08-08-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8,2001 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Glen Cunningham and JW Foster. Excused: Bob Isom. 2. Agenda Approval 01-95 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS CORRECTED TO REFLECT A PRESENTER CHANGE IN ITEM 7. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment a. Carl Provine, Commander, American Legion Post 164, expressed his appreciation for being allowed to address Council and commended Council for the job they are doing. Mayor Rivas presented $274.00 in donations from city elected officials and staff to assist with the American Legion's flag replacement efforts. Councilmember Miller presented two flags to Mr. Provine. Mr. Provine offered his thanks for the contribution and provided background on recent publicity drawing attention to the need for funds for this purpose and history related to flag protection, destruction and respect. He explained that existing flags would be removed after November and new flags installed next year. Assistance was requested in trimming a tree to allow flag placement, Mr. Provine was provide Tim Peterson with the necessary information. Council was invited to participate in various upcoming events sponsored by the American Legion. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes: July 25, 2001 5. Payments: Checks 15636-15754, Totaling $161,132.35 a. Claim Vouchers: 15436-15680, Totaling $9,666.99 b. Manual Checks: 15681-15754, Totaling $151,465.66 6. Payroll: Final July 2001 01-96 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2001/08-08-01 Page 1 of 4 NEW BUSINESS 7. Railroad Advisory Committee (RAC) Update. Councilmember Cunningham provided an overview of meetings and activities since the March 20, 2001 meeting. Activities included a trip to Eastern Washington to view older used locomotives and cars, and a $500,000 legislative allocation, to be administered by WSDOT, that must be used before 2003. Various meetings were held with a short line operator, Tacoma Rail, Railroad Industries, Inc., and Miles Sand and Gravel. Light rail car photos were circulated. The RAC will continue to update Council as the project moves forward. Consensus: Council supported the Rail Advisory Committee continuing negotiations with Tacoma Rail to serve as service provider. 8. Medic I Unit Relocation Report. Cathie Carlson reported that a relocation of Medic I to a proposed location on West Road is being planned. Zoning Code requirements categorize the proposal as a Special Use Permit activity and the process includes a planning commission public hearing and an action recommendation to City Council. As written, the process cycle takes approximately three months to complete. Due to the immediate need to relocate Medic I, an exception to the usual process is necessary. Information concerning Medic I operations including residential location policies limiting the use sirens and lights were discussed. The current average number of night (8 pm to 8 am) calls is less than one per night. A Planning Commission public hearing has been scheduled and advertised for August 20 for a six-month temporary zoning exemption. The temporary exemption period will allow Medic 1 to proceed with the normal Special Use Permit process for West Road or another location. A Planning Commission exemption approval recommendation would be scheduled for Council action at the August 22,2001 meeting. Council approval would cause a zoning exemption ordinance to be prepared by the city attorney. Discussion concerned complaints and inconvenience and the importance of this vital service to the community. Consensus supported staff pursuing the proposed zoning exemption and public hearing process. 9. Vacant agenda position. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2001/08-08-01 Page 2 of 4 OLD BUSINESS 10. Ordinance No. 742, Budget amendment Increasing the Current Fund Operating Transfer to the DARE Fund. Agnes Bennick explained that this ordinance was prepared in response to Council direction following a staff report at the July 25, 2001 meeting. 01-97 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING BUDGET AMENDMENT ORDINANCE 742 INCREASING THE CURRENT FUND OPERATING TRANSFER TO THE DARE FUND. CARRIED. 11. Resolution No. 416, Approving the City of Yelm Personnel Policies. Agnes Bennick reported that the revisions requested at the July 25, 2001 meeting had been incorporated into the policies and provided copies of the changes. 01-98 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER APPROVING RESOLUTION 416, THE CITY OF YELM PERSONNEL POLICIES MANUAL REVISION 2001.01. CARRIED. REPORTS 12. Library - Kristin Blalack provided a written activity report. 13. Mayor's Report - Mayor Rivas attended a Railroad Advisory Committee meeting, and met with the Police Chief, City Administrator, Judge and Prosecuting Attorney. Council was advised that the Audit Exit Conference had been rescheduled for August 16, at 9:30 and explained the need to advertise this as a special meeting, if three or more Councilmembers planned to attend. Councilmember Miller, the Financial Liaison and Mayor Rivas will be attending. 14. Council Report - Councilmember Thompson requested an update on city-wide vandalism activity. Brian Asmus reported that there were no suspects at this time and that the damage was city-wide and extended out into Thurston County. Tim Peterson reported that damage to City property is extensive and includes removal/damage/destruction of approximately 25 signs, picnic tables and benches torn from their bases, and trash receptacles and other items thrown into the water reuse pond at Cochrane Park. A final damage cost assessment has not been completed as new damage is still being identified. Councilmember Cunningham attended the Thurston County Fair opening, and a Railroad Advisory Committee meeting. Representative Adam Smith will be the guest speaker at the August 28 Chamber Breakfast Forum. Councilmember Miler met with the clerk-treasurer to review financial documents. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2001/08-08-01 Page 3 of 4 Councilmember Foster will contact the Senior Center for details on their recent fundraiser and will be participating in the American Legion Chili Cook Off. Follow up was requested on the SBR content removal. Staff reported that with the current 12,000 gallons per day removal effort, it will take 7 % weeks to empty the unit. 15. Financial - Don Miller reported that a July End of Month report was included in Council packets. CORRESPONDENCE: Agnes Bennick provided information requested at the last meeting concerning Leadership Thurston County and on cellular telephone program options. -"~ ATTEST: /1 I ~ /..1/ '... \...~ ".. Li /1,,/ 71 / !fA Agn P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2001 /08-08-01 Page 4 of 4