05-24-00 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 24,2000, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order: Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All present joilled in the flag salute. Present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Velma Cuny, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. 2. Consent Agenda Items a. Agenda b. Minutes: May 10, 2000 c. Vouchers: #12912 - #12960, Totaling $101,138.15 d. Payroll: Preliminary May 2000 00-63 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment/Questions: None 4. New Business: a. Ordinance No. 700, Amending Building Codes by adding appendixes covering the construction of agricultural buildings, reroofing commercial and residential buildings, flood resistant construction and plan review and grading permit fees. 00-64 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 700 AMENDING BUILDING CODES. CARRIED. 5. Old Business: a. Letter of Acceptance for So. County Coordinated Water System Plan. 00-65 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM SUPPORTING THE PLAN. CARRIED. b. Resolution No. 400, Increasing Animal Impound Fees. 00-66 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 400 SETTING NEW ANIMAL IMPOUND FEES. CARRIED. c. Project Acceptance, Cassavant Well Drilling. Shelly Badger recommended accepting the Well 3A drilling project as complete. 00-67 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM ACCEPTING THE WELL 3A DRILLING PROJECT AS COMPLETE. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes May 10, 2000 Page 1 of3 d. Memorandum of Understanding w/ Senior Center re Van. Shelly Badger reviewed the memorandum. Discussion items: estimated maintenance, operations, insurance and requirements and costs related to mandatory random drug testing. 00-68 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE YELM SENIOR CENTER WITH DRUG TESTING COSTS TO BE PAID BY THE SENIOR CENTER. CARRIED. Reports: a. 1) City Council Liaison Reports City Hall Report - Councilmember Curry reported that things are going well. 2) Court Report - Councilmember Curry will be attending a court session soon. 3) Public Works - Councilmember Miller reported that interviews have been scheduled for the new public works position and updated progress on the new public works site. Shelly Badger reported that Tom Skillings would present an alternative analysis for Well 3 with a request to expand the scope of work on the project at a June council meeting. 4) Park/Park Use Requests - Councilmember Thompson reported that one park use request had been received for: YCP, 8/20/00, Car Show & Shine, 8-5, Attend: 150 00-69 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING A PARK USE REQUEST. CARRIED. 5) Police - Councilmember Thompson reviewed the written report. 6) Planning - Councilmember Cunningham reported that the meeting had been cancelled. 7) Financial - Councilmember Rivas reported that the Annual Report had been filed. Staff expects to make the first transfer to the Local Government Investment Pool next week. b. Mayor - Meetings/events attended by Mayor Wolf included: Nisqually Tribe 2% Committee, EDC Committee, Medic 1 - 25th year reception, police goal setting, sheriff and police chief accreditation, Chief Dunnam's retirement dinner and farewell, new police officer interviews, Bill Devore has accepted the position, EDC, Ft. Stevens, and administrative meeting. Yelm City Council Minutes May 10, 2000 Page 2 of3 Other items included an invitation for the FF A Chapter A wards Banquet on June 1, and publication of the engineer's position opening. c. Council Councilmember Thompson reported that the Solid Waste Advisory Committee is working on goals and objectives for 2000-2005. Councilmembers Curry and Cunningham attended the Yelm City Market opening. Councilmember Miller read for 4th graders at Ft. Stevens. Councilmember Rivas attended an awards banquet in Seattle where Skillings Connolly and the City received an environmental award for the treatment plant. 6. Correspondence was reviewed. 7 Adjourn 8: 12 p.m. .-1/ ~ 2-J-; 1 ' j'/ (it. . _/ I. !(/f~. Kat~yn M. 01[, Mayor tf.- Attest: // \.// jJ.. -- ~/1,i LJ T ,() .-1)(;)11..- (' t Agn.. s P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes May 10, 2000 Page 3 of3