11-12-02 BWS Budget Work Session Yelm City Council Chambers November 12, 2002 Present: Mayor Adam Rivas, Councilmembers: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. Staff: Shelly Badger, Agnes Bennick, Chief Todd Stancil, Grant Beck, Maryam Olson, Tim Peterson and Janine Schnepf Work session to wrap up fund and salary review and to consider department and council wish list items for the budget year 2003. Protocol Manual to be reviewed. Chris Maun representing the Nisqually River Education Project was present and requested a donation of $500.00 for the watershed education program in support of the Nisqually River Council. Shelly indicated it could be on a contract for services basis from the Water/Sewer fund. 1. 2. Fund Wrap Up / Unfinished Business Departments Wish List Legislative/Executive Budget Web-Site Startup Annual Maintenance Service Contract Phone/Workstation Auto/Desk/Spike Stri p Employee Employee Agnes/Shelly/Grant Chamber of Commerce Yelm Municipal Court Yelm Police Dept Equipment Park Maintenance Sewer Operations Maryam Olson Todd Stancil Tim Peterson Tim Peterson 3 Salary Wrap Up Shelly Badger 5. Draft Council Protocol Manual Shelly Badger Shelly Badger 4. Draft 2003 Budget Staff Report Changes/notes/follow up requested. Wish List items were reviewed by department heads. Sewer Operations request for added employee was reviewed and will be revisited in June. Draft 2003 Budqet Staff Report was provided for review. Shelly Badger asked Council for direction on their comfort level with the preliminary budget. CONSENSUS THA T COUNCIL WAS COMFORTABLE WITH THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET TO INCLUDE ALL ITEMS ABOVE AND SALARY AS DISCUSSED IN PRIOR WORK SESSIONS. Councilmembers Miller, Thompson, Isom, Harding, and Fetterly, Mayor Rivas and Shelly Badger remained to review protocol manual item by item. Adjourn: 7:00 p.m. Attest ( 'A ,I