1004 Tracking doc 18.30.010CITY OF YELM
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Yelm amending Section 18.30.010of
the Yelm Municipal Code to allow chickens, ducks, and rabbits as
common household pets.
WHEREAS, The Yelm Zoning Code, Chapter 18.30 Yelm Municipal Code, and Animal Control Code,
Chapter 6.08 YMC, prohibit the keeping of chickens, ducks, and rabbits as accessory
uses to a single family dwelling; and
WHEREAS, Citizens in Yelm have expressed to the City Council that they wish to promote local
food sources and sustainable living practices; and
WHEREAS, there can be impacts to the general well being of the community from the keeping of
chickens, ducks, and rabbits; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to allow the keeping of chickens, ducks, and rabbits within the
City limits, but only with measures designed to mitigate potential impacts to
Now, THEREFORE, the Yelm City Council do ordain as follows:
Section 18.30.010 YMC is hereby amended as follows:
18.30.010 General Provisions
A. Zoning map. The zoning districts are bounded as shown on the official zoning map of
the City of Yelm as adopted as part of the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan.
B. Interpretation of zoning district boundaries. When uncertainty exists as to the
boundaries as shown on the official zoning map, the Community Development
Director and his /her designee shall interpret the boundaries, which shall be final.
C. Allowable Density. When calculating the number of dwelling units allowed on a parcel,
the gross area is used and the subsequent number of units is rounded to the first
significant digit. Gross area includes all land within the exterior boundaries of the
development, including, but not limited to all land allocated for open space, critical
areas, buffers, streets, roads, and public and private rights -of -way.
D. Interpretation of uses.
1. Uses not listed in a zoning district as permitted or special are prohibited.
2. Each zoning district permits certain specific uses and similar or related uses. The
determination of similarity or relatedness to the specific uses shall be made by
the Community Development Director or his /her designee.
E. The following structures and uses shall be allowed in all zoning district and shall be
exempt from the design standards of the unified development code.
1. TFaditional heuseheld pets such as degs and eats.
21. Wires, cables, conduits, vaults, laterals, pipes, mains, valves or other similar
equipment for the distribution to consumers of telephone or other
communications, electricity, gas or water or the collection of sewage, or surface
or subsurface water, operated or maintained by a governmental entity or a public
utility or other City franchised utilities including customary meter pedestals,
telephone pedestals, distribution transformers and temporary utility facilities
required during building construction, whether any such facility is located
underground or aboveground; but only when such facilities are located in a street
right -of -way or in an easement less than 25 feet in width. This exemption shall
not include any substation located on or above the surface of the ground or any
such distribution facility located in an easement of 25 feet or more in width;
32. Railroad tracks, signals, bridges and similar facilities and equipment located on a
railroad right -of -way, and maintenance and repair work on such facilities and
equipment. This exemption shall not include any facilities and equipment listed as
special uses.
F. The following structures are exempt from the minimum setback requirements set
forth in the zoning districts when the structures are located outside the public right -
of -way and are obviously intended to serve the public interest: utility equipment,
mailboxes, bus shelters, public bicycle shelters or any similar structure or device.
G. Permitted intrusions into required yards.
1. Cornices, eaves and other similar architectural features may project from the
foundation wall into any minimum yard setback requirement a maximum
distance of two and one -half feet.
2. Open, unwalled and uncovered steps, ramps, not more than four feet in height
may extend into the required front or rear yard setback requirement not more
than five feet.
3. Decks and patio covers may be permitted to encroach into all residential district
rear yard setbacks, provided a minimum setback of 10 feet is retained, and
provided such deck be not more than 16 inches above existing natural grade
measured at deck floor from the highest point; and provided, that such patio
cover is not enclosed in any manner. In no case shall the deck or patio cover be
constructed in a required side yard.
4. Awnings and marquees may be allowed within required front yards and over
sidewalks or public rights -of -way in commercial and industrial zones if all the
following requirements are satisfied:
The approval authority determines that placement of the awning or
marquee within the setback areas or over the public sidewalk does not
impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic flow or create any other type of
hazard to the public;
b. The awning or marquee is specifically designed to benefit pedestrians by the
providing of shelter and creating a friendlier pedestrian environment;
c. That development of an awning or marquee within the setback area or over
public sidewalk is consistent with goals of the comprehensive development
plan, the standards of the specific zone in which it is proposed to be located
and consistent with the character of the surrounding neighborhood.
H Animals /Pets Pets and other animals are allowed in all residential districts as an
accessory use to a dwelling unit subiect to the following requirements:
1. Fowl ------ f Formatted: Indent: Lek: 0.63"
a Three chickens or ducks are allowed on lots up to 5,000 square feet with an -- Formatted: Indent: Lek: 0.95'
additional chicken or duck allowed for every 1,000 sauare feet of lot area
over 5,000, up to ten.
b. Chickens and ducks shall be confined within a fenced area.
c Sanitary structures shall be provided to prevent rodents, and shall not be
located within 20 feet of any property line.
d. Roosters, geese, and turkeys are prohibited.
2. Rabbits
a. Five rabbits are allowed on lots up to one acre, with one additional rabbit for-
every additional 1,000 square feet of lot area over one acre, up to ten
b. A minimum of 3.5 square feet of hutch space shall be provided per rabbit.
d. Structures housing rabbits must be designed to prevent rodents and shall
not be located within 20 feet of any property line.
Nothing in this section shall supersede any private covenants, conditions, and -
restrictions which limit the keeping of pets within a development.
This ordinance shall take effect five days after passage, approval, and publication.
PASSED by the City Council oJf /YYeell 1'4his 25th day of August, 2015.
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Formatted: Indent: Lek: 0.63"
Formatted: Indent: Lek: 0.95"
Formatted: Indent: Lek: 0.63 ", First line: 0"
jine . Schnepf, City Clerk
PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, September 4, 2015
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 9, 2015