02-23-06 SS
1. Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan and Pat Fetterly
3. Agenda Approval
4. Presentations
a. Public Safety Building - Stephanie Ray provided an overview of project that would
combine the Yelm Municipal Court and Police Department at one location. The
committee ran site plan reviews on two city owned properties and found the
Second/McKenzie site superior to be the preferable location. The Rhoton Road
(Industrial) site is not appropriate for this type of use. Benefits to the downtown area
include road/sidewalk improvements.
Discussion topics included: size, holding cells, expansion potential, benefits of
combed services at a single location. The next step will be obtaining the services of an
architect for space evaluation.
b. Downtown Water Tower - Stephanie Ray reported that the last evaluationlrepairs
were made in the 1990s. Council supported refurbishing the water tower, as it is the
most visible symbol of the community.
Discussion: possible inactivation of the tower at a future time.
c. 2006 Flooding - Jim Gibson presented a report that included aerial photos of Yelm
and Thompson Creeks and the Wal-Mart site. Flooding followed January's 15 inch
rainfall combined with higher than normal rainfall the last three months of 2005. The
four month accumulation resulted in saturated ground and high aquifer water levels
that contributed to surface water situation. Flooding remained within areas identified
by the Thurston County High Groundwater mapping.
Flood areas shown in photos outside Yelm's City limits were pointed out. Significant to
the problem were undersized/blocked culverts under roadways/private drives and
construction in the flood plain. The material is scheduled for presentation to the Yelm
Planning Commission at the February 2ih meeting.
5. Mayor/Councillnitiatives
1) Mayor Harding provided copies of a letter from the City of Rainier concerning Public
Safety options. Council consensus did not support providing police services.
2) Junior High Dedication - the time/date was provided.
3) Questions concerning plans to increase in the number of council members and
additional public communications were deferred to the Council Retreat.
Yelm City Council Minutes
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Minutes Approved: 03/08/06
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4) Council requested that staff prepare an ordinance authorizing health care coverage,
based upon insurer's underwriting rules, for the mayor/family.
5) Noticing requirements following a recent Supreme Court decision concerning adverse
property actions were discussed. Yelm's adopted requirements provide for individual
mailings in addition to on site notice posting.
6) Members were invited to an upcoming Moose Lodge event welcoming the Supreme
7) Discussion concerned use of retail parking spaces being used for outside
storage/display. The City currently has regulations in place addressing such use.
6. New Business
Chief Stancil announced that lateral officer board interviews with 6-7 candidates will
be held on March 4. Council member Isom will sit in on the board. Councilmember
Fetterly also volunteered her services.
7. Old Business - None scheduled
8. Adjourn: 7:50 p.m.
, Mayor
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Attest: L./ / vt.-l ~ f t"......IL.
AgAJs Bennick, City Clerk
Yelm City Council Minutes
clerk/city council/2006/02-23-06 55
Minutes Approved: 03/08/06
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