995 Attach Division 5 Zoning UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE ZONING 4 ¡«¤ ®¥ #®­³¤­³² CHAPTER 18.30  ZONING ...................................................................................................................................... 1 18.30.010GP ............................................................................................................................. 1 ENERAL ROVISIONS 18.30.020L .............................................................................................. 3 AND USE OR ZONING DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED CHAPTER 18.31  LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-4) ................................................................................ 4 18.31.010I ................................................................................................................................................. 4 NTENT 18.31.020P .................................................................................................................................... 4 ERMITTED USES 18.31.030SU ........................................................................................................................................ 4 PECIAL SES 18.31.040SR-4.................................................................................................. 5 TANDARDS SPECIFIC TO THE DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.32 - MODERATE-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-6) ..................................................................................... 6 18.32.010I ................................................................................................................................................. 6 NTENT 18.32.020P .................................................................................................................................... 6 ERMITTED USES 18.32.030SU ........................................................................................................................................ 6 PECIAL SES 18.32.040SR-6.................................................................................................. 7 TANDARDS SPECIFIC TO THE DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.33 - HIGH-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-16) .............................................................................. 8 18.33.010I ................................................................................................................................................. 8 NTENT 18.33.020P .................................................................................................................................... 8 ERMITTED USES 18.33.030SU ........................................................................................................................................ 8 PECIAL SES 18.33.040SR-16 ................................................................................................ 8 TANDARDS SPECIFIC TO THE DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.34 - MASTER PLANNED COMMUNITY (MPC) .................................................................................... 10 18.34.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 10 NTENT 18.34.020P .................................................................................................................................. 10 ERMITTED USES 18.34.030SMPC .............................................................................................. 10 TANDARDS SPECIFIC TO THE DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.35  CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) ......................................................................................... 11 18.35.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 11 NTENT 18.35.020P .................................................................................................................................. 11 ERMITTED USES 18.35.030SU ...................................................................................................................................... 11 PECIAL SES 18.35.040SCBD ............................................................................................... 11 TANDARDS SPECIFIC TO THE DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.36  COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (C-1) ................................................................................................... 15 18.36.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 15 NTENT 18.36.020P .................................................................................................................................. 15 ERMITTED USES 18.36.030SU ...................................................................................................................................... 15 PECIAL SES 18.36.040SC-1 ................................................................................................ 15 TANDARDS SPECIFIC TO THE DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.37  HEAVY COMMERCIAL ZONE(C-2) .............................................................................................. 18 18.37.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 18 NTENT 18.37.020P .................................................................................................................................. 18 ERMITTED USES 18.37.030S ...................................................................................................................................... 18 PECIAL USES 18.57.040SC-2 ................................................................................................ 19 TANDARDS SPECIFIC TO THE DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.38  LARGE LOT COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (C-3) ................................................................................. 20 18.38.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 20 NTENT 18.38.020P .................................................................................................................................. 20 ERMITTED USES 18.38.030S ...................................................................................................................................... 20 PECIAL USES 18.38.040SC-3 ................................................................................................ 21 TANDARDS SPECIFIC TO THE DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.39  INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (I) .......................................................................................................... 22 18.39.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 22 NTENT 18.39.020P .................................................................................................................................. 22 ERMITTED USES 18.39.030SU ...................................................................................................................................... 23 PECIAL SES 18.39.040SI...................................................................................... 23 TANDARDS SPECIFIC TO THE NDUSTRIAL DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.40  OPEN SPACE/INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT (OS) ............................................................................ 24 18.40.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 24 NTENT 18.40.020P .................................................................................................................................. 24 ERMITTED USES 18.40.030S ...................................................................................................................................... 24 PECIAL USES 18.40.040SOS ................................................................................................. 25 TANDARDS SPECIFIC TO THE DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.41  TEMPORARY USES .................................................................................................................... 26 18.41.010P ............................................................................................................................................ 26 URPOSE 18.41.020T. ............................................................................................................................... 26 EMPORARY USES C18.30–Z HAPTER ONING 18.30.010General Provisions A.Zoning map. The zoning districts are bounded as shown on the official zoning map of the Cityof Yelmas adopted as part of the Cityof Yelm Comprehensive Plan. B.Interpretation of zoning district boundaries. When uncertainty exists as to the boundaries as shown on the official zoning map, the Community Development Directorand his/her designee shall interpret the boundaries, which shall be final. C.Allowable Density. When calculating the number of dwelling units allowed on a parcel, the gross area is used and the subsequent number of units is rounded to the first significant digit.Gross area includes all land within the exterior boundaries of the development, including, but not limited to all land allocated for open space, critical areas, buffers, streets, roads, and public and private rights-of-way. D.Interpretation of uses. 1.Uses not listed in a zoning district as permitted or special are prohibited. 2.Each zoning district permitscertain specific uses and similar or related uses. The determination of similarity or relatedness to the specific uses shall be made by the Community Development Director or his/her designee. E.The following structures and uses shall be allowed in all zoning district and shall be exempt from the design standards of the unified development code. 1.Traditional household pets such as dogs and cats. 2.Wires, cables, conduits, vaults, laterals, pipes, mains, valves or other similar equipment for the distribution to consumers of telephone or other communications, electricity, gas or water or the collection of sewage, or surface or subsurface water, operated or maintained by a governmental entity or a public utility or other Cityfranchised utilities including customary meter pedestals, telephone pedestals, distribution transformers and temporary utility facilities required during building construction, whether any such facility is located underground or aboveground; but only when such facilities are located in a street right-of-way or in an easement less than 25feet in width. This exemption shall not include any substation located on or above the surface of the ground or any such distribution facility located in an easement of 25feet or more in width; Zoning  Page 1 3.Railroad tracks, signals, bridges and similar facilities and equipment located on a railroad right-of-way, and maintenance and repair work on such facilities and equipment. This exemption shall not include any facilities and equipment listed as special uses. F.The following structures are exempt from the minimum setback requirements set forth in the zoning districts when the structures are located outside the public right-of-way and are obviously intended to serve the public interest: utility equipment, mailboxes, bus shelters, public bicycle shelters or any similar structure or device. G.Permitted intrusions into required yards. 1.Cornices, eaves and other similar architectural features may project from the foundation wall into any minimum yard setback requirement a maximum distance of two and one-half feet. 2.Open, unwalled and uncovered steps, ramps, not more than four feet in height may extend into the required front or rear yard setback requirement not more than five feet. 3.Decks and patio covers may be permitted to encroach into all residential district rear yard setbacks, provided a minimum setback of 10feet is retained, and provided such deck be not more than 16 inches above existing natural grade measured at deck floor from the highest point; and provided, that such patio cover is not enclosed in any manner. In no case shall the deck or patio cover be constructed in a required side yard. 4.Awnings and marquees may be allowed within required front yards and over sidewalksor public rights-of-way in commercial and industrial zones if all the following requirements are satisfied: a.The approval authority determines that placement of the awning or marquee within the setback areas or over the public sidewalk does not impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic flow or create any other type of hazard to the public; b.The awning or marquee is specifically designed to benefit pedestrians by the providing of shelter and creating a friendlier pedestrian environment; c.That developmentof an awning or marquee within the setback area or over public sidewalk is consistent with goals of the comprehensive development plan, the standards of the specific zone in which it is proposed to be located and consistent with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Zoning  Page 2 18.30.020Land use or zoning districts established To carry out the purpose of this title, the Cityis divided into the following districts: low-density residential (R-4), moderate-density residential (R-6), high-density residential (R-16), central business district (CBD), commercial (C-1), heavy commercial (C-2), large lot commercial (C-3), industrial (I) and open space/institutional (OS). Zoning  Page 3 C18.31–LDRD(R-4) HAPTER OW ENSITY ESIDENTIAL ISTRICT 18.31.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to enhance and guide development in single family residential areas. 18.31.020Permitted uses The following uses are allowed within the low-density residential zoning district, subject to the project approvals and design standards of the unified development code: Single family residential units Duplexes Secondary dwelling units Townhouses Planned residential development Residential care facilities Home Occupations Family home child care providers Attached and co-locatedwireless facilities 18.31.030Special Uses The following uses are allowed within the low-density residential zoning district, subject to the special use permit process and design standards of the unified development code: Child daycare centersand nursery’s Preschools Cemeteries Funeral homes Convalescentcare facilities Assisted living facilities Congregatecare facilities Senior centers Bed & Breakfast/transientlodging places Essential Public facilities Freestanding wireless communication facilities Zoning  Page 4 18.31.040Standards specific to the R-4 district A.Allowed Density. Four dwelling units per acre; provided that, on existing lots one acre or less, duplexes are allowed at a density of one duplex per one-third acre (14,520 square feet). B.Minimum lot area. There is no minimum lot area. C.Minimum front yardsetback. 1.15feet from a local access street. 2.25feetfrom a collector street. 3.35feetfrom an arterial street. D.Minimum side yardsetback:5feet. E.Minimum flanking yard setback: 15 feet. F.Minimum rear yardsetback:25feet. G.Minimum driveway approach:20feet. H.Maximum building heights. 1.Main building: 35feet. 2.Accessory building: 16feet. I.Accessory Buildings.All accessory buildings must comply with the current building setbacks as stated in this chapter; provided, however, if the accessory building is less than 120square feetsquare feet, and less than 10feet in height, the side and rear yard setbacks do not apply. J.Secondary Dwelling Units.One secondary dwelling unit may be created on a single-family lot. 1.For lots of record under one acre such conversion or addition shall not exceed1,000square feet. 2.For lots of record of one acre or more such conversion or addition shall not exceed 1,500square feet. K.Townhouse development 1.The minimum parcel size shall be two acres or larger.Parcels shall provide a mix of townhouses and single-family detached units, with no less than 50percent of the units beingsingle-family dwellings. Zoning  Page 5 C18.32-M-DR(R-6) HAPTER ODERATEENSITY ESIDENTIAL 18.32.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to enhance and guide development of moderate density, and to provide for a greater variety ofhousing types. 18.32.020Permitteduses The following uses are allowed within the moderate-density residential zoning district, subject to the project approvals and design standards of the unified development code: Single family residential units Duplexes Multi-family dwellings Townhouses Manufactured housing communities Planned Residential Development Secondary dwelling units Residential care facilities Home Occupations Family home child care providers Attached and co-locatedwireless facilities 18.32.030Special Uses The following uses are allowed within the moderate-density residential zoning district, subject to the special use permit process and design standards of the unified development code: Child daycare centers and nursery’s Preschools Cemeteries Funeral homes Convalescent care facilities Assisted living facilities Congregate care facilities Senior centers Bed & Breakfast lodging places Essential Public facilities Zoning  Page 6 Freestanding wireless communication facilities 18.32.040Standards specific to the R-6 district A.Allowed Density. Not less than three and not more than six dwelling units per acre. B.Minimum lot area. There is no minimum lot area. C.Minimum front yard setback. 1.15feet from a local access street. 2.25feet from a collector street. 3.35feet from an arterial street. D.Minimum side yard setback:5feet. E.Minimum flanking yard setback: 15 feet. F.Minimum rear yard setback:25feet. G.Minimum driveway approach:20feet. H.Maximum building heights. 1.Main building: 35feet. 2.Accessory building: 16feet. I.Accessory Buildings. All accessory buildings must comply with the current building setbacks as stated in this chapter; provided, however, if the accessory building is less than 120square feetsquare feet, and less than 10 feet in height, the side and rear yard setbacks do not apply. J.Secondary Dwelling Units.One secondary dwelling unit may be created on a single-family lot. 1.For lots of record under one acre such conversion or addition shall not exceed 1,000square feet. 2.For lots of record of one acreor more such conversion or addition shall not exceed 1,500square feet.Such conversion or addition shall be subject to the availability of public utilities, and shall comply with all rules and regulations of the building, plumbing, fire and other applicable codes. K.Townhouse development. 1.The maximum parcel size for a townhouse development is five acres. L.Manufactured housing community. 1.The parcel size shall be a minimum of three acres, with a maximum of 15 acres. Zoning  Page 7 C18.33-H-DRD(R-16) HAPTER IGHENSITY ESIDENTIAL ISTRICT 18.33.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter tomake high-density residential developments available to those persons who may prefer such housing because of personal or financial circumstancesand preserve within those developments open space and related amenities. 18.33.020Permitted uses Single family residential units Duplexes Townhouses Multi-family dwellings Manufactured housing community Secondary dwelling units Planned residential development Residential care facilities Home occupations Family home child care providers Attached and co-locatedwireless facilities 18.33.030Special Uses Child daycare centers and nursery’s Preschools Cemeteries Funeral homes Convalescent care facilities Assisted living facilities Congregate care facilities Senior centers Bed & breakfast lodging places Essential public facilities Freestanding wireless communication facilities 18.33.040Standards specific to the R-16district A.Allowed Density. Zoning  Page 8 1.Not less than eightand not more than 16dwelling units per acre B.Minimum lot area. There is no minimum lot area. C.Minimum front yard setback. 1.15feet from a local access street. 2.25feet from a collector street. 3.35feet from an arterial street. D.Minimum side yard setback:10feet. E.Minimum flanking yard setback:20feet F.Minimum rear yard setback: 25feet. G.Minimum driveway approach:25feet. H.Maximum building heights. 1.Within 100feet of a lower density residential zone: 25feet. 2.All other residential buildings: 35feet or three stories, whichever is lesser. 3.Accessory building: 35feet. I.Accessory Buildings. All accessory buildings must comply with the current building setbacks as stated in this chapter; provided, however, if the accessory building is less than 120square feetsquare feet, and less than 10 feet in height, the side and rear yard setbacks do not apply. J.Secondary Dwelling Units.One secondary dwelling unitmay be created on a single-family lot. 1.For lots of record under one acre such conversion or addition shall not exceed 1,000square feet. 2.For lots of record of one ace or more such conversion or addition shall not exceed 1,500square feet.Such conversion or addition shall be subject to the availability of public utilities, and shall comply with all rules and regulations of the building, plumbing, fire and other applicable codes. K.Townhouse development 1.The maximum parcel size for townhouse development shall be no more than 10acres. L.Manufactured housing community. 1.The parcel size shall be a minimum of three acres, with a maximum of 15 acres. 2.Maximum density shall be six units per acre. Zoning  Page 9 18.34-MPC(MPC) CHAPTER ASTER LANNED OMMUNITY 18.34.010Intent A.It is the intent of this chapterto provide for large scale projects that incorporate a full range of land uses, where appropriate and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 18.34.020Permitted uses Conceptual and final master plan approvalidentifies allowed uses. 18.34.030Standards specific to the MPC district A.Minimum site area. A minimum of 200acres in a single ownership must be available for a master plan; smaller acreage under separate ownership may be included in the proposal. BAssure compliance with the Washington State Growth Management Act, and the goals and policies of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan. C.Create safe, efficient and economic use of land. D.Provide adequate public services suchas transportation, water, sewage, storm drainage, electricity, and open space. E.Provide efficient patterns of land uses that, where appropriate, decrease trip length of automobile travel, increased access to public transit, bicycle routes, and other alternative modes of travel. F.Minimize energy consumption and demand. G.Minimize adverse environmental impacts including degradation of wildlife habitat and important natural features. H.Arrange land uses to complement and minimize impacts to existing neighborhoods. I.Coordinatecommercial and industrial locations and designs to minimize impacts to the natural environment. Zoning  Page 10 C18.35–CBD(CBD) HAPTER ENTRAL USINESS ISTRICT 18.35.010Intent The purpose of the Central Business District is to promote the special characteristics of the existing downtown Yelm area, to provide a pedestrian shopping atmosphere and to promote the rehabilitation of existing structures and the most desirable uses of land. 18.35.020Permitted uses Retail establishments Service oriented establishments Apartments Residential uses are allowed provided the development occurs on existing lots of record, one acre or less Public safety and emergency response facilities, including police and fire stations, emergencymedical centers, and hospitals Attached and co-location wireless communication facilities 18.35.030Special Uses Child daycare centers and nursery’s Preschools Cemeteries Funeral homes Convalescent care facilities Assisted living facilities Congregate care facilities Senior centers Essential Public facilities Freestanding wireless communication facilities 18.35.040Standards specific to the CBD district A.Drive through food establishments and services are prohibited. B.Allowed residential density. 16dwelling units per acre, subject to R-16 development standards. C.Minimum lot area. There is no minimum lot area. D.Minimum front yardsetback. 1.Residential. Zoning  Page 11 a.15feet from a local access street. b.25feetfrom a collector street. c.35fivefeetfrom an arterial street. 2.All other uses. Structures shall be located so as to provide continuity with existing streets, alleys, sidewalks, and bikeways. E.Minimum side yardsetback. 1.Residential: 10feetand 20feet from any flanking street. 2.All other uses: Structures shall be located so as to provide continuity with existing streets, alleys, sidewalks, and bikeways. F.Minimum rear yardsetback. 1.Residential: 25feet. 2.All other uses: Structures shall be located so as to provide continuity with existing streets, alleys, sidewalks, and bikeways. G.Minimum driveway approach. 1.Residential: 20feet. 2.All other uses: Structures shall be located so as to provide continuity with existing streets, alleys, sidewalks, and bikeways. H.Maximum building heights:35feet. I.Maximum floor area:20,000square feet per floor. J.Parking. Minimum parking requirements may be waived where onsite parking is unachievable, and on street parking is available. Angled parking is allowed on local access and collector streets within the central business district. K.Properties fronting on a “Pedestrian Oriented Street” shall include: 1.Paved pedestrian walkway from the street corner to the building entrance. 2.Transparent window area or window displays alongat least 50 percentof the length of the ground floor façade. 3.Sculptural, mosaic or bas relief artwork over 50percentof the length of the ground floor façade. 4.“Pedestrian oriented space,” located adjacent to the sidewalk. At least 500square feetof pedestrian oriented space must be provided for every 100linear feet of façade as measured along the property lines adjacent to the street right-of-way. 5.Other special landscaping or building design feature approved by the Zoning  Page 12 City. 6.Building entries must have direct access to the public sidewalk. 7.No more than 50percentof the street frontage measured parallel to the curb may be occupied by parking and/or vehicle access. 8.For properties fronting on two or more pedestrian oriented streets, parking may be located on one of the streets provided that a building or pedestrian oriented space is situated between the parking and the street corner. L.In addition to site planning measures above, provide at least two of the following pedestrian amenities near the sidewalk: 1.Pedestrian furniture, such as seating, lighting, drinking fountain, etc. 2.Pedestrian weather protection at least three feetwide along at least 80percentof the building’s street front face. The weather protection may be in the form of awnings, marquees, canopies or building overhangs, provided that canopies or awnings not extend above 15 feetabove the ground elevation at the highest point nor lower than eight feetat the lowest point. 3.Pedestrian oriented open space. 4.Substantial perimeter landscaping 5.Artwork. 6.Transit stop with seating. 7.Window displays over the majority of the front façade. 8.Decorative screen wall, trellis, or other building or site feature. 9.Pedestrian lighting. M.Architecturally accentuate building corners at street intersections. All new buildings located on properties at the intersection of two public streets are shall apply one or more of the following designelements. 1.At least 100 square feet of sidewalk or pedestrian oriented open space in addition to required building setback. 2.Corner entrance to courtyard, building lobby, atrium or pedestrian pathway. 3.Corner architectural elements such as bay windows, roof deck or balconies on upper stories, notched or curved façade surfaces 4.Sculpture or artwork or distinctive use of materials. 5.Special treatment of pedestrian weatyher protection canopy. 6.Building corner entry. Zoning  Page 13 N.Building Design.Building shell colors shall be earth tones such as, taupe, brown, red-brown, buff, gray, cream, white, natural wood, brick, or stone. Trim should be white, black, dark blue, dark green, dark teal, dark red, or other deep saturated colors. Bright accent colors should not cover more than 10percent of any building façade. Stucco must not be treated in a sculptural manner with curved surfaces or relief patterns. Stucco surfaces should be trimmed with wood, brick, or masonry or in a way that protects them from the weather. Zoning  Page 14 C18.36–CD(C-1) HAPTER OMMERCIAL ISTRICT 18.36.010Intent The commercial zone is intended to provide for the location of business centers to serve the needs of the community for convenience goods and services such as food, drugs, householdsupplies, automobile servicing, recreation, entertainment and other uses related to, but lesser in scope, than downtown core area uses. 18.36.020Permitted uses Retail establishments Service oriented establishments Apartments, as part of a mixed use development. Residential uses are allowed provided the development occurs on existing lots of record, one acre or less Child daycare centers&nursery’s Preschools and private instruction Public safety and emergency response facilities, including police and fire stations, emergency medical centers, and hospitals Attached and co-location wireless communication facilities 18.36.030Special Uses Cemeteries Funeral homes Convalescent care facilities Assisted living facilities Congregate care facilities Senior centers Essential Public facilities Freestanding wireless communication facilities 18.36.040Standards specific to the C-1 district A.Allowed residential density. 16dwelling units per acre, subject to R-16 development standards. Apartments shall represent no more than 60 percent of a mixed use development. B.Minimum lot area:5,000square feet. C.Minimum front yard setback:15feet. Zoning  Page 15 D.Minimum side yardsetback:10feet. E.Minimum rear yard setback:20feet. F.Minimum driveway approach:20feet. G.Maximum building heights:40feet. H.Building location. 25percent of the floor area of a building with single- story gross floor area in excess of 40,000square feet shall be sited within 1,000linear feet of a double arterial. I.Properties fronting ona “Pedestrian Oriented Street” shall include: 1.Paved pedestrian walkway from the street corner to the building entrance. 2.Transparent window area or window displays along at least 50 percent of the length of the ground floor façade. 3.Sculptural, mosaic or bas relief artwork over 50 percent of the length of the ground floor façade. 4.“Pedestrian oriented space,” located adjacent to the sidewalk. At least 500 square feet of pedestrian oriented space must be provided for every 100 linear feet of façade as measured along the property lines adjacent to the street right-of-way. 5.Other special landscaping or building design feature approved by the City. 6.Building entries must have direct access to the public sidewalk. 7.No more than 50 percent of the street frontage measured parallel to the curb may be occupied by parking and/or vehicle access. 8.For properties fronting on two or more pedestrian oriented streets, parking may be located on one of the streets provided that a building or pedestrian oriented space is situated between the parking and the street corner. J.In addition to site planning measures above, provide at least two of the following pedestrian amenities near the sidewalk: 1.Pedestrian furniture, such as seating, lighting, drinking fountain, etc. 2.Pedestrian weather protection at least three feet wide along at least 80 percent of the building’s street front face. The weather protection may be in the form of awnings, marquees, canopies or building overhangs, provided that canopies or awnings not extend above 15 feet above the ground elevation at the highest point nor lower than eight feet at the lowest point. 3.Pedestrian oriented open space. Zoning  Page 16 4.Substantial perimeter landscaping 5.Artwork. 6.Transit stop with seating. 7.Window displays over the majority of the front façade. 8.Decorative screen wall, trellis, or other building or site feature. 9.Pedestrian lighting. K.Architecturally accentuate building corners at street intersections. All new buildings located on properties at the intersection of two public streets are shall apply one or more of the following design elements. 1.At least 100 square feet of sidewalk or pedestrian oriented open space in addition to required building setback. 2.Corner entrance to courtyard, buildinglobby, atrium or pedestrian pathway. 3.Corner architectural elements such as bay windows, roof deck or balconies on upper stories, notched or curved façade surfaces 4.Sculpture or artwork or distinctive use of materials. 5.Special treatment of pedestrian weather protection canopy. 6.Building corner entry. Zoning  Page 17 C18.37–HCZ(C-2) HAPTER EAVYOMMERCIAL ONE 18.37.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to permit commercial uses and activities which depend more heavily on convenient vehicular access or which may be inappropriate in other commercial districts and to limit location of heavy commercial areas to sites having safe and efficient access to major transportation routes. 18.37.020Permitted uses Retail establishments Service oriented establishments Apartments, as part of a mixed use development Residential uses are allowed provided the development occurs on existing lots of record, one acre or less Child daycare centersand nursery’s Schools, preschools and private instruction Public safety and emergency response facilities, including police and fire stations, emergency medical centers, and hospitals Manufactured homes as an accessory use for security or maintenance personnel Mini-storage facilities Recreational vehicle storage Recreational vehicle parks Sales and servicing of automobiles, boats, recreational vehicles, modular homes and farm equipment Recycling centers Mail order warehouse On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities as an accessory use to an activity generating hazardous waste. Attached, co-located and free standing wireless communication facilities 18.37.030Special uses Cemeteries Funeral homes Convalescent care facilities Zoning  Page 18 Assisted living facilities Congregate care facilities Senior centers Essential Public facilities Adult entertainment business(excluding live entertainment) 18.57.040Standards specific to the C-2 district A.Allowed Density. 16dwelling units per acre subject to the standards of the R-16zone. Apartments shall represent no more than 60percent of a mixed use development. B.Minimum lot area. 5,000square feet. C.Minimum front yard setback. 15feet. D.Minimum side yard setback. 10feet. E.Minimum rear yard setback. 20feet. F.Minimum driveway approach. 20feet. G.Maximum building heights. 40feet. H.Provide a paved pedestrian walkway from the street corner to the building entrance. I.Provide pedestrian oriented open space at key locations. J.Architecturally accentuate building corners at street intersections. K.Mini-storage facilities and recreational vehicle storagagemust be located more than 500feet from an urban arterial. L.Recycling centers for the collection and temporary storage of materials shall be conducted within an enclosed building witha maximum gross floor area of 4,000square feet. M.Recreational vehicle parks shall have: 1.No structure or recreational vehicle site shall be closer than 25feet to any property line, and the areacreated by such setback shall be used for landscaping to screen the recreational vehicles from adjoining properties 2.Permitted improvements include restroom facilities; picnicking areas; boating; fishing; swimming; outdoor games and activities, including miniature golf courses or any mechanical amusement device; and other uses customarily incidental to the operation of the park Zoning  Page 19 C18.38–LLCD(C-3) HAPTER ARGE OTOMMERCIAL ISTRICT 18.38.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to provide for the location of facilities and services needed by the traveling public and which depend more heavily on convenient vehicular access than pedestrian access. Limit location to sites having safe and efficient access to major transportation routes and identify the types of commercial uses appropriate or acceptable in the large lot commercial zone. 18.38.020Permitted uses Retail establishments Service oriented establishments Apartments, as part of a mixed use development. Residential uses are allowed provided the development occurs on existing lots of record, one acre or less Child daycare centersand nursery’s Schools, preschools and private instruction Public safety and emergency response facilities, including police and fire stations, emergency medical centers, and hospitals Mini-storage facilities Recreational vehicle parks Sales and servicing of automobiles, boats, recreational vehicles, modular homes and farm equipment Recycling centers Mail order warehouse On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities as an accessory use to an activity generating hazardous waste. Attached, co-located and free standing wireless communication facilities 18.38.030Special uses Cemeteries Funeral homes Convalescent care facilities Assisted living facilities Congregate care facilities Zoning  Page 20 Senior centers Essential Public facilities Adult entertainment business(excluding live entertainment). 18.38.040Standards specific to the C-3 district A.Allowed Density. 16dwelling units per acre subject to the standards of the R-16zone. Apartments shall represent no more than 60percent of a mixed use development. B.Minimum lot area. 70percent of the original tract must be kept in a single lot. No minimum lot area on lots outside the large lot tract. C.Minimum front yard setback. 15feet. D.Minimum side yard setback. 15feet. E.Minimum rear yard setback. 15feet. F.Minimum driveway approach. 20feet. G.Maximum building heights. 55feet. H.Building location. 25percent of the floor area of a building with single- story gross floor area in excess of 40,000square feet shall be sited within 1,000linear feet of a double arterial. I.Ingress and egress at the site shall be limited to one driveway for each 200feet of frontage. Where only one driveway serves a site, the driveway shall not be less than 25feet nor more than 36feet wide. All driveways shall be not less than 150feet from intersecting right-of-way lines, measured from the centerline of the driveway. Curbs and gutters or permanently fixed bollards shall be provided to limit other vehicular access to the site. J.Mini-storage facilities and recreational vehicle storagagemust be located more than 500feet from an urban arterial. K.Recycling centers for the collection and temporary storage of materials shall be conducted within an enclosed building with a maximum gross floor area of 4,000square feet. L.Recreational vehicle parks shall have: 1.Property line setbacks to any structure or recreational vehicle sites shall be a minimum of25feet. This area shall be used for landscaping to screen theparkfrom adjoining properties. 2.Permitted improvements include restroom facilities; picnicking areas; boating; fishing; swimming; outdoor games and activities, including miniature golf courses or any mechanical amusement device; and other uses customarily incidental to the operation of the park. Zoning  Page 21 C18.39–ID(I) HAPTER NDUSTRIAL ISTRICT 18.39.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to provide for the areas in which certain types of industrial activities may be located, to protect industrial areas from other uses which may interfere with the purpose and efficient functioning of industrial uses and protect adjacent areas from adverse or damaging impact resulting from activities in the industrial areas. 18.39.020Permitted uses Manufacture, assembly, repair, servicing of goods or products such as mechanical, automotive, marine and contractors’ or builders’ equipment and supplies, concrete, cement, asphalt, building materials and supplies,and electrical and electronic equipment or products. Assembly of manufactured products, remanufacturing/recycling and processing of materials such as wood products, including furniture, metal, cans, cable and pipe,plastics and synthetic materials, concrete products, cloth, paper, commercial bakery goods, cosmetics, agricultural or dairy products, scientific, medical and precision instruments and equipment, livestock rendering facility, and auto wrecking yards. Warehousing and storage of equipment, commodities and products. Accessory uses clearly subordinate to, and an integral part of, the primary use of the property (e.g., plant cafeteria, recreation area). Manufactured home as an accessory use for security or maintenance personnel. Commercial uses which are clearly subordinate to a permitted use such as service stations or hardware stores. Public buildings, public safety and emergency response facilities, including police and fire stations Living or residential quarters as an accessory use such as guards’ quarters in large establishments where such quarters are customarily provided for security and/or insurability of the premises. On-site and off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities as an accessory use to any activity lawfully allowed in this zone; provided, that such facilities meet the state siting criteria adopted pursuant to the requirements of Section 70.105.210RCW. Attached, co-located and free standing wireless communication facilities. Zoning  Page 22 18.39.030Special Uses Cemeteries Funeral homes Convalescent care facilities Assisted living facilities Congregate care facilities Senior centers Essential public facilities Secure community transition facilities Adult entertainment business 18.39.040Standards specific to the Industrialdistrict A.Minimum lot area. 10,000square feet. B.Minimum lot width. 100feet. C.Minimum front yard setback. 15feet. D.Minimum side yard setback. 15feetunless the property abuts residentially zoned property, in which case the side yard setback shall be 25 feet. E.Minimum rear yard setback. 15feetunless the property abuts residentially zoned property, in which case the side yard setback shall be 25 feet. F.Maximum building heights. 40feet. G.Building location. 25percent of the floor area of a building with single- story gross floor area in excess of 40,000square feet shall be sited within 1,000linear feet of a double arterial. H.Landscaping.Inaddition to standard landscapingrequirements, parcels which share a common boundary with properties in a residential or open space/institutional district shall provide a 10foot landscape strip, in addition to the rear or side setbacks required. I.Restrict industrial uses on property within 500 feet of the Yelm prairie rail line to those that support or depend on rail access. Zoning  Page 23 C18.40–OS/ID(OS) HAPTER PEN PACENSTITUTIONAL ISTRICT 18.40.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter toprotect and preserve land devoted to existing and future use for civic, cultural, educational and similar facilities, provide for the social needs of the community, and to provide and protect parks, open space and other natural physical assets to improve the aesthetic and functional features of the community. 18.40.020Permitted uses Parks, greenbelts, golf courses and open space for active or passive recreation or enjoyment Institutional buildings,including municipal or other governmental agencies,public safety and emergency response facilities, including police and fire stations, emergency medical centers, and hospitals, and may include public land devoted solelyto the storage of equipment and materials, bus transfer stations and park and ride lots Community meeting or recreation halls Libraries, museums or similar cultural facilities Churches, temples and synagogues Residential uses as an incidental use to the permitted use such as caretaker’s quarters, or as an accessory use to institutional facilities such as housing for students, staff or faculty of colleges and hospitals Manufactured homes as an accessory use for security or maintenance personnel Manufactured buildingswherea community need is demonstrated by a public agency such as temporary classrooms 18.40.030Special uses Cemeteries Funeral homes Convalescent care facilities Assisted living facilities Congregate care facilities Essential public facilities Child day care centers only as an accessory use to a use permitted in this chapter. Zoning  Page 24 18.40.040Standards specific to the OS district A.Site area.The minimum size and shape of the site shall be appropriate to the proposed use of said site and its relationship to abutting properties and traffic patterns in the vicinity of the site. B.Maximum height of buildings.40feet. C.Minimum front yardsetback. 1.25feet from a collector or local access street. 2.35feet from anarterial street. D.Minimum side yardsetback.25feet if the adjacent property is residentially zoned, otherwise 15feet. E.Ingress and egress at the site shall be limited to one driveway for each 200 feetof frontage. Where only one driveway serves a site, the driveway shall not be less than 25feet nor more than 35feet wide. All driveways shall be not less than 150feet from intersecting right-of-way lines, measured from the centerline of the driveway. Curbs and gutters or permanently fixed bollards shall be provided to limit other vehicular access to the site. F.Outdoor storage must have sight-obscuring screening around the storage area, and stored materials shall not exceed the height of the screening. Zoning  Page 25 C18.41–TU HAPTER EMPORARY SES 18.41.010Purpose To identify temporary uses which are low-impact and are limitedin duration and intensity,that would otherwise be subject to a site plan review approval, site improvements, and connection to sewer and water. 18.41.020Temporary uses. A.The following temporary uses may be authorized, subject to specific limitations in this section and such additional conditions as may be established by the Site Plan Review Committee: 1.Contractor’s offices, equipment storage sheds and storage yards, and portable lavatories on the site of a permitted, active construction project, for a duration not exceeding one year 2.Manufactured home As part of a construction project for office use of construction personnel or temporary living quarters for security personnel for a period extending not more than 90days beyond completion of construction. A 30day extension may be granted by the community development departmentupon written request of the developer and upon the department’s finding that such request for extension is reasonable and in the public interest 3.Any district as an emergency facility when operated by or for a public agency 4.In the open space/institutional district where a community need is demonstrated by a public agency such as temporary classrooms or for security personnel on school grounds 5.Circuses, carnivals, rodeos, fairs or similar transient amusement or recreational activities 6.Christmas tree sales lots and fireworks stands, limited to location on lots not used for residential purposes incommercial or industrial zones 7.Indoor or outdoor sales sponsored by schools or other nonprofit organizations for no more than three days per event and no more than four times in any calendar year 8.Seasonal sale of unprocessed agricultural products, limited to location on lots not used for residential purposes in commercial zones which are improved to current Citystandards 9.Fund raising car washes 10.Uses found by the Site Plan Review Committeeto be similar in nature and impactsto those listed temporary uses Zoning  Page 26 11.Farmers markets. B.Standards for Temporary Uses. 1.Each site occupied by a temporary use shall be left free of debris, litter or other evidence of temporary use upon completion of the use. 2.A temporary use shall not occupy more than 15percent of the parking spaces required for the primary use of the property. 3.Temporary usesmust provide sufficient off-street parking and vehicular maneuvering area for customers. 4.No temporary use shall occupy parks without an approved park use request or any public rights-of-way. 5.The Site Plan Review Committeemay establish such additional conditions as may be deemed necessary to ensure land use compatibility and to minimize potential impacts on nearby uses. These include, but are not limited to, conditions regulating the time and frequency of operation, parking and traffic circulation requirements, screening, and site restoration. C.Standards for Farmers Markets. A farmers market in the Cityof Yelm provides a place where local growers and artisans can offer their fresh and locally grown produce and crafts forsale. A farmers market is not for the purpose of reselling farm products nor for selling used or household goods.In addition to the standards listed above, the farmers market shall meet the following standards: 1.Markets shall be operated only byanonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Washington, comprised of growers and farmers from Yelm and the immediate surrounding area. 2.Liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 will be required at all times the market is open. The Cityof Yelm shall be named as an additional insured. 3.At all times the market is in operation, a market manager or administrator shall be in place to oversee the functioning and organization of the market. The contact information for the manager or administrator shall be provided to the City. 4.Markets are limited to locations: a.On lots not used for residential purposes in commercial zones which are improved to current Citystandards; b.On Cityowned property that meets the criteria in subsection (C)(4)(a) of this section; provided, that it shall not be in a City park; Zoning  Page 27 c.On collector or local access streets in a commercial zone, as approved by CityCouncil. 5.Markets may only operate from April through October. 6.70percent of goods offered within the market must be from the following categories: a.Fresh farm products, including locally grown fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, nuts, honey, dairy products, eggs, poultry, meats and fish. Also included in this category are fresh flowers, nursery stock, and plants. b.Value added farm products, including preserves, jams and jellies, cider, syrups, salsas, smoked meats, and salad dressings made from locally grown farm products. c.Flowers and other value added farm products, including bouquets, wreaths, vines and gourds, and personal care products made from predominately locally produced products. 7.Up to 30percent of goods offered within the market can be from the following categories: a.Processed farm foods such as juices, preserved foods, candies, pastries, cookies, muffins, breads, pies and related take home desserts, not prepared on site. b.Prepared foods made fresh on site available for sale and immediate consumption. Vendor must be owner/operator of business and not operating under a franchise. c.Artisans. Persons who craft with their own hands the products they offer for sale. Commercial kits, molds, patterns, prefabricated forms, and ready-made objects which have been painted or embellished are not eligible. All jewelry artisans must sell jewelry that is made by their hands. 8.One nonprofit or community booth. 9.One local business booth each day of operation. 10.Sanitation shall be provided by either agreement of use of restroom facilities convenient to the site, or by portable sanitation facilities. Portable sanitation facilities must be located or screened in a manner to not be visible from the traveling public. 11.An approved operation agreement between the farmer’smarket association and the Cityof Yelm is required. Zoning  Page 28