10-10-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2001 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Glen Cunningham and JW Foster 2. Agenda Approval 01-118:-k MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment - None CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes: September 26, 2001 Regular Meeting 5. Payments: Checks 16036-16145, Totaling $112,351.90 a. Claim Vouchers: 16065 -16145, Totaling $104,171.34 b. Manual Checks: 16036-16064, Totaling $8,180.56 6. Approval of Payroll: Final, September 2001, Totaling $135,723.28 01-119 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7. Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Grants. Barb Wood provided background on the Yelm Creek situation and flooding on the Wood property located at 1 st Street and Railway Rd. She proposed to submit grants for funding allowing the City to acquire 900 feet of Yelm Creek frontage included as part of approximately 10 acres of property located in the 1 OO-year floodplain. If successful, there would be no cost to the City for the property acquisition. A 236 ft. well is also located on the property. If the acquisition grant is successful an application for grant funding to restore the creek channel in this area would also be prepared and submitted. She also offered to prepare a FEMA HMGP grant for the City to buyout other flooding affected City property owners. Discussion areas: concerns about the Yelm Creek areas located outside the City, fish species native to the Creek, last know spawning (1960s), dredging, downgrading/zoning or classification change possibilities, possible storage and aquifer recharge uses, other tributaries, possible water rights exchange, flood/stormwater treatment, and existing DOE requirements for Yelm City Council Minutes ab\City Council\2001 \ 10-10-01 Page 1 of 5 stormwater retention ponds and changes in the new manual. Councilmember Isom felt that he needed additional information and expressed concerns about the possibility of the labor and funding investment being made and still having the creek go underground leaving nothing to show for the investment. Additional discussion topics included potential benefits as an educational tool, water rights credits, impacts on surrounding property owners and reuse storage possibilities. Mayor Rivas requested that City staff prepare summary reports for projects. 01-120 MOTION BY JW FOSTER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON AUTHORIZING CATHIE CARLSON TO WORK WITH BARB WOOD ON SRFB/FEMA GRANTS. CARRIED. Opposed: Bob Isom. 8. Neighborhood Tree Grant Program. Cathie Carlson commended the Yelm Tree Advisory Board for their work in creating this program which will offer free trees to be planted in the City right-of-way. Interested individuals complete an application and pledge to care for and maintain the tree for a three year period. Applicants must also arrange utility locates at the selected planting site and agree to submit a brief annual report on the tree's status. The YT AB reviews applications and schedules site visits. As trees are planted in City right-of-way, City staff would be available to assist with tree health problems. Discussion concerned tree stock rotation plans, variety and caliper of existing stock and trees sent to members of the National Arbor Day Foundation. 01-121 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING STAFF AND THE YTAB TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THE NEIGHBORHOOD TREE GRANT PROGRAM. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 9. Resolution 419 Adopting the Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. Cathie Carlson reported that this resolution contains the final revisions to the Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan based upon Department of Ecology's comment letter. 01-122 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER APPROVING THE REVISIONS TO THE CFHMP AND ADOPTING RESOLUTION 419. CARRIED. 10. Commute Trip Reduction Program Updates - Cathie Carlson reported that Olympia decided to manage their own CTR program instead of contracting with I.T. for these services. The combined funding from the remaining cities doesn't allow I.T. to continue staffing the program. Lacey, Tumwater, Yelm and Thurston County favor a regional approach and came up with some reorganization options to meet state CTR requirements. The state provides Yelm with $2,800 annually for this purpose. Options are to hire a part-time consultant to administer a scaled back program with the group meeting quarterly to discuss regional CTR issues; or having each jurisdiction administering their own program. Costs would probably exceed state funding amounts if each jurisdiction runs its own separate program. Yelm City Council Minutes ab\City Council\2001\10-10-01 Page 2 of 5 For Yelm the requirements include providing support to Lasco in administering their program, including a survey and an annual report, and administering the required City program for Yelm employees. She added that it's really frustrating to try and meet the program's goals because transportation options here are so limited. It isn't an option to do nothing, losing the annual $2,800 isn't a problem, but the City might also be disqualified for state/federal road/transportation funding if they don't comply. Discussion concerned the intent to reduce transit boundaries and the hope of having a Yelm peninsula included in the new boundary. The first Boundary Reduction Conference is scheduled for November. Yelm's transit tax contribution is approximately $280,000 p/year, so this area does pay for the service it receives. Council consensus supported Option 1, hiring a part-time consultant to administer a scaled back program. 11. Yelm-Timberland Library Agreement Update - Shelly Badger reported that a replacement redline draft has been reviewed by the attorney and Timberland and was provided to Council with packet update materials. She reviewed sections of the agreement containing context changes beginning with #3, Pg. 2 setting a ten year contract term; #6, changed to reflect possible Cost of Living per capita increases on the third and seventh anniversary that would be based upon and tied to actual lease percentage rate increases passed on to the library by the building owner. Pg. 3, #7 showing the 2002 fee to be $28,009.80 and #8 correcting and removing CPI and replacing it with Cost of Living Index Factor. Discussion concerned why the agreement automatically terminates after ten years instead of calling for renegotiation and the potential dollar amount increases using the base per capita rate applied to population increase numbers. Using a three percent increase, without inflation, third year costs increase an additional $1,309 (from $28,009 to $29,318) and the $8.19 per capita figure jumps to $8.44. Extending the 30/0 scenario to year seven the $8.44 per capita cost increases to $8.69. Extending the $8.44 (third year, three percent increase) figure and applying it to the projected 2011 population of 9,207, library support costs would increase from $28,000 in 2002, the first contract year to $80,000 in 2011, the tenth and final contract year. Other discussion concerned the long range effects of Initiative 747 in reducing the property tax revenue stream and the price per square foot of the new facility now vs. costs in ten years. 01-123 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM AUTHORIZING STAFF TO FINALIZE DRAFT #4 OF THE YELM AND TIMBERLAND AGREEMENT FOR THE MAYOR'S SIGNATURE. CARRIED. Abstained: John Thompson. Yelm City Council Minutes ab\City Council\2001 \1 0-1 0-01 Page 3 of 5 Mayor Rivas expressed that he personally has a challenge signing the agreement as it stands, and that he feels uncomfortable about doing that. He also wants to talk to the attorney about it. Councilmember Isom pointed out that the City Council has approved the contract. REPORTS 12. Library Report - Kristin Blalack reported that activity was less than expected for the month and the reduction may have reflected world events. Programs are going well. A written report was provided. 13. Mayor Rivas - Referred to the November Conference he mentioned earlier. 14. Council Meetings/Activities Councilmember Isom - attended the Yelm Park Advisory Board Meeting where a citizen introduced a proposal to spearhead a fundraising effort to construct a gazebo/bandstand in the NW corner of the City Park. Estimated material costs are between $10-14,000. Fundraising is currently underway for Longmire Community Park and for Cochrane Park upgrades including $60,000 for restrooms. The YPAB is concerned about adding another fundraiser and is seeking guidance and priorities from Council. The YPAB would like to see fundraising efforts concentrated on Longmire and Cochrane Parks. Shelly Badger added that that would be consistent with the Capital Facilities Plan and that if a fundraising project is endorsed and doesn't meet its goal, it falls on the City to make up the difference. This project hasn't been included in the 2001 or 2002 budgets. Council consensus supported limiting fundraisers to existing projects. Councilmember Isom also attended the Transportation Policy Board meeting where the transit boundary issue was discussed. He reported that it appears to him that the urban areas are going to be cutting out rural areas; they will stay where the money is. He believes that there will probably be a proposal for a tax increase to help I. T. He hopes the peninsula idea works, but didn't see support for it. Councilmember Foster - toured the Thurston County Landfill, attended the Chamber meeting and Tuesday's Candidates Forum, a process he found to be interesting. He announced that a local area young person will be participating as an Olympics torchbearer. Council member Foster requested quick turnaround on feedback as well as ideas for NVN articles. Councilmember Cunningham reported that two individuals had spoken to him about how much they are enjoying the articles. Councilmember Isom added that when Council voted to put the articles in the Yelm City Council Minutes ab\City Council\2001\10-10-01 Page 4 of 5 paper he felt it was an inappropriate time to do so, and that he has received feedback endorsing that viewpoint. 15. Financial: the September end of month detail sheets and overview and along with end of quarter reports were provided. 16. Park Use Requests: Christmas in the Park, 12/1/01 01-24 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER APPROVING THE CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK REQUEST. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Information was provided on the 2002 Growth Management Update Workshop. ADJOURN 9:15 P.M. Attest: \ . i. }) >/1. &; YJ 0 ljlA: LLk s P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab\City Council\2001\10-10-01 Page 5 of 5