07 14 2015 Agenda PacketAGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015, 6:00 P.M. Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated documents including staff reports, resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not have attachments. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Special Presentations- Proclamation- Library Awareness Month John Romero, Assistant Project Engineer, Washington State Department of Transportation - Overview of the SR 507 overlay project 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speakers (five) are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. ACTION 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Minutes; Regular Meeting June 23, 2015 & Study Sess: n June 24, 201 ... CanceHed b. Payables; Checks # 7. Public Hearing- none scheduled New Business - Beehive Software Subscription Purchase Presenter: Ryan Johnstone & Grant Beck Attachments: Staff Report ACTION b. Stormwater Management Plan Consultant contract ACTION 10 min Presenter: Ryan Johnstone Attachments: Staff Report, Contract 9. Old Business — none scheduled 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Foster represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County Solid Waste • Nisqually River Council Advisory Committee (SWAC) • Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Baker represents Yelm on the following committees. • Intercity Transit Board • Yelm Adult Community Center Councilmember Isom represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Economic Development Council Committee (TRPC) • Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Littlefield represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County HOME Yelm Finance Committee Consortium Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees. • (TRPC) Transportation Policy • Yelm Transportation Committee Board • TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember Garmann represents Yelm on the following committees. • Yelm Transportation Committee Thurston County Law and Justice Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees. • Medic One • Yelm Emergency Operations Board Mayor Harding represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County Economic • Yelm Finance Committee Development Council • Yelm Emergency Operations Board • Yelm Transportation Committee • Thurston County Mayor's Forum • Yelm Economic Development • (TRPC) Transportation Policy Committee Board 11. Executive Session- Council will go into a 45 minute Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the proposals made in collective bargaining negotiating sessions for the Yelm Police Department. RCW 42.30.140(4)(a)(b). 12. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request) Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) Retreat Pre - Agenda- Friday, July 10, 2015 8:30am- 3:30pm @ 9521 Tilley Rd SW, Olympia Thurston County News Release from Mary Hall, Auditor — Wednesday, July 1, Notice of the August 4, 2015 Primary Election Thurston County News Release from Mary Hall, Auditor - Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Denny Heck Newsletter dated June 29, 2015 Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce July 2015 13. Adjourn Upcoming Meetings Regular City Council Meeting, July 28, 2015, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Council Study Session, Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 5:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per CD (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at wv_ww_.,i.y lrr7.w .us CITY OF YELM PROCLAMATION Library Awareness Month WHEREAS, the Yelm Library contributes greatly to the quality of life for Yelm citizens and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, the use of the Library has increased each year and is considered one of the busiest five libraries in Timberland's 27 library system; and WHEREAS, the Friends of the Yelm Library and citizens of the community volunteer their time to promote, encourage and enhance the work of their local library; and WHEREAS, the Friends of the Yelm Library have donated more than $300,000 for furniture, fixtures and programs and nearly as many hours raising money and advocating for citizen access to the library's services; and WHEREAS, the Yelm City Council endorses the efforts to maintain library services and facilities in the City of Yelm, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Yelm City Council declare July 2015 as LIBRARY AWARENESS MONTH and urge all citizens to support the efforts of the Friends of the Yelm Library and volunteers by getting involved in activities designed to promote and enhance the Yelm Library as a vital facility now, and in the future. Signed in the City of Yelm, Washington, on this 14th day of July, 2015. Ron Harding Mayor, City of Yelm Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 1 of 4 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2015 MINUTES 1. Mayor Pro -Tem Isom called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Joe Baker, Jennifer Littlefield, Tracey Wood, Ken Garmann and Russ Hendrickson. 15 -047 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD EXCUSING MAYOR HARDING FROM THE MEETING. CARRIED. Agenda Approval 15 -048 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - none scheduled 5. Public Comment - Victoria Mattoon, Yelm City resident spoke against allowing fireworks inside the city limits. Ms. Mattoon would like to see them banned or least the time you are allowed to light them to be shortened to a couple of days only. She is concerned about fires starting due to the dry weather. Mayor Pro -Tem stated it was too late to make any changes this year but suggested the issue be brought to a study session for discussion. He thanked Ms. Mattoon for bringing her concerns to Council. Councilmember Foster looked online and found that fireworks are only supposed to be discharged from 9:00am to 11:00pm on July 3 and 4 according to the RCW. Ms. Mattoon would like to have that information published in the Nisqually Valley News. Shelly Badger stated she had received a press release from Thurston County on behalf of all the area fire districts asking if the City of Yelm would like to participate in a press release that reminds everyone of the laws associated with fireworks and encourages everyone to be extra careful due to the dry climate. The City of Yelm will be participating in the press release. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes - Regular Meeting June 9, 2015 Payables - Checks #64858 - #64922 Totaling $192,884.69 15 -049 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing -none scheduled 8. New Business - a. Resolution No. 558 - stating the City has continued participation with Thurston County in the Federal Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program for years 2016 -2018 Shelly Badger explained that in 2012 Thurston County was designated a Community Block Grant (CDBG) Urban County by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which entitled the County and its participating cities to annual allocations of CDBG funds from HUD for the 2013 -2015 period. In August 2012, The City of Yelm, along with Rainier, Tenino and Bucoda signed an ICA and MOU with Thurston County for the years 2013 -2015, whereby the City agreed to become a party to the federal entitlement program and Thurston County agreed to commit and pledge CDBG funds one of the three years for eligible projects in south Thurston County Communities (approx. $1,000,000). Lacey and Page 1 of 4 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 2 of 4 Tumwater utilized the remaining two years' funds. The City has received $439,208 from this program for the Yelm Skate Park project, which will begin construction later this summer. Thurston County has requested a Resolution no later than July 10, stating the City has continued participation. Resolution No. 558 adopts by reference the ICA and MOU, which include all the original terms and conditions from the prior period, accept for the addition of item #15 in the ICA and will allow the City to apply for funding once over the 3 -year period for CDBG eligible projects or programs. Councilmember Wood asked for clarification on Yelm receiving $439,208 for the Yelm Skate Park project, which is almost half of the money awarded to south Thurston County Communities. Ms. Badger stated that is correct and if the funding cycles remains the same then Yelm could be eligible to receive funding again in 2016. Councilmember Garmann asked why Thurston County wanted a Resolution when the original Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (ICA) automatically renews to consecutive three -year terms. Ms. Badger stated Thurston County requested a Resolution no later than July 10. Councilmember Foster asked if the City of Yelm have any upcoming projects that would meet the requirements for funding. Staff will be determining that in the future. Councilmember Wood asked if there is an opt out clause with notice if need be. There is such a clause in the ICA. Councilmember Littlefield asked when the funding cycle would be decided. Ms. Badger answered when the Resolutions are passed from all the participating Cities. 15 -050 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 558 STATING THE CITY HAS CONTINUED PARTICIPATION WITH THURSTON COUNTY IN THE FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM FOR YEARS 2016 -2018. CARRIED. b. 2014 AC Water Main Replacement Construction and Construction Management Contracts Ryan Johnstone stated that the 2014 AC Water Main Replacement project is part of a yearly program replacing aging asbestos cement water main within the City of Yelm water distribution system. Design of three segments of AC water main was completed in April 2015 on time and within budget of $132,870.00. Based on the engineer's cost estimate, it was determined to bid the two sections of AC water main that were identified as high priority projects in the Water System Plan. The two sections are Bid Schedule B- Algiers Rd SE including Yelm View Ct SE and Bid Schedule c- Tranquility Lane SE. Bid Schedule A, which includes Yelm Ave E, 3rd St SE and the alley located between 2nd St SE and 3rd St SE will not be constructed this year but will go out for bid in 2016.The bids for Schedule B and C were advertised and the lowest responsive bid came from WHH Nisqually Federal Services. Funds for the project will come from Fund 404, Water Capital Improvement. The current allocated budget is $350,000 for construction and construction management. The total cost as bid was $404,028.21. Reserve funding within the Capital Improvement Fund would be utilized to make up the difference of $54,028.21. The project is expected to be approximately 75 days. 15 -051 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD AUTHORIZING MAYOR PRO -TEM ISOM TO AWARD THE PROJECT TO SIGN THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH WHH NISQUALLY FEDERAL SERVICES (WHH) IN THE AMOUNT OF $368,308.21; AND SIGN THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTRACT WITH BHC CONSULTANTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $35,720.00. CARRIED. Page 2 of 4 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 3 of 4 C. Resolution No. 557 Authorizing the City of Yelm to receive a State Revolving Fund (SRF) for the purpose of preparing Phase I of a Stormwater Management Plan Ryan Johnstone explained that the Department of Ecology, a Washington State Agency, has established a State Revolving Fund (SRF) for providing financial assistance for the construction of water pollution control facilities and the preparation of required utility planning documents. The City applied for a grant /loan in 2014 and was successful in receiving a $75,000 grant and a $25,000 loan over a 20 -year term at 2.7 %. The City of Yelm will develop a stormwater management plan to serve as the planning document for the stormwater utility and lay the groundwork for future improvements to City stormwater collection, treatment and disposal system. The plan is an important tool for day -to -day operations and as a public reference document. The plan will address regulatory issues, protection of property from flooding and erosion; identify health and safety issues, system mapping, inventory needs, and analysis of drainage and water quality issue and present recommendations for the preservation of environmental and aesthetic benefits to the community. This is the first phase of a two -phase project. The second phase will include a rate analysis for the storm water utility and a 6 -year capital improvement program. 15 -052 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 557 ACCEPTING A STATE REVOLVING FUND LOAN (SRL) FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREPARING PHASE I OF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. CARRIED. d. Ordinance No. 1002, Amending the 2015 Salary Schedule Appendix II Janine Schnepf stated that Council adopted the 2015 Budget, including the Salary and Benefit Schedule in December of 2014. The Salary Schedule Appendix II was amended in March of 2015. Since that time, the departure of some personnel afforded the opportunity to evaluate the organization and those departments. It was determined that two of the now vacant positions could be combined into one, creating a new position of Public Works Manager. The Finance Director and Senior Accounting Clerk positions established and filled in prior years but currently vacant, are being re- established for use as the needs of the city grow. At this time, the City plans to fill the Public Works Manager and Finance Director Positions. Funding for these positions is included in the 2015 budget due to the resignation of the PW Field Supervisor and Treasurer (both budgeted for a full year) and savings from the time lag in creating and filling the new positions. Councilmember Wood asked why the term "exempt" is placed in front of the Public Works Manager position. Ms. Schnepf stated that City of Yelm staffing includes exempt and non - exempt employees. Exempt are salaried. In this case, non- exempt Public Works positions are union members, exempt positions are not. 15 -053 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 1002 AMENDING THE 2015 SALARY AND BENEFIT SCHEDULE BY ADDING AN EXEMPT PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER POSITION, RE- ESTABLISHING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND SENIOR ACCOUNTING CLERK POSITIONS, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CARRIED. 9. Old Business —none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster attended the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) meeting. Councilmember Foster also attended the Nisqually River Council meeting and reported that he is amazed at the Federal, State and Page 3 of 4 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 4 of 4 South Sound organizations that continuously study the waters in and around the South Sound area and gather information that help in managing these waterways. Councilmember Foster will be attending the Thurston County unveiling of their neonicotinoid agreement. Councilmember Baker stated the brochure put out by the Nisqually River Trust was very interesting. Councilmember Baker attended the Yelm Adult Community Center meeting and reported that the seniors made a couple of thousand dollars at their yard sale. The Adult center is looking for a bus from Intercity Transit for their seniors and the center is doing well financially. Councilmember Wood attended the Transportation Policy Board meeting and reported there was an amendment to the Region Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP). Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Medic One meeting and supplied the Council with a report that showed the total calls increased by 8.4% over the last year but the response time for ALS and BLS have decreased. Councilmember Littlefield announced that the Yelm Lions Club is looking for volunteers to help at their food booth anytime but especially on Thursday for Prairie Days. 11. Executive Session - none scheduled 12. Correspondence included - AWC City Voice Newsletter June 17, 2015 Comcast changes letter dated June 9, 2015 AWC Cityvision Magazine May /June 2015 The Salute to the Union Ceremony invitation for the 2015 4t" of July Fireworks at JBLM 13. Adjourned at 6:30 pm. Attest: Bob Isom, Mayor Pro -Tem Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk Page 4 of 4 To Ii•Tii Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council Agenda Item 8. a. Beehive Industries Software Page 1 of 10 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT Ryan Johnstone, Director of Public Works Grant Beck, Director of Community Development Date: July 1, 2015 (for July 14th City Council Meeting) Subj: Software Subscription Purchase Recommendation Authorize the purchase of a one year subscription to the water, wastewater, storm, streets, and permitting /planning modules of Beehive Industries software. Background The Public Works and Community Development Departments would like to purchase a one year license for infrastructure management and plan review processing software. The software provides a simple user interface to the City's infrastructure using GIS data the City has been collecting over the past 12 years, including: • Aerial photos • Parcel lines • Street centerlines • STEP tanks • Sewer valves • Sewer mains • Reclaimed water valves • Reclaimed water meters • Reclaimed fire hydrants • Water meters • Water valves • Water mains • Fire hydrants • Storm ponds • Storm vaults • Catch basins For each feature, the software provides a summary of the history, service, and future maintenance requirements. For example, selecting a STEP tank will provide all the data previously collected about that tank such as size, type, and pump size. If the tank has been maintained or pumped, that data will also be available, along with any standard future service needs (pumping every three years, for example). Agenda Item 8. a. Beehive Industries Software Page 2 of 10 Details of the tank, such as as -built plans, photographs, and scanned notes, can also be stored and accessed with the system. Work orders are generated by the software and work flow is managed through emails generated by the system to the appropriate staff person, as well as within the system when the staff person opens the software. Work orders are automatically generated for `normal' maintenance such as pumping STEP tanks every three years, or by selecting features using GIS or a report. Finally, they can be generated through a service order such as a phone report of a sewer tank alarm. The system generates reports which help with staff scheduling as well as reports on the system itself. There is no seat licensing, so anyone who needs access to the system can use the software. It also runs on tablets, allowing Public Works personnel to edit records, record maintenance activity and respond to service orders in the field. Current Situation The cost for one year of the water, wastewater, stormwater, streets, and planning /permitting modules is approximately $18,000 plus $5,000 for deployment. The proposal is to purchase and test the software for one year and, if it is found to be as beneficial as expected to the daily operations of the City, based on the trial period, request the annual license be included in the 2016 budget. Funds for the project reside in funds 001 - General, 404 - Water Capital Improvement, and 413 — Sewer /Reuse Capital Reserve. Revenue is tracking higher than projected and there will be staff efficiencies and improvements to utility asset maintenance. The revised expenditure would be accounted for in the next budget amendment. Agenda Item 8. a. Beehive Industries Software Page 3 of 10 Core Beehive Landing Page I Search For Water Valve I Aerial View Water System ,rw Beeville oil All Available Feature Work Order Reports Query ,CUPBOARD The Feature Summary Page I AsBuilt Tab I Street View I Pictometry I Event Information Below ,ml(' Bree0le Feature work Order Reports Query �uuum 'WkRI�IM+ddlf�wm I 9k'r;7tt��rEr uowuuuuui Agenda Item 8. a. Beehive Industries Software Page 4 of 10 NDTE3 114 "4V II Yro�Pt JB'w'IIP"l 1.B 11 YNtl)I M 11 Q 2MIC, d'" 1 01 111,11 i I MI'.1 All Available ` •a BBd 1 HISTORY < DATE EVENT STATUS 'N IBDRRESRDER COMMENTS 4/B/ 1958 Installation Complete LEGEND ; SELECTION CLIPBOARD Agenda Item 8. a. Beehive Industries Software Page 5 of 10 Water Pipe Summary Page I Notice Interactive Maps and Location "Crosshairs" On Right I Navigation To Fitting or Valve Direct From Illustration f( �� E'eeviiMVe l411Aweiladle Feature Work Order Reports Query AND ril�STORY'.,. DATE EVENT STATUS. WF®RKORDER CUMIIMENT'S. 'T /I/P -WE tnstallatian C.t:vinpkt:e LEGEND CUPBOARD Properties Tab of the same Water Pipe I Interactive Map Below w/ Drawing Tools R3eevii1'R Feature WV12227 M Ir W V1 2227 5- 10.00' 'Work Order Reports Query HISTORY; LEGEND SELECTION CLIPBOARD, D EM Agenda Item 8. a. Beehive Industries Software Page 6 of 10 do All Available " Y � & I" A—; (.. 5n!rPace Inver. :.:. Confidence - Lmation J 3 m l �Grud: FS,,,,, Nate: Agenda Item 8. a. Beehive Industries Software Page 7 of 10 Core Landing Page w/ Wastewater and Water Layers On I Search Functionality I Easy Access To Work Orders, Reports, and Query d.AllAvaiiahle Feature Work Order Departs Query UIPBOARD Agenda Item 8. a. Beehive Industries Software Page 8 of 10 Property Page of Drop Manhole I Representative Image (unlimited storage in Beehive) I Event History of the Feature, Including Inspections IBeeviHe Feature WWMH10715 TAWMH10715 D,.p M..h41. Work Order Reports Query '0 SUMMARY PROPERTIES COMMENTS (I 'F 9"1111111"FIM WMH10715 , Yv, Drop Manhole mu)m v: 8s-0087-99 u F� „Pu Cast Iron virr AisBuilt PUAU�RMV ivm Cast Iron iIONr,vUVAIJCJNr 11160.8 FRI) I MWI-H R; 30 HrVHWVA,­MM 11148.2 r.AIM tWAA I 11APM R N a i.AFVIR 12.6 HISTORY DATE EVENT -"FI Ij/?0 15 MACP Inspection 2075 - reatine inspectionprogran, v1 LEGENO 1 [10/2013 Other TV Review -NO DEFfCTS SEE.ECTION bl I/ k I_-2 4 Installation InstaU 4C1,IRBOARD, 44All Available low 01 - 1 street. vi— 10 Pic ...try E ?m NOTES =+A-- STATUS WORK ORDER COMIMENTS Forrp�ptp Carnplete '_or1'qAetP Agenda Item 8. a. Beehive Industries Software Page 9 of 10 Wastewater Pipe Feature Summary I Inspection Defects and Findings Illustrated I Feature Selection at left (any feature close, in this case two street segments above the wastewater pipe BeevNe Feature Work Order Reports Query H1bi1X7KY SUMMARY LEGE�ND SELEC717110N, CWWPl10737 : B-1232.00 4SO1 n Em Gravity sewer i ii i i; As Built: WIDII 1579 warl�"A`IU. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe ,vovi? 0.02611 3" / 10"" z < D Z LL z 00* AIIAvailahle WWMH11472 PiPEINSPECTPONS: 3119/2011 1610 � WWMH110715 DATE EVENT t/3/2015 Vapor Rooting 19/2015 PACIP Inspection Mspection - PACP video from Cues truck 4/28/2014 Flushing - Routine )ET FLUSHNG R122/2013 Flushing - Roubne JET FLOStqING CLIPBOARD 2/11/2011 Flushing -Routine )E1FLUSkVNG -GREASE STATUS WORKORDER COMMENTS corlplete Complete cry rlpIetF C01111PI'Ptp conlp ete Agenda Item 8. a. Beehive Industries Software Page 10 of 10 Feature Selection at Left Including Water Valves and Signs in the area I Work Order Creation Screen at center Including Wastewater and Water Selections for Maintenance to be done B... UP Feature 'Work Order SEARCH �.{ 510531 P.3-3 / Circulart ter— i- CUPBOARD Reports Query 1 To: Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 1 of 11 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT From: Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director Date: July 6, 2015 (for July 14, 2015 City Council Meeting) Subj: Stormwater Management Plan contract authorization Attach: Parametrix Scope of Services Recommendation Authorize Mayor Harding to sign a contract with Parametrix, Inc. in the amount of $99,027.56 for development of a Stormwater Management Plan. Background Utility planning documents such as a Water System Plan or General Sewer Plan provide the foundation and guidance necessary to ensure that the utility accomplishes necessary goals while also maintaining regulatory compliance. The City of Yelm Stormwater Utility does not have a planning document that provides this. In order to begin addressing that need, this document will address six core elements required by DOE (listed on Page 3 of the attached scope), will identify gaps in needed data and system mapping, and will provide an initial analysis of the utility. Public Works applied for and was awarded $100,000 in grant/loan funds from the Washington State Department of Ecology to complete a stormwater management plan. Current Situation With this contract, the Stormwater Management Plan will be completed. This plan is the first phase of a larger document. The next phase will include the completion of a rate analysis and the identification of projects that will be programmed into a Capital Improvement Plan for the utility. Public Works will apply to DOE for additional funding to complete that effort at a later date. Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 2 of 11 Parametrix ENGINEERING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES SCOPE OF WORK City of Yelm Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) III rIR Ii::)uc ' °risIII AMPAW The Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is an important tool that the City will be able to use for day -to -day operations related to addressing stormwater and pollutant control obligations. Parametrix will outline the current stormwater management activities at the City, identify data and activity gaps, and layout a program to address those gaps. Additionally, as part of this project, Parametrix will help the City to develop a plan to begin inventory of the existing stormwater conveyance system, including identification of immediate, mid -, and long -term mapping needs. The tasks are organized to follow those outlined in the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) Water Quality Combined Financial Assistance Agreement WQC- 2015- YeImPW -00040 (grant agreement); however, this scope may not exactly match the grant agreement to allow for some flexibility if project developments require scope adjustments. For each task, Parametrix roles and responsibilities are defined in this scope to integrate with the City effort and develop an effective stormwater program planning process. TASK I .. imm�IG��', /,jllh °::�;.�.. IC II �:�i'=Mimm .I.. QA/QC A.- This task will be completed by the City with support from the Parametrix team through a collaborative and interactive approach to provide on -time, cost - efficient quality service. Parametrix will prepare for and contribute to meetings with the City of Yelm and internal staff to properly execute the critical goals and objectives that the City has for this project. Specific activities of the project management task include the following: • Prepare an in -house quality control /quality assurance project plan, and provide associated coordination. • Prepare project schedule; track and provide updates. • Prepare monthly progress letter for submission to the City's project manager. The letter, with associated enclosures, will include the following: Description of work performed during billing period. Comparison of work accomplished with expenditures, budget, and scheduled activities. Communication with City's project manager. City of Yelm 216- 1781 -835 Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) 1 July 7, 2015 Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 3 of 11 SCOPE OF WORK (continued) • Meetings: Prepare for and attend an internal kickoff meeting with the Parametrix team to review individual responsibilities, progress, vision and mission statement, and key project elements. Attend and document a total of 5 project team meetings with the City, scheduled monthly including 3 Parametrix staff, 1 hour each (plus travel). Attend and facilitate a meeting with key interested members of City staff, which may include representatives from the Department of Public Works, Community Development, Administration, and the City Council, to identify the vision and mission statements around which the stormwater management program will be planned. o Prepare and update an Action Items List, including action items and decisions made in the meeting and covered in other tasks. Conduct a pre - submittal meeting with Ecology to discuss Yelm's Stormwater Management Planning goals and to obtain Ecology's viewpoints on the planning process. ZIMMUMM • City will have key decision - making staff at the meetings based on planned topics, to be determined in advance. • Decisions documented in meeting notes will be the basis of moving forward with the facility planning process. • Up to five project team meetings. • Monthly progress letters with invoices (six). • Meeting notes from project management meetings. Action Items List. • Documentation of agreed vision and mission statements. `auL4a k 2 '1 ; \A/N /il' Submittal of a SWMP outline is the first delivery milestone. The goal of this subtask is to generate an outline that includes the core SWMP elements outlined in the Ecology grant agreement and aligns with the City's vision and mission of stormwater management in Yelm. Approach Parametrix will prepare an outline that provides the following information: City of Yel m 216- 1781 -835 Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) 2 July 7, 2015 Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 4 of 11 SCOPE OF WORK (continued) • It will summarize the goal of the plan. • It will identify the local agency, the department staff, and the technical advisory panel; as appropriate. • It will define the schedule for plan development, the anticipated plan approval process, and any foreseeable interagency agreements or memorandums of understanding pertaining to implementation of the plan. Based on the Ecology grant agreement, the core elements of the outline will include: • Public Education and Outreach • Public Involvement and Participation • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination • Controlling Runoff from New Development, Redevelopment, and Construction Sites • Municipal O&M • Monitoring and Assessment Assumptions • City will provide consolidated comments from their review of the Draft SWMP Outline within 2 weeks. Deliverables • Draft SWMP Outline for the City's review • Final SWMP Outline for Ecology review 2 2 and Gap l7r)lyr.;Is Objective Provide a review of information related to the City's stormwater management program and identify gaps in the data needed, including mapping data, to support future program goals based on previous experience with stormwater planning and discussions with City staff. Approach Parametrix will review the following information, as available: • Information on the City's existing storm and surface water operations, inspection, and maintenance program, including the number of staff, and staff hours applied to duties by staff members, if provided. • Information on City codes and ordinances pertaining to stormwater. City of Yelm 216- 1781 -835 Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) 3 July 7, 2015 Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 5 of 11 SCOPE OF WORK (continued) • Information on the City's existing stormwater infrastructure, including record drawings (as- builts), modeling data, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) documents, plus any additional project lists or records of stormwater problem areas. • Geographic information system (GIS) data including existing stormwater system, soils, water resources, utilities, land uses, aerial photos, streets, topography, zoning, tax lots, buildings, and private stormwater facilities. • General information on surface and groundwater resources, such as basin plans, water quality data, identification of wellhead protection areas, and other related studies. • Background information on the City's current stormwater utility fee and other information related to financial policy and staffing. • Information on land use from the Community Development Department. RIT-TWITIOT • For all of the above information that exists, the City will provide the data or will provide direction on how the data can be obtained electronically. The gap analysis will rely solely on the data provided at the quality provided. It does not include additional data collection, interpretation, or collection. Record drawings will be provided for review and overall assessment of their status but will not be inventoried, transferred or re- mapped to the data base. on- IR1 MMOMT Memorandum to the City project manager summarizing information reviewed and identifying data gaps, including mapping needs. Based on the Ecology grant agreement, the goal of this task is to develop a Draft SWMP that lays out a procedure for assessment and recordkeeping for the SWMP elements, including measurable outcomes for each plan element. Parametrix will generate a Preliminary Draft SWMP for review by the City based on the vision and mission statements identified in Task 1, core elements outlined in Task 2.1, the information reviewed in Task 2.2, and Ecology guidance and model templates for SWMPs. The plan will be updated and become the Final Draft for Ecology's review. Parametrix will attend one final meeting with Ecology to describe and discuss the SWMP,. City of Yelm 216- 1781 -835 Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) 4 July 7, 2015 A Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 6 of 11 SCOPE OF WORK (continued) • City will provide consolidated comments from their review of the Preliminary Draft SWMP within 2 weeks. O t ,. • Preliminary Draft SWMP and Supporting Documentation to the City of Yelm. Final Draft SWMP for Ecology review. f a,,.r< 2A lit. l i `ir(:, )g C,,tr I for CoiJn6. Adopfion Objective Adoption of a Final SWMP by the City. Approach Parametrix will develop the Final SWMP based on the Department of Ecology's comments from review of the Final Draft SWMP developed in Task 2.3. The key elements of this task will include: • Completion of the Final SWMP and supporting documentation. Attendance at one meeting with the City Council to facilitate Council adoption of the Final SWMP. . 1 Ecology will provide comments from their review of the Task 4 deliverable within 4 weeks. • Final SWMP and Supporting Documentation to the City and the Department of Ecology. Presentation to the City Council to facilitate Council adoption of the Final SWMP. o.u,,. S 1< 3 ....,,. �, "II...II:° : M I FI:::1 II II' AN E.) ANN Y &S &=7 7 Develop an understanding of the existing stormwater infrastructure data, document that data in a manner that adheres to the conditions of the Ecology grant agreement, identify the steps needed to generate a comprehensive mapping and asset management database of the entire City system and potential issues, and develop a program through which to prioritize those steps. City of Yelm 216- 1781 -835 Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) 5 July 7, 2015 Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 7 of 11 SCOPE OF WORK (continued) Parametrix will review the data collected in Subtask 2.2 and evaluate it based on: • Staff reports of observed stormwater - related problems discussed during meetings conducted in Task 1. • Anticipated problems that may result from the types of gaps, if any, identified in the current stormwater management program. • Proximity of infrastructure discharges to surface or groundwater with documented water quality issues, if any, such as TMDLs. • Typical issues encountered by municipalities similar to Yelm. Parametrix will generate an appendix for the SWMP that summarizes: Previous Field collection efforts. • Currently available GIS data for existing stormwater conveyance components. • Data gaps in the current mapping information. • Prioritization of immediate, mid -, and long -term mapping needs based on the data evaluation. U mom 4 • No new mapping data (survey, GIS layers, field inspections, etc.) will be collected for this task. I on- tf'1M�0=2 • Appendix to the SWMP document that describes the Existing Stormwater System and plan for the storm drainage system inventory development. City of Yel m 216- 1781 -835 Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) 6 July 7, 2015 Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 8 of 11 . . . . ... . . ..... . . .......... . . ....... . . . . ........ . . .................. . . ........ . .......... UO . ............ .. ... . .. ....... . ...... , Q E E AR .. .. .. . . ............... .. ........ — — - — --------- 75 17 41 gNNg . . ......................... . . .... . . ........... . rd rirpp E E �tq ...... . .. ...... L'i 75, ZE . ........................ . .... . Lid, 3.X 1,11E O ro E CL -2 w E —M an I 12 Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 9 of 11 Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 10 of 11 00 I o0 00 00 �A N M o m n in a m A4 ao ti p� 00 O S tD 1D A4 w u1 in N q0J N ply Ln r X Cn M v � N O O 00 * a °0 0 c M 0 � N n O O to N 0) ko �0 ptp l/1 TwA A p p E N Q 0 c o d u -91w H Q J N Z 0 m D V) C 75 N C O V a H �I8008 O O O ui i E m N ci 1, Q � V} NLn Ji W N a WC X O Ln X X oo -, v00 l LU tJ :5 O O N ab 0 0 CO U U O F- UeBJoIN IJegs ;ue;unoaay 8 00 "0 ;aafOJd JS 6 N M m m ti N N w N (dM) suol;ealignd (dM) suol;e:)llgnd dnlleAnd dnlleAnd ^N saW N °0 Awwel Jo ;euipJOOO 0 0 ;aaroJd JS C) 0 ;puaj'SIned ;ue;lnsuo0JS o0 N 00 oo v 'v N 00 O O N Uuewyy'a enysor III JaUUehd °o N N O n $... W V' R N N ,Ni N o2eJ;ing -V SIeJD Al JaaUl2U300 0 Ln JailIW 'l AJolleW III JaaulSu3 00 N m ti °p 00 ° ° ° °v Ln N m ° 10 ;pueJg .0 alln f JaauI2U3 JS o0 0 N Ja�unq "'3 ueliq ;Ue;GnSUOD JS S n N ry N M (,0 "t "t N N W O N N I!1 V1 O 00) M N O N 10 O O Ln ti ti ti 2 O d Li O O O IR O W b N O 1 l�O 00. 'i 00 n W Ol b W rl O L, Ln ul O W N N �t 00 0 Vl VT V� V? H N try. try try. to O a7 J a" ,r C C O C ML a aci E E c c ' � m o aj to m o O c c m e U °3 O m 0`0 == v Ai E 0 c 4 U a c at a,� 0 3 Z: v O o O 0 v 0 O� E E E a _ 3 E oi1 o o E ac O c ii o` c Y O v « CL L ai Y D n M 3 E E Q1 m v p Y O E _ _ _ v O } Z v C Y N N -2 c N a, o 'o v a t m t 0. .ice o 0 0 0 00 I o0 00 00 �A N M o m n in a m A4 ao ti p� 00 O S tD 1D A4 w u1 in N q0J N ply Ln r X Cn M v � N O O 00 * a °0 0 c M 0 � N n O O to N 0) ko �0 ptp l/1 TwA A p p E N Q 0 c o d u -91w H Q J N Z 0 m D V) C 75 N C O V a H �I8008 O O O ui i E m N ci 1, Q � V} NLn Ji W N a WC X O Ln X X oo -, v00 l LU tJ :5 O O N ab 0 0 CO U U O F- Agenda Item 8. b. Stormwater Management Plan Contract Page 11 of 11 TRPC RETREAT PRE - AGENDA Friday, July 10, 2015 8:30 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. Thurston County Emergency Coordination Cent 9521 Tilley Rd. SW, Olympia, vv/-k Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 1 of 9 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Retreat Activities 12:00 p.m. TRPC Business Meeting —Working Lunch Consent Calendar ACTION These items were presented at the previous meeting. They are action items and will remain on consent unless pulled for further discussion. a. Approval of Minutes —June 5, 2015, 2013 b. Approval of Vouchers c. Approval of RTIP Amendment 15 -07 d. Approval of Revised Population & Employment Forecast Allocations September Meeting Date ACTION Council will discuss possibly changing the September meeting date — taking into consideration the Labor Day Holiday on Monday, September 7th. RTIP Amendment 15 -09 1st REVIEW WSDOT proposes increasing funds for traffic operations assessments. The increase is more than 30 %, requiring TRPC action. TRPC action expected in September. 2015 Legislative Session UPDATE / DISCUSSION Staff will provide an overview of the 2015 Special Session which began on April 29, 2015. Prioritization of Sustainability Goals & Targets DISCUSSION This agenda item is to discuss with the full Council the idea of beginning a process to go back and review the "Sustain ability Priority Goals and Actions" with the intent to select specific actions from the plan for greater focus. 1:00 P.M. Retreat Activities 3:30 p.m. Adjourn for the Day The T PC pre-agenda provides our members the opportunity to review the topic; of the upcoming TB 'PC meeting. This information is forwarded in advance; to afford your council; and boards the opportunity for discussion at your regular meetings. This will provide; your designated representative with information that can be used for their participation in the Regional Council meeting. For more information, please visit our we bsite at..EEE,_t Pc,:.grct, THURSTON COUNTY SINCE U451 News Release Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 2 of 9 Mary Hall AUDITOR FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, July 1, 2015 CONTACT: Mary Hall, Thurston County Auditor, 1iCAudiitor co.thurston.wa.us Valerie Walston, Voter Outreach Coordinator V\lallstoV(co.thurston.wa . us (360) 786 -5408 TTY (360) 754 -2933 Notice of the August 4, 2015 Primary Election A ballot will be mailed to all Thurston County voters residing in the participating jurisdictions that can be found in the Voters' Pamphlet. Registration Deadlines: • Monday, July 6, 2015: Deadline for online, mail, transfer to a new address, or update current registration. • Monday, July 27, 2015: Deadline for first -time registrations in Washington State. Must be done in person at the Thurston County Auditor's Office. Where to register, obtain a ballot and ask for more information: • Online: ThurstonVotes.org • Phone: (360) 786 -5408 • In Person: Thurston County Auditor's Office, 2000 Lakeridge Dr SW, Bldg 1 Rm 118, Olympia, WA 98502 Voter Registration Forms: Available at all Thurston County Timberland Libraries, city /town halls, schools, fire stations and licensing agencies. Meetings to canvass ballots and finalize the election are open to the public. Meetings are held at the Thurston County Ballot Processing Center on Monday, August 10 at 2pm, Wednesday, August 12 at ipm, and Monday, August 17 at 3:30pm; and at the Thurston County Auditor's Office on Tuesday, August 18 at 4pm. Ballot Processing Center: 2905 29th Ave SW Ste E, Tumwater WA 98512 Disabilities: Citizens with disabilities requiring special accommodation should contact Valerie Walston, (360) 786 -5408 or TTY (360) 754 -2933. Dated this 1st day of July, 2015 Mary Hall Thurston County Auditor -30- Mail: 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia, Washington 98502 -6090 VOICE (360) 786 -5408 FAX (360) 786 -5223 E -mail: Web: ThurstonVotes.org THURSTON COUNTY SINCE U451 News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 3 of 9 Mary Hall AUDITOR CONTACT: Mary Hall, Auditor, TCAuditor @co.thurston.wa.us Valerie Walston, Voter Outreach Coordinator, WalstoV @co.thurston.wa.us (360) 786 -5408 TTY (360) 754 -2933 Thurston County Elections Partners with Pro Football Hall of Famer Steve Largent to Get out the Vote Largent's message appears in Primary Election Voters' Pamphlets, which have been mailed to nearly 83,000 Thurston County households today Olympia, WA — The Thurston County Elections Division has partnered with Steve Largent (Seattle Seahawk #80, Pro Football Hall of Famer and U.S. Congressman) to encourage voter participation in the 2015 elections cycle. Many of his messages can be found in the August 4, 2015 Voters' Pamphlets, which were mailed to 82,905 homes in Thurston County today. "Football isn't that different than elections," Largent tells Thurston County voters. "A coach can't make a good game plan if only a few players show up. The November 2014 election saw only a 50% turnout. Can you imagine if only 50% of a football team showed up? It's our job as registered voters to vote on Election Day so elected officials know how to make a game plan for their community." Largent wrote his messages specifically to Thurston County voters. In the Voters' Pamphlet, voters can learn about the 25 candidates who appear in the eight races in the Primary Election. Those races include: Port of Olympia Districts 1 and 3, Olympia Mayor, Olympia City Council Position No. 2, Tenino Mayor, Tenino City Council Position No. 5, Yelm City Council Position No. 6, and Centralia School District Director Position No. 2. Additionally, Maintenance and Operations Levies for Fire Protection Districts No. 5 (Black Lake) and No. 9 (McLane) are on the August ballot. The Voters' Pamphlet is available in text, audio and PDF formats on ThurstonVotes.org. -30- Mail: 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia, Washington 98502 -6090 VOICE (360) 786 -5408 FAX (360) 786 -5223 E -mail: Web: ThurstonVotes.org Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 4 of 9 Click here to Men this e-mail in its own browser window Click here to ODen a Dlain text version (,','0 N G It sS M A N 10 Denny Hec, k 111t,()i SERYIN("s WASH ING"ll,"ON'S I(I'M DISIT K','T ]Chairge diriveirs Ibased on i traveled (Congiress WOUld set a Ipeir i irate) I Voire tolls to Ipay foir Ihig hway Ig irojec ts ]RedUce spending on federal tiranspoirtation in oirdeir to in')atch CUirrent reveli'lUe levels ]RedUce spending in otheir Iplaces within the federal l: Udget and transfer the difference to the . iighway T'irLJSt :::: Ullld I 1l:::'LJbliC 1pirivate pairtneirships [ lNone of these Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 5 of 9 [ ]UI11SUIr'e 'I'll SUppoirting a krill in C:mong iress called the I:aalr�tlneirship to f:: Uild In)elrica Act, Ilinstead Of LJSing g ovelrnln`)ent In`)oney, this Ibill establishes a $50 (billion dollalr inflrastirLlCt ire fUlrld flron'rl the sale of °" Inrlelrican nflrastirLICt ire Bonds " ..I.hese Ib0l'IdS W OUld be sold to Ig irivafe con')panies with a lover intelrest Irate, and lens flron') the fUrld vaOUld g O to state and local g oveirnln`rlents to Inrlake necessairy Upgrades to their rcwads, Ibiridges, Ipdk:lk Utilities, etc %:aces this SOUIrld like a type of g: �dblk ...Ig irivate SOILItiO111 YOU vaOUld SUppoirt°? ))(es )114o I SUpg: oirt the f:. �elpair�tinr)ent of Defense cireatiing a new way to Ibiriing fUrlding to aireas airOUIrld Ifir)ilifalry installations that (need (road iln)piroven)ents in oirdeir to In')eet new tIransIpoirtation Ineeds Moir the SLJirlr0LJ1`1di1`1g C01`1` 1'I' inity as well as the Ibase Do YOU SUppoirt C:mong iress findings In`)oire ways to fUrld ilnrllpoirtanf roadways, SUch as II 5 (near w.U&l....l , in oirdeir to ilnrllpirove the In)ovenrlenf of flraffic ? ))(es )114o OUir airea, and Western Washington, has experienced a dirairl'�)atic g ircwwfh in IPcwlg LJlafion...I.his In'rleans every level of g oveirnln`rlenf has to nr)ake a con)In)itIn)ent to tIransIpoirtation fUrlding, ilnt lUding In`)oire resOUirces foir Ipedestirians, diriveirs, bicyclists, and Ipdk:lk tIransIpoirtation rideirs 1lVlhat is YOUir Ipire�feirlred Inr�)ethod of tIranspoirtation°? ( MaIlk. ( Prive ( pike ( )I:'LlbliC tIransIpoirtation ( )I:::alrivate ShUtt1e [Submit] Click. to 4)Or If you have other th o ugli gal o ut w1i thne federall governdnnent can dllo [,—o fix your coinrninrnuke, II wranrk kc hear fr�oinrn you IPlease connect wiithn inrne on ;Twitter,, Facebo0k, or mail and Ilea inne (know wli iie iiinnlpori,ant t'c you when iit' (.;cuinnee I,'c our nalJonall transporlal,iion ii nfrasl,rucr ure. "li s ubinrniitkiinig thne survey, you agree tcu receive n�ewslle�kkers fr�oinrn thne oftiiclirall office of Zelp. IDerry li leclk In thne four ure. Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 6 of 9 Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 7 of 9 Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 8 of 9 Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.