12 08 2015 Updated Agenda PacketAGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING ho. 11PnATF TIIF.Rnay nFCFMRFR R 9n15 A-nn P M Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated documents including staff reports, resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not have attachments. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations- 10. Student of the Month — Sarah McAuley 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speakers (five) are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Minutes; Regular Meeting November 24, 2015 b. lo. Payables; Checks #65823 - #65936 Totaling $689,669.33 7. Public Hearing - Continued Public Hearing from November 24, 2015 Ordinance No. 1008 — 2016 City of Yelm Budget 8. New Business - a. Ordinance No. 1008, 2016 City of Yelm Budget ACTION 10 min Presenter: Noah Crocker, Finance Director Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 1008 b. Nisqually River Foundation — Intergovernmental Services Contract for ACTION 10 min Year 2016 Presenter: Noah Crocker, Finance Director Attachments: Staff Report, Contract C. Yelm Multipurpose Senior Center Contract 10 min Presenter: Noah Crocker, Finance Director Attachments: Staff Report, Contract ACTION d. Engineering and Construction Management Services, BHC — 2016 AC ACTION 10 min Water Line Replacement Presenter: Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director Attachments: Staff Report e. No- 2015/2016 Legislative Services Contract ACTION 10 min Presenter: Noah Crocker, Finance Director Attachments: Staff Report, Contract f. ► Ordinance No. 1009, 2015 Year End Budget Amendment ACTION 10 min Presenter: Noah Crocker, Finance Director Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 1009 9. Old Business — none scheduled 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Foster represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County Solid Waste • Nisqually River Council Advisory Committee (SWAC) • Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Baker represents Yelm on the following committees. • Intercity Transit Board • Yelm Adult Community Center Councilmember Isom represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) Yelm Finance Committee Yelm Economic Development Committee Councilmember Stillwell represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County HOME Yelm Finance Committee Consortium Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees. • (TRPC) Transportation Policy • Yelm Transportation Committee Board • TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember Garmann represents Yelm on the following committees. • Yelm Transportation Committee Thurston County Law and Justice Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees. • Medic One Yelm Emergency Operations Board Mayor Harding represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County Economic • Yelm Finance Committee Development Council • Yelm Emergency Operations Board • Yelm Transportation Committee • Thurston County Mayor's Forum Yelm Economic Development • (TRPC) Transportation Policy Committee Board 11. Executive Session- none scheduled 12. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request) Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce December Forum & Luncheon, Tuesday, December 8, 11:30 -1 pm, Prairie Park Hotel 13. Adjourn Upcoming Meetings Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 12, 2016, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Council Study Session, Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 5:00 pm, Public Safety Building CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per CD (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelrr7.wa.t.es Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 1 of 6 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 MINUTES Mayor Harding administered the Oath of Office to Tad Stillwell for Yelm City Council Position 4 replacing Jennifer Littlefield. 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Joe Baker, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Ken Garmann and Russ Hendrickson. 15 -096 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD EXCUSING COUNCILMEMBER BOB ISOM FROM THE MEETING. CARRIED. Agenda Approval 15 -097 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - none scheduled 5. Public Comment - Steve Klein, Thurston County resident thanked all outgoing and current Councilmembers for their public service and welcomed new Councilmembers to be sworn in at the first meeting January. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes - Regular Meeting November 10, 2015 Payables - Checks #65731 - #65822 Totaling $671,797.01. 15 -098 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearings - a. Ad Valorem Tax Rate Budget Year 2016 Mayor Harding opened the Public Hearing at 6:08 pm. City of Yelm Finance Director Noah Crocker presented the staff report. Mayor Harding closed the Public Hearing at 6:11 pm. b. 2016 Preliminary Budget Mayor Harding opened the Public Hearing at 6:12 pm. Noah Crocker gave a power point presentation of each fund. Public Hearing continued to the December 8, 2015 meeting. 8. New Business - a. Ordinance No. 1006, Setting Ad Valorem Tax for 2016 (7.a.) Noah Crocker, Finance Director explained the phrase ad valorem is Latin for "according to value ". In the case of municipal property taxes, property owners have their property assessed on a periodic basis by a public tax assessor. The assessed value of the property is then used to compute an annual tax, which is levied on the owner by his or her municipality. The legislative body holds a public hearing and discusses any increases in property tax revenues that are being considered. An Ordinance is adopted by both the dollar and percentage increase amounts and certified with the county by a November 30 deadline. Cities with a population off less than 10,000 can increase their levy amount by one percent 11/24/15 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 2 of 6 without a vote (highest lawful levy calculation). Normally, taxes on new construction are exempt from the lid /limit factor and may be added to the tax levy that is being requested only if the statutory maximum levy rate times the assessed value of the city exceeds the highest lawful maximum. The assessed valuation of the City increased approximately $2,968,302 over the previous year, therefore increasing the factor in the formula. The new levy rate will be $21.70911 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. This levy rate includes a councilmanic reduction of 1% to City of Yelm property owners. Mayor Harding added that this is the fifth year that the Council has chosen to reduce the levy rate by 1 %. If Ordinance No. 1006 passes tonight, Noah will file with Thurston County in the morning before the November 30, 2015 deadline. 15 -099 MOTION BY 7W FOSTER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 1006, SETTING THE AMOUNT FIXED AS AD VALOREM FOR THE REGULAR LEVY OF PROPERTY TAX NECESSARY TO RAISE REVENUES FOR ESSENTIAL EXPENDITURES FOR THE CITY OF YELM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2016. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 1008, 2016 Preliminary Budget (7.b.) Noah Crocker, Finance Director gave an overview of the preliminary budget. The 6.633 million dollar general budget reflects a conservative approach to revenue projections (5.076 million), as well as a thorough analysis of planned expenditures. It maintains current programs, contracts and levels of service provided to the community. Some of the highlights of the 2016 Budget include: SW Yelm Well 1A- construction of water treatment system, booster station, well house, and reservoir; water rights mitigation projects associated with Deschutes River Farm; AC water line replacement projects; Cochrane Park wetland rehabilitation; Sewer Capital Facilities Plan, and the Water Comprehensive Plan Update. There was no public comment. 15 -100 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE DECEMBER 8, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. AT THIS MEETING, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENT WILL BE HEARD AND THE BUDGET WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR ADOPTION. CARRIED. c. Resolution No. 562, Interfund Loan 001 to 316 Roads /Streets Noah Crocker, Finance Director explained the following grant revenues were budgeted during the 2015 year- Mosman Avenue Improvements project ($184,000), Cullens /Solberg Sidewalk Project (163,000) for a total grant funding of $347,000. Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant proceeds were awarded to fund the design and construction of the Mosman Avenue Improvements Project and the Cullens /Solberg Sidewalk project with the construction portion of each project occurring in 2015. $97,418 in grant revenues are anticipated to be received for the Mosman Avenue Improvement Project and $174,000 for the Cullens /Solberg Sidewalk Project for a total of $271,418. Due to the nature of reimbursement grants, the City of Yelm has not yet received the full reimbursement from TIB. Year to date a total of $26,417 has been received from the Mosman Avenue Improvement TIB grant and nothing for the Cullens /Solberg Sidewalk TIB grant. Additional interim funding is needed to cover costs associated with the Mosman Avenue Improvements and Cullens /Solberg Sidewalk projects paid for out of Fund 316. This funding is needed only until the grant monies are received. An Interfund Loan in the amount of $245,000 is necessary to provide cash to Fund 316 to close out the projects and end the 2015 calendar year in a positive cash position. We anticipate receiving the grant funding in early 2016. We expect to receive $71,000 in remaining grant proceeds for the Mosman Avenue Improvements Project and $174,000 for the Cullens /Solberg Sidewalk 11/24/15 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 3 of 6 Project. Once the grants are received, Fund 316 will repay the Interfund loan to the General Fund 001 as defined by Resolution No. 562. 15 -101 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 562 ESTABLISHING AN INTERFUND LOAN BETWEEN THE GENERAL FUNDS 001 TO THE ROADS /STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND 316. CARRIED. d. Resolution No. 563, Interfund Loan 401 to 400 Stormwater Utility Noah Crocker, Finance Director stated the following Department of Ecology (DOE) funds were budgeted in 2015 — DOE Grant ($75,000) and DOE Loan ($25,000) for a total of $100,000. The DOE grant proceeds were awarded to fund the Stormwater Comprehensive plan during 2015. During 2015, The Stormwater Comprehensive Plan was budgeted at a cost of $118,750. By the end of 2015, $50,000 is projected to have been spent. There is a timing issue for the reimbursement based grants so additional interim funding is needed to cover costs associated with the Stormwater Comprehensive Plan for Fund 400 until the grant and loan monies are received. It has been determined that $25,000 is necessary to provide cash to Fund 400 to end the 2015 calendar year in a positive cash position. We anticipate receiving the grant reimbursement and loan proceeds in early 2016. Once the monies are received, Fund 400 will repay the Interfund loan to the Water Utility Fund 401 plus interest as defined in Resolution No. 563. Councilmember Wood asked if we were charging, ourselves interest on the money. Noah stated that interest must be paid on the transfer according to state law but it would not amount to much since the money will be borrowed for short term. 15 -102 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 563, ESTABLISHING AN INTERFUND LOAN BETWEEN THE WATER UTILITY FUND 401 AND THE STORMWATER UTILITY FUND 400. CARRIED. e. Ordinance No. 1007, 2015 Year -End Budget Amendment Noah Crocker, Finance Director stated that variations in both revenue and expenditure appropriations occurs throughout the budget year, creating the need for amendments. The City of Yelm adopts the annual budget by department level for the Current /General Fund and by fund level for all other funds. It is important to note that many revenues line items (and ending cash) are anticipated to end the year well above the original budgeted amounts, this amendment addresses expenditures only except where there are transfers or Interfund loans in to balance the fund. Expense appropriations are amended to the extent needed to 'rebalance' the department /fund. This 2015 Amendment in total is $2,362,726.36. Appropriation changes include adjustments to balance the departments /funds. The Amendment total would not have been so large if an Amendment had been done mid -year as it had been done in the past. There has been a change in staff and so it was not done this year. Noah Crocker went over some of the funds that had the largest changes from one year to the next. The net effect to ending cash was 691,058.36 but the majority of this total was due to Interfund transfers, which will be paid back in 2016. 15 -103 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 1007, AMENDING THE 2015 BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR 2015 CONTRACT OBLIGIATIONS, TRANSFERS, AND OTHER EXPENDITURE RELATED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS. CARRIED. 11/24/15 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 4 of 6 f. Release of Retainage to Nova Construction, Mosman Improvement Project Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director stated that on November 18, 2011, the City of Yelm was notified from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) of its successful application for grant funds in the amount of $990,501. This was to complete the realignment of the intersection of Mosman Avenue with SR507 and roadway improvements between 2nd St. SE and SW Railroad St. Design of the project was awarded to Gray and Osborne for a total cost of $231,572 and was completed in March 2014. The project construction was awarded to Nova Contracting, Inc. on May 13, 2014 City Council meeting. The contract award was in the amount of $1,492,125.13. Final construction cost was $1,477,515.12. Staff recommends acceptance of the project and release of the project Retainage bond to Nova Contracting, Inc. once all proper documentation has been received from the Department of Revenue, Labor and Industries, and Employment Services and there are no liens against the project. Councilmember Wood stated it was unfortunate that the project took so long but it is beautiful. Mayor Harding stated it was a lengthy project because it is a State Highway and the City went back and forth with the State on different aspects of the project. Ryan Johnstone stated the amount had been reduced by about $34,500 in negotiations with Nova Contracting, Inc. due to the project being completed late. 15 -104 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO ACCEPT AND AUTHORIZE THE RELEASE OF THE RETAINAGE BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF $74,014.70 TO NOVA CONTRACTING, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES RELATED TO THE CITY'S MOSMAN AVE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. CARRIED. g. TIB Supplement with Gray & Osborne, Additional Construction Management Services, Mosman Improvement Project Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director reported that the Mosman Avenue Improvements Project was advertised and awarded to Nova Contracting, Inc. at the May 13, 2014 City Council meeting. Additionally, Gray & Osborne was awarded a contract for construction management services for the project in the amount of $191,123. Supplement #5 is for additional services performed by Gray and Osborne due to the project exceeding the contract time. During this time additional coordination with the various project stakeholders, plan review, and general project management tasks were required. The extra time and effort incurred by Gray & Osborne is reflected in the attached supplement in the amount of $13,292 and would be paid out of fund 316. 15 -105 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN TIB SUPPLEMENT #5 WITH GRAY & OSBORNE, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,292 FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES RELATED TO THE MOSMAN AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. CARRIED. h. Release of Retainage to Iversen & Sons, Yelm Avenue Sidewalk Project Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director reported that on November 25, 2013, City staff received notification from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) of its successful application for sidewalk replacement money in the amount of $184,184. The project was located at Yelm Ave. W. between Cullens St. NW and Solberg St. NW and included the construction of 820 feet of concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk. In January 2014, the design of the project was awarded to Gray & Osborne and was completed in April 2015. Total design fee was $59,969. The sidewalk project was advertised for construction in April 2015 and was awarded to Iversen and Sons, Inc. on May 26, 2015 at the City Council meeting. The contract award was $200,185.00 and the project was completed on October 11/24/15 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 5 of 6 9, 2015. The final construction cost was $200,212.00. Staff recommends acceptance of the project and release of the project retainage to Iversen and Sons, Inc. once all proper documentation has been received from the Department of Revenue, Labor and Industries, and Employment Services. 15 -106 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO AUTHORIZE RELEASE OF RETAINAGE IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,010.62 TO IVERSEN AND SONS, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES RELATED TO THE CITY'S YELM AVENUE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. CARRIED. 9. Old Business -none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster attended the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting where they discussed the Talking Trash updates from the survey. 158,000 tons of garbage is trucked 240 miles away which becomes very expensive. They are trying to come up with an alternative plan to reduce the amount of garbage in the landfills. It is estimated that 17% of the 158,000 tons is actual food or food products. Councilmember Foster also attended the Nisqually River Council meeting and the Medic One meeting on behalf of Councilmember Hendrickson. Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and reported they will be appointing interested people to the Citizens Advisory Committee. Councilmember Stillwell stated he had spent several hours with Mayor Harding today to see what projects were happening and looks forward to spending time as a Councilmember in the future. Councilmember Garmann attended the Thurston County Law and Justice meeting. Councilmember Garmann had received a rather large water bill from the City so he replaced a part in his leaky toilet and his consumption was greatly reduced. Councilmember Hendrickson thanked Councilmember Foster for attending the Medic One meeting on his behalf. Mayor Harding attended the Thurston County Economic Development Council where they modified the Strategic Plan. Mayor Harding has served as a board member on the EDC for 11 years. The EDC has administered 50 million dollars in contracts over the past 15 years. Mayor Harding spent the afternoon bringing Tad Stillwell up to speed on the different projects happening in the City. 11. Executive Session - none scheduled 12. Correspondence included - Nisqually Land Trust Newsletter, Winter 2015 Early Learning Celebration Friday, November 20, 2015 10am -12 Lacey Community Center Thurston Regional Planning Council, Pre - Agenda Friday, December 4, 2015 8:30 - 11am 11/24/15 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 6 of 6 Councilmember Foster stated he was happy with the Military Banner Project and thought the banners looked great. Mayor Harding stated a few more banners applications had been received so there would be more going up in the future. Mayor Harding also announced the City of Yelm had received a TIB Grant for sidewalks along Mosman Avenue to Washington Street on both sides. 13. Adjourned at 7:05 pm. Attest: Ron Harding, Mayor 11/24/15 Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk The following is a list of checks approved for payment at Payroll Direct Deposit Payroll Checks Payroll AP Checks Payroll AP LET Vouchers Voucher LET (Draft) Utility Refunds TOTAL Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Council member Councilmember ATTEST: CITY CLERK: VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM 11 uesday. Decei'iibeT 08.2015 council 99999 99999 S 160,381.61 65823 65833 S 18,271.98 65834 65846 S 114,097.70 99999 99999 S 72,170.14 65847 65928 S 306,822.33 99999 99999 S 15,850.54 65929 65936 S 2,075.03 Councilmember Councilmember The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this Sth day of December, 2015 $ 689,669.33 Agenda Item 6 b. WOMEN 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT CHECK VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm OOOOOC BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 1,467.00 065849 CHECK 15.08 VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT 1020 065851 WA STATE DEPT OF REVENUE 065851 I- 2015 -11 2015 -11 USE /EXCISE TAX D 12/08/2015 165.12 401 534.10.53.00 UTILITY EXCISE TAX 2015 -11 USE /EXCISE T 11,393.68 065854 412 535.10.53.00 UTILITY EXCISE TAX 2015 -11 USE /EXCISE T 3,018.61 412 535.10.53.00 UTILITY EXCISE TAX 2015 -11 USE /EXCISE T 1,323.83 400 538.31.54.00 CITY UTILITY TAX 2015 -11 USE /EXCISE T 114.42 2102 ALTURA COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS I- 246913 PHONE SYSTEM R 12/08/2015 001 594.18.64.00 MACHINERY /EQUIPMENT /SOFTWARE PHONE SYSTEM 20,680.54 2010 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER & CC I- 1495238 COVERAGE 9/2/15 - 11/1/15 R 12/08/2015 302 594.73.62.03 COMMUNITY CENTER - CONSTRUCT. COVERAGE 9/2/15 -11 /1 1,467.00 0165 AUTOZONE I- 3731091659 BRAKELAMP R 12/08/2015 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. BRAKELAMP 15.08 1631 AV CAPTURE ALL INC. I -1034 NOV SOFTWARE MAINT R 12/08/2015 001 518.85.41.00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE NOV SOFTWARE MAINT 107.61 1903 BEAN GENTRY WHEELER & PETERNEL I -53308 PROSECUTORIAL SVS R 12/08/2015 001 515.30.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CRIMINAL PROSECUTORIAL SVS 2,083.33 I -53309 GENERAL RETAINER R 12/08/2015 001 515.30.41.01 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL GENERAL RETAINER 3,116.00 I -53310 ADD /HRS OVER GEN RETAINER R 12/08/2015 001 515.30.41.01 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL ADD /HRS OVER GEN REF 123.00 0206 BRAT WEAR I -17217 RESERVE UNIFORM R 12/08/2015 001 521.10.25.01 RESERVE UNIFORMS RESERVE UNIFORM 165.12 2100 C.P.C. LANDSCAPE LLC I -4811 TREE REPLACE R 12/08/2015 001 558.10.48.01 TREE: CITY REPAIRS / MAINT TREE REPLACE 2,500.00 1916 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC I- 15305104 COPIER CHARGES WRF R 12/08/2015 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS COPIER CHARGES WRF 146.55 Agenda Item 6 b. 2of17 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT OOOOOC 15,850.54 065847 20,680.54 065848 1,467.00 065849 15.08 06585C 107.61 065851 065851 065851 5,322.33 065852 165.12 065853 2,500.00 065854 146.5E Agenda Item 6 b. 2of17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 2 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0230 CAPITAL ELECTRIC, INC I -26026 PSB LIGHTS REPAIR R 12/08/2015 065855 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS PSB LIGHTS REPAIR 885.17 I -26083 DOWNTOWN WELL CL2 PUMP REPAIR R 12/08/2015 065855 401 534.50.48.00 SYSTEM GEN REPAIRS /MICE DOWNTOWN WELL CL2 PU 349.45 1,234.62 1754 CAPITOL ALARM I -57449 FIRE ALARM MONITORING R 12/08/2015 065856 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS FIRE ALARM MONITORIN 30.00 30.00 0256 CINTAS CORP 4461 I- 461698570 PW UNIFROMS R 12/08/2015 065857 412 535.10.25.00 UNIFORMS PW UNIFROMS 55.43 401 534.10.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT PW UNIFROMS 39.59 101 542.30.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT PW UNIFROMS 31.67 001 576.80.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT PW UNIFROMS 31.66 I- 461701994 PW UNIFORMS R 12/08/2015 065857 401 534.10.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT PW UNIFORMS 13.82 412 535.10.25.00 UNIFORMS PW UNIFORMS 19.35 101 542.30.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT PW UNIFORMS 11.06 001 576.80.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT PW UNIFORMS 11.05 213.63 2099 CLEARNET COMMUNICATIONS I -7806 YELM COMM CENTER R 12/08/2015 065858 302 594.73.62.03 COMMUNITY CENTER - CONSTRUCT. YELM COMM CENTER 4,658.95 4,658.9E 1791 CONSOLIDATED TECHNOLOGY SERVIC I- 2015110072 INTERNET SVCS R 12/08/2015 065859 001 518.81.42.04 COMMUNICATION: NETWORK INTERNET SVCS 13.10 13.1C 0280 COPIERS NORTHWEST I- INVI293858 COPY CHAGRES OCTOBER R 12/08/2015 06586C 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS COPY CHAGRES OCTOBER 713.58 I- INVI296105 WWTP COPIER CHARGES R 12/08/2015 06586C 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS WWTP COPIER CHARGES 13.41 I- INVI296616 COPIER RATE R 12/08/2015 06586C 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS COPIER RATE 98.12 825.11 0286 COURTESY AUTO SERVICE & TIRE I- 220072 TIRES R 12/08/2015 065861 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. TIRES 674.59 I- 220080 TIRES R 12/08/2015 065861 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. TIRES 643.55 I- 220140 TIRES R 12/08/2015 065861 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. TIRES 643.55 1,961.69 Agenda Item 6 b. 3of17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 3 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1977 CRYSTAL SPRINGS I- 14275350111315 CITY HALL WATER COOLER SYSTEM R 12/08/2015 065862 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES CITY HALL WATER COOL 27.18 27.18 0310 DATABAR I- 218898 stmt prod 11/20/15 R 12/08/2015 065863 400 538.30.49.01 PRINTING stmt prod 11/20/15 44.34 400 538.30.42.00 COMMUNICATIONS /PHONE /POSTAGE stmt prod 11/20/15 45.69 401 534.10.44.00 PRINTING /ADVERTISING stmt prod 11/20/15 199.51 401 534.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE stmt prod 11/20/15 205.58 412 535.10.44.00 PRINTING /ADVERTISING stmt prod 11/20/15 199.51 412 535.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE stmt prod 11/20/15 205.58 900.21 0318 DAY WIRELESS I- 400320 REPAIR LIGHT BAR ON CAR R 12/08/2015 065864 001 521.31.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT REPAIR LIGHT BAR ON 473.49 473.49 0350 EDGE ANALYTICAL I -15 -24098 FOG VIOLATION KINJA R 12/08/2015 065865 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB FOG VIOLATION KINJA 73.00 I -15 -24636 SAMPLE TESTING WRF R 12/08/2015 065865 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB SAMPLE TESTING WRF 128.28 I -15 -24638 SAMPLE TESTING WRF R 12/08/2015 065865 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB SAMPLE TESTING WRF 275.00 476.28 1793 FAY FULLER CONDO ASSOC. I- 0000175 -IN LIBRARY CONDO EXPENSES R 12/08/2015 065866 001 572.10.41.00 LIBRARY SERVICES 0 &M LIBRARY CONDO EXPENS 1,767.39 I- 0000177 -IN LIBRARY CONDO EXPENSES R 12/08/2015 065866 001 572.10.41.00 LIBRARY SERVICES 0 &M LIBRARY CONDO EXPENS 1,466.46 3,233.8E 0388 FOREMOST PROMOTIONS I- 325324 CRIME PREVENTION MATERIAL R 12/08/2015 065867 001 521.30.31.00 CRIME PREVENTION CRIME PREVENTION MAT 1,061.67 1,061.67 0426 GORDER'S AUTO REBUILD I- 641537 VEHICLE REPAIRS 03 CROWN VIC R 12/08/2015 065868 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. VEHICLE REPAIRS 03 C 1,125.20 1,125.2C 0432 GRAY & OSBORNE, INC I- 12416.00- 0000026 MOSMAN REALIGNMENT R 12/08/2015 065869 316 595.30.63.05 MOSMAN CONST. ENGINEERING MOSMAN REALIGNMENT 13,297.99 I- 13579.00 - 0000017 MOSMAN PHASE 2 R 12/08/2015 065869 316 595.10.61.00 Mosman Phase 2 Engineering MOSMAN PHASE 2 5,929.77 19,227.76 Agenda Item 6 b. 4of17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 4 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0439 HACH COMPANY I- 9688180 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WRF R 12/08/2015 06587C 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MICE EQUIPMENT SERVICE WR 689.69 689.69 0440 HALF MOON SANITATION I -35468 COCHRANE PARK TOILETS R 12/08/2015 065871 001 576.80.48.04 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- COCHRANE COCHRANE PARK TOILET 76.5C I -35469 TRAIL PROJECT TOILETS R 12/08/2015 065871 001 576.80.48.06 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE -TRAIL TRAIL PROJECT TOILET 86.50 163.00 0448 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS I- E776150 REPAIR METER READING WAND R 12/08/2015 065872 401 534.10.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPIR /MICE REPAIR METER READING 392.67 392.67 1850 INLAND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES I- 2015 -2444 MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE WRF CHEM R 12/08/2015 065873 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MICE MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE 3,668.63 I- 2015 -2478 MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE WRF R 12/08/2015 065873 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MICE MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE 4,280.06 I- 2015 -2515 MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE WRF R 12/08/2015 065873 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MICE MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE 4,280.06 12,228.7E 0476 INTERCITY TRANSIT I -32636 AMTRACK EXPRESN JULY- SEPT R 12/08/2015 065874 001 558.80.48.00 AMTRAK STATION OPERATION /MAI AMTRACK EXPRESN JULY 232.56 232.56 1498 ISAKSSON, GRETCHEN I- 2015 -11 BANK DEPOSIT /POST OFFICE RUN R 12/08/2015 065875 001 514.23.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES BANK DEPOSIT /POST OF 20.93 20.93 0486 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT, INC. I- 291124 CHAINSAW PARTS R 12/08/2015 065876 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN CHAINSAW PARTS 107.01 107.01 1603 J. FRANK SCHMIDT & SON CO. I- 608641 TREE REPLACEMENT R 12/08/2015 065877 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE TREE REPLACEMENT 820.86 001 558.10.48.01 TREE: CITY REPAIRS / MAINT TREE REPLACEMENT 601.15 1,422.01 1528 JCI JONES CHEMICALS, INC C- 675059 WATER CHOLORINE CREDIT R 12/08/2015 065878 401 534.50.48.00 SYSTEM GEN REPAIRS /MICE WATER CHOLORINE CRED 100.00CR C- 675060 WRF CHEMICALS CREDIT R 12/08/2015 065878 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MICE WRF CHEMICALS CREDIT 599.98CR I- 6743735 CHLORINE- WATER R 12/08/2015 065878 401 534.50.48.00 SYSTEM GEN REPAIRS /MICE CHLORINE- WATER 350.00 I- 674734 CHLORINE, SUBLFUR DIOXIDE WRF R 12/08/2015 065878 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MICE CHLORINE, SUBLFUR DI 1,968.19 1,618.21 Agenda Item 6 b. 5of17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 5 Agenda Item 6 b. 6of17 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0532 KEYBANK I- 0927 - 2015 -11 0927 SCHNEPF 2015 -11 R 12/08/2015 065879 001 513.10.44.01 PUBLIC RELATIONS 0927 SCHNEPF 2015 -11 336.97 001 576.80.31.01 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK 0927 SCHNEPF 2015 -11 721.74 001 576.80.31.01 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK 0927 SCHNEPF 2015 -11 29.35 302 594.73.62.03 COMMUNITY CENTER - CONSTRUCT. 0927 SCHNEPF 2015 -11 204.1C 001 513.10.49.00 EXECUTIVE MISCELLANEOUS EXP. 0927 SCHNEPF 2015 -11 25.67 1,317.83 0532 KEYBANK I -3116 2015 -11 3116 STANCIL 2015 -11 R 12/08/2015 06588C 001 521.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING FEES 3116 STANCIL 2015 -11 40.00 001 521.10.50.00 OFFICE /RADIO EQPT. REPAIR /MT 3116 STANCIL 2015 -11 127.09 001 521.10.50.00 OFFICE /RADIO EQPT. REPAIR /MT 3116 STANCIL 2015 -11 43.47 001 521.10.49.00 FEES /DUES 3116 STANCIL 2015 -11 3.43 001 521.10.50.00 OFFICE /RADIO EQPT. REPAIR /MT 3116 STANCIL 2015 -11 41.14 001 521.10.41.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3116 STANCIL 2015 -11 14.27 269.4C 0532 KEYBANK I- 7815 - 2015 -11 7815 BECK 2015 -11 R 12/08/2015 065881 302 594.73.62.03 COMMUNITY CENTER - CONSTRUCT. 7815 BECK 2015 -11 357.78 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 7815 BECK 2015 -11 240.8C 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 7815 BECK 2015 -11 173.49 001 518.81.42.04 COMMUNICATION: NETWORK 7815 BECK 2015 -11 74.54 001 518.85.41.00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 7815 BECK 2015 -11 99.00 945.61 0532 KEYBANK I- 9357 - 2015 -11 9357 JOHNSTONE 2015 -11 R 12/08/2015 065882 412 535.10.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT 9357 JOHNSTONE 2015- 479.58 401 534.10.35.00 GEN SVCS TOOLS /EQUIPMENT 9357 JOHNSTONE 2015- 479.57 412 535.10.49.00 MISCELLANEOUS /DUES /FEES 9357 JOHNSTONE 2015- 120.00 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES 9357 JOHNSTONE 2015- 43.46 401 534.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING 9357 JOHNSTONE 2015- 205.00 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS 9357 JOHNSTONE 2015- 36.25 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- CITY PK 9357 JOHNSTONE 2015- 60.7C 401 534.10.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 9357 JOHNSTONE 2015- 76.06 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES 9357 JOHNSTONE 2015- 39.11 1,539.73 0550 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS, IN I -87934 BUDGET PUBIC HEARING R 12/08/2015 065883 001 511.30.44.00 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS SERVIC BUDGET PUBIC HEARING 45.23 I -87935 TYOLER TERRACE R 12/08/2015 065883 001 558.10.44.00 PRINTING & ADVERTISING TYOLER TERRACE 142.00 I -87948 ORD 1006107 SUMMARY R 12/08/2015 065883 001 511.30.44.00 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS SERVIC ORD 1006107 SUMMARY 79.00 I -87951 YELM COMMISSION OPENINGS R 12/08/2015 065883 001 558.10.44.00 PRINTING & ADVERTISING YELM COMMISSION OPEN 69.00 335.23 Agenda Item 6 b. 6of17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 6 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0551 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES I- 7510080MB ASPHALT FOR STREET REPAIRS R 12/08/2015 065884 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE ASPHALT FOR STREET R 124.09 124.09 1886 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISPOSAL I- 6960737 LONGMIRE PARK DUMPSTER R 12/08/2015 065885 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- LONGMIRE LONGMIRE PARK DUMPST 315.38 315.38 1230 LEMAY MOBILE SHREDDING I- 4459742 COURT POLICE SHREADING R 12/08/2015 065886 001 512.50.41.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COURT POLICE SHREADI 38.00 38.00 0588 MCI I- 2015 -11 NOV PHONES R 12/08/2015 065887 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE NOV PHONES 73.41 401 534.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE NOV PHONES 5.37 412 535.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE NOV PHONES 10.74 89.52 0638 MOUNTAIN LUMBER & HARDWARE I -1511- 079295 ANCHOR BOLTS FOR PEDCROSSING R 12/08/2015 065888 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE ANCHOR BOLTS FOR PED 81.43 I -1511- 079346 SAND FILTER HEAT TAPE WRF REPA R 12/08/2015 065888 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MICE SAND FILTER HEAT TAP 30.43 I -1511- 079449 ELECT TAPE -LIGHT REPAIR R 12/08/2015 065888 001 576.80.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES ELECT TAPE -LIGHT REP 8.59 I -1511- 079669 CABLE TIRES CHRISTMAS IN PARK R 12/08/2015 065888 001 576.80.31.01 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK CABLE TIRES CHRISTMA 13.02 I -1511- 079945 BATHROOM REPAIR CITY PARK R 12/08/2015 065888 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- CITY PK BATHROOM REPAIR CITY 18.99 I- 1511 - 081100 BATHROOM KEYS CITY PARK R 12/08/2015 065888 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- CITY PK BATHROOM KEYS CITY P 12.98 I- 1511 - 081172 BATHROOM REPAIRS CITY PARK R 12/08/2015 065888 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- CITY PK BATHROOM REPAIRS CIT 11.39 I- 1512 - 081320 BATHROOM REPAIR CITY PARK R 12/08/2015 065888 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- CITY PK BATHROOM REPAIR CITY 2.80 179.63 0639 MOUNTAIN MIST I- 000304833 WRF LAB DISTILLED WATER R 12/08/2015 065889 412 535.80.31.00 OPERATING SUPPLIES /LAB ETC. WRF LAB DISTILLED WA 84.80 84.8C 0672 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT I -8202 PRISONER CARE R 12/08/2015 06589C 001 523.60.51.00 CARE & CUSTODY OF PRISONERS PRISONER CARE 5,882.5C I -8203 PRISONER CARE R 12/08/2015 06589C 001 523.60.51.00 CARE & CUSTODY OF PRISONERS PRISONER CARE 9,285.00 15,167.5C Agenda Item 6 b 7of17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0682 NORTHUP GROUP I -3395 PSYCHOLOGICAL EVAL R 12/08/2015 065891 001 521.10.41.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSYCHOLOGICAL EVAL 340.00 340.00 1555 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I- 3742 - 430641 LONGMIRE MOWER BATTERY R 12/08/2015 065892 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- LONGMIRE LONGMIRE MOWER BATTE 38.03 I- 3742- 432498 VEHICLE SERVICE -CDD R 12/08/2015 065892 001 558.10.48.00 VEHICLE /EQUIPMENT REP /MTC. VEHICLE SERVICE -CDD 40.46 I- 3742 - 441062 WIPER BLADES R 12/08/2015 065892 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. WIPER BLADES 34.68 I- 3742 - 441278 SANDER FUSES - STREET R 12/08/2015 065892 101 542.30.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIR /MAINTENANCE SANDER FUSES - STREE 8.02 121.19 1013 OMWBE I- 3031856 OPERATING COST ANNUAL R 12/08/2015 065893 001 552.10.49.00 OMWBE OPERATING COSTS OPERATING COST ANNUA 100.00 100.00 0734 PITNEY BOWES INC I- 469454 POSTAQGE INK R 12/08/2015 065894 001 518.81.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE POSTAQGE INK 197.7C 401 534.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE POSTAQGE INK 42.36 412 535.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE POSTAQGE INK 42.37 282.43 2075 PROSPECT CONSTRUCTION I- 2015 -IIA PROGRESS PAYMENT 43 CORRECTION R 12/08/2015 065895 431 594.34.63.07 SW YELM WELL IA CONSTRUCT PROGRESS PAYMENT 43 8,860.25 8,860.2E 0751 PUGET SOUND ENERGY I- 2015 -11 3000000049 ELECTRIC /GAS R 12/08/2015 065896 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (Wtr /Swr /Pwr)ELECTRIC /GAS 884.54 001 576.80.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES ELECTRIC /GAS 418.49 401 534.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES ELECTRIC /GAS 337.81 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES ELECTRIC /GAS 2,992.18 I- 2015 - 113000004915 NOV SEWER ELECT R 12/08/2015 065896 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES NOV SEWER ELECT 474.67 5,107.69 0754 PURCHASE POWER I- 2015 -12 PURCHASE POWER R 12/08/2015 065897 001 518.81.42.04 COMMUNICATION: NETWORK PURCHASE POWER 503.50 503.5C 0761 QUILL CORPORATION I- 8897001 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 12/08/2015 065898 001 514.23.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 61.73 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 61.73 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.64 001 576.80.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.53 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.76 7 Agenda Item 6 b. 8of17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 8 Agenda Item 6 b. 9of17 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0761 QUILL CORPORATION CONT I- 8897001 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 12/08/2015 065898 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 14.99 I- 8950977 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PW R 12/08/2015 065898 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES - PW 10.05 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES - PW 10.04 I- 9074610 OFFICE SUPPLY PW PAPER R 12/08/2015 065898 001 514.23.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY PW PAP 4.00 001 576.80.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY PW PAP 20.00 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY PW PAP 47.74 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY PW PAP 39.87 I- 9413592 OFFICE SUPPLY GENERAL R 12/08/2015 065898 001 514.23.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY GENERA 13.59 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY GENERA 13.59 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY GENERA 3.88 001 576.80.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY GENERA 0.78 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY GENERA 3.69 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY GENERA 3.3C I- 9421655 HEATER FOR OFFICE R 12/08/2015 065898 001 514.23.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES HEATER FOR OFFICE 44.56 I- 9623435 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK SUPPLIES R 12/08/2015 065898 001 576.80.31.01 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK CHRISTMAS IN THE PAR 413.35 I- 9673490 SMALL TOOLS CONF ROOM R 12/08/2015 065898 001 558.10.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT SMALL TOOLS CONF ROO 34.01 I- 9838904 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 12/08/2015 065898 001 514.23.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.34 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.34 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.24 001 576.80.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.05 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.98 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.45 891.23 1805 RH2 ENGINEERING I -63565 SW WELL 1 A R 12/08/2015 065899 431 594.34.63.06 SW YELM WELL IA CONST ENG SW WELL 1 A 80,632.37 I -63832 SW WELL IA R 12/08/2015 065899 431 594.34.63.06 SW YELM WELL IA CONST ENG SW WELL IA 57,809.16 I -63927 CAMERA AND INSTAL SW WELL R 12/08/2015 065899 431 594.34.63.06 SW YELM WELL IA CONST ENG CAMERA AND INSTAL SW 2,276.51 140,718.04 1898 SCJ ALLIANCE I -47861 SPEC REVISIONS ON CALL R 12/08/2015 06590C 101 543.20.41.00 ENGINEER /SURVEY PLANS /SERVIC SPEC REVISIONS ON CA 750.00 750.00 Agenda Item 6 b. 9of17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 9 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 2101 SHANNON & WILSON INC I -93398 SW WELL IA VIDO INSPECTION R 12/08/2015 065901 431 594.34.63.07 SW YELM WELL IA CONSTRUCT SW WELL IA VIDO INSP 1,300.00 1,300.00 0849 SPIVEY, DANA I- 2015 -1204 REIMBURSEMENT CHRISTMAS IN PAR R 12/08/2015 065902 001 576.80.31.01 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK REIMBURSEMENT CHRIST 30.44 30.44 0851 SQUAD ROOM EMBLEMS I- 100815 COLLAR INSIGNIA R 12/08/2015 065903 001 521.31.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT COLLAR INSIGNIA 171.62 171.62 0863 SUNBIRDS I- 104028 TENT SPIKES CHRISTMAS IN PARK R 12/08/2015 065904 001 576.80.31.01 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK TENT SPIKES CHRISTMA 21.52 I- 104039 X MAX IN PARK SANTA PICTURES R 12/08/2015 065904 001 576.80.31.01 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK X MAX IN PARK SANTA 17.37 I- 104040 BUILDING INSPECTOR SUPPLIES R 12/08/2015 065904 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES BUILDING INSPECTOR S 21.71 I- 104042 INSPECTER SUPPLIES CDD R 12/08/2015 065904 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES INSPECTER SUPPLIES C 26.60 87.2C 0864 SUNSET AIR I- 280156 HVAC R 12/08/2015 065905 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS HVAC 322.02 I- 280157 HVAC MAINTENANCE WRF R 12/08/2015 065905 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS HVAC MAINTENANCE WRF 542.41 864.43 1933 Susan Fuhlman, Trustee, Lloyd I- 2016 -1 2016 -1 INSTALLMENT PMT R 12/08/2015 065906 104 591.76.75.00 REICHEL LOAN - PRINCIPAL 2016 -1 INSTALLMENT P 682.38 104 592.76.83.00 REICHEL LOAN - INTEREST 2016 -1 INSTALLMENT P 54.28 736.66 0878 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES I- 176310 CITP- PLAQUES- YOUTH OF YEAR R 12/08/2015 065907 001 576.80.31.01 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK CITP- PLAQUES- YOUTH 317.42 I- 176319 NAME TAGS AND TREE LEAVES R 12/08/2015 065907 001 558.10.44.01 TREE: EVENTS /ADVERTISING NAME TAGS AND TREE L 22.66 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES NAME TAGS AND TREE L 63.29 403.37 0895 THURSTON CO AUDITOR I- 616838 RECORDED DOCUMENTS R 12/08/2015 065908 001 558.10.49.00 MISC /RECORD ORDINANCES RECORDED DOCUMENTS 472.00 472.00 Agenda Item 6 b 10 of 17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0899 THURSTON CO DISTRICT COURT I- 2015 -11 CASES TRANSFERRED /HEARD R 12/08/2015 065909 001 512.40.49.00 DISTRICT COURT MISC. FEES /CH CASES TRANSFERRED /HE 591.00 591.00 1616 TOOLS WEST I- 630432 MECHANICS TOOLS R 12/08/2015 06591C 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN MECHANICS TOOLS 26.08 26.08 0919 TOWNZEN, LESLIE I -15 -057 PEER PLAN REVIEW R 12/08/2015 065911 001 558.10.41.01 CONSULTANT SVGS /PLAN REVIEW PEER PLAN REVIEW 3,388.00 3,388.00 0934 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC I- 025 - 140846 SOFTWARE MAINT ALL MODULES R 12/08/2015 065912 001 518.85.41.00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE SOFTWARE MAINT ALL M 12,209.87 401 534.50.41.01 SOFTWARE MAINT SOFTWARE MAINT ALL M 6,104.94 412 535.50.41.01 SOFTWARE MAINT SOFTWARE MAINT ALL M 6,104.93 I- 025 - 141337 WEB HOST ONLINE PMT UTILITY R 12/08/2015 065912 001 518.85.41.00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE WEB HOST ONLINE PMT 130.44 24,550.18 0941 ULINE I- 72372958 ARBOR DAY SUPPLIES R 12/08/2015 065913 001 558.10.44.01 TREE: EVENTS /ADVERTISING ARBOR DAY SUPPLIES 67.90 67.9C 0937 USA BLUEBOOK I- 805793 NEW COAGULANN PUMP WRF R 12/08/2015 065914 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MICE NEW COAGULANN PUMP W 980.91 I- 806131 NEW COAGULANT PUMP WRF R 12/08/2015 065914 412 535.50.48.00 FRED. PLANT MICE NEW COAGULANT PUMP W 2,242.49 3,223.4C 0955 VERIZON WIRELESS I- 9755933803 PW CELL PHONES R 12/08/2015 065915 412 535.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE PW CELL PHONES 71.78 401 534.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE PW CELL PHONES 35.89 101 542.30.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE PW CELL PHONES 35.88 143.5E 0961 VISION MUNICIPAL SOLUTIONS, LL I -3262 BUSINESS LICENSE /SETUP FEE R 12/08/2015 065916 001 514.23.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES BUSINESS LICENSE IS 457.84 457.84 2022 VIVID GRAPHIX & SIGNS I -I1039 WINDOW TINT REPLACE R 12/08/2015 065917 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. WINDOW TINT REPLACE 303.27 303.27 Agenda Item 6 b. 11 of 17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 11 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0995 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOGY I- NRI6222001 LAB ACCREDITATION FEES WRF R 12/08/2015 065918 412 535.10.49.00 MISCELLANEOUS /DUES /FEES LAB ACCREDITATION FE 760.00 760.00 1002 WA STATE DEPT OF ENTERPRISE SV I- 73142193 BUSINESS CARDS R 12/08/2015 065919 001 521.10.41.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUSINESS CARDS 23.91 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES BUSINESS CARDS 23.90 47.81 1014 WA STATE DEPT OF NATURAL RESOU I- 0009106478 FOREST LAND ASSESSMENT R 12/08/2015 06592C 001 576.80.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES FOREST LAND ASSESSME 17.40 17.4C 0962 WABO I- WABO2016 WABO MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL R 12/08/2015 065921 001 558.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES WABO MEMBERSHIP RENE 95.00 95.00 1035 WELLS FARGO I- 5002645098 COPIER PAYMENT R 12/08/2015 065922 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS COPIER PAYMENT 227.32 227.32 0815 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER I- 2015- 8THRUI2 CONTACT ANNUAL CENTER R 12/08/2015 065923 001 565.10.49.00 ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTACT ANNUAL CENTE 5,000.00 5,000.00 1149 YELM FARM & PET / DJB LIBERTY, I- 316998 PROPANE FOR HEATERS CHRIST R 12/08/2015 065924 001 576.80.31.01 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK PROPANE FOR HEATERS 7.57 7.57 0260 YELM, CITY OF I- 2015 -11 WATER /SEWER /STORM NOVEMBER R 12/08/2015 065925 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES WATER /SEWER /STORM NO 1,195.85 401 534.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES WATER /SEWER /STORM NO 120.84 107 575.30.47.00 MUSEUM FAC RNT /REPAIR /OP /MNT WATER /SEWER /STORM NO 89.99 001 576.80.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES WATER /SEWER /STORM NO 534.67 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (Wtr /Swr /Pwr)WATER /SEWER /STORM NO 549.34 2,490.69 0260 YELM, CITY OF I- 2015 -11 80 -1300 HYDRANT METER USAGE PW R 12/08/2015 065926 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (Wtr /Swr /Pwr)HYDRANT METER USAGE 51.31 51.31 0260 YELM, CITY OF I- 2015 -11 80 -1600 HYDRANT METER USE PW R 12/08/2015 065927 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (Wtr /Swr /Pwr)HYDRANT METER USE PW 32.52 32.52 Agenda Item 6 b. 12 of 17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 CHECK CHECK AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 065928 452.92 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS 32.56 DATE 1094 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES, INC. 44.91 44.91 I- 0179500 SIGN POST STREET R 12/08/2015 73.89 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE SIGN POST STREET 1 BAILEY, JOHN /DEDEE 695.25 695.2E I- 000201512041632 US REFUND R 12/08/2015 256.17 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 05- 1480 -02 1 CAYANAN, ROBERTO /AL 741.32 741.32 I- 000201512041634 US REFUND CHECK AMOUNT R 12/08/2015 308,897.36 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 07- 2225 -01 1 0.00 DELLS FARM SUPPLY 446 0.0C 0.00 0.00 0.0C I- 000201512041633 US REFUND R 12/08/2015 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 07- 1770 -00 1 ERICKSON, JORDAN I- 000201512041631 US REFUND R 12/08/2015 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 04- 1605 -02 1 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION I- 000201512041636 US REFUND R 12/08/2015 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 80- 0900 -04 1 JOHNSTON, CLAUDIA I- 000201512041630 US REFUND R 12/08/2015 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 01- 1054 -02 1 LUNSFORD, JEREMIAH/ I- 000201512041635 US REFUND R 12/08/2015 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 10- 0048 -01 1 WOOD & SON EARTHWORK I- 000201512041637 US REFUND R 12/08/2015 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 80- 1500 -04 ** T 0 T A L S ** NO REGULAR CHECKS: 90 HAND CHECKS: 0 DRAFTS: 1 EFT: 0 NON CHECKS: 0 VOID CHECKS: 0 VOID DEBITS 0.0C VOID CREDITS 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 PAGE: 12 Agenda Item 6 b. 13 of 17 CHECK CHECK CHECK AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 065928 452.92 452.92 065929 32.56 32.56 06593C 44.91 44.91 065931 73.89 73.89 065932 152.90 152.9C 065933 695.25 695.2E 065934 256.17 256.17 065935 78.03 78.03 065936 741.32 741.32 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT 308,897.36 0.00 308,897.36 0.00 0.00 0.0C 15,850.54 0.00 15,850.54 0.00 0.00 0.0C 0.00 0.00 0.0C 0.00 0.00 Agenda Item 6 b. 13 of 17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT " G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS " G/L ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 001 511.30.44.00 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS SERVIC 124.23 001 512.40.49.00 DISTRICT COURT MISC. FEES /CH 591.00 001 512.50.41.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 38.00 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 26.76 001 513.10.44.01 PUBLIC RELATIONS 336.97 001 513.10.49.00 EXECUTIVE MISCELLANEOUS EXP. 25.67 001 514.23.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 600.06 001 514.23.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES 20.93 001 515.30.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CRIMINAL 2,083.33 001 515.30.41.01 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL 3,239.00 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS 1,815.85 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE 73.41 001 518.81.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE 197.70 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS 1,198.98 001 518.81.42.04 COMMUNICATION: NETWORK 591.14 001 518.85.41.00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 12,546.92 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (Wtr /Swr /Pwr) 1,517.71 001 521.10.25.01 RESERVE UNIFORMS 165.12 001 521.10.41.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 378.18 001 521.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING FEES 40.00 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. 3,439.92 001 521.10.49.00 FEES /DUES 3.43 001 521.10.50.00 OFFICE /RADIO EQPT. REPAIR /MT 211.70 001 521.30.31.00 CRIME PREVENTION 1,061.67 001 521.31.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT 645.11 001 523.60.51.00 CARE & CUSTODY OF PRISONERS 15,167.50 001 552.10.49.00 OMWBE OPERATING COSTS 100.00 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 619.55 001 558.10.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT 34.01 001 558.10.41.01 CONSULTANT SVGS /PLAN REVIEW 3,388.00 001 558.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES 95.00 001 558.10.44.00 PRINTING & ADVERTISING 211.00 001 558.10.44.01 TREE: EVENTS /ADVERTISING 90.56 001 558.10.48.00 VEHICLE /EQUIPMENT REP /MTC. 40.46 001 558.10.48.01 TREE: CITY REPAIRS / MAINT 3,101.15 001 558.10.49.00 MISC /RECORD ORDINANCES 472.00 001 558.80.48.00 AMTRAK STATION OPERATION /MAI 232.56 001 565.10.49.00 ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS 5,000.00 001 572.10.41.00 LIBRARY SERVICES 0 &M 3,233.85 001 576.80.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 42.71 001 576.80.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 33.95 001 576.80.31.01 CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK 1,571.78 001 576.80.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES 17.40 001 576.80.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES 953.16 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE- LONGMIRE 353.41 001 576.80.48.04 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE- COCHRANE 76.50 PAGE: 13 Agenda Item 6 b. 14 of 17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT " G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS " G/L ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- CITY PK 106.86 001 576.80.48.06 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE -TRAIL 86.50 001 594.18.64.00 MACHINERY /EQUIPMENT /SOFTWARE 20,680.54 "* FUND TOTAL "* 86,681.24 101 542.30.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 42.73 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN 133.09 101 542.30.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE 35.88 101 542.30.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIR /MAINTENANCE 8.02 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE 1,479.30 101 543.20.41.00 ENGINEER /SURVEY PLANS /SERVIC 750.00 "* FUND TOTAL "* 2,449.02 104 591.76.75.00 REICHEL LOAN - PRINCIPAL 682.38 104 592.76.83.00 REICHEL LOAN - INTEREST 54.28 "* FUND TOTAL "* 736.66 107 575.30.47.00 MUSEUM FAC RNT /REPAIR /OP /MNT 89.99 "* FUND TOTAL "* 89.99 302 594.73.62.03 COMMUNITY CENTER - CONSTRUCT. 6,687.83 "* FUND TOTAL "* 6,687.83 316 595.10.61.00 Mosman Phase 2 Engineering 5,929.77 316 595.30.63.05 MOSMAN CONST. ENGINEERING 13,297.99 "* FUND TOTAL "* 19,227.76 400 538.30.42.00 COMMUNICATIONS /PHONE /POSTAGE 45.69 400 538.30.49.01 PRINTING 44.34 400 538.31.54.00 CITY UTILITY TAX 114.42 "* FUND TOTAL "* 204.45 401 534.10.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 129.47 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES 216.87 401 534.10.35.00 GEN SVCS TOOLS /EQUIPMENT 479.57 401 534.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE 41.26 401 534.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE 247.94 401 534.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING 205.00 401 534.10.44.00 PRINTING /ADVERTISING 199.51 401 534.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES 458.65 401 534.10.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPIR /MICE 392.67 401 534.10.53.00 UTILITY EXCISE TAX 11,393.68 401 534.50.41.01 SOFTWARE MAINT 6,104.94 401 534.50.48.00 SYSTEM GEN REPAIRS /MICE 599.45 "* FUND TOTAL "* 20,469.01 PAGE: 14 Agenda Item 6 b. 15 of 17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE:12 /08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** PAGE: 15 G/L ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 2,075.03 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 2,075.03 412 535.10.25.00 UNIFORMS 74.78 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 72.65 412 535.10.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT 479.58 412 535.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE 82.52 412 535.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE 247.95 412 535.10.44.00 PRINTING /ADVERTISING 199.51 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES 4,662.70 412 535.10.49.00 MISCELLANEOUS /DUES /FEES 880.00 412 535.10.53.00 UTILITY EXCISE TAX 4,342.44 412 535.50.41.01 SOFTWARE MAINT 6,104.93 412 535.50.48.00 TRMT. PLANT MICE 17,540.48 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB 476.28 412 535.80.31.00 OPERATING SUPPLIES /LAB ETC. 84.80 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 35,248.62 431 594.34.63.06 SW YELM WELL IA CONST ENG 140,718.04 431 594.34.63.07 SW YELM WELL IA CONSTRUCT 10,160.25 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 150,878.29 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 01 BANK: AP TOTALS: 91 324,747.90 0.00 324,747.9C BANK: AP TOTALS: 91 324,747.90 0.00 324,747.9C REPORT TOTALS: 91 324,747.90 0.00 324,747.9C Agenda Item 6 b. 16 of 17 12/07/2015 3:10 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 16 SELECTION CRITERIA Agenda Item 6 b. VENDOR SET: 01 -CITY OF YELM VENDOR: ALL BANK CODES: All FUNDS: All CHECK SELECTION CHECK RANGE: 000000 THOU 999999 DATE RANGE: 12/08/2015 THOU 12/08/2015 CHECK AMOUNT RANGE: 0.00 THOU 9,999,999.99 INCLUDE ALL VOIDS: YES PRINT OPTIONS SEQUENCE: CHECK NUMBER PRINT TRANSACTIONS: YES PRINT G /L: YES UNPOSTED ONLY: NO EXCLUDE UNPOSTED: NO MANUAL ONLY: NO STUB COMMENTS: NO REPORT FOOTER: NO CHECK STATUS: NO PRINT STATUS: * - All 17 of 17 Agenda Item 7. Public Hearing Notice - 2016 City of Yelm Budget CITY OF YELM PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FINAL 2016 BUDGET The Yelm City Council will continue the Public Hearing to consider the Final 2016 Budget on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 6:00 p.m., in Council Chambers at Yelm Public Safety Building, 206 McKenzie Ave. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf at (360) 458 -8402 at least 5 working days prior to the scheduled event. Janine Schnepf, City Clerk Published: Nisqually Valley News, November 27, 2015 and December 4, 2015 PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Distribution: City Council Packets: Mayor: Councilmembers Newspaper of Record Posted Ron Harding JW Foster Joe Baker Robert Isom Tad Stillwell Tracey Wood Ken Garmann Russ Hendrickson Nisqually Valley News Yelm City Hall Yelm Timberland Library To: Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council Agenda Item 8. b. Nisqually River Found. - Intergovernmental Servs. Contract for 2016 Page 1 of 4 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT Date: December 4, 2015 (for 12/08/15 City Council Meeting) Subj: Nisqually River Foundation (Education Project) — Intergovernmental Services Contract for Year 2016. Recommendation To approve and authorize Mayor Harding to sign the attached Intergovernmental Services Contract for the period January 1, 2016 — December 31, 2016 in the amount of $3,500.00, between the City of Yelm and the "Nisqually River Foundation — NRF ". Background The Nisqually River Foundation, (formerly known as the "Yelm Community Schools - Nisqually River Education Project', now recognized as a 501 C3 not - for - profit organization associated with the Nisqually River Council), seeks to create a new generation of Yelm citizens who are aware of and care for Yelm Creek, the Nisqually River and the City of Yelm's water resources, including groundwater, surface water, wastewater and reclaimed water. If approved, this will be the City of Yelm's 13th year supporting this cause. Through this support, the City of Yelm will join other local governments in supporting this outstanding watershed education program and will be recognized as a Nisqually River Foundation and Congress sponsor. Current Situation A request for continued support of the Nisqually River Foundation was received on November 16, 2015. The proposal requests financial support from the City in the amount of $3,500.00. This funding would be used as follows: • Support for Yelm Community Schools students to participate in the activities of the Nisqually River Education Project including, but not limited to: Water quality testing, the annual GREEN Congress held in March, habitat improvement projects and salmon carcass tossing. • Project funds will be used for water quality testing kits, chemical reagents, bus transportation, substitute teacher coverage, facilities fees and coordinator costs. • Data collected as a part of this contract will be provided to the City's Water and Reclaimed Water departments. Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item 8. b. Nisqually River Found. - Intergovernmental Servs. Contract for 2016 Page 2 of 4 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN THE NISQUALLY RIVER FOUNDATION AND THE CITY OF YELM THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into, in duplicate originals, this Ist day of January, 2016, by and between the NISQUALLY RIVER FOUNDATION, hereinafter "Foundation ", and the CITY OF YELM, hereinafter "City ". WHEREAS, the City has an interest in providing water resource and watershed education to teachers, students and community members of Yelm; and WHEREAS, the Yelm School District (YSD) has an excellent watershed education program in the Nisqually River Foundation (NRF) — (formerly known as the "Yelm Community Schools- Nisqually River Education Project -NREP" —now recognized as a 5010 not - for - profit organization associated with the Nisqually River Council); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City has agreed through the authority invested in them to authorize this contract to perform the activities described below; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained, the parties agree as follows: SCOPE OF WORK The Foundation, shall provide the following services: Support for Yelm Community Schools students to participate in the activities of the Nisqually River Education Project including, but not limited to, water quality testing, the annual GREEN congress held in March, habitat improvement projects, and salmon carcass tossing Project funds will be used for water quality testing kits, chemical reagents, bus transportation, substitute teacher coverage, facilities fees, and coordinator costs. Data collected as a part of this contract will be provided to the City's Water Resources Department. 2. CONSIDERATION a. In consideration for the services described, the City shall provide payments to the Foundation in the following amount: $3,500.00. b. Payment to the Foundation shall be made on a reimbursement basis following receipt by the City of an invoice summarizing the services rendered, according to this contract. 3. DURATION OF CONTRACT The terms of this contract shall be completed, and the City will receive the invoice for services rendered no later than November 30, 2016. Agenda Item 8. b. Nisqually River Found. - Intergovernmental Servs. Contract for 2016 Page 3 of 4 4. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION The Foundation agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, employees, and agents from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, expense, action, claims, including reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the Foundation, its elected officials, employees, and agents in defense thereof, on account of or arising out of the performance of this Contract except for any damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property arising from the sole negligence of the City, its agents or employees. In the event of claims or actions arising out of the concurrent negligence of the parties, the above indemnification provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the Foundation, its elected officials, employees and agents. For purposes of this section, the Foundation expressly waives its immunity under industrial insurance, Title 51 RCW. 5. CONTACTS: NISQUALLY RIVER FOUNDATION (NRF) Justin Hall, Nisqually River Foundation Coordinator 12501 Yelm Hwy SE Olympia WA 98513 Phone: 360- 438 -8715 Email: Justin ,nisquallyriver.org CITY OF YELM Ron Harding, Mayor Yelm City Hall 105 Yelm Avenue W. Yelm WA 98597 Phone: 360- 458 -8401 Fax: 360- 458 -4348 Email: ronha,ci.yelm.wa.us Agenda Item 8. b. Nisqually River Found. - Intergovernmental Servs. Contract for 2016 Page 4 of 4 6. TERMINATION Participation in this contract may be terminated by either party giving written notice of intent to terminate to the other party, providing that the City shall be obligated to pay for services already rendered under this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract in duplicate originals to take effect on the date first above written. NISQUALLY RIVER FOUNDATION CITY OF YELM Justin Hall, Coordinator Ron Harding, Mayor ATTEST: Janine Schnepf, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brent F. Dille, Attorney Bean Gentry Wheeler Peternell, PLLC C Brent F. Dille, Attorney To: Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council Agenda Item 8. c. Yelm Multipurpose Senior Center Contract Page 1 of 5 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT From: Noah Crocker, Yelm Finance Director Date: December 4, 2015 (for December 8t" City Council meeting) Attach: Funding Agreement with Yelm Adult Community Center Agreement between City and Yelm Senior Multipurpose Center (6- 26 -03) Recommendation Approve the Funding Agreement extension with Yelm Adult Community Center for the period May 2015 — December 2016. Background The Washington State Constitution allows the city to provide funding to non - profit organizations for the necessary support of the poor and infirm. Historically, the City of Yelm has contributed monthly funding to the Yelm Adult Community Center (Senior Center) to aid in their mission of providing services to the senior community. The current contribution approved by the Council in the 2014 Budget is $1,000.00 per month. Current Situation The Funding Agreement for Council consideration memorializes the city's authority to contribute funding to the Senior Center and increases the amount to $1,000 per month effective May 2014- May 2015. The City Council approved a budget amendment allowing the continuation of funding through the end of this year, However the agreement was not updated through the end of the Year. The City Council has indicated they would like to continue to provide these services finds to the Yelm senior multi- purpose center. In order to provide consistency with our contract agreement and the approved budget staff would recommend approval of a contract extension from May 2015 - December 2016. Staff recommends that Council approve the Funding Agreement extension with Yelm Adult Community Center for the period May 2015 — December 2016. December 8, 2015 Agenda Item 8. c. Yelm Multipurpose Senior Center Contract Page 2 of 5 CITY OF YELM FUNDING AGREEMENT with YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER This Funding Agreement ( "Agreement ") is dated effective this 27th day of May, 2015. The parties ( "Parties ") to this Agreement are the City of Yelm, a Washington Municipal Corporation ( "City "), and the Yelm Adult Community Center, a Washington Non -Profit Organization ( "Senior Center"). BACKGROUND A. The Washington State Constitution, Article VIII, Section 7 provides: "No county, city, town or other municipal corporation shall hereafter give any money, or property, or loan its money, or credit to or in aid of any individual, association, company or corporation, except for the necessary support of the poor and infirm, or become directly or indirectly the owner of any stock in or bonds of any association, company or corporation." B. The Senior Center's mission is: "...to enhance the health and dignity of seniors and people with disabilities, to support their independence, to provide access to vital services, nutrition, and social situations, to provide a focal point for people to come together for service and activities that reflect their experience and skills, to respond to their diverse needs and interests, and encourage involvement in, with, and for our community." C. A principal purpose of the Senior Center is to serve the poor and infirm. D. Providing funding for the necessary support of the poor and infirm is a legitimate public purpose for which government funds can legitimately be expended. E. The City provides monthly funding to the Senior Center to further the Senior Center's purpose and work to serve the poor and infirm. F. The Parties have agreed to execute this Funding Agreement to document the monthly funding amount and to document the purpose for which the funding is provided. AGREEMENT Funding Agreement — Senior Center - 1 Agenda Item 8. c. Yelm Multipurpose Senior Center Contract Page 3 of 5 NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to provide monthly funding to the Senior Center in order to further the Senior Center's work for the necessary support of the poor and infirm without discrimination, and so long as the Senior Center is in compliance with the terms of this Agreement, and the terms of the Agreement between the City of Yelm and Yelm Senior Multipurpose Center dated June 26, 2003. 2. Services. The Senior Center shall provide services for the necessary support of the poor and infirm, as provided in the Senior Center's mission statement (the "Services "). Specific services shall be provided per the Agreement between the City and Yelm Senior Center dated June 26, 2003 including continuance of the food service program via a contract with Senior Services for South Sound. 3. Reporting Requirement: The Senior Center shall submit to the City a monthly report outlining the services provided (in accordance with Section 2), their frequency and the numbers of clients benefitted. This report shall be due the last day of each month beginning June 30, 2014. 4. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the execution of this Agreement by the Parties and shall continue for twelve (18) consecutive months, through December 31, 2016 (the "Term "). This Agreement may be renewed annually at the discretion of the City. Any proposed changes to the Agreement for a subsequent term shall be submitted in writing to the other party by September 1st each year. 5. Automatic Termination. This Agreement shall automatically terminate if the Senior Center fails to maintain its 501(c)(3) status or fails to fulfill its purpose and mission to support the poor and infirm or fails to comply with Section 2 related to the provision of services. 6. Funding. Beginning with the month of May 2015, the City shall pay the Senior Center One Thousand and 00 /100 Dollars ($1,000.00) per month. Payment shall be made by check and mailed to the Senior Center by the last day of each month. 7. Compliance with Laws. The Senior Center shall comply with and perform the Services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and City laws including, without limitation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, standards and policies, as now existing or hereafter adopted or amended. 8. Indemnification. The Senior Center agrees to indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions, and liabilities (including costs and all attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, Funding Agreement — Senior Center -2 Agenda Item 8. c. Yelm Multipurpose Senior Center Contract Page 4 of 5 licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Agreement to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Senior Center, its partners, shareholders, agents employees, or by the Senior Center's breach of this Agreement. 9. Equal Opportunity Employer. In all the Senior Center's services, programs or activities, and all Senior Center hiring and employment made possible by or resulting from this Agreement, there shall be no discrimination by the Senior Center or by the Senior Center's employees, agents, subcontractors or representatives against any person because of sex, age, (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, creed, national origin, marital status or the presence of any disability, including sensory, mental or physical handicaps, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment. This requirement shall apply, but not be limited to the following: employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Senior Center shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or any other applicable federal, state or local law or regulation regarding non- discrimination. Any material violation of this provision shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City and, in the case of the Senior Center's breach, may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. 10. General Provisions. a. This Agreement, together with attachments or addenda, represents the entire and integrated Agreement between the Parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the Parties' successors in interest, heirs and assigns. This Agreement may be amended, modified or added to only by written instrument properly signed by both parties. b. The Senior Center shall not assign, transfer, subcontract or encumber any rights, duties, or interests accruing from this Agreement without the express prior written consent of the City, which consent may be withheld at the sole discretion of the City. c. Any action for claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Washington. Venue shall be in Thurston County Superior Court. d. In any suit or action instituted to enforce any right granted in this Agreement, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney's fees from the other party. Funding Agreement — Senior Center -3 Agenda Item 8. c. Yelm Multipurpose Senior Center Contract Page 5 of 5 e. Any notices required to be given by the City to the Senior Center or by the Senior Center to the City shall be in writing and delivered to the parties at the following addresses: Yelm Adult Community Center Attn: City of Yelm Attn: City Administrator 105 Yelm Ave W. Yelm, WA 98597 f. A waiver or failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement, or breach thereof, shall not be construed as a continuing waiver of such provision or breach, nor shall the same constitute a waiver of any other provision or any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. g. The article and paragraph headings contained in this Agreement have been included solely for reference purposes and shall not affect, or be used in connection with, the construction or interpretation of this Agreement. Each separate paragraph shall be treated as severable to the end that if one or more of such paragraphs shall be judged or declared illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, this Agreement shall be interpreted and shall remain in full force and effect, as if such paragraphs had never been contained in this Agreement. h. This Agreement is intended to solely benefit the parties and shall not be construed or interpreted to create any rights or benefits to any third parties. CITY OF YELM YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER LO-A Name: Ron Harding Name: Title: Mayor Date: Funding Agreement — Senior Center -4 Title: Date: Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 1 of 11 To: Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council City of Yelm STAFF REPORT From: Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director Date: November 25, 2015 (for December 8, 2015 City Council Meeting) Subj: Design Contract Amendment- 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Construction Support Services Attach: Project Amendment Scope, Budget, and Map Recommendation Authorize Mayor Harding to sign a contract amendment in the amount of $30,924.00 with BHC Consultants for additional design services for asbestos cement (AC) water main replacement. Background The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) approved as part of the current water system plan contains water main replacement projects necessary to increase the reliability and efficiency of the potable water distribution system (see attached). One of the primary means of increasing reliability and efficiency of the distribution system is to replace old, AC water main with new PVC or ductile iron, and to address deficiencies in capacity (i.e. undersized pipe). Several pipe segments were included in the 2014 Water Main Replacement Project. Those projects were approved by Council on July 22, 2014 for design by BHC, LLC. The contract was approved in the amount of $84,369 at that time and added to on October 14, 2014 for a total design approval of $132,710. The project was broken up into three separate bid schedules A, B, and C to allow for reduction in the construction contract should bid results exceed the budgeted amount. The schedule broke down as follows: Schedule A Capital Project ID No. D -4: replacement of approximately 800 LF of 4 -in diameter AC water main (abandon in place) with new 8 -in diameter ductile iron or PVC water pipe on 3rd St SE between Washington Ave Se and Yelm Ave E (SR507) and on Washington Ave SE between 2nd St SE and 3rd St SE. December 8, 2015 Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 2 of 11 Schedule B Capital Project ID No. D -5: replacement and addition of approximately 850 LF of 4 -in and 6 -in diameter AC water main (abandon in place) with new 8 -inch diameter ductile iron or PVC water pipe on Algiers Dr and Yelm View Ct NE. Schedule C Capital Project ID No. D -6: replacement of approximately 650 LF of 4 -in diameter AC water main (abandon in place) with new 8 -in diameter ductile iron or PVC water pipe on Tranquility Ln from 103rd Ave. SE to cul -de -sac in Tranquility Ln. Schedule A was not constructed with the 2014 water main replacement project due to budget constraints identified prior to final design completion. The project was awarded for only bid schedule B and C pipe and appurtenances. Current Situation The AC pipe segments identified in Schedule A still remain to be replaced in accordance with the 2010 Water System Plan CIP and are identified in red and blue on the attached map. The one exception being Yelm Ave E (in Red) which was added to the CIP because it was AC pipe, undersized (6 ") for the system needs of potable water circulation, needed upgrade for fire flow, and was logical to replace while replacing the two adjoining pipe segments. It also helped with overall construction and mobilization costs. A solid effort was put forth by staff to attempt to replace the Yelm Ave E main prior to the WSDOT overlay completed earlier this year, but was unsuccessful due to planning and scheduling challenges with WSDOT. This will impact the construction costs associated with this pipe segment, but could remain nominal as a full Asphalt depth overlay will not be required. Design of the Schedule A water main sections is currently at close to 80% complete. If the request for additional scope of services is approved, design will resume upon adoption of the 2016 budget (early January). It is anticipated that design will be completed and out for bid in March 2016, with construction completion near June 2016. Approval to complete the design, bid, and construction management support of the Schedule A pipe segments will increase the design contract by $30,924. Project funding for the remaining design and construction will be from the 404 Water Capital Improvement Fund and is included in the 2016 Proposed Budget. December 8, 2015 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 3 of 11 Bid Schedule A Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 4 of 11 II Ilt ("Oinsulltaietsy II II tt 50I'adfleAvenue, Suile 710 Laconia, VVA 98402 i iriutvut uy��t � rotmirsn ^„ n ill ���uP1 r I' Engineers Planners December 1, 2015 Chad A. Bedlington, Public Works Manager City of Yelm 901 Rhoton Road SE Yelm, WA 98597 Subject: Authorization for Additional Scope of Work 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Construction Support Services Dear Mr. Bedlington: 253 .344.5084 253 .244.7165 (fax) www.bhcconsultants.com Per City request, BHC is pleased to offer additional design, bid period and construction support services for the subject project authorized by the City on June 23, 2015 for an original not -to- exceed value of $35,720. The supplemental Scope of Services and Budget for these tasks, involving the completion of the Schedule C water main replacement work, are detailed in Exhibits A -1 and B -1, attached. These exhibits are intended to be supplemental to Exhibits A and B of the original Agreement, and subject to the same terms and conditions. Signature of the Authorization below will constitute City approval of the desired additional Scope of Services and Notice -to- Proceed with new task items. Respectfully submitted, BHC Consultants, LLC 6-1h �) U. 'W66 Christopher W. Kelsey, PE Project Manager Authorization: I approve this amendment to the June 23, 2015 Agreement between the City of Yelm and BHC Consultants, LLC for the completion of the Schedule C design, bidding, and construction support phases, resulting in a revised not -to- exceed project Budget of $66,644. Signature Title (print) Date (print) Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 5 of 11 EXHIBIT A -1 Scope of Services Amendment CITY OF YELM 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Construction Support Services December 1, 2015 Project Background and Understanding The proposed scope of supplemental engineering services presented below details a work program to provide continuing engineering support to the City of Yelm (City) for the completion of the 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Schedule C design, as well as bid and construction phase support. This scope of services is intended as an amendment to the original contract executed on June 23, 2015, and subject to the same terms and conditions. Under a separate previous work authorization, BHC took the Schedule C design to the 100 percent complete phase, but concurrent Washington State Department of Transportation ( WSDOT) resurfacing construction work in the same project area, as well as City budgetary constraints, caused the project to be deferred to the upcoming 2016 construction season. The design completed was detailed under the premise that the work would be completed in front of the WSDOT resurfacing project. As the water main replacement will now partially occur within a newly paved section of SR 507 (Yelm Ave.), modifications to the design will need to be made to accommodate anticipated changes to WSDOT requirements. Project Approach and Scope BHC proposes the following additional task elements to the contract under this amended Scope of Services: TASK 4 — SCHEDULE C DESIGN COMPLETION AND WSDOT APPROVAL To complete the design phase of this schedule of work, BHC anticipates performing the following series of tasks: • Meet or teleconference with WSDOT to review and discuss modifications needed to current 100 percent complete design. • Incorporate necessary changes to plans, specifications, and opinion of probable cost. • Prepare and submit application and justification forms to WSDOT with revised contract documents. • Address questions and comments as necessary to receive permit approval. • Forward materials to the City for final signature and submission to WSDOT. TASK 5 — SERVICES DURING BIDDING Under this task BHC will assist the City during the bidding period by preparing a bid advertisement with project description, coordinating and offering technical assistance on contractor correspondence, issuing addenda /clarifications as necessary, and participating in the bid opening and review of bidder proposals. Subtasks include the following: City of Yelm 1 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Scope of Services Amendment — Construction Support Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 6 of 11 5.1 Advertisement/Solicitation — Prepare an advertisement and arrange for publication. Distribute the contract documents to the appropriate plan centers and to prospective bidders, subcontractors, equipment suppliers and other vendors upon request. Maintain a list of planholders for distribution upon request and make list available to the City. 5.2 Bidder Inquiries, Bidder Notices and Award and Contract Preparation Assistance — Respond to questions from bidders, subcontractors, equipment suppliers and other vendors regarding the project and plans and specifications. Maintain a written record of communications during bidding process. As part of this subtask, addenda and clarifications will be prepared as necessary to append to the contract documents. Assist the City as necessary following the bid opening meeting in developing project bid tabulation, review contractor references, and issue a letter of recommendation for award of the contract to the City. TASK 6 — OFFICE ENGINEERING SUPPORT DURING CONSTRUCTION The following subtasks are estimated office -based activities that will be conducted from project initiation through completion of construction, commissioning of facilities, and acceptance of the work by the City. 6.1 Project Management/Contract Administration - BHC will assist the City to administer the construction contract by providing technical support to the City's decisions and other requested administrative, technical, and information needs over the estimated 3 month duration. • Written and verbal communications with the City's Public Works Manager and project field representative to support progress and execution of the work by the contractor. • Coordination of office design team and subconsultant to support progress and execution of the work by the contractor. • QA/QC of construction documentation, including Project Manager review of responses to RFIs, submittals, interpretations, Requests for Quotation (RFQs), and other construction documentation. The Principal -In- Charge will provide review of all Change Orders drafted by the Project Manager. • Assisting the City with review of contractor pay requests. • Project status reports and invoicing. 6.2 RFIs, Shop Drawings and Submittals - BHC will respond to Contractor's RFIs and will review and return shop drawings and submittals to the Contractor. BHC will generate and maintain logs of RFIs and shop drawings /submittals using appropriate numbering systems, such as the Contractor's submittal number and the specification section. The logs will track the number of days taken to review or respond to each shop drawing /submittal and RFI and the action that was taken. Estimated effort to respond to RFIs is based on an assumption of 2 per civil discipline plan sheet and 1 hour to respond to each. Estimated effort to review and return shop drawings /submittals is based on an assumption of 3 general requirement (Division 1) submittals or resubmittals, 6 technical (Divisions 2 through 9) submittals or resubmittals, and 2 hours to respond to each. The estimated level of effort for this subtask is summarized in the table below. Discipline No. of RFIs No. of Shop Total Level of Drawings/ Effort Submittals (hours) General - 3 6 Civil 22 6 34 City of Yelm 2 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Scope of Services Amendment — Construction Support Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 7 of 11 6.3 RFQs, Interpretations and Minor Changes, and Change Orders - BHC will prepare RFQs in accordance with the construction contract documents when changes to the work are being considered. BHC will issue interpretations and minor changes for items having no impact on the contract price; the contract time; the means, method, techniques, or sequence of work; or safety with respect to the contractor's operations. When changes in the price or time for the work are agreed upon between the Contractor and City, BHC will prepare change orders. Logs of RFQs, interpretations, and change orders will be generated and maintained by BHC, including the number of days since action has been taken. Effort to issue individual RFQs, interpretations and minor changes, and change orders is estimated at 2, 1, and 6 hours, respectively. The estimated level of effort for this subtask, including assumed quantities for each form of construction communication, is summarized in the table below. No. of No. of Interpretations / No. of Change Total Level of RFQs Minor Changes Orders Effort (hours) 2 4 2 20 6.4 Progress Meetings (Remote Attendance) — Contract provisions call for weekly progress meetings to occur during the 75 working day (15 week) duration stated by the contract time. 7 total progress meetings are assumed; with the BHC design engineer attending 4 of the meetings remotely through teleconferencing. An estimated 1 hour for each remotely attended meeting is assumed. The City will develop and furnish the meeting agenda and minutes for these meetings. Agenda items will include those outlined in Section 1 -08.3 of the Special Provisions. TASK 7 — FIELD ENGINEERING SUPPORT DURING CONSTRUCTION The following subtasks are estimated onsite field activities that will be conducted from project initiation through substantial completion of construction. 7.1 Pre - Construction Conference - BHC will participate remotely via teleconference in a City -led pre - construction conference at the City Public Works Building prior to contractor mobilization. It is intended that this meeting will serve to review project scope, schedule, communication protocols, safety and Owner expectations during construction. Contractor representatives in attendance will be encouraged to provide feedback on each, as well as discuss specific topics such as mobilization, staging and storage areas, provision of temporary utilities, and onsite safety and erosion /sedimentation control protocols. Attendees are anticipated to include City Public Works Manager and field representative, BHC Project Manager and Design Engineer, contractor's project manager and superintendent, major subcontractors, major suppliers, and other parties, as appropriate. The City will prepare an agenda and meeting minutes, and BHC will produce and distribute hardcopy plans and contract provisions to the contractor, as obligated under Section 1 -02.2 of the Special Provisions. A 1 -hour meeting is assumed, with 2 persons from BHC attending. 7.2 Progress Meetings and Site Visits —As stated in Subtask 6.4, weekly progress meetings are assumed. In addition to those attended remotely, BHC will attend 3 of the progress meetings onsite and combine the meetings with a field walkthrough of the construction sites. The BHC Project Manager will attend 1 meeting /site visit, the Design Engineer will attend all 3. A 4 -hour duration, including travel time, is assumed per BHC attendee at each of these events. A provision for attendance and /or a site visit by the geotechnical subconsultant at one of these meetings is also made. TASK 8 — PROJECT CLOSEOUT The following subtasks are estimated engineering support services that will be performed from the time that the contractor issues a notice of substantial completion to the closeout of the contract. City of Yelm 3 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Scope of Services Amendment — Construction Support Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 8 of 11 8.1 Substantial and Physical Completion — Following the contractor's issuing notice of substantial completion, BHC will perform the following series of activities: • Schedule and participate in a field walkthrough with the contractor to review project completion status and identify any remaining items that are felt to be necessary for the declaration of substantial completion. • Provide written notice to the City of project completion status. • Develop and distribute an initial project punch list to the contractor. • When notified by the contractor, perform a field walkthrough and final inspection to confirm punch list items have been satisfactorily completed, proper pressure and disinfection testing performed, service connections made, and that the facilities constructed are satisfactory for their intended use. • Provide written notice to the City of the physical completion date. 8.2 Record Drawings — Once received from the contractor, BHC will use the official plan set redlines maintained by the contractor through physical completion to prepare final project record drawings. It is assumed that 2 hours of CAD /engineering time will be required for each of the civil discipline sheets. BHC will then produce and deliver one reproducible full size set, 3 half -size sets, and electronic files to the City. 8.3 Final Acceptance — Following physical completion, BHC will assist the City in completing required state agency forms for release of construction contract retainage. BHC will assist the City in executing final payment to the contractor and the BHC Project Manager will provide a written recommendation of acceptance of the project work as complete. BHC will organize and provide the City with final electronic files of all construction correspondence. 8.4 DOH Construction Completion Report — Following final completion and City acceptance of the project, the BHC Project Manager will complete a DOH Construction Completion Report using the DOH form template. The report will be submitted to the City for record keeping, should it be requested in the future by DOH representatives. Assumptions and Exclusions The proposed scope of engineering services is subject to the following general assumptions: • City will pay any permit fees directly outside of this contract. • A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) will not be necessary. • Estimated level of effort to obtain WSDOT approval is based solely on submittal of a completed application and supporting construction contract documents. Development of other support materials, or iterative coordination required for approval, might necessitate additional effort not accounted for within this scope. • City will pay any fees for bid advertisement in publications. • One (1) bid period addendum is assumed. • City personnel will be available for onsite meetings. • The City will be responsible for coordination with the Contractor and the utilities for utility disconnects and connections, and is responsible for payment of all connection fees. • Levels of effort are based on assumed estimates detailed within the Scope of Services. Because this project is budgeted on a time and materials basis, it is possible that the level of effort expended could be less than or greater than budgeted. This is particularly true if the contractor does not complete construction on time. It is understood that augmentation or modification of the scope, budget, and schedule for any of the work proposed in this contract will require notification, discussion, and approval by both parties. • The contractor will provide field survey services for construction staking and locations of structures. • City will perform construction project final acceptance activities, including retainage release, final payment authorization, a written recommendation of acceptance of the project work as complete, and cataloging of construction correspondence electronic files. • City will complete and provide engineering seal to a DOH construction completion report as part of retained project records. City will provide BHC with an electronic copy of the completed form. City of Yelm 4 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Scope of Services Amendment — Construction Support Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 9 of 11 The proposed scope of engineering services is subject to the following exclusions: • Meetings and site visits beyond the budgeted amount. • Review and processing of submittals, RFls, change orders, RFQs, and clarifications beyond the budgeted amount. • Locating /potholing /mapping existing utilities. • Submittal of permit applications, including fees. • Environmental mitigation monitoring. • Construction scheduling. • Field verification of constructed conditions for preparation of the Record Drawings. • Field and laboratory testing services such as testing of soil compaction, concrete slump, concrete compressive strength, concrete air entrainment, etc. • Processing and review of claims beyond the total effort budgeted for Subtask 1.3. • Expert witness and depositions. • Processing of prevailing wage certificates. Deliverables • Draft and final WSDOT Application for Utility Permit or Franchise, with supporting materials, in PDF format. • Final bid ready plans; up to three (3) half size (11 "x17 ") hard copies, one (1) full size (22 "x34 ") hard copy, and a copy in full size in PDF format. • Final bid ready specifications and front end bidding documents; up to three (3) double sided, hard copies (8.5 "x11 ") and a copy in PDF format of the specifications and front end bidding documents. • Final engineer's opinion of probable construction cost. • Addenda in PDF format. • Letter of recommendation for award of contract in PDF format. • Monthly project status reports and invoicing. • RFI responses, shop drawings and submittal review comments, RFQs, interpretations and minor changes, change orders, construction communications logs, and other project records. • Meeting agenda and minutes. • Punch list. • Written correspondence to the City pertaining to project completion status. • Record drawings. • DOH Construction Completion Report. • Final project records. Estimated Schedule BHC's services described in this scope of work will occur over the following estimated schedule for the project. • Advertisement to Bid March 2016 • Anticipated Completion of Construction June 2016 Fee Estimate The budget for this amended Scope of Services is attached as Exhibit B and stated to be $30,924. Adding to the original executed contract value of $35,720, this amendment establishes a new budget of $66,644. The budget is based on BHC's 2015 Schedule of Charges, also included with Exhibit B. City of Yelm 5 2014 Water Main Replacement Project Scope of Services Amendment — Construction Support Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 10 of 11 EXHIBIT B -1 BUDGET SPREADSHEET City of Yelm 2014 Water Main Replacement Project - Supplemental Construction Support Services QA /QC PM Project Eng. Staff Eng. CAD Drafter Proj Admin Clerical/WP' Task No. Task Description Dorn Kelsey Whitehouse Love Caldwell Pierson Sifferman BHC Total Labor Expenses TOTAL COST Hourly Billing Rate: $225' $185 $130 $96 $99 $101 $76 Hours Cost 4 SCHEDULE C DESIGN COMPLETION Meet with WSDOTto Discuss Design Modifications 4 4 8 $1,260 $44 $1,304 Finalize Permit Application Materials, Including Contract Documents 2 16 12 6 36 $4,094 $110 $4,204 Submit Application, Respond to Questions, and Obtain Permit from WSDOT 1 4 4 2 11 $1,253 $0 $1,253 TASK SUBTOTAL, HOURS 0 7 24 0 16 0 8 55 TASK SUBTOTAL, LABOR COST $0 $1,295 $3,120 $0 $1,584 $0 $608 $6,607 $154 $6,761 5 SERVICES DURING BIDDING 5.1 Advertisement /Solicitation 4 4 2 10 $1,412 $11 $1,423 5.2 Bidder Inquiries, Notice of Award and Contract Preparation Assistance 6 10 2 18 1 $2,562 $11 $2,573 TASK SUBTOTAL, HOURS 0 10 14 0 0 0 4 28 TASK SUBTOTAL, LABOR COST $0 $1,850 $1,820 $0 $0 $0 $304 $3,974 $22 $3,996 6 OFFICE ENGINEERING SUPPORT DURING CONSTRUCTION 6.1 Project Management /Contract Administration 3 18 6 4 31 $4,915 $0 $4,915 6.2 RFIs, Shop Drawings and Submittals 4 28 8 40 $5,148 $0 $5,148 6.3 RFQs, Interpretations and Minor Changes, Change Orders 6 14 20 $2,930 $0 $2,930 6.4 Progress Meetings (Remote Attendance) 4 4 $520 $0 $520 TASK SUBTOTAL, HOURS 3 28 46 8 0 6 4 95 TASK SUBTOTAL, LABOR COST $675 $5,180 $5,980 $768 $0 $606 $304 E$1 513 $0 $13,513 7 FIELD ENGINEERING SUPPORT DURING CONSTRUCTION 7.1 Pre - Construction Conference 1 1 2 $315 $0 $315 7.2 Progress Meetings and Site Visits 4 12 16 1 $2,300 $127 $2,427 TASK SUBTOTAL, HOURS 0 5 13 0 0 0 0 18 TASK SUBTOTAL, LABOR COST $0 $925 $1,690 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,615 $127 $2,742 8 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 8.1 Substantial and Physical Completion 2 12 1 15 $2,006 $88 $2,094 8.2 Record Drawings 4 12 16 1 $1,708 $110 $1,818 TASK SUBTOTAL, HOURS 0 2 16 0 12 0 1 31 TASK SUBTOTAL, LABOR COST $0 $370 $2,080 $0 $1,188 $0 $76 $3,714 $198 $3,912 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR AND OVERALL COST 3 52 113 8 28 6 17 227 $30,423 $501 $30,924 City of Yelm Water Systern Plan Agenda Item 8. d. Engineering and Construction Managment Services, BHC - 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Page 11 of 11 Chapter 8 'A budget of $100, 000 per year, or $200,000 every 2 years, is allocated to the distribution system projects. Scope of individual projects maybe adjusted during planning and design to match construction costs to funds available 8 -9 Use of contents on Ihis sheet is subject to the limitations specified at Iha end of this document 0:t134902 -City of Yelm UdSP UpdatelWater System Plan`.R4lVSP June 2010 Chap 8T Chapter 6 docx Existing New Pipe Length Year Estimated Cap. Project ID No. On Street From Street To Street Pipe Size (feet) Unit Cost Constructed Project Cost' 3" to 4" D -1 Railroad St. SW �Ave. �. ....��- Yelm City Hall ..Railroad ..St. ..�SW - .. ......................._Edwards Mosman AC 10 1,210 $200 2010 $242,000 D -1 SW Washington St. NW 4" AC �.. 10 360... _.�.�.�.�.�.�..� $200,- �- ��.... �.... ...-- .......................$72 ,000 .... . ..... _. ................. _.._m ....... __. ...... _ w � Total ,.,.,��- - _... 1,570 -_ _._... -..� .. Project D -1 �.... .�. ..- $314,000 �_.__ -. -., _w ........... D -2 SW Washington Ave. � Edwards St. NW Rice St. SW _ 4" AC 10 450 $212 2012 $95,400 D -2 Rice St. SW SW Washington Ave. g Ye Yelm Ave. W 4" AC 10 280 $212 .�� ......... $59,360 Total 730 Project D -2 $154,760 D -3 Van Trump Ave. NE 2nd St. NE 3rd St. NE 4" AC 10 _ 360 ....... -. ....__....www $225 . ._ ..... 2014 .................. ...... ... . . .. $81,000 w, wwww D-3 2nd St. NE NE Stevens Ave. Van Trump Ave. NE 4' AC 10 320 $225 $72,000 ..................... �ww �- Total __.- - ._ - - -.. 680 - -. - -- - - ----- ......._---- .......... Project D-3 _- _...._�......._._ -_. $153,000 - - - - - -- ._- ._-- .--- ...___ D -4 3rd St. SE Washington Ave. SE - Yelm Ave. E 4" AC � -� 8 325 $239 2016 $77,675 D -4 Washington Ave. SE g 76th Ave. cul-de-sac W�c 4" AC 8 475 $239 $113,525 _... -_._ Total 800 Project D -4 $191,200 D -5 Algiers Ct. NE Algiers Dr, 170' north 4" AC 8 170 1 $228 2018 $38,760 D-5 Algiers Ct. NE North End 130' east to connect ...._... NIA _ 8 � 130 $228 .............. . ._......... __. .....µµµµWW $29,640 D-5 Algiers Dr, Algiers Ct. NE Yelm View Ct NE 6" AC 8 200 ...._... $228 $45,600 D -5 Yelm View Ct. NE Algiers Dr, 350' south 4" AC 8 350 $228 $79,800 Total 850 Project D -5 $193,800 D -6 Tranquility Ln. 103rd Ave. SE 650' south to cul -de -sac 4" AC 8 650 $255 2020 -- $165,750 � D -7 Sprague St. Mountain View Rd. SE Killion Rd. SE - �- WW-- w�w��.� N/A 10 1,240 $316 2022 1 $391,,840 840 D -8 SR 507 Mill Rd. SE 9-- 10' southwest N/A mwµµµµ 10 .............� .. 910 ... $285 . _.......... . 2024 $259,350 ... ......_.._ D-9 Wilkensen Rd. SE Ordway Dr, 1,210' south to connect NIA B 1,210 $255 2028 $308,550 'A budget of $100, 000 per year, or $200,000 every 2 years, is allocated to the distribution system projects. Scope of individual projects maybe adjusted during planning and design to match construction costs to funds available 8 -9 Use of contents on Ihis sheet is subject to the limitations specified at Iha end of this document 0:t134902 -City of Yelm UdSP UpdatelWater System Plan`.R4lVSP June 2010 Chap 8T Chapter 6 docx Agenda Item 8. e. 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Page 1 of 10 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor Harding and Yelm City Councilmember's From: Noah Crocker / Finance Director Date: December 4, 2015 (for December 8th City Council meeting) Subj: 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Recommendation Authorize Mayor Harding to sign a legislative services contract to engage Davor Gjurasic and Kathleen Collins to lobby issues of benefit to the City of Yelm from November 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016. Background Kathleen Collins, of Capitol Strategies, and Davor Gjurasic, of Gjurasic Public Affairs, have been contracted to work for the City at various times since 2005 and are well - acquainted with issues of great importance to the City, particularly the 510 Yelm Loop project. Their presence and advocacy of Yelm issues during legislative sessions is of significant value and has proved beneficial to advancement of the Loop project, as well as receiving funding for capital projects, such as the Longmire Park restrooms and community center. Current Situation The proposed scope of work for this contract continues efforts toward the completion of the 510 Yelm Loop, specifically inclusion of moving funding ahead of its current schedule. Includes other issues considered by the Legislature and /or voters; monitors water and reclaimed water issues; and provides assistance in identifying funding opportunities for capital projects. Monthly summaries will be provided as part of the contract, as well as a legislative summary at the end of the legislative session. The 2015/16 contract start date of November 1St. Compensation for these services is $20,000 at $4,000 per month, plus combined expenses not to exceed $2,000. Funds expended in 2015 will come from the General Fund (001), Arterial Streets(102) and; 2015 -2016 expenses will be budgeted from the General Fund (001), Arterial Streets(102) and Water Fund (401) on a pro -rata share of work performed on the issues. Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item 8. e. 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Page 2 of 10 CONSULTANT AGREEMENT Consultants: Kathleen Collins Davor Gjurasic Capitol Strategies Consulting Gjurasic Public Affairs 3905 Lakehills Drive SE P.O. Box 12297 Olympia, WA 98501 Olympia, WA 98508 -2297 (360) 352 -2458 (360) 561 -1923 (360) 352 -2479 (FAX) Project Description: Lobbying services on issues of benefit to the City of Yelm as further described in Exhibit A. Agreement Date: November 1, 2015 — March 31, 2016. In the event of a special legislative session, extension on a month -by -month basis through June 30, 2016. Maximum Amount Payable: $20,000 ($4,000 per month divided equally) plus combined expenses not to exceed $2,000. In the event of a special legislative session, an additional $4,000 (divided equally) per month on a month -by -month basis through June 30, 2015. THIS Agreement made and entered into at Yelm, Washington, this _t" day of November, 2015, by and between the City of Yelm, hereinafter called "YELM ", and Capitol Strategies and Gjurasic Public Affairs, consulting contractors duly authorized to perform professional services in the State of Washington, hereinafter called "CONSULTANTS ". WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, YELM desires to have certain services and /or tasks performed as set forth below requiring specialized skills and other supportive capabilities; and WHEREAS, CONSULTANTS represents that CONSULTANTS are qualified and possess sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities, including technical and professional expertise, where required, to perform the services and /or tasks set forth in this Agreement. Agenda Item 8. e. 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Page 3 of 10 Now, therefore, in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performance contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES CONSULTANTS shall perform such services and accomplish such tasks, including the furnishing of all materials and equipment necessary, as are designated as CONSULTANTS' responsibilities throughout this Agreement and as described in Exhibit "A ", attached and incorporated herein. 2. TERM The Project shall begin November 1, 2015 and shall be completed no later than March 31, 2016. However, in the event of a special legislative session, the Agreement may be extended on a month -by -month basis through June 30, 2016. 3. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Payments for services provided shall be made following the performance of such services, unless otherwise permitted by law and approved in writing by YELM. Payment shall be at the rate of $2,000 per month to Capitol Strategies Consulting and $2,000 per month to Gjurasic Public Affairs, plus expenses not to exceed a combined total of $2,000. No payment shall be made for any service rendered by CONSULTANTS except for services identified and set forth in this Agreement, including Exhibit A. Expenses include long distance, cellular telephone, fax, copies, parking, mileage, meals and travel. Mileage will be paid at the most current adopted City rate. Expenses will be detailed on the invoice. Invoices will be submitted by each Consultant at the end of each month. 4. INDEPENDENT AGREEMENT OR RELATIONSHIP A. The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Agreement. YELM is interested primarily in the results to be achieved; subject to paragraphs herein, the implementation of services will lie solely with the discretion of CONSULTANT. No agent, employee, servant or representative of CONSULTANT shall be deemed to be an employee, servant or representative of YELM for any purpose, and the employees of Agenda Item 8. e. 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Page 4 of 10 CONSULTANT are not entitled to any of the benefits YELM provides for its employees except as otherwise expressly provided herein. CONSULTANT will be solely and entirely responsible for its act and for the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors or representatives during the performance of this Agreement. B. In the performance of the services herein contemplated CONSULTANT is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the work, however, the result of the work contemplated herein must meet the approval of YELM and shall be subject to YELM's general rights of inspection and review to secure the satisfactory completion thereof. C. Throughout the span of this agreement, CONSULTANT shall comply will all rules and regulations as promulgated by the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission relating to lobbying. 5. INDEMNIFICATION OF YELM CONSULTANTS shall protect, defend, hold harmless and indemnify YELM against all liability or loss, and against all claims or actions based upon or arising out of damage or injury (including death) to persons or property caused by or sustained in connection with CONSULTANT's negligent performance of this Agreement or by conditions created thereby, or based upon violation of any code or regulation, and the defense of any such claim or actions. CONSULTANTS shall also indemnify YELM against all liability and loss in connection with, and shall assume full responsibility for, payment of all federal, state and local taxes or contributions imposed or required under unemployment insurance, workman's compensation, social security and income tax laws, for CONSULTANTS and any employees or volunteers of CONSULTANTS. 6. ASSIGNMENT /SUBCONTRACTING CONSULTANTS shall not assign its rights and duties under any portion of this Agreement without the written consent of the City Administrator. Consent must be sought in writing by CONSULTANTS not less than fifteen days prior to the date of any proposed assignment. 7. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF RECORDS Agenda Item 8. e. 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Page 5 of 10 A. CONSULTANTS shall maintain books, records and documents, which sufficiently and properly reflect all work related to the performance of the Agreement. In addition, CONSULTANTS shall maintain all accounting records in a form necessary to assure proper accounting of all funds paid pursuant to this Agreement. All of the above shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review, or audit by YELM, its authorized representative, the State Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law to monitor this Agreement. B. CONSULTANTS shall retain all books, records, documents and other material relevant to this Agreement for six (6) years after its expiration. CONSULTANTS agree that YELM or its designee shall have full access and right to examine any of said materials at all reasonable times during said period. 8. EXTRA WORK A. YELM may at any time, by written order, make changes within the general scope of the Agreement in the services to be performed. B. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the estimated cost of, or the time required for performance of any part of the work under this Agreement, whether or not changed by the order, or otherwise affects any other terms and conditions of the Agreement, YELM shall make an equitable adjustment in the (1) maximum amount payable; (2) delivery or completion schedule, or both; and (3) other affected terms and shall modify the Agreement accordingly. C. CONSULTANTS must submit a "request for equitable adjustment" or claim under this clause within 30 days from the date of receipt of the written order. D. The maximum amount payable for this Agreement shall not be increased or considered to be increased except by specific written supplement to this Agreement. 9. OTHER PROVISIONS YELM Mayor Ron Harding will be the primary contact along with any other parties he designates. Agenda Item 8. e. 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Page 6 of 10 CONSULTANTS agree to protect the confidentiality of all information provided, in writing or orally, by YELM deemed to be confidential. 10. TERMINATION A. Termination for Convenience. YELM may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time, by at least thirty (30) days written notice to CONSULTANTS. CONSULTANTS shall be paid for work performed and expenses incurred to the date of termination. Within 30 days, CONSULTANTS shall submit a termination claim to YELM. If CONSULTANTS has any property in its possession belonging to YELM, CONSULTANTS will account for the same, and dispose of it in the manner directed by YELM. B. Termination for Cause. If CONSULTANTS fail to perform in the manner called for in this Agreement, or if CONSULTANTS fail to comply with any other provisions of the Agreement and fails to correct such noncompliance within five (5) days written notice thereof, YELM may terminate this Agreement for cause. Termination shall be effected by serving a notice of termination on CONSULTANTS setting forth the manner in which CONSULTANTS is in default. CONSULTANTS will only be paid for services performed while licensed and in accordance with the manner of performance set forth in this Agreement. 11. DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS CONSULTANTS shall notify YELM in writing as to any employment agreements between the Contractor and third parties the subject of which relates to, or touches on, the scope of work of this Agreement. This disclosure shall extend to employment Agreements between any of the employees or agents of CONSULTANTS and third parties which relate to, or touch upon, the scope of work of this project. The requirement for disclosure shall include the nature of the work performed, and the value of the work performed, and shall continue throughout the term of this Agreement. YELM shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for cause as described in Section 10.13 if YELM, in its sole discretion, determines that the Agreement between CONSULTANTS, or his agents /employees, and a third party presents a conflict of interest. The disclosure of potential conflicts will be a public document. Agenda Item 8. e. 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Page 7 of 10 12. MEDIATION The parties shall attempt to resolve any controversies or disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement through a good faith attempt at mediation. Each party will pay its own attorneys' fees and costs. 13. ARBITRATION A. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement which is not resolved through mediation shall be resolved by final and binding arbitration. Demand for arbitration shall be made in writing to the other party. The arbitration shall be held in Thurston County before a single arbitrator selected by the Agreement of the parties. If the parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator within fifteen (15) days after the demand for arbitration is made, the arbitrator shall be selected by a judge in the Superior Court of Thurston County in accordance with the procedures set out in RCW 7.04.050. B. Unless the parties agree otherwise in writing, the arbitration hearing shall occur no later than sixty days after the date the arbitrator is appointed. C. The parties agree that in the absence of fraud by one of the parties or the arbitrator, the arbitrator's decision shall be binding, final and not appealable to any court of law. D. Each party shall pay its own costs of arbitration including attorneys' fees. The arbitrator's fee and any administrative expenses imposed by the arbitrator shall be shared equally by the parties. E. This Agreement shall be governed by laws of the State of Washington, both as to interpretation and performance. 14. WAIVER The waiver by, or the failure to take action with respect to, breach of any term, covenant or condition of the Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such term, covenant or condition on any subsequent breach. All remedies afforded in this Agreement shall be taken as cumulative; that is, in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Agenda Item 8. e. 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Page 8 of 10 15. SEVERABILITY It is understood and agreed by the parties that if any term or provision of this Agreement is held by any court to be illegal or in conflict with any law of the state of Washington, the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforces as if the Agreement did not contain the particular term, part or provision held to be invalid. 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This instrument contains the entire Agreement between the parties and statements, promises, or inducements made by any party or agent of that party that is not contained in this Agreement shall not be valid or binding. This Agreement may not be enlarged, modified, or altered except in writing signed by all parties. 17. NOTICE Notice provided for in this Agreement shall be sent by certified mail to the addresses designated for the parties on the first page of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date written above. Capitol Strategies Consulting Kathleen Collins Date City of Yelm II Ron Harding, Mayor Date Gjurasic Public Affairs II Davor Gjurasic Date Agenda Item 8. e. 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Page 9 of 10 Exhibit A Scope of Work Legislative Services Proposal for the City of Yelm Term: November 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016, with extension on a month -by -month basis through June 30, 2016, in the event of a special session. Compensation: $4,000 per month divided equally between Capitol Strategies Consulting and Gjurasic Public Affairs, plus combined expenses not to exceed $2,000. Issues: • Track progress of Washington State Legislative, WSDOT and Governor's Office as it relates to transportation funding. • Protect funding for the SR 510 Yelm Loop that was authorized in the 2015 transportation - funding package. Work to get an earlier start date than was proposed in the transportation - funding package. Communicate with Legislators, WSDOT leadership and Governor's office as needed. (It is estimated that this will consume about 50% of our time.) • Protect funding for TIB, Safe Routes to Schools, Freight Mobility (FMS1 B). • Monitor & comment on water and reclaimed issues, including proposed legislation. • Work with Yelm to identify additional capital projects for funding and seek to secure funding for identified projects and capital budget coalition efforts. • Monitor & comment on city revenue and infrastructure legislation and other city revenue legislation. • Inform Yelm about other legislation that may be of interest to Yelm. Scope of Work: Preparation: • Work with Yelm staff to identify project details and timeline for completing the Loop project • Develop description of benefits for the projects listed above, with emphasis on the Loop project • Identify supporters of the projects and assist in contacting them where appropriate • Develop a "message piece" for use during Legislative session and work with Yelm staff to develop visual aids • Submit information on desired capital projects to 2nd district legislators Set up meetings with: • Transportation and capital budget committee chairs and ranking minorities, district legislators and any other legislators who can assist with the projects • Economic development committee chairs and ranking minorities, district legislators and any other legislators who can assist with the projects • Transportation and economic development committee staffs • WSDOT leadership • Governor's staff • Other entities or individuals who would be of assistance on transportation or capital projects • Yelm staff to review proposals on water rights issues as they develop prior to and during session • Set up meetings with 2nd district legislators on transportation and capital budget issues Legislative strategy: • Develop a separate legislative strategy for each issue Agenda Item 8. e. 2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Page 10 of 10 Reporting: • Provide a summary of monthly lobbying efforts no later than the 15th of the following month • Provide a session summary of lobbying efforts no later than 30 days after the end of the legislative session Agenda Item 8. f. Ordinance No. 1009, 2015 Year End Budget Amendment Page 1 of 3 MEMORAND UM City of Yelm Administrative and Financial Services 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm, Washington 98597 To: Mayor Harding and Yelm City Council From: Noah Crocker Date: December 8, 2015 for December 8, 2015 Council Meeting Subj: Ordinance No. 1009, 2015 Year End Budget Amendment Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance No. 1009 amending the 2015 Budget by appropriating funds for 2015 contract obligations, transfers, and other expenditure related budget adjustments. Background: Variations in both revenue and expenditure appropriations occur throughout the budget year, creating the need for amendments. The City of Yelm adopts the annual budget by department level for the Current/General Fund and by fund level for all other funds. While it is important to note that many revenues line items (and ending cash) are anticipated to end the year well above the original budgeted amounts, this amendment addresses expenditures only — except where there are transfers or interfund loans in to balance the fund. Expense appropriations are amended to the extent needed to `rebalance' the department/fund. Current situation: This 2015 Amendment in total is $69,020.00. Appropriation changes include adjustments to balance the departments /funds as follows: FUND TOTAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENT COMMENTS 109 YPD SCHOOL RESOURCE $ 69,020.00 SEE ATTACHED TOTAL All Funds $ 69,020.00 SEE ATTACHED Phone: 360.458.3244 Facsimile: 360.458.4348 Agenda Item 8. f. Ordinance No. 1009, 2015 Year End Budget Amendment Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT A 20,15 Year End Budget Arnendiment FIUlND/ ,iCCT Griginall Budget.AmmE INe w Budget.An,it REASOIN YPD SCHOOL RESOURCE FUND 109 1508 80.100.100 $ - $ 36,1047 EINIIDIING CASH 521 31 110.100, $ 54,449 $ 57,450 SALARIES 521 31 20 GG, $ 4,165 $ 4,550 (FICA 521 31 21 GG, $ 2,848 $ 3,1025 RETIREMENT 521 3122 GG, $ 1,133 $ 1,235 IIINDUSTRIIIALIIIINISUIRAINCE 521 31 24.100 2,472 $ 2,760 MEDICAL/IDISABILIIITY 111INSUI8AINCE Tot,a 11001 65,067.00 691,020.00 Revenues, $ Expenses, $ 69,1020 GG, INet Eff ect to Ending Cash $ (3,953,00) TOTAL ORIGINAL BUDGETED LINE ITEMS $ 165,067.01D TOTAL LINE ITEM ADJUSTMENTS 169,020.00 NET LINE ITEM CHANGES $ (3,953.00) Revenues, From Transfers, In Revenues, From Interfund Loans, Revenue A:di,& Bsunning Fund 13,al,ance Net Effect to Ending Cash �,3,9,1153 (1113) Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 8. f. Ordinance No. 1009, 2015 Year End Budget Amendment Page 3 of 3 CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1009 AN ORDINANCE amending the 2015 City of Yelm Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. 992 in December 2014, by increasing appropriations in excess of original estimates and making required year -end adjustments. The City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. 2015 budgeted amounts for revenue and /or expenditures for the operation of the government of the City of Yelm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015, are increased by $3,953.00 to reflect a total line item budget adjustment of $69,020 as shown in Exhibit A. Section 2. The budget for the year 2015 as amended by the changes in Section 1 shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk who is hereby directed to transmit this supplemental budget to the Auditor of the State of Washington, Division of Municipal Corporations. Section 3. Ratify and Confirmation Clause — Any action taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior to the effective date is hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect five days following publication. PASSED and signed in authentication on this 8th day of December, 2015. Ronald W. Harding, Mayor Authenticated: Janine A. Schnepf, City Clerk Passed and Approved: December 8th, 2015 PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News: December 18, 2015 Effective: December 25, 2015 Ye lm 01 Kai�ni 'Ar r Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page lof2 Roy McKenna Clv Y&hrn Arva of (Oarnrnerre Coit lii 111 111 lii inVites youto jdlin us at ruesday's Chaimbeir Forum aind: Yot e 111111111IFuesday, IIII emI[,)erl, 8 1130 a iii 711 1A n °t liii IIII 1 0 0 IIII irvii Rr4hrlb III arlk At ouir IllD eceirribeir innointhly IF iruirin, Victoria Watbe irk , (Wit inew l::xecw tilt' e Directar will Ike talking about the futuire of the Chairribeirr You cain inneet youir Chairribeir tearin and Il earn what inext yeemir Ihas liirr starer What irr w Ipro girairins mire going to Ibe available to Ihellp you girow youir business (sineak Ipeekr a inew Chairribeir website that Vets you sell Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 2 of 2 (1 li it c.bl k) (Ah r it n ir°iri lb raw ) lower you c ain shaire youir c oinc; rir s ain(l sr. ggesbic ins w iibh CiNy officials (ii. e, : it g r.,rlIair ...IC..owwwwin Ilh llalllls) low bhe C Iha ir°iri Ik e it will Ihelp ir°irn a irlk d: o u it c o ir°irn ir°irn a irn li d: a irncl Ibusinesses II low you cairn lirinpirove youir skills a d: it n a it a li in "bhe business of c� a it br.,siiness (i.e, Ipeirsc�ir alli (l coaching a ain(l s ir°irnliinair w w libh Ibusiness Ipeift w) r. in it eMoirlk i it a ir� ,s k) irineed, (A heir ��r., ir Isiness ow it eirs (li. . Il a(ls . giro ups ain(l Afteir III ....Ibr irs evein s) We in it Ideas,foir lirrilpiroViingthe vaIlI ue it ('01hairrilbeir irneirrilbeirshJlp , Come, lbirlliing afirlleind, and the a pairt of lhu I Iiiin it inew 01h airrill ir! ,,,IC ulrm irir stains ' today". im STAY CONNECTED N ��py��ryq