05-25-06 SS Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, MAY 25,2006 MINUTES 1. Call to Order - Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5 pm. 2. Roll Call - Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan and Pat Fetterly. 3. Agenda Approval - MOTION BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Presentations a. Utilities Collections Process Recommendation - Staff reported that as utility accounts increases, so too will the number of uncollectible bills. Collection service firms are regulated by the Collection Agency, Consumer Protection, Fair Debt Collection and Fair Credit Reporting Acts. Service fees are generated by adding collection fees ranging between 40-100 percent to the delinquent bill. Fairway's contract has been reviewed by the city attorney and we will work with Fairway to incorporate changes. b. Yelm Economic Development Committee Update - Shelly Badger and Grant Beck discussed development of a retail land inventory to capture information about size and zoning of available retail parcels. Data will be compiled into a promotional brochure along with general city information, trade area demographics and future commercial potential. This effort should help identify and preserve larger commercial parcels for use as neighborhood/regional centers. Targeted distribution includes the Chamber of Commerce, Port of Olympia, Thurston County Economic Development Council. Information will also be available on the City web site. c. Stevens Street West Project Update - Stephanie Ray indicated that the Stevens Street connector between 1st Street and Edwards should be ready for construction in February 2007. d. Downtown Water Tank Structural Report - Stephanie Ray reported that the downtown water tower structural repairs are estimated at $5,000 and include draining the tank. The 2007 budget process will include painting consideration. e. Nisqually Watershed Implementation Plan Overview - Shelly Badger provided background information about the final draft Implementation Plan and planning unit work. The Plan is scheduled for a vote in August and staff was seeking consensus authorization for a vote accepting the draft which includes a schedule for implementing recommended actions. The Plan will be reviewed and revised annually. Plan actions Include technical data studies for DOE's use in assessing water rights applications; a model run utilizing the regional groundwater water model; a multi- jurisdictional water model run to better understand how WIRA 11's aquifers relate; water rights transfer opportunities identification; and defining reclaimed water/water rights exchange mitigation. Council consensus supported a vote. ab/cc/2006/minutes Page 1 of 2 Approved: 6/14/06 5. Mayor/Council Initiatives Councilmember Isom would like to see discussion of park fees scheduled for a future study session. Mayor Harding provided a revised agenda which will identify council committee assignments. Staff requested that council contact them with any changes to the sample. Councilmembers were provided with copies of applications received for two newly created council positions. 6. New Business - none 7. Old Business - none 8. Adjourn: 8:00 p.m. Attest: ,} cLVl ./j """, . (.. ',.' . - I ,.IV"i..' Ji-;' lk- Agne~ ennick, City Clerk ab/cc/2006/minutes Approved: 6/14/06 Page 2 of 2