08-22-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22,2001 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Glen Cunningham and JW Foster. 2. Agenda Approval 01-99 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BYJOHN THOMPSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment - None. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes: August 8, 2001 5. Payments: Checks 15755 thru 15803 Totaling $79,631.77 a. Claim Vouchers: 15755 thru 15798 Totaling $78,905.05 b. Manual Checks: 15799 thru 15803 Totaling $ 726.72 6. Payroll: Preliminary August 2001 01-100 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7. Centennial Clean Water Fund Grant Contract. Mayor Rivas reported that the City has received approval of a $131,250 Centennial Clean Water Fund (CCWF) grant. The grant provides an opportunity for additional reclaimed water monitoring and testing. One of the project goals is to determine the ability of constructed wetlands and rapid infiltration basins to provide effective treatment of reclaimed water prior to groundwater recharge. This will be accomplished by monitoring and comparing groundwater quality to an established baseline and by testing for pollutants. Groundwater under the infiltrations basins as well as drinking water supplies will be tested. The grant does not require payback if certain standards are not met. A staff recommendation requested authorization to begin contract negotiations with Skillings-Connolly, Inc. to perform the tasks detailed in the grant scope of work and to have Mayor Rivas sign the grant agreement forms. City Council Minutes ab\cc\2001 Minutes\8-22-01 Page 1 of 6 01-101 MOTION BYJOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY CENTENNIAL CLEAN WATER GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $131,250 FOR THE GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING PROJECT RELATED TO THE CITY'S WASTEWATER REUSE PROGRAM. CARRIED. 01-102 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING STAFF TO BEGIN CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH SKILLINGS- CONNOLLY FOR THE APPROPRIATE SCOPE OF WORK WITH THE CONTRACT BROUGHT BACK TO COUNCIL FOR FINAL APPROVAL. CARRIED. 8. Resolution No. 415, Intent to adopt a Model Business and Occupation Tax Ordinance. Agnes Bennick pointed out that informal reports on this issue have been provided over a period of time and explained that the Tax Roundtable coordinated by AWC and some of the larger cities has been working on a gross receipts business and occupation tax "Model Ordinance" for some time. The goal is to have all cities adopt the model, with some modifications, and provide some regulation consistency from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Jurisdictions that will not be ready to adopt the model by the beginning of the next legislative session have been requested to adopt a Resolution of Intent providing the legislature with a view of the united effort on this project. Some of the cities that are in the final process and anticipate having their Ordinance adopted and effective by January 1, 2001 include Bellevue, Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, and Lacey. Mayor Rivas added that as a former City business owner for 14 years it's exciting to see a move towards establishing consistent standards and that other Councilmembers representing and having ties to the business community include Councilmember Cunningham, a current City business owner, and Councilmember Miller. Discussion concerned the move to create the model ordinance, interest at the state level and the invitation for the Washington Business Association to be part of the process. It was clarified that this is a declaration of intent, not the actual adoption. 01-103 MOTION BY JW FOSTER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 415 INDICATING YELM'S INTENT TO ADOPT THE MODEL BUSINESS AND TAX ORDINACE. CARRIED. 8. a. City Council Work Session, Mayor Rivas explained that the new Comprehensive Water Plan includes too much material to cover during the Budget Work Sessions and requires an additional work session. Mayor Rivas recommended Tuesday, September 11,"6 - 9 P.M. to review the Comprehensive Water Plan, including Improvements, Rate Analysis, and General Water Use Policies Including Conservation Consensus supported September 11, 6 - 9 P.M. for the Water Comprehensive Plan Work Session. City Council Minutes ab\cc\2001 Minutes\8-22-01 Page 2 of 6 8. b. Approval to Sign a Cooperative Agreement with US Fish and Wildlife for a $10,000 Yelm Creek Habitat Restoration Grant. Cathie Carlson explained that the City has been approved to receive the grant which may be used for costs associated with surveying, planning, and implementation of habitat restoration in the Yelm Creek Watershed. The grant requires a 500/0 match that can be any combination of in-kind, volunteer or cash. A Scope of Work will be developed based upon one of the higher priority projects in the Yelm Creek Study. Staff requested approval to enter into the agreement. The City attorney is reviewing the contract at this time. Discussion concerned the need to focus on maximizing the volunteer component of the match. 01-104 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER AUTHORIZING STAFF TO ENTER INTO A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICES FOR A $10,000 YELM CREEK HABITAT RESTORATION GRANT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 9. Ordinance NO.7 43, Temporary Exemption for Location of Medic I. Cathie Carlson reported that at the last City Council Meeting staff reported on the move of the Medic Unit from the Fire Station to a location on West Road. At that time staff reported that a Planning Commission public hearing would be required. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposal on August 20 and recommended City Council approval of a six-month temporary zoning exemption to provide time to either submit and follow the Special Use Permit Application process that addresses issues like handicapped access, parking, etc., for the West Rd. location or for another location within the City. Most of the neighbors seemed comfortable with the proposal. 01-105 MOTION BY JW FOSTER, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO 743 ESTABLISHING A SIX-MONTH TEMPORARY ZONING CODE EXEMPTION ALLOWING RELOCATION OF THE MEDIC UNIT TO WEST ROAD. CARRIED. ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER THOMPSON REPORTS 10. Councilmember Miller a. Court - (Attachment) A written report for reflecting July 2001 activity was provided. b. Financial - (Audit Report Attached) Councilmember Miller reported that the City received a clean audit with no findings or management letters. Councilmember Isom commended staff for the job that is being done. It was noted that there were a few recommendations for consideration and there was some discussion concerning the costs/space issues involved with remodeling to provide each employee with a separate cash drawer. Additional discussion concerned the most appropriate time to address the auditor inconsistency and communications issues. City Council Minutes ab\cc\2001 Minutes\8-22-01 Page 3 of 6 c. Other Meetings/Assignments - None to report. 11. Councilmember Thompson a. Police - A written activity report was distributed at the meeting. Cases are up 230, and calls 600 over the same time last year. An agency audit was performed to evaluate Yelm PD's data base entry and removal for accuracy and timeliness. The department met all compliance standards. b. Public Works - A written report was provided updating Council on activities over the past month including the Water Comp Plan, sludge removal, chip sealing and pothole repair. The water department continues equipment testing. Current water levels are good. There was some discussion concerning a schedule and options for repainting crosswalks. c. Other Meetings/Assignments - Councilmember Thompson attended the AWC Budgeting and Fiscal Management Work Shop where he received a lot of useful information that he will be discussing in coming days. 12. Councilmember Isom a. Parks Advisory Board - No report b. Park Use Requests 1) YCP, 9/9/01, Anderson Family Party, 1-9 pm, 40+/- 01-106 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING ONE PARK USE REQUEST. CARRIED. c. Other Meetings/Assignments - Councilmember Isom attended the Audit Exit Conference. 13. Councilmember Cunningham a. Planning Commission/Community Development - Due to agenda items, Councilmember Cunningham was not able to attend the Planning Commission meeting. A written Community Development Department report was provided. Cathie Carlson added that the City has obtained approval from Ft. Lewis for the Army to perform some of the work at Longmire Community Park. However, approval must also come from Georgia and there are already a number of jobs scheduled, the work can't be performed before next year. The work has an in- kind value of $80,000, making the wait is worthwhile. The granting agency is also agreeable to the time schedule adjustment. There was discussion concerning the Commute Trip Reduction Program. Roberta Allen, CDD Office Assistant, started on August 15, she will be working approximately 25 hours per week. City Council Minutes ab\cc\2001 Minutes\8-22-01 Page 4 of 6 b. Railroad Committee - No activity to report. c. Other Meetings/Assignments - Councilmember Cunningham attended the AWC/WFOA Budgeting and Fiscal Management Conference. 14. Councilmember Foster a. City Hall - A written report covering ongoing activities was provided. b. Senior Center - No activity to report c. Other Meetings/Assignments - Council member Foster offered handouts from the AWC/WFOA Budgeting and Fiscal Management Class if anyone wanted to see the material. He heard several good comments about Yelm while at the training session. He participated as a judge for the VFW Chili Cook Off where he learned a lot about chili. There were also a lot of fun activities scheduled for kids. A complaint concerning kitchen cleanliness was referred to staff for follow up. A clean-up procedure needs to be implemented that includes checking the kitchen after use. Carl Provine volunteered to perform the inspections. Discussion concerned release of the deposit based upon a non-employee recommendation. There was also some discussion about various options to provide a water source at the park. There was discussion concerning Council attending additional training sessions as the appropriation has been expended. Agnes Bennick suggested two options to address this, either continuing to take advantage of training opportunities this year and addressing it as part of the normal year-end budget amendment or transferring unused funding from the Executive Travel and Training or Reserve appropriation. Mayor Rivas and Council supported continuing training participation and Mayor Rivas also supported utilizing his budget appropriation for Council's benefit. It was noted that the Council Travel/Training appropriation in next year's budget needs to be increased. Councilmember Foster suggested that a regular Nisqually Valley News column from the City Council could provide an opportunity for elected officials to communicate with the public and offered to serve as coordinator. The NVN editor supports the idea as long as the articles aren't used as a candidate forum. Councilmember Isom felt that this should wait until after the election. The topic suggested for the first article is City Government 101. It would provide a brief description of who the elected officials are, define their roles, and address how public input helps elected officials perform their jobs. There was discussion concerning the frequency of articles, using the Hawthorn Herald, educational benefit, advantages of having interaction between the public and elected officials, and the public participation process, and how Council operates. Mayor Rivas called for consensus. City Council Minutes ab\cc\2001 Minutes\8-22-01 Page 5 of 6 Consensus supported a City Council newspaper column. Councilmember Isom pointed out that there was majority but not consensus. 15. Mayor Rivas - Meetings attended included: Yelm Fire District Contract Negotiations, Interctiy Transit, Audit Exit Conference, Local Realtors and Shelly Badger. a. Shoreline Financial Request Response. Mayor Rivas reported that at the end of 2000 new rules adopted by the state Legislature mandated a review and update of the local Shoreline Master Program without funding that mandate. In February 2002, the City submitted a Claim for reimbursement of the estimated $50,000 in City costs to meet the mandate and citing the RCW and Initiative prohibiting the Legislature from imposing new programs or increasing service levels on local governments without full reimbursement. A response denying the request was received this week CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence reviewed included items from AWC concerning training opportunities and information about Initiative 747. '45 P.M. / V IV ~ P. Bennick, City Clerk P\ City Council Minutes ab\cc\2001 Minutes\8-22-01 Page 6 of 6