12-12-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12,2001 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson and Glen Cunningham Excused: Bob Isom and Pat Fetterly 1. a. Councilmember Thompson administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Rivas for the term commencing January 1, 2002. 1. b. Mayor Rivas presented an award to Michael Mensonides who tied with another youth for selection as Youth of the Year. Mensonides was not available to receive his award at Christmas in the Park. 2. Agenda Approval 01-142 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment - None CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes: November 28, 2001 Regular Council Meeting 5. 5. a. 5. b. Approval of Payments: Checks 15454-16590, totaling $727,016.89 Manual Checks: 15454 - 15498, Totaling $2,467.79 Claims: 16500 - 16590, Totaling $724,549.10 6. 6. a. 6. b. 01-143 Approval of Payroll Final November 2001 Payroll, totaling $162,241.44 Preliminary December 2001 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7. Public Hearing - Water Rate and Hook-up Fee Increases Based Upon the Six Year Comprehensive Water Plan. Mayor Rivas opened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m., announcing the date, time, place and purpose for the public hearing. No objections to participants were voiced. Mayor Rivas announced that Tom Skillings, (Skillings Connolly Engineering) would make a presentation. Following the presentation the floor would be open Yelm City Council Minutes ab\citycouncil\2001 \minutes\12-12-01 Page 1 of 7 for questions or comments. Individuals wanting to speak should complete a blue speaker's card and they will be called upon following the presentation. Tom Skillings' presentation included information concerning preparation of the Comprehensive Water Plan to determine new water needs, capital improvements, how water is used and conservation planning. An additional component of the plan is determining funding for the identified needs. Areas of concern included: 1) water rights, the City is approaching their annual water rights allotment; 2) increasing water service capacity, the City must obtain new water rights; 3) reducing unaccounted water from 16.40/0 to 100.10; 4) reducing local per capita consumption, currently averaging 270 gallons p/day p/residence to the typical 220 gallons p/day consumption in similar communities; and 5) maximizing reclaimed water use. Plans to address these goals include installing new meters and an automated meter reading system, implementing a water conservation program including a change in the existing rate structure, and extending reuse lines to Yelm High School and to a City park for irrigation purposes, as well as to additional commercial users. Other system needs include: 1) Replacing well #1. 2) Constructing a new 500,000 gallon storage tank to increase storage capacity, currently at 550,000 gallons, and to improve fire flow. A new tank will also allow needed repairs to be made to the Baker Hill (500,000 gallon) tank, which suffered some damage during the February earthquake. The Baker Hill tank hasn't been resurfaced due to lack of storage capacity to allow taking the tank off line. Estimated costs for the recommended improvements are $2.5 million dollars. The annual debt repayment is estimated at $200,000 per year for 20 years and would finance Meter Read System $245,000 New Storage Tank $1.3 Million Baker Hill Tank Restoration $160,000 Replace Well #1 $ 135,000 Water Line to City Park $100,000 Financing (Bond) Costs $325,000 Reclaimed Water Line Extension $210,000 To repay the debt a water rate increase is proposed, along with a change from a flat fee ($.95 p/100 cubic foot) to a block rate structure. The block rate attaches a different fee to each of four (consumption) tiers. The first tier allows up to 600 cubic feet at a cost of $1.15 per 100 cf, the next 400 cubic feet would be cost $1.80 per 100, the next 1399 cubic feet at $2.30 per 100, and additional amounts at $3.05 per 100. This formula also serves to equalize system revenue/usage variations occurring under the current flat rate billing system. Mayor Rivas called for comments/questions from the public. Merle Gors, Birkland St., indicated that his household has already instituted conservation methods and asked if there would be a conservation incentive or discount available, and stated that it didn't seem fair to ask for additional Yelm City Council Minutes ab\citycouncil\2001 \minutes\12-12-01 Page 2 of 7 conservation. Tom Skillings responded that someone who is already maximizing conservation methods probably would not see a benefit aside from lower monthly bills compared to others. Ron HardinQ, Washington St., questioned the finance structure and term of the $200,000 loan (bond). He also asked if the cost estimates are set in stone or might they go up or down? Tom Skillings responded that yes the estimated costs could go up or down. The numbers are based upon preliminary cost estimates for design and construction. The numbers include an inflation factor and an attempt is made to be conservative... to be sure there will be enough dollars. But, yes costs could go higher or lower. However, these are good numbers for estimating purposes. Ron HardinQ, asked if a higher rate increase would be needed if the estimates go up. Tom Skillings responded that the City typically sets forth a program of the maximum number of dollars to be spent and then works the Capital Improvement Plan from that point to make sure that the dollars cover the project. In the past, the City hasn't increased costs. Historically the City has been pretty good at keeping costs under that ceiling. But, that doesn't mean that it couldn't happen. Skillings pointed out that the $200,000 payment is an annual payment on the $2.5 million dollar (bond) based on a projected 5 % 010 interest rate with a twenty year repayment term. Ron HardinQ, asked if the structure would address water needs for the next 20 years, or will the City be paying for a loan 10 years after? Tom Skillings responded that part of financial viability is getting a rate structure in place that makes the system viable in the future, so you aren't always working in a deficit. The plan does provide a revenue stream that allows you to maintain your system going forward in the future. Skillings added that the improvements, the storage tank and water line replacement is heading in a direction that keeps the system viable and healthy. This is really a process of looking at where the City is going in twenty years and planning what to do to the system in the next six years - which is about as far as any planning can be done with any degree of accuracy. This is the best look at the system today and for the next six years taking into consideration what can happen in twenty years. Candi Shelton, Hobby St, asked for clarification on the uses of reclaimed water at the high school. Tom Skillings responded that the reclaimed water system and the potable (drinking) water system are separate from each other, and that reclaimed water would be used for only for irrigation or agricultural purposes. Being no additional public comment, Mayor Rivas called for Council questions. Councilmember Thompson asked if any unaccounted water was due to fire uses. It was determined that that had been the case but that fire department use is being estimated now. The main problems are leakage from old pipes, inaccurate meters, fire department estimates, which still could be off, and water theft. Yelm City Council Minutes ab\citycouncil\2001 \minutes\12-12-01 Page 3 of 7 Councilmember Miller added that the Public Works Dept. has started an aggressive leak detection program. Tom Skillings acknowledged that the unaccounted for water situation is getting better and that new meters will help. Shelly Badger presented an overview of Ordinance 748 highlighting proposed water rate changes in the ordinance. Ready for service fees (base rate) for customers outside the City increase from $3 to $10 depending on meter size and type of service. All potable water customers experience identical structure and rate changes. Hookup fee increases ranging from $375 to $800, depending on the type of service, will provide revenue for obtaining new water rights. The charge for an illegal water turn on increases from $25 to $60 and the charge for restoring service due to a delinquency increases from $15 to $20. Increases are effective January 1, 2002, except the ready for service and block rate fee and structure change which becomes effective May 1, 2002 to allow time to bring new software on line. A letter from Norm Boe, Stevens St., opposing the water rate increase was entered into the record. Being no additional comment Mayor Rivas closed the public hearing at 8:35. 7. a. Ordinance No. 748 - Water Rate Increase and Structure Change. Mayor Rivas called on Shelly Badger for the staff report. 01-144 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 748 INCREASING WATER RATES AND CHANGING THE BILLING STRUCTURE. CARRIED. There was a short pause in the meeting while presentation equipment was disassembled and moved. 8. Public Hearing - 2002 City of Yelm Budget (Continued from 11/28/01). Mayor Rivas opened the public hearing at 8:41 p.m. announcing the date, time, place and purpose of the hearing. No objections to participants were voiced. Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. As the hearing was continued from the prior meeting a staff report was available but not reviewed. Mayor Rivas called for questions/comments concerning the 2002 final budget. Being no comment Mayor Rivas closed the public hearing at 8:43 p.m. 8. a. Ordinance No. 746 - City of Yelm 2002 Municipal Budget and Salary Schedule. 01-145 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM ADOPTING ORDINACE 746, THE 2002 MUNICIPAL BUDGET. CARRIED. 9. Resolution No. 423 - Claim Agent Appointment - Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. Agnes Bennick explained that earlier in the year the legislature passed a law requiring each jurisdiction to 1) identify an individual to receive claims on behalf of the City and to 2) forward a copy of claims agent appointment to be recorded with the county auditor. In smaller entities, the City Yelm City Council Minutes ab\citycouncil\2001 \minutes\12-12-01 Page 4 of 7 Clerk is the most logical person to be the agent because the clerk's office is always open during regular business hours and someone is always there. 01-146 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING RESOLUTION 423 APPOINTING THE CITY CLERK AS CLAIMS AGENT FOR THE CITY. CARRIED. 10. Surplus Equipment Listing - Mayor Rivas called for the staff report. Agnes Bennick explained that this listing includes equipment that has accumulated over the years. As there was never one location where everything was stored, and the City lacked a place to gather the items together to inventory and service, equipment had accumulated. The listing has been circulated to all departments allowing them to claim equipment they might want to use. Surplus items will be sent to the state tomorrow for sale/disposal. 01-147 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING SURPLUS EQUIPMENT 2001 ITEMS FOR SURPLUS/DISPOSAL. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 11. City of Yelm/Yelm Fire District Agreement Extension. Mayor Rivas requested authorization to extend the Fire Services Contract for three months, through the 15t quarter of the year, and for a second three month extension through the 2nd quarter, if needed. Mayor Rivas stated that he believes that the issues at hand and contract changes can be accomplished within the 15t quarter. Councilmember Cunningham clarified that there were no major changes occurring, just word smithing contract language. Councilmember Miller asked if the City would be holding firm on not agreeing to obtain the services of a facilitator, as he doesn't see the need. Mayor Rivas agreed that he also doesn't see the need for a facilitator and that Commissioner French agreed with that position. Mayor Rivas will keep Council informed if the work isn't completed as the first three month extension draws to a close. 01-148 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON AUTHORIZING A THREE MONTH CONTRACT EXTENSION, WITH AN ADDITIONAL THREE MONTH EXTENSION AUTHORIZED IF NECESSARY. CARRIED. 12. Ordinance No. 747 - Amending Ordinance 745 Setting 2002 Ad Valorem Taxes. Mayor Rivas called for a staff report. Agnes Bennick explained that language has been added to the original ordinance to clarify that the original amount in the Ordinance 754 does not include new construction or utility increases. 01-149 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM ADOPTING ORDINANCE 747 AMENDING CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE 745 SETTING THE AD VOLOREM TAXES FOR 2002 COLLECTION. CARRIED. 13. Ordinance No. 749 - 2001 Year End Budget Amendments. Mayor Rivas called Yelm City Council Minutes ab\citycouncil\2001 \minutes\12-12-01 Page 5 of 7 for a staff report. Agnes Bennick explained that this is an annual housekeeping item required by the auditor. The practice involves projecting year end expenditures and authorizing appropriation increases at the department level in the Current Fund to balance with actual figures. This same process is repeated at the fund level for all other funds. The ordinance also provides for closing Fund 406 ('90 Water Revenue Bond Redemption) via a transfer of remaining funds to Fund 401 (Water). 01-150 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO 749 THE 2001 YEAR END BUDGET AMENDMENTS. CARRIED. REPORTS 14. Librarian's Report - A November 2001 written report was provided. Kristin Blalack added that the internal space use planning is underway for the new facility. 15. Mayor Rivas - Mayor Rivas explained 23 candidates applied for the police chief vacancy. The top five candidates went through an assessment conducted by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, and then were interviewed by a nine member community panel. This process narrowed the field to three candidate The public was provided with an opportunity to meet the candidates and submit comments at an open house. Mayor Rivas announced that Yelm police officer Todd Stancil has been selected as the new police chief. Mayor Rivas presented a Certificate of Appreciation to outgoing Council member Glen Cunningham and thanked him for his efforts on behalf of the City. Mayor Rivas announced that there will be a farewell for departing police chief Brian Asmus at the Public Works Facility on Friday at 5:30 pm. 16. Councilmembers Meeting/Activities 16. a. Councilmember Miller - Financial - A November End of Month report was provided. 16. b. Councilmember Thompson Public Works - A written report was reviewed. John Edwards was commended for the great job he did on the City's Christmas decorations at City Park. He also attended an AWC seminar on Great Local Government. It was a very good seminar and will dovetail with an upcoming budget format presentation. 16 c. Councilmember Cunningham participated in Christmas in Park activities, and attended the Chamber Forum on Tuesday. There was discussion concerning the time schedule for sidewalk repairs by the Senior Center. Jim Gibson indicated that design should be concluded by the Yelm City Council Minutes ab\citycouncil\2001 \minutes\12-12-01 Page 6 of 7 beginning of January, and then it goes to the TIB Board for approval, then through WSDOT channels and hopefully with construction to begin in Spring 2002. There was some discussion concerning changing the A TT Cable link to Olympia instead of Pierce County. 17. Request to Cancel the Wednesday, December 26,2001 Regular City Council Meeti ng. 01-151 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER CANCELING THE DECEMBER 26, 2001 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence items reviewed included notification of a 9.50/0 cable rate increase, AWC meetings/work sessions for newly elected officials and the Legislative Action Conference, Timberland Board minutes, and Governor Locke's request to have government employees make Martin Luther King's Birthday a day for volunteering services to others. ADJOURN: 9:15 P.M. c-l.. Adami Rivas, Mayor ......\....",.......-7-...-.... ' .' ( ; h/ ATTEST: Ag Yelm City Council Minutes ab\citycouncil\2001 \minutes\12-12-01 Page 7 of 7