11-06-2001 BWS Minutes
Budget Work Session
Yelm City Council Chambers
November 6, 2001, 4:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Rivas, Councilmembers; Don Miller, John Thompson, Glen Cunningham and JW
Staff: Shelly Badger, Agnes Bennick, Tim Peterson, Stephanie Conners and Janine Schnepf.
Guests: Tom Skillings, Brian Matthews, and Ken Lilliquist from Skillings Connolly.
Excused: Bob Isom
Work session meeting to review 2002 Budget expenditure appropriation estimates for Utility Fund with
narrative and attachments.
(a) Municipal Water (401)
(b) Water Capital Improvement (404)
(c) Water Construction (431)
Handouts were presented by Skillings Connolly on the Comprehensive Water Plan as related to the
2002 budget, prioritizing capital improvements, costs, water conservation and recommended bond
funding. Goal to meet debt through revenue increase with needed conservation.
Discussion followed.
Consensus to maintain base rate of $11. 00 for water inside city and increasing outside base rate
Consensus to move forward with Comprehensive Water Plan package as presented.
Salary Review Discussion on 2002 salary budget for the City of Yelm Police Chief.
Consensus to review salary rate on Police Chief to be competitive with other cities.
Adjourn: 6:00 p.m.
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Mydoc/ll-06-0 1 BWSminutes/ doc