07-25-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,2001,7:30 P.M. OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Glen Cunningham and JW Foster. a. Introduction of New Public Works Employees: Ted Johnson, Parks; Chris Smith, Equipment Operator; John Ivey, Water Department; Deonne Hardy, PW Office Assistant; and Mike Faber; Sewer Department L&I trainee. 2. Agenda Approval 01-86 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM 7b TO BE DELETED AND RESCHEDULED FOR AUG 8, 2001. CARRIED. JW Foster introduced his father who is visiting from Florida. The senior Mr. Foster lead the pledge of allegiance at the start of this meeting. 3. Public Comment - None CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes: July 11, 2001 5. Payments: Checks 15466-15574, Totaling $52.269.31 a. Claims Checks: 15466-15543 Totaling $47,184.02 b. Manual Checks: 15544-15574 Totaling 5,085.29 6. Payroll: Preliminary July 2001 01-87 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7 a. Ron Blake presented the Yelm Police Department with a donation of an analog Polygraph instrument ensemble indicating its value at $9000 when new. The cost to the City would be the training required for an individual to operate and evaluate results from the instrument. Mr. Blake offered his services until an individual could be trained. The estimated cost for training is $5000-$6000 for an 8-10 week course. 7. b. Removed. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2001/07 -25-01 Page 1 of 6 8. Public Hearinq - Six Year Transportation Proqram. Mayor Rivas opened the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. announcing the date, place and purpose of the hearing. No conflicts or objections to participants were stated. Stephanie Conners reviewed the written staff report stating that prpjects were listed in order of priority with the exception of item 1 which was moved to item 10. Improvements to 1 03rd will become the first priority with others moving up one step. Items 11-16 remain the same. When asked about the start of Y3 Corridor, Cathie Carlson stated that there has been no new progress and this project. It will require special funding from the State because of the greater costs involved. The first step will be the design and funding for right of way acquisition. Staff members are planning how to approach the project for the future. Shelly Badger added that even though the plan has listed projects by priority, there is flexibility. If the eligibility criteria fit into an available grant or loan we can take a project out of sequence and apply at that time. The public hearing was closed at 7:47 p.m. 8. a. Resolution 413, Six Year Transportation Program 01-88 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER APPROVING RESOLUTION 413, SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM 2002-2007. CARRIED. 9. Personnel Policies Resolution No 416 Approving City of Yelm Personnel Policies. Agnes Bennick presented the revised updated personnel policies. After some discussion on specific items, Mayor Rivas asked Council to table this item until the original document and this revision can be evaluated with the Councilmembers Handbook. The motion to approve was withdrawn. Council asked if the cell phone use policy would include Councilmembers. Staff will review the contract and report back to Council. CONCENSUS TO TABLE RESOLUTION 416 CITY OF YELM PERSONNEL POLICIES TO AUGUST 8 MEETING. 10. Willow Glenn Final Plat Approval, SUB-01-8285-YL. Cathie Carlson provided an overview of the staff report dated July 17, 2001. She reported that the original conditions were met. Staff recommended Council approve of final plat noting two existing conditions. The developer has executed an Assigned Savings account with the City of Yelm to redo some installation of trees when the weather is more favorable to survival. A manufactured home will remain as sales office with on site sewerage system. At the time the building permits are issued for these two lots, the system will be abandoned under Thurston County standards. Discussion included the purchase of LI D assessments from another property and transferred into these single lots and landscaping requirements of developer and lot owner. Topics to be reviewed in future planning. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city counciI/2001/07-25-01 Page 2 of 6 01-89 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING WILLOW GLEN FINAL PLAT, SUB 01-8285-YL. 11. Resolution 417, Segregation of LID Assessment. Cathie Carlson presented overview of the staff report. 01-90 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 417 SEGREGATION OF LID ASSESSMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 12. a. Authorization to Remove Contents of SBR #1 at Water Reclamation Facility. Shelly Badger reported that this item was originally planned for the August 8, meeting, but had been moved forward to address a WWTP issue. Staff is requesting authorization to perform repairs to correct this issue and meet DOE requirements as quickly as possible. Jon Yanasak gave a presentation and provided a written report on problems with diffusers in SBR (sequencing batch reactor) units. Jon explained the labor intensive process necessary to dismantle and clean each of the 1300 diffusers in each SBR. After performing this cleaning and replacement process in one SBR, staff found that the original and replacement parts have a structural weakness and need to be replaced with a modified version. At this time, one of the SBR units is being used for storage of remaining sludge with elevated copper content readings. Plans were to continue mixing this sludge with lower content batches until it was disposed of. As the two SBRs currently needed to support operations need defective diffusers replaced, it has become necessary to empty the 3rd unit and pull it into service when the other units are being repaired. DOE is aware of the situation and requested that this situation be rectified as quickly as possible. Staff presented options and recommended that the sludge in unit 1 be trucked to Bio Recycling Corp for disposal. Discussion topics included exploring legal action to recover repair costs, warranty date on the parts, design changes, and the dollar value/discount amount for recent replacements purchases. Council and Mayor Rivas determined that the highest priority is rectifying the current situation and that action, if deemed appropriate could be at a later date. 01-91 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM TO MOVE FORWARD WITH SMALL BID PROCESS FOR REMOVAL OF SBR #1 CONTENTS. CARRIED Discussion items included applicability of using the small works roster vs. an emergency declaration to allow a more immediate process. MOTION BY DON MILLER DECLARE EMERGENCY ON TANK SBR 1 PROBLEM BY TAKEN CARE OF IMMEDIATELY. There was no action to second the motion and it died. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2001 /07 -25-01 Page 3 of 6 Shelly Badger requested Council action authorizing Jon Yanasak to sign contracts to expedite procedure. 01-92 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM TO AUTHORIZING JON YANASAK TO SIGN CONTRACTS WITH RESPONSIVE SMALL BIDDER FOR SLUDGE HAULING AND WITH BIO RECYCLING FOR DISPOSAL. CARRIED. 12 b. Update Yelm Community Services Grant for Two Vans. Shelly Badger reported that Yelm Community Services could apply directly for the monies and the application did not require the City of Yelm to act as lead agency. 13. Janine Schnepf reported that the AWC Land Use Decision Making Training Session has been rescheduled for September 26 at 5 p.m. just prior to the regular City Council meeting. A light dinner will be provided to City Council, Planning Commission and staff. Invited guests will be asked to preorder and pay for their meals. 13. a. Update Thurston Biological Treatment Facility Cathie Carlson presented a draft letter in response to correspondence requesting action to deny the proposed facility in Thurston County. The City will continue to monitor the process and provide comments as needed. There were no objections to the letter submitted by staff. 14. Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights. Ron Harvey was unable to attend tonight's meeting but provided a written report. Mr. Harvey is expected to report at the September 26 meeting. REPORTS 15. Councilmember Miller - Liaison Reports a. Court - A written Municipal Court report for July 2001 was provided. b. Financial - Agnes Bennick reported on DARE fund shortfall requesting a directive to prepare a budget amendment ordinance authorization for $4000 transfer from capital reserve account to cover payroll expense and supplies until funds are received from YCS at the beginning of their budget year. Consensus by Council requesting ordinance preparation. Budget work sessions are scheduled for every Tuesday in October from 4:00- 6:00 p.m. with additional sessions in November if needed. c. Other Meetings/Assignments 16. Councilmember Thompson - Liaison Reports a. Police - A written report was provided and Brian Asmus added that in last 12 hours 10 people were taken to jail in various incidents. In addition to M16 training, officers were shown less than lethal tools including bean bag rounds that can be used in the shotguns currently being used. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city cou nci 1/200 1/07 -25-01 Page 4 of 6 b. Public Works - A written report was provided. c. Other Meetings/Assignments 17. Councilmember 150m - Liaison Reports a. Park Advisory Board - No Report. b. Park Use Requests - Three Park Use Requests were provided and two were reviewed. Shine and Show Prairie Street Rod requested an approval letter from the City to have a beer garden at their event. They will provide the City with an insurance rider. There was no objection. 01-93 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING TWO PARK USE REQUESTS. CARRIED. c. Other Meetings/Assignments. The topic of a drinking fountain at the skateboard park was brought up for discussion, possibly attached to the Police station using existing plumbing. Discussion included ADA accessibility and cost of vandal proof fountain estimated to be around $1000. Staff will research for coming Budget work session. The third park use request was called to Bob Isom's attention for 2002 with a special request for new and better tables to be made available. 01-94 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON TO APPROVE PARK USE REQUEST FOR YHS REUNION 7/13/02. CARRIED. ABSTAINED: DON MILLER Vandal proof and portable tables for the Park to be researched for 2002 budget. 18. Councilmember Cunningham - Liaison Reports a. Planning Commission - Meeting content precluded his attendance. Community Development Department - a written report was provided. Cathie Carlson added that American Legion and VFW holding fund raising event 8/18 in the City Park and are asking for a judge from City Hall. JW Foster volunteered. Adam Rivas asked Cathie Carlson to invite Carl Provine to next City Council meeting to accept a check for their flag fundraiser and extended an invitation to fellow councilmembers to purchase flags. b. Railroad Committee - no meetings were scheduled. c. Other Meetings/Assignments - update on Yelm entry sign progress and standards for banners. 19. Councilmember Foster - Liaison Reports a. City Hall - a written report was provided. Agnes Bennick reviewed schedule addressing a previous question regarding cash transactions. Currently only 1.25 percent of receipts is cash. A credit card payment program is scheduled to begin in 2002. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2001 /07 -25-01 Page 5 of 6 b. Senior Center - Attended ground breaking for new facility on 103rd. Fundraiser this Saturday 7 p.m. Can not attend if anyone available to attend. c. Other Meetings/Assignments -Attended SWAC special session to approve comprehensive plan. Completed plan available on request. Medic One brief update on direction to get another provider. Current contract has been extended with rider to cancel on short notice. 20. Mayor Rivas reviewed Land Use Planning and Transportation asking Council to explore the need for forum and what form it should take as suggested by Intercity Transit regarding Transportation and Land Use in Thurston County. Discussion questioned why IT is involved when information is available from TRPC. Would not benefit south county if IT looking to cut back services. CONSENSUS: THA T INTERCITY TRANSIT SHOULD NOT PURSUE TRANSPORTA TION IN LAND USE FORUM BUT OBTAIN INFORMA TION NEEDED FROM TRPC. Other meetings included meetings with City Administrator, Police Chief, Joe Williams, Intercity Transit Authority and Jail Meeting. Update on Jail Committee. Mayors Project Oversite Committee added Judge McPhee as member and is moving forward. Thurston County is still responsible for jail in County outside this project. Correspondence was reviewed. Attest: Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2001 /07 -25-01 Page 6 of 6