02-23-00 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23,20007:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order. Mayor Pro-Tempore Adam Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All present joined in the flag salute. 2. Consent Agenda Items a. Agenda b. Minutes: February 9, 2000 c. Vouchers: Checks 12389 - 12431, Totaling $109,603.70 d. Payroll: Preliminary February 2000 Estimate $91,597.41 00-23 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment/Questions. There was no comment. 4. New Business: a. Authorization for Mayor Pro-Tempore to sign Dept. of Ecology Centennial Clean Water Fund Grant (Reuse Water Quality MonitOling) and State Revolving Loan Fund Applications (Refinance '94 Sewer Revenue Bond Debt.) Shelly Badger reported that the City will submit two funding applications to Dept. of Ecology for reuse water quality monitoring at Cochrane Park. Infonnation gathered will provide data to the state to use when approving future reuse projects. This grant requires a 25% match. The second application is to refinance existing 1994 Sewer Revenue Bonds held by Rural Development. The City currently pays 4.5% interest on the bonds with a current balance of approximately $1.7 million dollars and 34 years of payments remaInIng. The City will apply for state money to refinance the loan and realize a $1.3 million savings. If approved the new loan would be 20 years at 1.5%> interest. Payments amounts will be similar. Discussion concerned specific areas of water testing required, the possibility of expanding testing, and the value of testing to future state projects. 00-24 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY AUTHORIZING MAYOR PRO-TEMPORE RIVAS TO SIGN BOTH GRANT APPLICATIONS. CARRIED. 5. Old Business: a. Public W orks Yard - Bid Authorization. Ken Garmann rep0l1ed that the PW Dept. is ready to proceed with the solicitation for bids for the design Yelm City Council Minutes ab/ccOO/minutes/2 - 23 -00 Page 1 of3 and consttuction of the Public Works maintenance facility. Garnlann gave an overview of the building's features. Badger added that the project budget is approximately $650,000 including site work. $500,000 will be financed with General Obligation Bonds. A bond ordinance \vill be presented to Council in March. The police department will be subInitting a grant application for the impound yard that will be located at the site. The recycling area \vill also be located at the site. 00-25 MOTION BY DON lVlILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY AUTHORIZING STAFF TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS YARD PROJECT. CARRIED. 6. Rep0l1s: a. City Council Liaison Reports 1) City Hall Repo11- Councilmember Cuny. Training activities were rep0l1ed. 2) CouIi Repo11- Councilmember Cuny. There was no repo11. 3) Public Works Report - Councilmember Miller. A written update was provided. 4) Park/Park Use Requests - Councilmember Thonlpson a) Bentley Family Picnic, 8/13/00, YCP, 11-6 pm, Attend: 40 b) City Arbor Day Celebration, 4/13/00, CMP, 10-3 pm, PJtend: ? c) Lion's Easter Egg Hunt, 4/23/00, YCP, '1, Attend: 100 d) Prairie Days, 7/22-7/29/00, YCP, Full-time use, Attend: ? e) Alexander Family Reunion, 8/19/00, YCP, 11- 5 pm, Attend: 100 00-26 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING FIVE PARK USE REQUESTS. CARRIED. 5) Police Report - Councilmember Thompson provided an overvie\v of the written report including applications for grants, Office May's return to duty, and training. The individuals involved in bomb threats at local schools have been apprehended and application will be made to attenlpt recovery of sorne City costs. Other agencies provided a great deal of support directly to the investigation and also in providing coverage while Y elm manpower was divelied to the investigation. The City provided $500 of the $1,500 re\vard for infOlmation. 6) Planning Report - Councilmember Cunningham repolied that he received a call saying he didn't have to attend the meeting. b. Mayor Pro Tem Rivas attended the Intercity Transit Extelnal Affairs Committee meeting. Rivas announced Ken Garmann' s resignation to accept another position. Gatmann was thanked for the notice and evelyone wished him \veII. Gatmanll intends to remain involved in several City projects until their completion. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/ccOO/minutcs/2 - 23 -00 Page2of3 Gamlann updated Council on the East Yelm Ave. project. 1-695 funding reductions resulted in the project being removed from DOT's planned CUITent yeat. projects list. If a new $500 million dollar proposal subtnitted by Govelnor Locke is approved, the project may be retulned to the list for funding for this year. However, the City still expects to move ahead with its pOliion of the improvements that at-e grant funded (federal STP funding through DOT). Improvements include the realignment of Clark Road and the realignment and resignalization of Vancil Road. c. Council - Councilmembers were reminded to contact Shelly if they plan to attend the A WC Conference in Spokane in June. Deadline is March 13. 10. Correspondence reviewed included a request for funding assistance for the legal challenge to 1-695 and a letter from the National Alliance ~0r the Mentally III requesting support to help keep St. Peter Hospital's mental health services available. Chief Dunllam received a follow-up letter and has contacted legislators. 11. Adjourn: 8 :08 p.m. ~hwu{ In 141- Kat n M. 0 f, Mayor l Attest: i(}/ttJ PJ ~~'- Agnes P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab/ ccOO/minutes/2- 23 -00 Page 301'3