WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 5:00 P.M.
Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.
Present: Councilmembers: Bob Isom, JW Foster, Joe Baker, Jenhifer Littlefield, Ken
Garmann, and Russ Hendrickson. Staff: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Ryan Johnstone
4a. Admin/Finance Department Presentation-
Admin/Finance Department Head, Janine Schnepf provided a presentation on the
Department's many varied job duties and tasks. Admin/Finance staff present: Office
Assistant and Customer Service, Michelle Christin; Deputy City Clerk, Business
licensing and Business and Occupation taxes, Lori Mossman; Utility Clerk, Billing and
Account Maintenance, Gretchen Isaksson, City Treasurer, Finance; Teresa Mattson and
myself as City Clerk/HR Manager. The presentation highlighted the department's
achievements, challenges, individual interests and committee memberships in addition
to the department's daily, monthly and annual duties. We are a consistent resource
found at City Hall, serving the City of Yelm family and community. You can depend on
us for service ... with a smile.
5. Mayor's Report:
Mayor reported that he met with the advocates for keeping urban chickens in the city
limits. Suggested staff revisit the Animal Control section of the UDC in the YMC to
address the challenges allowing fowl and rabbits in residential neighborhoods.
6. Council Initiatives:
City Sidewalks - JW Foster brought up the hazard of the raised sidewalks on 103`d and
those on Creek Street. Staff provided an update of the repair work that PW has started
and will be doing to repair any sidewalks damaged by expanding tree roots. Trees have
been removed along Creek Street and will be replaced with appropriate trees after the
sidewalks are repaired or replaced.
Commented that the speed signs on Mill Road are effective in slowing the speed to the
limit posted.
Privately owned buildings that appear hazardous - Discussion on the City's role in
taking appropriate action on buildings in the city limits that appear to be abandoned,
vacant or hazardous. First responsibility falls on the property owner. Hopes are that the
new formed Beautification Committee may have a positive influence on those property
owners to make improvements or remove the hazard.
Jennifer Littlefield requested a progress update on the Community Center. Construction
begins in April. The Park Advisory Committee began preliminary work on what the rental
structure would be. Accessible playground equipment was approved, but is not currently
funded at City Park. Discussed possible partnerships with Home Depot or Rotary for
fundraising opportunities. Will take back to design architect, BCRA.
Adjourn: 7:00 pm
Ron Harding, tMayor
03/25/15 Study Session
J ine Schnepf, City Clerk