting and new officers were elected. They also voted to give $5,000 to the Thurston Thrives program. Thurston Thrives is a collective impact model of community health planning and action initiated by Thurston County Health and Social Services and the Thurston County Board of Health in 2013. Councilmember Littlefield attended the Thurston Council on Children and Youth Policy team meeting and watched a presentation on the Tacoma Whole Child Initiative from a Professor from the University of Washington, Tacoma and the Dean of Student Life from the Tacoma School District. This program is currently implemented in the Tacoma School District. The program includes Positive Behavioral Invention Supports (PBIS), which most school districts implement in some way. Councilmember Littlefield also attended the Thurston HOME Consortium and new officers were elected. Councilmember Littlefield was elected Vice - Chair. A report was given on the Homeless Connect events in Yelm; they served eight households or sixteen people. They might change the name of the event to attract more participants. The Section 8 Housing voucher waiting list will be opening up on Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 3 of 3 Friday, February 27, 2015 at 8:30am. You can apply online for two weeks then a recipient will be chosen through a lottery system. Councilmember Wood attended the TComm 911 Admin Board meeting and learned that they did not receive their grant from the Nisqually Indian Tribe. They also accepted nominations for the Chair and Vice Chair positions. Councilmember Wood also attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting in Councilmember Baker's absence. They elected new officers, talked about a contract that was awarded for a bus stop pad- engineering project, and discussed the existing bus routes. Councilmember Wood asked about extending one of the existing routes from Lacey to Mullen Road to the Yelm Highway to expand ridership. Also attended the State of the City Address given by Mayor Harding at the Yelm Chamber Luncheon. Councilmember Garmann stated that Thurston County and the Sheriff's Office have tentatively signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the unused ARC building and that is scheduled to open in July of this year. Councilmember Garmann also attended the State of the City Address by Mayor Harding at the Yelm Chamber Luncheon today and was very impressed. Councilmember Hendrickson attended the State of the City Address at the Yelm Chamber Luncheon and stated it was very well attended. Councilmember Hendrickson also attended the Yelm Emergency Operations Board meeting where they discussed the THRIVE Emergency meals. For forty people, two meals a day for three days the cost is $1200. There is a 20 -year shelf life on the food. They also discussed the fuel alternatives for the Police and Public Works Departments. Currently they get their fuel from the Yelm School District, at a discounted price, which has their own gas pumps for their buses. Mayor Harding added that the City has looked into different funding options like grants to help with costs associated with fueling stations. Mayor Harding attended the Grand Opening of The Cattleman Restaurant on Yelm Ave. Mayor Harding gave the 2015 State of the City Address at the Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce Luncheon today and thought it went very well and liked the interaction with the audience using technology borrowed from the Association of Washington Cities (AWC). Councilmember Baker thanked Councilmember Woods for attending the Intercity Transit Board meeting in his absence. 11. Executive Session - none scheduled 12. Correspondence included - Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce, February 2015 Senator Becker's Capitol Bulletin, January 31, 2015 Rep. Wilcox report from the Legislature, January 27, 2015 Senator Becker's Capitol Bulletin, February 6, 2015 13. Adjourned at 6:40 pm. Attest: Ron Harding, Mayor Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk Page 3 of 3 r<•l1ly:I BI:IEN»:Z61 M.110 116111105 I The following is a list of checks approved for payment at February 24th council PR Draw Direct Deposit PR Draw Checks Payroll Draw AP Checks/EFT Vouchers Utility Refunds Y 11611 x111 Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Council member Councilmember ATTEST: C��r•��II�IN:fI 99999 99999 $ 21,885.04 64143 64146 $ 2,694.32 99999 99999 $ 6,944.23 64147 64218 $ 223,251.48 NA NA $ - $ 254,775.07 Councilmember Councilmember Adenga Item 6b. The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this 24th day of February 2015 1 of 14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 1 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0126 ADVANCED SAFETY & FIRE SERVICE I- 134528 Fire Ext Test /Maint R 2/24/2015 064147 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS Fire Ext Test /Maint 175.46 412 535.50.35.00 BLDG MAINT /SUPPLIES Fire Ext Test /Maint 175.46 401 534.50.35.00 BLDG MAINT /SUPPLIES Fire Ext Test /Maint 175.46 I- 134529 FFire Ext Maintenance R 2/24/2015 064147 001 572.10.41.00 LIBRARY SERVICES 0 &M Fire Ext Maintenance 41.55 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS Fire Ext Maintenance 41.55 609.48 0155 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES I- 1987870045 UNIFORM SERVICES R 2/24/2015 064148 412 535.10.25.00 UNIFORMS UNIFORM SERVICES 112.73 112.73 0116 AWC I- 2/18/2015 2015 Drug & Alcohol Testing R 2/24/2015 064149 001 514.23.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES 2015 Drug & Alcohol 152.00 152.00 0663 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON I- 111 - 1642203 YELWATREFI3 Admin Fee (Last) R 2/24/2015 06415C 405 582.34.86.00 '03 WtrRev Bond /13 Refi Costs YELWATREFI3 Admin Fe 53.79 53.79 0168 BCRA ARCHITECTS I -18366 Construction Admin Comm Center R 2/24/2015 064151 302 594.73.62.02 COMMUNITY CENTER - CONST.MNGMTConstruction Admin C 9,665.76 9,665.76 1903 BEAN GENTRY WHEELER & PETERNEL I -51007 Prosecutorial Services R 2/24/2015 064152 001 515.21.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CRIMINAL Prosecutorial Servic 2,083.33 I -51008 General Retainer R 2/24/2015 064152 001 515.22.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL General Retainer 2,448.5C I -51009 General Retainer R 2/24/2015 064152 001 515.22.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL General Retainer 5,555.5C I -51010 General Retainer R 2/24/2015 064152 001 515.22.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL General Retainer 1,091.50 11,178.83 0206 BRAT WEAR I -14131 Rompa Body Armor R 2/24/2015 064153 001 521.10.50.00 OFFICE /RADIO EQPT. REPAIR /MT Rompa Body Armor 973.95 973.9E 1916 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC I- 14638727 PW Copier Lease R 2/24/2015 064154 401 534.10.42.03 COMMUNICATIONS: COPIER PW Copier Lease 111.34 412 535.10.42.03 COMMUNICATIONS: COPIER PW Copier Lease 111.34 I- 14638728 Finance Copier Lease R 2/24/2015 064154 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS Finance Copier Lease 237.31 459.99 Adenga Item 6b. 2of14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 2 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0232 CAPITOL STRATEGIES I- 2015 -0208 2015 -0131 Lobbying Services R 2/24/2015 064155 102 543.30.41.01 LOBBYIST CONTRACT SVCS 2015 -0131 Lobbying S 2,000.00 2,000.00 0239 CASCADE COLUMBIA DIST I- 633872 Caustic Soda R 2/24/2015 064156 401 534.50.48.00 SYSTEM GEN REPAIRS /MICE Caustic Soda 3,418.60 3,418.6C 1595 CELLNETIX PATHOLOGY PLLC I- 3767 *251945 Shane Day Prisoner Care R 2/24/2015 064157 001 523.60.51.00 CARE & CUSTODY OF PRISONERS Shane Day Prisoner C 50.00 50.00 1474 CHRISTENSEN, RICHARD I- 2015 -0213 Release Assigned Savings R 2/24/2015 064158 119 389.00.00.01 SURETY /PERFORMANCE /RETAINAGE Release Assigned Sav 525.00 525.00 1777 CONFLUENCE ENVIRONMENTAL CC I -11437 Deschutes Interlocal Agreement R 2/24/2015 064159 404 594.34.41.04 DESCHUTES WTR RIGHT MITIGATIONDeschutes Interlocal 3,943.08 3,943.08 0280 COPIERS NORTHWEST I- INVII61986 Copier Usage 1/11/15 - 2/11/15 R 2/24/2015 06416C 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS Court Copier Usage 45.07 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS CDD Copier Usage 552.71 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS PD Copier Usage 153.82 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS City Hall Copier Usa 110.6C 401 534.10.42.03 COMMUNICATIONS: COPIER PW Copier Usage 16.45 412 535.10.42.03 COMMUNICATIONS: COPIER PW Copier Usage 16.44 895.09 0991 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING CENT I- 20114700 Training - Adam Wood R 2/24/2015 064161 001 521.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING FEES Training - Adam Wood 1,000.00 1,000.00 1977 CRYSTAL SPRINGS I- 14117037 020415 Water Filter R 2/24/2015 064162 001 521.10.49.00 FEES /DUES Water Filter 27.18 I- 14275350 020615 Water Filter Sys City Hall R 2/24/2015 064162 401 534.10.49.00 MISCELLANEOUS Water Filter Sys Cit 27.21 54.39 0322 DELL MARKETING LP I- XJMTXKDC9 2 OptiPlex Minitowers R 2/24/2015 064163 001 594.18.64.00 MACHINERY /EQUIPMENT /SOFTWARE 2 OptiPlex Minitower 2,443.37 2,443.37 Adenga Item 6b. 3of14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 3 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0338 DOTY, JAMES I- 2015 -0206 Parts for Pilot Filter Project R 2/24/2015 064164 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Parts for Pilot Fill 23.67 23.67 1501 DRAIN PRO INC I -0115 2015 -01 Step Tank Pumping Var R 2/24/2015 064165 412 535.80.48.02 WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE DISPO 2015 -01 Step Tank Pu 2,643.55 412 535.80.48.03 SEPTAGE DISPOSAL 2015 -01 Step Tank Pu 3,111.25 5,754.8C 0345 DYSART, NATHAN I- 2015 -02 2015 -02 Public Defender R 2/24/2015 064166 001 512.83.41.00 INDIGENT DEFENSE COSTS 2015 -02 Public Defer 1,333.33 1,333.33 0350 EDGE ANALYTICAL I -15 -01430 Effluent Sampler R 2/24/2015 064167 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB Effluent Sampler 275.00 275.00 0365 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS 652 I -2/15 100836792 Phone Services 100836792 R 2/24/2015 064168 001 572.10.41.00 LIBRARY SERVICES 0 &M Phone Services 10083 34.79 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE Phone Services 10083 654.3C 107 575.50.00.00 MUSEUM FAC RNT /REPAIR /OP /MNT Phone Services 10083 44.7C 401 534.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE Phone Services 10083 167.58 412 535.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE Phone Services 10083 154.13 I -2/15 100837933 Phone Service 100837933 R 2/24/2015 064168 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE Phone Service 100837 54.84 I -2/15 101012603 Phone Service 101012603 R 2/24/2015 064168 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE Phone Service 101012 360.05 I -2/15 101012611 Phone Service R 2/24/2015 064168 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE Phone Service 36.55 401 534.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE Phone Service 36.54 I -2/15 101012638 Phone Service 101012638 R 2/24/2015 064168 412 535.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE Phone Service 101012 38.15 I -2/15 101012646 Phone Service 101012646 R 2/24/2015 064168 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE Phone Service 101012 38.15 1,619.78 0407 GALLS, INC. I- 003079596 Lithium Batteries R 2/24/2015 064169 001 521.10.50.00 OFFICE /RADIO EQPT. REPAIR /MT Lithium Batteries 31.42 31.42 0417 GJURASIC, DAVOR I -1350x 2012 -02 Lobbying Services R 2/24/2015 06417C 102 543.30.41.01 LOBBYIST CONTRACT SVCS 2012 -02 Lobbying Ser 2,000.00 2,000.00 Adenga Item 6b. 4of14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 PAGE: 4 Adenga Item 6b. 5of14 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0426 GORDER'S AUTO REBUILD I- 641511 08 Ford Expd AC R 2/24/2015 064171 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. 08 Ford Expd AC 373.93 373.93 0395 HD FOWLER COMPANY I- I3847301 Irrigation (Street /Water) R 2/24/2015 064172 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE Irrigation (Street /W 185.44 401 534.50.48.00 SYSTEM GEN REPAIRS /MTCE Irrigation (Street /W 185.44 370.88 0462 ICC RAINIER CHAPTER I- 2015 -0220 Mbrship Fee (Carlson, Rowland) R 2/24/2015 064173 001 558.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES Mbrship Fee (Carlson 20.00 20.00 0486 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT, INC. I- 241290 New Bar Pole Saw R 2/24/2015 064174 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MTCE VEHICLES & EQUI New Bar Pole Saw 40.22 I- 241546 Rpr Weed Eater R 2/24/2015 064174 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MTCE VEHICLES & EQUI Rpr Weed Eater 12.46 I- 242622 Pole Pruner, Oil R 2/24/2015 064174 412 535.10.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT Pole Pruner, Oil 152.92 401 534.10.35.00 GEN SVCS TOOLS /EQUIPMENT Pole Pruner, Oil 152.93 001 576.80.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN Pole Pruner, Oil 152.93 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN Pole Pruner, Oil 152.93 I- 242680 Piston Seal Kit Pressure Washr R 2/24/2015 064174 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MTCE VEHICLES & EQUI Piston Seal Kit Pres 1.02 665.41 1528 JCI JONES CHEMICALS, INC C- 646310 Container Return R 2/24/2015 064175 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MTCE Container Return 599.98CR I- 646213 Chlorine & Sulfur Dioxide R 2/24/2015 064175 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MTCE Chlorine & Sulfur Di 3,375.14 2,775.16 1666 JERRY'S COLOR CENTER I- 00043614 Paint for Library Lobby R 2/24/2015 064176 001 572.10.41.00 LIBRARY SERVICES 0 &M Paint for Library Lo 108.62 108.62 1995 KENYON LAW FIRM P.S. I- 182535 Frachise agreement legal R 2/24/2015 064177 001 515.22.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL Frachise agreement 1 1,637.25 1,637.2E 0532 KEYBANK I- 9357 - 2015 -0127 9357 Johnstone R 2/24/2015 064178 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES Office Chair - for s 20.35 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Office Chair - for s 20.35 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES Exit Signs for Doors 45.55 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Exit Signs for Doors 45.54 401 534.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING Ray, Rarick, Smith, 450.00 401 534.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING Ivey Submersible, Ch 85.00 Adenga Item 6b. 5of14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0532 KEYBANK CONT I- 9357 - 2015 -0127 9357 Johnstone R 2/24/2015 064178 401 534.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING Ivey TO BE REFUNDED- 85.00 751.79 0550 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS, IN I- I961724 Ord 995 Summary R 2/24/2015 064179 001 558.10.44.00 PRINTING & ADVERTISING Ord 995 Summary 56.05 56.0E 0551 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES I- 7508893MB Street Asphalt R 2/24/2015 06418C 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE Street Asphalt 67.01 I- 7508902MB Street Ashpalt R 2/24/2015 06418C 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE Street Ashpalt 99.27 166.28 0638 MOUNTAIN LUMBER & HARDWARE I- 1501 - 379180 Roller Cover, City Park R 2/24/2015 064181 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- CITY PK Roller Cover, City P 14.11 I- 1502 - 381631 Nipple & Coupling - New Valves R 2/24/2015 064181 401 534.50.48.01 VEHICLE REPAIRS /MICE Nipple & Coupling - 8.67 I- 1502 - 382391 Truss Plates, Joist Hanger R 2/24/2015 064181 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MICE Truss Plates, Joist 12.92 I- 1502 - 383132 Door Stop & Misc Bolts R 2/24/2015 064181 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS Door Stop & Misc Bol 17.74 I- 1502 - 383185 9 V Batteries for Spinklers R 2/24/2015 064181 401 534.50.48.00 SYSTEM GEN REPAIRS /MICE 9 V Batteries for Sp 60.85 I- 1502 - 383597 Black Cable Ties R 2/24/2015 064181 412 535.80.48.00 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT Black Cable Ties 26.06 I -1502- 384672 White Marking Paint R 2/24/2015 064181 401 534.80.47.00 UTILITY LOCATES /LEAK CHECKS White Marking Paint 21.16 I -1502- 384756 2" Cap R 2/24/2015 064181 412 535.80.48.00 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 2" Cap 1.62 I -1502- 385045 Misc. Rprs at Longmire Park R 2/24/2015 064181 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- LONGMIRE Misc. Rprs at Longmi 17.9C I- 1502 - 385215 R &M Roundabout Maintenance R 2/24/2015 064181 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE R &M Roundabout Maint 116.21 297.24 1555 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I- 3742- 386108 Fog Light R 2/24/2015 064182 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. Fog Light 4.87 I- 3742- 388070 Light Capsule R 2/24/2015 064182 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. Light Capsule 39.12 43.99 0691 OFFICE DEPOT, INC. 37564515 ( I- 753807345001 Paper, Toner, Office Supplies R 2/24/2015 064183 001 521.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Paper, Toner, Office 278.37 I- 753807473001 Envelopes R 2/24/2015 064183 001 521.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Envelopes 42.06 I- 753807474001 Envelopes R 2/24/2015 064183 5 Adenga Item 6b. 6of14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT 0691 OFFICE DEPOT, INC. 37CONT I- 753807474001 Envelopes R 2/24/2015 001 521.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Envelopes 74.76 I- 754606250001 General Office Supplies R 2/24/2015 001 512.50.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES General Office Suppl 197.43 0700 OLYMPIA, PORT OF I- 035240 4Qtr /2014 FIR Budget R 2/24/2015 001 558.60.41.00 REGIONAL PLANNING 4Qtr /2014 FIR Budget 23.85 0723 PCI PEST CONTROL, LLC I -14084 Qrtly Pest Control - PW R 2/24/2015 401 534.50.35.00 BLDG MAINT /SUPPLIES Qrtly Pest Control - 108.70 1996 PERFORMANCE RADIATOR, LLC I- 5214736 Raidiator, Devore's Charger R 2/24/2015 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. Raidiator, Devore's 135.88 1499 PIERCE COUNTY BUDGET & FINANCE I- 2015 - 0217044009 2015 0217044009 PropTax R 2/24/2015 401 534.10.46.00 PROPERTY /CASUALTY /LIABILITY 2015 0217044009 Prop 27.19 I- 2015 - 0217091010 2015 0217091010 Prop Tax R 2/24/2015 401 534.10.46.00 PROPERTY /CASUALTY /LIABILITY 2015 0217091010 Prop 28.57 0751 PUGET SOUND ENERGY I -2/15 200003489065 Power Bill 200003489065 R 2/24/2015 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES Power Bill 200003489 4,839.2C I -2/15 200011589278 Power Bill 200011589278 R 2/24/2015 401 534.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES Power Bill 200011589 2,443.39 I -2/15 200018922415 Power Bill 200018922415 R 2/24/2015 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (Wtr /Swr /Pwr)Power Bill 200018922 3,167.00 I -2/15 200018922597 Power Bill 200018922597 R 2/24/2015 107 575.50.00.00 MUSEUM FAC RNT /REPAIR /OP /MNT Power Bill 200018922 157.87 I -2/15 200018922787 Power Bill 200018922787 R 2/24/2015 001 576.80.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES Power Bill 200018922 456.74 I -2/15 300000004915 Power Bill 300000004915 R 2/24/2015 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES Power Bill 300000004 479.15 I -2/15 300000004980 Power Bill 300000004980 R 2/24/2015 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (Wtr /Swr /Pwr)300000004980 04/07/2 1,172.32 001 576.80.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES 300000004980 04/07/2 673.97 401 534.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES 300000004980 04/07/2 515.86 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES 300000004980 04/07/2 108.04 I -2/15 300000005276 Power Bill 300000005276 R 2/24/2015 101 542.63.00.00 STREET LIGHTING Power Bill 300000005 11,085.54 PAGE CHECK CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 064183 064183 064184 064185 064186 064187 064187 064188 064188 064188 064188 064188 064188 064188 064188 592.62 23.8E 108.7C 135.88 55.76 25,099.08 6 Adenga Item 6b. 7of14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT 0761 QUILL CORPORATION I- 1380060 Hi Yeild Yellow Toner R 2/24/2015 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Hi Yeild Yellow Tone 242.6C I- 1427638 Emergency Preparedness Supply R 2/24/2015 106 525.50.45.00 FACILITIES /EQUIP- RENT /REPAIR Emergency Preparedne 204.44 I- 9958010 Printhead R 2/24/2015 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Printhead 207.61 0771 RECALL SDS I- 8507094198 Document Dectruction Services R 2/24/2015 001 521.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Document Dectruction 129.25 0805 SAFEWAY Acct: 95378 I- 2015 -0217 Planning Commission Retreat R 2/24/2015 001 558.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES Planning Commission 36.31 0809 SCHNEPF, JANINE I- 2015 -0212 Employee Appreciation Lunch R 2/24/2015 001 513.10.49.01 WELLNESS PROGRAM Employee Appreciatio 347.39 1998 STETZ CONSTRUCTION I- S885 -01 Prog Pay 41 Comm Center R 2/24/2015 302 594.73.62.03 COMMUNITY CENTER - CONSTRUCT. Prog Pay 41 Comm Cen 85,329.50 0863 SUNBIRDS I- 103482 Scissors R 2/24/2015 412 535.10.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT Scissors 14.12 0864 SUNSET AIR I- 268602 Qrtly Maint PD R 2/24/2015 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS Qrtly Maint PD 1,074.50 1933 Susan Fuhlman, Trustee, Lloyd I- 2015 -03 2015 -03 Installment Pmt R 2/24/2015 104 591.00.66.01 REICHEL LOAN - PRINCIPAL 2015 -03 Installment 660.05 104 592.00.83.01 REICHEL LOAN - INTEREST 2015 -03 Installment 76.61 0895 THURSTON CO AUDITOR I- 2015 -0220 Recording TB 3 -0136 R 2/24/2015 101 542.80.49.00 MISCELLANEOUS Recording TB 3 -0136 75.00 0893 THURSTON CO DRINKING WATER LAB I- 2014 -1212 11/4 Bacti (10) R 2/24/2015 401 534.80.48.00 WATER SAMPLING FEES 11/4 Bacti (10) 270.00 I- 2015 -0210 1/13 Bacti (10) R 2/24/2015 401 534.80.48.00 WATER SAMPLING FEES 1/13 Bacti (10) 270.00 PAGE: 7 CHECK CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 064189 064189 064189 654.6E 06419C 129.2E 064191 36.31 064192 347.39 064193 85,329.5C 064194 14.12 064195 1,074.5C 064196 736.66 064197 75.00 064198 064198 540.00 Adenga Item 6b. 8of14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT 064202 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm 064203 BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 064204 DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 70.64 064205 120.00 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT 0903 THURSTON CO PUBLIC HEALTH I -1110 4th Qtr 2015 Liquor Profits R 2/24/2015 001 566.00.41.00 SUBSTANCE ABUSE /SOCIAL SVCS. 4th Qtr 2015 Liquor 410.28 0889 THURSTON CO TITLE I- 171110 Killion LID Kitchens Foreclose R 2/24/2015 202 361.40.00.00 LID 42 ASSMT PENNALTY /INTERESTKillion LID Kitchens 293.76 I- 171111 Killion LID Kitchens Foreclose R 2/24/2015 202 361.40.00.00 LID 42 ASSMT PENNALTY /INTERESTKillion LID Kitchens 402.56 0910 THURSTON CO TREASURER I -2015 PropTax 2015 Property Taxes R 2/24/2015 401 534.10.46.00 PROPERTY /CASUALTY /LIABILITY 2015 Property Taxes 46.73 101 542.30.46.00 PROPERTY /EQPT /LIABILITY INS 2015 Property Taxes 25.33 001 514.23.53.00 TAXES & ASSESSMENTS EXTERNAL 2015 Property Taxes 51.64 001 576.10.53.00 TAXES & ASSESSMENTS EXTERNAL 2015 Property Taxes 80.66 001 572.10.41.00 LIBRARY SERVICES 0 &M 2015 Property Taxes 8.4C 197 559.50.48.00 MAINT /REPAIR /UTIL. NSP HOMES 2015 Property Taxes 25.36 412 535.10.46.00 PROPERTY /CASUALTY /LIABILITY 2015 Property Taxes 12.54 001 521.10.53.00 TAXES & ASSESSMENTS EXTERNAL 2015 Property Taxes 10.94 0910 THURSTON CO TREASURER I- 2015 -0220 Excise Tax TB 3 -0136 R 2/24/2015 101 542.80.49.00 MISCELLANEOUS Excise Tax TB 3 -0136 10.00 1522 THURSTON FIRST BANK I -Loan 4354 Principal Pmt on Loan 4354 R 2/24/2015 202 591.95.00.00 LID 42 DEBT REDEMPTION Principal Pmt on Loa 30,091.01 1616 TOOLS WEST I- 630413 Hex Lock Set R 2/24/2015 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN Hex Lock Set 5.42 I- 630414 Air Riviter R 2/24/2015 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN Air Riviter 65.22 0934 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC I- 025 - 117366 2015 -03 InSite Fee R 2/24/2015 401 534.50.41.01 SOFTWARE MAINT 2015 -03 InSite Fee 60.00 412 535.50.41.01 SOFTWARE MAINT 2015 -03 InSite Fee 60.00 0936 UPS STORE I -7476 Sample Shipping Costs R 2/24/2015 412 535.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE Sample Shipping Cost 15.48 I -7553 Sample Shipping Costs R 2/24/2015 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Sample Shipping Cost 13.99 PAGE: 8 CHECK CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 064199 410.28 06420C 06420C 696.32 064201 Adenga Item 6b. 9of14 261.6C 064202 10.00 064203 30,091.01 064204 064204 70.64 064205 120.00 064206 064206 29.47 Adenga Item 6b. 9of14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 9 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0949 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND I- 5010215 2015 -01 Locates R 2/24/2015 064207 401 534.80.47.00 UTILITY LOCATES /LEAK CHECKS 2013 -04 Locates 10.32 412 535.80.47.00 UTILITY LOCATES 2013 -04 Locates 10.32 20.64 0955 VERIZON WIRELESS I- 9739838049 Cell Phones PD R 2/24/2015 064208 001 521.10.42.01 COMMUNICATION: PHONES Cell Phones PD 768.27 768.27 0961 VISION MUNICIPAL SOLUTIONS, LL I -09 -3614 Software Install 41 PLUS R 2/24/2015 064209 001 594.18.64.00 MACHINERY /EQUIPMENT /SOFTWARE Software Install Pmt 3,804.5C 001 594.18.64.00 MACHINERY /EQUIPMENT /SOFTWARE Software Data Conv /T 2,500.00 6,304.5C 1002 WA STATE DEPT OF ENTERPRISE SV I- 73130680 Jim May Bus Cards R 2/24/2015 06421C 001 521.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES Jim May Bus Cards 23.90 23.9C 1023 WA STATE PATROL I- I15005032 BL Background Checks R 2/24/2015 064211 001 514.81.49.00 BUS. LICENSE BACKGROUND CHECKSBL Background Checks 20.00 20.00 1600 WASHINGTON TRACTOR I- 642325 Bearing /Nut WWTP Lawnmower R 2/24/2015 064212 412 535.50.48.02 EQUIP /VEH REPAIRS & MTCE Bearing /Nut WWTP Law 398.91 398.91 1035 WELLS FARGO I- 5001905164 CDD Copier Lease R 2/24/2015 064213 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS CDD Copier Lease 234.05 234.0E 1038 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DIST INC I- 769060 Field Paint - Longmire R 2/24/2015 064214 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE- LONGMIRE Field Paint - Longmi 671.44 671.44 1044 WILBUR -ELLIS COMPANY I- 8677739 Fertilizer for Longmire Fields R 2/24/2015 064215 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE- LONGMIRE Fertilizer for Longm 7,158.61 I- 8680825 Weed Control R 2/24/2015 064215 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE- LONGMIRE Weed Control 187.37 7,345.98 1067 YELM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE I -13016 2015 Membership R 2/24/2015 064216 001 511.10.44.00 ADVERTISING /CHAMBER CONTRACT 2015 Membership 490.00 490.00 Adenga Item 6b. 10 of 14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM ADVERTISING /CHAMBER CONTRACT A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT 001 512.50.31.00 PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm INDIGENT DEFENSE COSTS 1,333.33 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 242.60 BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 347.39 001 514.23.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES 152.00 001 DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 001 514.81.49.00 BUS. LICENSE BACKGROUND CHECKS 20.00 001 515.21.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CRIMINAL 2,083.33 001 515.22.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL CHECK 001 CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. 001 NAME STATUS 1,143.89 DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1068 518.90.00.00 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 4,339.32 001 521.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 548.34 001 I- 1400001409 FUEL CONSUMED /OIL 2015 -01 Fuel R 2/24/2015 064217 001 558.10.32.00 FUEL 2015 -01 Fuel 100.2C 001 521.10.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED /OIL 2015 -01 Fuel 2,697.48 001 576.80.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED 2015 -01 Fuel 444.71 412 535.80.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED 2015 -01 Fuel 195.31 101 542.30.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED 2015 -01 Fuel 251.93 401 534.80.32.00 FUEL /OIL CONSUMED 2015 -01 Fuel 651.41 4,341.04 0260 YELM, CITY OF I- 2014 -0170 Permit Fee Comm Center R 2/24/2015 064218 302 594.73.62.03 COMMUNITY CENTER - CONSTRUCT. Permit Fee Comm Cent 149.50 149.5C * * T 0 T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 72 223,251.48 0.00 223,251.48 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.0C DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.0C EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.0C NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.0C VOID CHECKS: 0 VOID DEBITS 0.0C VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.0C TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** G/L ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 001 511.10.44.00 ADVERTISING /CHAMBER CONTRACT 490.00 001 512.50.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 197.43 001 512.83.41.00 INDIGENT DEFENSE COSTS 1,333.33 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 242.60 001 513.10.49.01 WELLNESS PROGRAM 347.39 001 514.23.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES 152.00 001 514.23.53.00 TAXES & ASSESSMENTS EXTERNAL 51.64 001 514.81.49.00 BUS. LICENSE BACKGROUND CHECKS 20.00 001 515.21.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CRIMINAL 2,083.33 001 515.22.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL 10,732.75 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS 1,309.25 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE 1,143.89 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS 1,333.56 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (Wtr /Swr /Pwr) 4,339.32 001 521.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 548.34 001 521.10.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED /OIL 2,697.48 Adenga Item 6b. 11 of 14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** G/L ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 001 521.10.42.01 COMMUNICATION: PHONES 768.27 001 521.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING FEES 1,000.00 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. 553.80 001 521.10.49.00 FEES /DUES 27.18 001 521.10.50.00 OFFICE /RADIO EQPT. REPAIR /MT 1,005.37 001 521.10.53.00 TAXES & ASSESSMENTS EXTERNAL 10.94 001 523.60.51.00 CARE & CUSTODY OF PRISONERS 50.00 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 207.61 001 558.10.32.00 FUEL 100.20 001 558.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES 56.31 001 558.10.44.00 PRINTING & ADVERTISING 56.05 001 558.60.41.00 REGIONAL PLANNING 23.85 001 566.00.41.00 SUBSTANCE ABUSE /SOCIAL SVCS. 410.28 001 572.10.41.00 LIBRARY SERVICES 0 &M 193.36 001 576.10.53.00 TAXES & ASSESSMENTS EXTERNAL 80.66 001 576.80.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED 444.71 001 576.80.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN 152.93 001 576.80.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES 1,130.71 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MTCE VEHICLES & EQUI 53.70 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE- LONGMIRE 8,035.32 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE- CITY PK 14.11 001 594.18.64.00 MACHINERY /EQUIPMENT /SOFTWARE 8,747.87 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 50,145.54 101 542.30.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED 251.93 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN 223.57 101 542.30.46.00 PROPERTY /EQPT /LIABILITY INS 25.33 101 542.63.00.00 STREET LIGHTING 11,085.54 101 542.80.49.00 MISCELLANEOUS 85.00 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE 467.93 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 12,139.30 102 543.30.41.01 LOBBYIST CONTRACT SVCS 4,000.00 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 4,000.00 104 591.00.66.01 REICHEL LOAN - PRINCIPAL 660.05 104 592.00.83.01 REICHEL LOAN - INTEREST 76.61 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 736.66 106 525.50.45.00 FACILITIES /EQUIP- RENT /REPAIR 204.44 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 204.44 107 575.50.00.00 MUSEUM FAC RNT /REPAIR /OP /MNT 202.57 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 202.57 119 389.00.00.01 SURETY /PERFORMANCE /RETAINAGE 525.00 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 525.00 PAGE: 11 Adenga Item 6b. 12 of 14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** G/L ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 197 559.50.48.00 MAINT /REPAIR /UTIL. NSP HOMES 25.36 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 25.36 202 361.40.00.00 LID 42 ASSMT PENNALTY /INTEREST 696.32 202 591.95.00.00 LID 42 DEBT REDEMPTION 30,091.01 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 30,787.33 302 594.73.62.02 COMMUNITY CENTER - CONST.MNGMT 9,665.76 302 594.73.62.03 COMMUNITY CENTER - CONSTRUCT. 85,479.00 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 95,144.76 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES 65.90 401 534.10.35.00 GEN SVCS TOOLS /EQUIPMENT 152.93 401 534.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE 204.12 401 534.10.42.03 COMMUNICATIONS: COPIER 127.79 401 534.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING 620.00 401 534.10.46.00 PROPERTY /CASUALTY /LIABILITY 102.49 401 534.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES 2,959.25 401 534.10.49.00 MISCELLANEOUS 27.21 401 534.50.35.00 BLDG MAINT /SUPPLIES 284.16 401 534.50.41.01 SOFTWARE MAINT 60.00 401 534.50.48.00 SYSTEM GEN REPAIRS /MICE 3,664.89 401 534.50.48.01 VEHICLE REPAIRS /MICE 8.67 401 534.80.32.00 FUEL /OIL CONSUMED 651.41 401 534.80.47.00 UTILITY LOCATES /LEAK CHECKS 31.48 401 534.80.48.00 WATER SAMPLING FEES 540.00 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 9,500.30 404 594.34.41.04 DESCHUTES WTR RIGHT MITIGATION 3,943.08 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 3,943.08 405 582.34.86.00 '03 WtrRev Bond /13 Refi Costs 53.79 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 53.79 412 535.10.25.00 UNIFORMS 112.73 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 103.55 412 535.10.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT 167.04 412 535.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE 192.28 412 535.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE 15.48 412 535.10.42.03 COMMUNICATIONS: COPIER 127.78 412 535.10.46.00 PROPERTY /CASUALTY /LIABILITY 12.54 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES 5,426.39 412 535.50.35.00 BLDG MAINT /SUPPLIES 175.46 412 535.50.41.01 SOFTWARE MAINT 60.00 412 535.50.48.00 TRMT. PLANT MICE 2,788.08 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB 275.00 PAGE: 12 Adenga Item 6b. 13 of 14 2/24/2015 9:33 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 2/24/2015 THOU 2/24/2015 ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** G/L ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 412 535.50.48.02 EQUIP /VEH REPAIRS & MTCE 398.91 412 535.80.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED 195.31 412 535.80.47.00 UTILITY LOCATES 10.32 412 535.80.48.00 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 27.68 412 535.80.48.02 WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE DISPO 2,643.55 412 535.80.48.03 SEPTAGE DISPOSAL 3,111.25 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 15,843.35 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 01 BANK: AP TOTALS: 72 223,251.48 0.00 223,251.48 BANK: AP TOTALS: 72 223,251.48 0.00 223,251.48 REPORT TOTALS: 72 223,251.48 0.00 223,251.48 13 Adenga Item 6b. 14 of 14 Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 1 of 1 Subject: FREE Marketing Seminar Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved. �II���I1�1111�11��I�N, ������ � PRE - AGENDA Friday, March 6, 2015 8:30 a.m. — 10:45 a.m. The TRPC pre- agenda provides our members the opportunity to review the topics of the upcoming TRPC meeting. This information is forwarded in advance to afford your councils and boards the opportunity for discussion at your regular meetings. This will provide your designated representative with information that can be used for their participation in the Regional Council meeting. For more information, please visit our website at www.tr2c.orq. Consent Calendar ACTION These items were presented at the previous meeting. They are action items and will remain on consent unless pulled for further discussion. a. Approval of Minutes — February 6, 2015 b. Approval of Vouchers c. Approval of RTIP Amendment 15 -03 2015 Federal Funding Process - Call for Projects DISCUSSION / ACTION TRPC will consider the Transportation Policy Board recommendation and final federal funding status, then take action to initiate the 2015 Call for Projects. The Council had its initial discussion on this topic at its February meeting. Appointment of 2015 Council Retreat Committee DISCUSSION / ACTION The Chair will be asking for 4 to 5 Council members to serve on the 2015 TRPC Retreat Subcommittee. This year the retreat is scheduled for July. This agenda item will also provide an opportunity for an open discussion on issues and areas the Council would like to cover in this year's retreat. New TRPC Website PRESENTATION We have completed an update of our website, www.tr c.or , and are very pleased with the refreshed look, smoother navigation, and increased functionality of the new site. We want councilmembers and the public to be aware that the site is live and available for use. At the March TRPC meeting we will familiarize the council with the new home page and the online version of The Profile. Then during April's TRPC meeting we will provide a more detailed presentation of the new site and its full functionality. The Profile PRESENTATION The Profile is a comprehensive compilation of data, trends, and analyses for Thurston County and its jurisdictions. Staff will give a presentation on the new electronic version of the document. New Web Mapping Capabilities PRESENTATION In an effort to take advantage of the latest advancements in web mapping technologies TRPC has developed a new series of web based mapping applications. The new Web Maps were created using ESRI's ArcGIS Online platform and have a very user - friendly look and feel. This new platform allows TRPC GIS staff to quickly and effectively deploy Web Maps for a variety of projects in the Thurston Region. Staff will give a short demonstration highlighting the capabilities of these new Web Maps and demonstrate how they will be utilized as a resource for current and future projects. 2015 Legislative Session UPDATE / DISCUSSION When TRPC meets on March 6, 2015, the State Legislature will be on Day 54 of the 105 day session, and nearing its 3rd major cutoff — the last day to consider bills in the house of origin. Staff will provide a status update on the Council's priority issues. Sustainability Thurston — Update UPDATE The Sustainable Thurston Plan envisions a thriving agricultural community and a thriving environment. The Voluntary Stewardship Planning process seeks to create a non - regulatory approach to reaching that combined vision. AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2015 5:00 P.M. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Presentations a. Topic: Reclaimed Water Plant Update (60 minutes) Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director & Dr. David Kopchynski, Parametrix b. Topic: Thurston County, Draft County -Wide Planning Policies (45 minutes) Councilman Isom & Grant Beck, Community Development Director 5. Mayor's Report 6. Council Initiatives Upcoming Meetings Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 24, 2015, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Study Session Meeting, Wednesday, March 25, 2015, 5:00 pm, Public Safety Building Meeting Information It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at w6 .ci. elm.wa.us.