09-27-00 Minutes MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,2000, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All present joined in the flag salute. a. Oath of Office - Mayor Wolf administered the Oath of Office to Robert W. Isom, and he was welcomed to the Council. Council Present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. b. Gordon Wohlfeil, Special Olympics Washington, explained law enforcement's role as a major contributor to the Special Olympics. In addition to financial support, YPD also participated in carrying the torch for the 2000 Special Olympics. Wohlfeil noted that there is a "Pride of the Prairie" team competing in events. A certificate was awarded to Brian Asmus and Yelm PD along with a level of financial support plaque. 2. Consent Agenda Items a. Agenda b. Minutes: September 13,2000 c. Vouchers: #13651 - 13697, Totaling $69,972.99 d. Payroll: Preliminary September 2000 00-116 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AND ADDING A YELM/TIMBERLAND LETTER AS ITEM b UNDER REPORTS. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment/Questions - None 4. New Business: a. Norm LeMay, LeMay, Inc., reviewed highlights of the proposed contract for services which requires Utilities & Transportation Commission (UTC) review and approval prior to any rate increase. The new contract identifies services provided to the city including pickup at all municipal locations, containers for community clean-up, and an indexed recycling rebate rate set at $2 per residential water custolner, currently $2,000 per year. He enjoys working with Yelm officials and staff and looks forward to continuing the relationship. There was some discussion concerning a yard waste program including Yelm City Council Minutes agnes/council/2 000/minutes/09-2 7 -00 Page 1 of 5 participation levels to successfully operate a route, subsidizing yard waste programs by increasing other rates and using a survey to determine local support. b. Resolution No. 404 Refuse & Recycling Services Contract. 00-117 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 404 A REFUSE AND RECYCLING SERVICES CONTRACT WITH LEMAY, INC. CARRIED. c. Intercity Transit Update. Mike Harbour, General Manager, Intercity Transit, briefed council on public transportation service and taxing issues facing the community. An historical overview was presented beginning with the 1980 formation of a Public Transportation Benefit Area (PTBA) supported by an election approving a .3 % sales tax for public transportation along with a portion of Motor Vehicle Excise Tax (MVET) collections. In 1992 voters in rural areas outside the original PTBA also approved a .3 % tax for public transportation. In 1999 voters rejected 60/40% (71/29% in rural areas) a request to increase the tax from .3 to .5% resulting in a service reduction. Voters then passed Initiative 695 eliminating MVET funding for transit systems, resulting in a 42% loss in revenue. The resulting funding loss required additional service reductions and/or elimination of service outside of the urban areas. IT is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners call a "Public Transportation Conference" to discuss the existing PTBA and consider a boundary reduction. Tom Hansen and Doug Meyers spoke urging Councilmembers to participate in this process. Council discussion concerned the value of public transportation to the Yelm area, the limited focus of the state Blue Ribbon committee and the general lack of support for tax increase. d. Edwards House Special Use Permit (CUP-00-8258- YL) to construct a 40 unit, 25,000 square foot assisted living facility. Staff provided an overview of the project based on a (9/19/00) staff report. The Yelm Planning Commission (YPC) conducted a public hearing on September 18, 2000 and determined that the proposal, with conditions 1-18, meets Yelm land use codes and development requirements and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The YPC forwarded an approval recommendation to council. 00-118 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE EDWARDS HOUSE SPECIAL USE PERMIT (CUP-OO -8258-YL) AS RECOMMENDED BY THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes agnes/co unci 1/2000/minutes/09-2 7 -00 Page 2 of5 e. George Edwards Homestead Register Nomination. Staff provided an overview of the history of the property based on the (9/19/00) staff report and Drew Crooks writings George Edwards ofYelm Prairie: A Biographical Sketch. On September 6, 2000, the Yelm Historic Preservation Commission (YHPC) conducted a public hearing and determined that the site meets local register qualifications 1, 5 and 6. Based upon these findings, the YHPC recommends adding this site to the local register. It was determined that the designation would not have an effect on future use of the property, but would create an awareness of the area's history and the connection to the Hudson's Bay Company. 00-119 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE ADDITION OF THE GEORGE EDWARDS HOMESTEAD TO YELM'S REGISTER OF HISTORIC SITES. CARRIED. f. Ordinance No. 711 Item was omitted from the agenda but included in packets. This ordinance is a budget amendment creating a Deputy Clerk and Accounting Clerk classification and salary range. Staff explained that this is not an additional position, but the restructuring of an existing position, that will be filled internally in November. A request for a new part-time position will be included in the 2001 budget request. Department staffing levels have remained unchanged since the early 1990s. The individual in this position will spend approximately half of their time assisting the City Clerk and the other half performing accounting duties. 00-120 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 711 CREATING DEPUTY CLERK AND ACCOUNTING CLERK CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY RANGES. CARRIED. 5. Old Business: a. Olympic Pipeline Safety Consortium Update (from 9/13/00). Staff presented a report providing general information about the consortium, membership, funding, and meetings. A listing of opinions both supporting and against joining the consortium was also provided. Council discussed potential value for the $5,000 annual membership fee. The pipeline does run along former/current railroad tracks, however the property is actually either under the control of Thurston County or the railroad. Thurston County as a member of the consortium, would also provide information to Yelm, as this property runs through the City. Council agreed that they would continue to study options but not join at this time, as the City does not currently have control of any pipeline property, although this situation is subject to change. 6. Reports: a. City Council Liaison Reports 1) City Hall- A written report was provided Yelm City Council Minutes agnes/ counci 1/2000/mi nutes/09- 27 -00 Page 3 of 5 2) Court - A written report was provided 3) Public Works - Councilmember Miller - A written report was provided 4) Park/Park Use Requests - There were no park use requests. 5) Police - Councilmember Thompson reviewed items on the written report. 6) Planning - Councilmember Cunningham was unable to attend due to meeting content. 7) Financial - Councilmember Rivas reminded everyone of the Budget Work Sessions every Tuesday in October at 4:00. A notebook containing information needed for the first meeting was provided to each Councilmember and to city departments. a) Year 2000 Revenue Estimates. Staff reported that based upon general fund tax revenue received to date, we will be under projections by approximately $50,000. Sales tax revenue amounts can be effected by a number of things including construction projects, and a two-month collection/distribution time lag. Other revenues, which have exceeded projections, along with a higher than projected beginning net cash, will help cover the shortfall. b. Library - Yelm and Timberland Regional Library Letter to Yelm Prairie Development Co. A copy of the letter was provided. Mayor Wolf explained that the letter's intent is to continue discussions and work towards a proposal with Prairie Development that includes preliminary plans, cost estimates and a projected occupancy date. COUNCIL CONSENSUS: Supports the letter being signed and sent to Yelm Prairie Development Co. c. Mayor's Report - Wolf thanked Adam Rivas and Shelly for filling in for her. Bob Isom was welcomed and asked to serve as liaison to city hall and the court. He will also serve as Yelm's representative to the Law & Justice Committee which meets on the 3rd Wednesday at noon at the Thurston Co. Courthouse. The Trail dedication has been scheduled for Friday, Oct. 6, at 5:30. Mayor Wolf provided information about the new Memorial Tree Program, a brochure detailing participation, costs, and registry has been developed. Correspondence items shared included: 1) A WC Regional Meeting, this meeting provides an opportunity to talk to legislators, contact Agnes if you Yelm City Council Minutes agnes/ counci 1/2000/m inutes/09-2 7 -00 Page 4 of 5 plan to attend. 2) Guidelines for Ballot Proposition Activity, and 3) Initiatives Update & Municipal & Public Finance News. d. Council - No report. e. Salmon Recovery/Endangered Species Act Report. Shelly Badger and Cathie Carlson presented a video and slide program identifying benefits of taking a proactive approach to salmon recovery issues, and the possible consequences of not taking action. 7. Correspondence was reviewed. 8. Adjourn: 10:05 p.m. ~1/ )Jl, LJo$ K thryn M. Wolf, Mayor Attest: //(t.\ I ~/(}. . OJ ~ 2; )N ?''i'jJcA.dW C. /G Agnes P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes agnes/ counci 1/2000/minutes/09- 27 -00 Page 5 of5