07-28-15 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2015 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Jennifer Littlefield, Ken Garmann and Russ Hendrickson. 15-059 MOTION BY BOB ISOM EXCUSING TRACEY WOOD FROM THE MEETING. CARRIED. Agenda Approval 15-060 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - none scheduled 5. Public Comment - Sharon Iverson, Yelm City resident had a yard sale last weekend and was disappointed that the sign she put out on Yelm Avenue was picked up by John Rowland, City of Yelm Building Inspector. Ms. Iverson suggested that yard sales be allowed Friday through Sunday. Mayor Harding stated that there are many taxpayers' dollars spent picking up yard sales all around Yelm and that the Sign Ordinance has been in effect for over 20 years. Mayor Harding thanked Ms. Iverson for coming and voicing her concerns on this matter. Councilmember Foster asked about the Community events and their signage. Grant Beck, Community Development Director replied that signs are allowed for special events and community events such as Prairie Days, the Home & Garden Show and Christmas in the Park. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes - Regular Meeting July 14, 2015 Payables - Checks #65060 - #60588 Totaling $99,407.29 YCP, Rotary Club of Yelm-Badminton Jamboree, August 8, 2015 8am-4pm YCP, VFW Post 5580 -Wounded Warrior Car Show, September 5, 2015 7am-4pm 15-061 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing -2015 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Mayor Harding opened the public hearing at 6:12 pm. Ryan Johnstone presented the staff report and stated there are more projects listed this year due to efforts to fill in the gaps between sidewalk projects. Mr. Johnstone stated that the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) is now open for funding requests for sidewalk projects and he will be applying for funds. Councilmember Isom is extremely glad to see so many sidewalk projects on the STIP. Councilmember Littlefield asked what would be done on Y6B-Mill Road SE 107th to 104th project listed on the STIP. Mr. Johnstone stated there will be more details on that specific project once it has been reviewed by engineers but thought the roadway itself might need to be redesign for safety concerns. Mayor Harding closed the public hearing at 6:20 pm. Page 1 of 3 July 28, 2015 8. New Business - a. Resolution No. 559 - Establishing the 2015-2021 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Ryan Johnston explained that the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is the capital facilities document that guides transportation funding for a six- year cycle. The STIP is based on the Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan and is the implementation' document for the overall plan. Projects are not eligible for State or Federal funding, or the use of the local Traffic Facilities Charges (TFC's), unless they are on the STIP. Although it is a six-year plan, it is required to be updated annually as projects are completed and new priorities arise. It is a simple list of planned projects that the City is required to identify annually. The City's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) will contain certain projects that are fiscally constrained (a funding source identified). These projects will be included in the Regional Transportation Improvement Program maintained by our Regional Transportation Planning Organization, the Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC). The City works with TRPC to identify those projects that are regionally significant for inclusion in the Regional TIP. Certain projects from the Regional TIP become part of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program. Those projects that are fiscally constrained and are regionally significant are included in the STIP and must be in order to receive State or Federal funds. A team comprised of the Public Works Director, the Community Development Director, and the City's consultant Gray and Osborne developed the proposed list. The list is included in the staff report. 15-062 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 559 ESTABLISHING THE 2015 TO 2021 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF YELM. CARRIED. 9. Old Business -none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster attended the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) meeting and the Nisqually River Council meeting. Councilmember Baker stated the Yelm Adult Community Center Seniors were extremely happy to receive an $80,000 grant from the State Capital Budget to help with much needed repairs and upgrades to the building. Councilmember Garmann attended the Thurston County Law and Justice meeting where there were three speakers. The three items covered were Supervision training, the process for inmates to get their drivers license back and the third item again covered relicensing of inmates. Councilmember Garmann shared an article that he read in the Seattle Time regarding the Law and Justice budget for Okanogan County. Okanogan County Jail houses 182 inmates and their annual budget is three million dollars. To save costs they organized a team of volunteers to collect free food from various sources to feed the inmates. Councilmember Garmann also volunteered his time to the City of Colfax in conjunction with Eastern Washington University to help clean up their parks and trails. 11. Executive Session - none scheduled Page 2of3 July 28, 2015 12. Correspondence included — MRSC Newsletter Summer 2015 Thurston County Chamber of Commerce July/August 2015 Port of Olympia News Release July 23, 2015 Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce Chamber Chatter July 2015 Thurston County News Release, July 8, 2015 Olympia Lacey Tumwater Visitor Convention Bureau July 24, 2015 The Yelm Business Association letter dated July 27, 2015 Port of Olympia News Release July 27, 2015 5th Wednesday County -City Meeting July 29, 2015 6:30pm, Thurston County Fairgrounds Councilmember Foster has been receiving comments from the community regarding the Mosman Intersection and they are very positive. Mayor Harding invited everyone to attend the Relay for Life event on Saturday, August 1, 2015 at the Rainier High School track field. 13. Adjourned at 6:36 pm. 1 Attest: on Hardi ayor Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk Page 3of3 July 28, 2015