05-10-06 Minutes 1. 2. 3. 06-31 4. 5. 6. a. b. 1) 2) c. d. 06-32 7. a. YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2006 MINUTES Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan and Pat Fetterly Agenda Approval MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations - None scheduled Public Comment - There was no response to the call for comments. Consent Agenda Items Minutes: April 26, 2006 Regular Meeting Payables: Checks 27792-27894 totaling $260,222.76 Manual Checks 27792- 27894 totaling $10,844.91 Claims Checks 27895-279 totaling $249,377.85 Payroll, Final April 2006, Checks 10583-10653 totaling $237,734.33 Park Use Request YCP, 8/6/06, Prairie Street Rod Annual Car Show, 6-6, 150+/- MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s) Consider Vacating Stevens St. Right-of Way - Mayor Harding opened the Public Hearing at 7:32 pm, and called for a staff report. Tami Merriman provided an overview of the staff report explaining that approval to vacate a one block section of Stevens Street between Longmire and Cullens was being presented for consideration. Next block right-of-way, between Solberg (Yelm Middle School Site) and Longmire, was vacated in 2001 as part of a residential subdivision. Property to the west is not a future right-of-way as it has been improved with commercial structures. Property abutting the south has an application pending for a residential subdivision and the developer will be providing a new public street connecting Longmire to Cullens Road. Mayor Harding called for comment. Being none he closed the hearing at 7:34. a. 1) Ordinance No. 848, Vacating Stevens Street Right-of-Way Between Cullens and Longmire. 06-33 MOTION BY JOE BAKER ADOPTING ORDINANCE 848 VACATING THE UNIMPROVED STEVENS STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY SUBJECT TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF SUB-05-0456YL. CARRIED. 8. New Business a. 103RD Street Project Closeout. Stephanie Ray reported that with the exception of Dept. of Revenue, the project has been accepted and closed. Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city council/2006/ Minutes Approved: Page 1 of 3 06-34 06-35 c. 06-36 c.1 ) 06-37 06-38 9. 10. MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING RETAINAGE PA YMENT TO WE&B, LTD. IN THE AMOUNT OF $32,474.91 FOR COMPLETION OF THE 103RD STREET PROJECT WHEN ALL DOCUMENTA TION IS RECEIVED. CARRIED. b. Public Safety Building/Arai Jackson Ellison Murakami $27,312.40 Pre- design Contract Authorization. Stephanie Ray reported that Arai Jackson was selected as the consultant for the Public Safety Building project. The first phase of the project is pre-design and space needs analysis. A detailed scope of work from pre-design to construction was provided along with the pre- design fee schedule. MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MA YOR HARDING TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH ARAI JACKSON ELLISON MURAKEMI, LLP IN THE AMOUNT OF $27,312.40 FOR THE PRE-DESIGN WORK TO BE COMPLETED ON THE PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING PROJECT. CARRIED. Tahoma Terra, Phase 1, Division 1, Final Plat - Tami Merriman provided information on remaining conditions of approval. Deferred as part of a developer agreement are repairs to Longmire Street improvements from Tahoma Terra to Yelm Ave., water rights transfer for three wells; a reclaimed water line and park improvements. MOTION BY PA T FETTERL Y APPROVING THE FINAL PLA T FOR TAHOMA TERRA, PHASE 1, DIVISION 1, SUB-05-0068-YL. CARRIED. Tahoma Terra LID Segregation - Tami Merriman reported that the segregation would amend the original 250 ERUs attached to two parcels, to one ERU per parcels in the Tahoma Terra Subdivision. Distribution would be 89 ERUs for Division I, 126 ERUs for Div. I, Tract 2, and 35 ERUs for Div. 2, Tract 19. MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING RESOLUTION 466 AUTHORIZING THE REQUESTED SEGREGA TION OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENTS IN UTILITY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.1. CARRIED. d. Resolution 465, Senior Citizen Reduced Utility Rates - Following a study session presentation in May, council requested preparation of a resolution averaging threshold standards currently used in Yelm, Lacey and Tumwater, and incorporating language to provide automatic adjustments when those indexes change. Resolution 465 addresses those requirements and provides an increase for single senior citizen's income to $23,371, and to 25,829 for couples. A three percent participation estimate, split between water and sewer, was projected to result in an annual revenue loss of $18,900. MOTION BY DON MILLER APPROVING RESOLUTION 465 ESTABLISHING A METHOD FOR DETERMINING AND ADJUSTING INCOME LEVELS TO QUALIFY FOR SENIOR CITIZEN RDUCED UTILITY RA TES. CARRIED. Old Business - None scheduled Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city council/2006/ Minutes Approved: Page 2 of 3 Councilmember Baker attended a Transportation Policy Board Meeting and announced that grant applications will be sent out to smaller jurisdictions. Councilmember Isom attended a Thurston Regional Planning Commission meeting and announced that the Thurston County Economic Development Council will become an associate member, with no voting rights. Councilmember McGowan attended a Home Consortium meeting where affordable housing and homelessness was discussed and a Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting where a discussion concerned recycling programs. Mayor Harding attended the Arbor Day event. Though unable to attend the ceremony, he was awarded the 2005-2006 Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce President's Award. 11. Executive Session - None scheduled 12. Correspondence was provided. 13. Adjourn: 8:00 p.m. Attest: ty Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city council/2006/ . Minutes Approved: tl-p'l/d b Page 3 of 3