09-12-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Glen Cunningham and JW Foster. 2. Agenda Approval 01-107 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment - None. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes: August 22, 2001 5. Payments: Checks 15799 thru 15969, Totaling $121,929.65 a. Claim Vouchers: 15874 thru 15969, Totaling $112,047.14 b. Manual Checks: 15804 thru 15873, Totaling $9,882.51 6. Payroll: Final August 2001 01-108 MOTION JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7. Autumn Hill Preliminary Platt, SUB-01-8284-YL- 26 Single-Family Residential Lots on the SW Side of Vancil Road. There was a request from council that larger maps be provided. Tami Merriman presented an overview of the staff report, noting that the Yelm Planning Commission (YPC) conducted a public hearing on the project in August. Discussion at that meeting concerned the applicants request for a variance from "road continuation" requirements. The applicant did agree to and provided a revision showing one of the two cul-de-sacs extending to the north. Signs identifying this as a future extension will be posted. That proposal was accepted by staff and the YPC. A second discussion item concerned the applicants request to channel stormwater runoff from roofs directly to the stormwater facility instead of to City Council Minutes ab/cc/2001 Minutes/9-12-01 Page 1 of 6 individual drywells. The YPC deferred this decision to staff. Another condition of approval for this project required that the required open space border Vancil Road. This allows the City to acquire an area identified as part of the identified Y -2 Corridor. Council discussion followed concerning swales vs. drywells, comparing costs, benefits and criteria for determining the best option, and past and current City practices. Councilmember Isom indicated that he had a problem with the YPC deferring the decision to staff instead of providing direction. Discussion continued concerning stormwater manual options, methodology for selecting the best option for an individual area, and examples of requirements in various subdivisions. The applicant provided information concerning functional characteristics of the options and explained that he did not object to the requirement. At the time of the request he was attempting to keep all available options open. 01- MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO RETURN THE PROJECT TO THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION FOR FURTHER REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION. THE MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. 01-109 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT SUB-01-8284-YL LOCATED ON THE SW SIDE OF VANCIL ROAD AS FORWARDED BY THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Opposed: Bob Isom. 8. Yelm Community Schools (YCS) Alternative High School, CUP-01-8286-YL- Permit to convert two commercial buildings on First Street to School Facilities. Cathie Carlson provided an overview of the staff report and explained that the Alternative School has 30 students, who attend at various time during the day. The project has been prepared based upon maximum occupancy, eliminating the need for additional evaluations as enrollment fluctuates or other uses are added. The YPC conducted a public hearing on the proposal in August. Discussion items at that meeting included a request to allow completion of parking and storm drain improvements within five years and creating a schedule allowing street /frontage improvements to be completed over a three year period. YCS has agreed to phasing parking availability reductions by removing parking from general use as the needs of the school for parking increase. At some point however, YCS will need to use all 60 of the stalls, eliminating the availability of this parking for use by downtown businesses. There was also discussion concerning sales/use of alcohol with YCS agreeing to not oppose the issuance of liquor licenses for any location in the surrounding commercial districts. City Council Minutes ab/cc/2001 Minutes/9-12-01 Page 2 of 6 Erling Birkland added that it is possible that a fire hydrant may need to be moved to meet insurance requirements. In response to Council questions, Alan Burke explained that due to the number of students at the high school, it may become necessary to shift some programs to the First Street location. He does not believe that these would be full day programs. Additional council discussion followed concerning the lack of participation in parking improvements by the businesses that have/will benefit from those improvements, the number of trips (4/per hour) generated at the previous location, crosswalk safety options, school property weapons/alcohol restriction enforcement challenges in a shared parking lot, stormwater drainage problems and its impacts on Yelm Creek, state requirements to meet parking standards, and other possible parking options. Steve Craig identified parking as a critical issue for downtown revitalization and urged the City to investigate a joint City and WSDOT venture to acquire the parking lot for use as a transit center and supplemental downtown parking. Cathie Carlson pointed out that if the parking area was sold, it would be impossible to sell that property at some point in the future. Craig urged Council to commit to investigating options to provide downtown parking. Steve Craig also requested that Council address problems encounter by trucks attempting to turn right onto First Street. Trucks frequently drive over the curb while making this turn damaging property and creating a hazard to pedestrians. A solution is even more important as the number of students in the downtown area increases. He stressed that communication between the City and WSDOT is needed to address this issue. Tim Peterson pointed out some crosswalk and parking problems on First Street that contribute to this situation. 01-110 MOTION BY JW FOSTER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING CUP-01-8286-YL CONVERTING TWO COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ON FIRST STREET TO SCHOOL FACILITIES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Abstained: Bob Isom and Don Miller. 01-111 Yelm Prairie Historical Society (YPHS) Museum Project - Shelly Badger provided background on past Council action dividing Hotel/Motel tax revenue between Museum and Park uses. The YPHS is proposing using this funding for ongoing operational expenses such as staffing, marketing materials, and displays. Staff has been working with Municipal Research and Services and the state Auditor to determine eligibility. Generally, the use of funds on a contractually basis with private organizations to operate tourism related activity is allowed, but use of the funding for capital improvements on a non City owned facility would not be allowed. Staff's requested approval of the overall concept presented allowing staff to begin the negotiations on services contract detailing producUservices expectations. AI Laskowski, YPHS President, explained the YPHS lacks funding to operate a museum without assistance. The YPHS currently has $18,000 in their museum and operating funds. The building space is new and should be ready to occupy eliminating the need for capital improvements. City Council Minutes ab/cc/2001 Minutes/9-12-01 Page 3 of 6 Council discussion followed concerning allocating future hotel/motel tax revenue, division of fund revenue, and questioning if a possible link exists between the library and museum services and space. Council consensus supported staff proceeding with negotiations and contract development. REPORTS 10. Library Report - Kristin Blalack reported on the success of the Summer Reading Program. A written report was provided. 11. Mayor Rivas - Meetings/Events Attended: Thurston Regional Planning Council, Chamber Breakfast, Mayors' Forum, Representative Smith, IT Awards, Water Workshop and meetings with Councilmembers and the City Administrator. Mayor Rivas reported on discussions concerning support for a county-wide or multi-jurisdictional fireworks ban at the Mayors' Forum. Council discussion concerned the inability of law enforcement to respond to the volume of complaint received, difficulty in making a determination of which fireworks are/are not legal, creating unenforceable laws, and the number of illegal fireworks readily available, 12. Council Report - Councilmember Miller attended the Water Work Session, and met with staff. Councilmember Isom attended a Transportation Policy Board Meeting and the Water Work Session. Councilmember Foster attended the Water Work Session and reported that the AWC Water Summit has been rescheduled. He submitted articles to the Nisqually Valley News, announced a new SWAC member from the Yelm area, and encouraged support of Yelm Senior Center fundraising activities. Councilmember Thompson requested a work session to have Mike Bailey (Lynnwood Finance Director) do a presentation for staff and Council on how to move towards a more user friendly narrative budget format. Tumwater has been changing to this format over the past six years and it is still a work in progress. Although the task seems monumental, it is possible to phase it in over a number of years. Mike Bailey can present some ideas on ways to plan the transition and mitigate workload impacts. Councilmember Thompson and Mayor Rivas feel that this format is a good public relations tool allowing the public to better equate dollars spent to services, programs, and staffing levels. The process also involves Council's input pining down a mission statement for the City, set long and short term goals, an annual examination of progress in attaining goals, and an annual goal reevaluation. In the long term this process might help staff, if they are feeling overwhelmed by identifying Council's priorities. City Council Minutes ab/cc/2001 Minutes/9-12-01 Page 4 of6 Agnes Bennick requested that Councilmembers check their individual December schedules and select a couple of optional dates that can be forward to Mike Bailey for consideration. Councilmember Cunningham reported dates and times for several upcoming meetings. He also reported that City entry signs are going to be more ornate than the original sketches. They will be completed at the work area and trucked to Yelm to be placed on the pedestals. He also plans to check with Thurston Co. to see if one can be placed at the trail head. 13. Financial Report - A written report was provided. 14. Park/Park Use Requests a. YCP, 9/23/01, Sheldon Pot Luck and Karaoke, Noon-dark, +/- 100 01-112 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING ONE PARK USE REQUEST. CARRIED. b. Shelly Badger reported on the September 10, 2001 Yelm Parks Advisory Board meeting. Ongoing damage to the outer walls, rafters and roofs of the pavilion and booth building closest to the kitchen is threatening the integrity of the structures. Glen Blando provided a supply/materials estimate for repairs to enclose rafter areas, replace existing shingled roof materials with metal, repair and replace damaged outside walls, and add inside walls to booth buildings. Repairs would be performed by a group of volunteers organized by Mr. Blando. The YPAB requested Council approval to use approximately $4,000 of Park Reserve Fund money to add to regular park maintenance dollars for repairs to the booth building closest to the kitchen. Council discussion followed concerning the possible use of Hotel/Motel funds to accomplish all of the improvements, estimated at $12,462.76. Staff will look into this possibility. 01-113 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING AN EXPENDITURE NOT TO EXCEED $5,400 FOR MATERIALS TO MAKE REPAIRS TO THE BOOTH BUILDING CLOSEST TO THE KITCHEN AT YELM CITY PARK. CARRIED. The YPAB also requested consideration of an increase raising the park (kitchen) deposit from $30 to $100. Fifty dollars of the deposit would be refunded following a kitchen inspection and return of keys. The remaining $50 would be kept by the City providing funding for a periodic thorough kitchen cleaning. Council discussion followed concerning user responsibility for cleanup inspection requirements. The matter will be addressed again during the Budget Work Sessions. CORRESPONDENCE City Council Minutes ab/cc/2001 Minutes/9-12-01 Page 5 of 6 Ron Harvey provided an update on Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights activity including the 2001 Human Rights Awards application and the Celebrating Diversity 2002 Calendar that in the planning process. n Attest: 'J) /', . ( ,(',y 0 7./, j t )tilt f {. A911~s P. Bennick, City Clerk City Council Minutes ab/cc/2001 Minutes/9-12-01 Page 6 of 6