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01 12 2016 Agenda Packet
AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2016 6:00 P.M. Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated d resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not haattachments. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION Special Presentations- 4. Student of the Month - Public Comment 5. the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speak are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Minutes; Regular Meeting December 8, 2015 Payables; Checks # b. Public Hearing- none scheduled 7. New Business- 8. Request for Waiver of Appeal Fee ACTION a. 10 min Presenter: Tami Merriman, Associate Planner Attachments: Staff Report b. Resolution No. 564, Water Connection Reservation-Yelm Community ACTION 10 min Schools Presenter: Grant Beck, Community Development Director Attachments: Staff Report, Resolution No. 564 Old Business none scheduled 9. Council and Mayor 10. Councilmember Foster represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) Councilmember Carmody represents Yelm on the following committees. Intercity Transit Board Yelm Adult Community Center Councilmember Isom represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Economic Development Council Committee (TRPC) Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Stillwell represents Yelm on the following committees. Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees. (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember DePinto represents Yelm on the following committees. Yelm Transportation Committee Thurston County Law and Justice Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees. Medic One Yelm Emergency Operations Board Mayor Harding represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County Economic Yelm Finance Committee Development Council Yelm Emergency Operations Board Yelm Transportation Committee Yelm Economic Development Committee (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board Executive Session- Council will go into a 45 minute Executive Session for 11. the purpose of discussing collective bargaining strategy (RCW 42 (4)(a). Attorney Peter Altman will be present. 12. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request) Thurston Regional Planning Council Pre-Agenda Friday, January 8, 2016 8:30-11:30am Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce January 2016 Upcoming Events newsletter Adjourn 13. Upcoming Meetings Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Council Study Session, Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 5:00 pm, Pub Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, February 9, 2016, 6:00 pmlding CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5. about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8 Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda item speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limit portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been co re a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to co processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf, at 360.4 scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are availabl www.ci.yelm.wa.us Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 1 of 6 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2015 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Ken Garmann and Russ Hendrickson. Agenda Approval 15-107 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations November Student of the Month - Sarah McAuley is an amazing young adult at Yelm High School. Ac is talented and near the top of her class, combining both YHS an workloads. As a leader Sarah is highly active in a variety of pr cheerleading, chamber choir and leadership summit. Sarah also vo plan and put on the highly successful sophomore common that Sarah spends time at school helping teachers. After Sarah plans to pursue an ROTC program at a 4-year college, and i leaning toward Central Washington University. Sarah is a great a Yelm High School. Mayor Harding presented Ms. McAuley with a pla thanked for attending the meeting. 5. Public Comment no public comment 6. Consent Agenda Minutes Regular Meeting November 24, 2015 Payables Checks #65823 - #65936, Totaling $689,669.33 15-108 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing a. Continued Public Hearing from November 24, 2015 Ordinance No. 1008 2016 City of Yelm Budget Mayor Harding continued the Public Hearing at 6:07 from Novembe Noah Crocker presented a slide show on the updated figures for were only minor changes from the preliminary budget presented on Tami Merriman presented the Mayor and Council with a letter reg proposed 2016 Budget as part of the official record. All non-rep exempt employees were present during the public hearing comment exception of Dana Spivey. On August 24, 2015, the non-represente employees filed a petition to form a union under the Washington County and City Employees (WSCCCE). In March 2015, the collectiv agreement between Teamsters Local Union No. 252 and the City of ratified. The contract included a 2.25% COLA increase in 2015 an health insurance premiums, and the employee would pay the other represented employees received with their April 2015 pay stubs, amended salary scale to include the 2.25% COLA and the increased insurance pursuant to the Public Works contract. On November 20, 12/8/15 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 2 of 6 bargaining is pending, and the cost of living (COLA) is part of process, the wage scale for this membership was unchanged from 2 -represented employees continue to pay the 5% insurance premium. According to the National Labor Relations that withholding an approved and expected wage increase while st percentage of health insurance premiums is a change to the non-r Mayor Harding stated the situation is similar to when the Police Department switched from the Teamsters Union Guild. The Cost of Living (COLA) is a negotiated item therefore t automatically carried over to 2016. Union negotiation representative and this is the direction he ad take. Councilmember Wood said the council needs clarification on the process. He does not believe that everyone on the Council is issue and what our legal input has been. Councilmember Stillwell employees are currently paying the 5% of the premium and not rec COLA. Mayor Harding stated the City is maintaining the medical b existing level. Janine Schnepf, City Clerk/HR Manager stated tha COLA had been applied based on the other union negotiations. Pri there was not the third union. This year is unique in that the n formed so a piece of the new bargaining will be that salary piec is not applied in 2016. Councilmember Foster clarified that the employees will not be receiving the COLA for the start of 2016, a COLA in their new contract when the negotiations take place. T that when a new union is formed, there is no That is a bargained benefit. Councilmember Stillwell asked if th bargained benefit as well. Mayor Harding stated they could barga care as part of the negotiation process. Mayor Harding is hesita changes and is unsure if it is even appropriate for the council s one on one when they have a collective bargaining unit. Councilmember Isom stated that both of the items mentioned are n items in a contract. This particular group of employees has neve (in his opinion) therefore any provisions or benefits of other c to the non-represented employees was done out of fairness. Counc is personally uncomfortable with this entire conversation becaus represented at this stage of the game. Councilmember Garmann ask timeline of the bargaining and the COLA. Mayor Harding stated Co hopes the bargaining will start quickly and this will be a mute point. Tami Merriman stated that the uni for the non- it was brought to his attention by City Staff, and it was a shoc disappointment to receive the email in November. Councilmember G stated that to have this come to the attention of Council at the budget process, seems like it should be examined more thoroughly more discussion, like the Police Guild got a sign on bonus to ma of COLA increase, if staff was promised this increase and it is timing, it does not seem fair. It does not seem right that we as had the opportunity to have discussion. Mayor Harding stated tha been much more appropriate if the union agent would have contacted, representative and talked about this in advance. Councilmember F Noah if the 2016 budget number reflected the 2.25% COLA for the represented employees. Noah stated that the 2016 budget does not 12/8/15 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 3 of 6 2016 COLA for non-represented employees. Mayor Harding closed th hearing at 6:31. 8. New Business a.Ordinance No. 1008, 2016 City of Yelm Budget Noah Crocker, Finance Director stated that Mayor Harding and sta balanced 2016 Budget. The current budget has changed very little last presented. The expenses have been brought up to date. The $ dollar general fund reflects a conservative approach to revenue ($5.071 million), as well as a thorough analysis of planned expe maintains current programs, contracts and levels of service prov community. The Interfund Loans for $245,000 from the General Fun 316 have change since we received a portion of the grant money s meeting. The Interfund Loan has been reduced by $177,000. Noah t Mayor and Administrative staff in helping developing the budget. Isom moved to approve Ordinance No. 1008. Seconded by Councilmem Mayor Harding asked for further discussion. Councilmember Garman because his term is ending he will be abstaining from the voting Councilmember Stillwell will also abstain since this is only the meeting he has attended. Councilmember Baker stated this is his and he will abstain from voting. Mayor Harding informed the Coun did not have an operating budget at the end of this meeting, no to work. Councilmember Foster felt that process of adopting and this budget was a fair representation of what we had negotiated throughout the year with our revenues and expenditures. Councilm responsible with the funds for the City of Yelm. Mayor Harding c question. 15-109 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 1008, 2016 CITY OF YELM BUDGET. 4-AYES (FOSTER, ISOM, WOOD AND HENDRICKSON), 3- ABSTAINED (BAKER, STILLWELL AND GARMANN). MOTION CARRIED. b.Nisqually River Foundation Intergovernmental Services Contract for 2016 Noah Crocker, Finance Director reported that the Nisqually River -Nisqually River Education 501C3 not-for-profit organization associated with the Nisqually River Council), seeks to create a new generation o who are aware of and care for Yelm Creek, the Nisqually River an surface water, wastewater and th year supporting this cause. Through this support, the City of Yelm will join oth governments in supporting this outstanding watershed education p will be recognized as a Nisqually River Foundation and Congress request for continued support was received on November 16, 2015 of $3,500.00. 15-110 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE ATTACHED INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2016 DECEMBER 31, 2016 IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,500.00, BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND THE 12/8/15 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 4 of 6 c.YELM MULTIPURPOSE SENIOR CENTER CONTRACT Noah Crocker, Finance Director stated that the Washington State allows the city to provide funding to non-profit organizations f support of the poor and infirm. Historically, the City of Yelm h monthly funding to the Yelm Adult Community Center (Senior Cente their mission of providing services to the senior community. The approved by Council in 2014 is $1,000.00 per month. The City Cou indicated they would like to continue to provide these services senior multi-purpose center and staff recommends approval of a c extension from May 2015-December 2016. Councilmember Wood asked previous monthly amount was, and if it was increasing to $1,000. had been $500 a month. 15-111 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 562 ESTABLISHING AN INTERFUND LOAN BETWEEN THE GENERAL FUND 001 TO THE ROADS/STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND 316. CARRIED. d.Engineering and Construction Management Services, BHC 2016 AC Water Line Replacement Ryan Johnstone stated the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) appr of the current water system plan contains water main replacement necessary to increase the reliability and efficiency of the pota distribution system. One of the primary ways to accomplish this AC water main with new PVC or ductile iron, and to address defic capacity (i.e. undersized pipe). Several pipe segments were incl Water Main Replacement Project. Council approved these projects 2014 for design by BHC, LLC. The contract was approved in the am $84,369 at that time and added to on October 14, 2014 for a tota approval of $132,710. The project was broken into three separate A, B, and C to allow for reduction in the construction contact s exceed the budgeted amount. Yelm Ave E was added to the CIP beca needed upgrade for fire flow, and was logical to replace while r adjoining pipe segments. City staff put forth a solid effort to E main prior to the WSDOT overlay completed earlier this year bu unsuccessful due to planning and scheduling challenges with WSDO affect the construction costs associated with this pipe segment, nominal, as a full Asphalt depth overlay will not be required. D Schedule A water main sections is currently 80% complete. If the additional scope of services is approved, design will resume upo 2016 budget (early January). Anticipated completion and out for 2016, with construction completion near June 2016. Approval to c design, bid, and construction management support of the Schedule segments will increase the design contract by $30,924. Project f remaining design and construction will be from the 404 Water Cap Improvement Fund and is included in the 2016 Proposed Budget. 15-112 MOTION BY JW FOSTER AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A CONTRACT AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,924.00 WITH BHC CONSULTANTS FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR ASBESTOS CEMENT (AC) WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT. CARRIED. 12/8/15 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 5 of 6 e.2015/16 Legislative Services Contract Noah Crocker, Finance Director explained that Kathleen Collins, Strategies, and Davor Gjurasic, of Gjurasic Public Affairs, have work for the City at various times since 2005 and are well acqua of great importance to the City, particularly the 510 Yelm Loop presence and advocacy of Yelm issues during legislative sessions value and has proved beneficial to advancement of the Loop proje receiving funding for capital projects, such as the Longmire Par community center. This contract continues efforts toward the com 510 Yelm Loop, specifically inclusion of moving funding ahead of schedule. It also includes other issues considered by the Legisl voters; monitors water and reclaimed water issues; and provides identifying funding opportunities for capital projects. Monthly provided as part of the contract, as well as a legislative summa the legislative session. The 2015/16 contract state date of Nove include compensation for these services are $20,000 at $4,000 pe combined expenses not to exceed $2,000. Funds expended in 2015 w from the General Fund (001), Arterial Streets (102) and ; 2015-2 will be budgeted from the General Fund (001), Arterial Streets ( Fund (401) on a pro-rata share or work performed on the issues. Stillwell asked how often we would get feedback from the lobbyis Harding stated he would probably meet with them at least 2 dozen the contracted time. 15-113 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO AUTHORIZE MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A LEGISLATIVE SERVICES CONTRACT TO ENGAGE DAVOR GJURASIC AND KATHLEEN COLLINS TO LOBBY ISSUES OF BENEFIT TO THE CITY OF YELM FROM NOVEMBER 1, 2015 THROUGH MARCH 31, 2016. CARRIED. f.Ordinance No. 1009, 2015 Year End Budget Amendment Noah Crocker explained there are variations in both revenue and appropriations occur throughout the budget year, creating the ne amendments. The City of Yelm adopts the annual budget by departm the Current/General Fund and by fund level for all other funds. Amendment total is $69020.00. Appropriation changes include adju balance the departments/funds for fund 109 Yelm Police Departmen Resource related to salaries and benefits. The net effect to end ($3,953.00). Councilmember Isom asked if the increase was a dire new Police contract. Noah stated it was. 15-114 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 1009 AMENDING TH 2015 BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR 2015 CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS, TRANSFERS, AND OTHER EXPENDITURE RELATED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS. CARRIED. 9. Old Business none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and reported the three positions on the Citizen Action Committee hav filled. At the Intercity Transit Board meeting Councilmember Bak a plaque, a clock and a Proclamation in honor of his time at Int Rosemont and other businesses can get discounted passes by simpl 12/8/15 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 6 of 6 Councilmember Isom thanked Councilmember Baker and Councilmember Garmann for their years of service on the Council. Councilmember the Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting where the Thurston Action Team gave a presentation and the survey and results are o uation went very well. The annual contract will be coming up very soon and dues will be billed in March. Councilmember Wood thanked Councilmember Baker and Councilmember Garmann for their service and stated they will be missed. Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Yelm Emergency Operations Board meeting where they discussed Tacoma/La Grande has increased thei 700 cubic feet going over the damn. It is up to 6,300 cubic feet Thurston County has activated their Emergency Coordination Cente rain and flooding. Mayor Harding thanked Councilmember Baker and Councilmember Garmann for their service and it has been a pleasure working with both of yo terms. Mayor Harding also thanked Councilmember Littlefield for will be hosting a small reception for the outgoing and those invitations will be sent out soon. Mayor Harding received a phon from Thurston County Commissioner Sandra Romero in regards to th Consortium Group. HOME Consortium is the advisory board that awa that is taken in through document preservation. The group has vo dissolve at their last meeting. They would like to transfer the funding from HOME Consortium to a new group called the Community Partnership (CIP). In order to be a member of this newly formed county is asking for a financial commitment of one-half of one p tax collected to assist in funding the organization. Mayor Hardi Commissioner Romero that he would relay the message but he does understand the authority of the group or the funding stream. Cou Isom asked that this matter be brought to a future Study Session stated Commissioner Romero wanted a commitment by Friday, Decemb 2015. Council consensus was that they could not vote on somethin not fully understand. 11. Executive Session none scheduled 12. Correspondence included Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce December Forum & Luncheon, Tuesda December 8, 11:30-1pm, Prairie Park Hotel Councilmember Foster was unable to attend the Christmas in the like to know how it went in the new Community Center building. C Hendrickson wanted to recognize John Edwards for working the eve smile on his face. Mayor Harding stated there is a large partici and school staff and the Chamber and businesses that work the evt. There were many positive comments about the Community Center. Councilmember Hendrickson thanked Councilmember Woo donating the hot dogs. 13. Adjourned at 7:04 pm. ___________________________ Attest: _________________________ Ron Harding, Mayor Lori Mossman, Deputy City 12/8/15 Agenda Item 8. a. Request to Waive Appeal fee Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item 8. a. Request to Waive Appeal fee Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 8. b. Resolution No. 564, Reserving water connections for Yelm Community Schools Page 1 of 3 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To:Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council From:Grant Beck, Community Development Director Date:December 31, 2015(for January 12, 2016 City Council Meeting) Subj:Water Connection Reservation – Yelm Community Schools Recommendation Adopt Resolution 564reserving seven (7) water connections for Yelm Community th Schools for the construction of a future 9grade school. Background Yelm Community Schools will be requesting the voters to approve a construction bond to support the expanding school district. They bondwould fund, in part, the construction th of a new 9grade school with approximately 450 students and a staff of 45. The new school is identified in the Districts adopted Capital Facilities Plan and six year improvement plan. The Unified Development Code states at Section 18.16.070 YMC that “the City may reserve water and sewer capacity by resolution of the City Council for essential public facilities, improvements identified in an adopted capital facilities plan and listed in the six-year improvement program. Yelm defines essential public facility to include schools (Section 18.02.040 YMC). Yelm Community Schools’ construction plans are subject to a vote of the people and, if approved, a process to bond for the construction money. This all must take place before the design and permitting of the new school may begin. The School District has provided a water usage report prepared by a professional engineer that indicates 6.3 water connections would be required for the new school. In order to ensure that water service will be available at the time the new school is built, Yelm Community Schools has requested the City Council reserve seven water connections for this essential public facility. Agenda Item 8. b. Resolution No. 564, Reserving water connections for Yelm Community Schools Page 2 of 3 CurrentSituation Currently, the City has sufficient water connections to accommodate several years worth of growth at historic rates, with approximately 480 connections available for new development. Staff recommends that the City Council approve Resolution 564reserving seven water connections for Yelm Community Schools. Agenda Item 8. b. Resolution No. 564, Reserving water connections for Yelm Community Schools Page 3 of 3 CY ITY OF ELM RN564 ESOLUTION UMBER RWCYCS ESERVING ATER ONNECTIONS FOR ELM OMMUNITY CHOOLS W, Section 18.16.070 YMC allows the City Council to reserve water and HEREAS sewer connections for essential public facilities that are identCapital Facilities Plan and six year improvement program; and W, Section 18.02.040 YMC includes schools as an essential public HEREAS facility; and W, Yelm Community Schools plans to request the voters approve a bond, HEREAS th in part for the construction of a new 9 grade school; and W, the new school is identified in Yelm Community Schools adopte HEREAS Capital Facilities Plan and six year improvement program; and W, Yelm Community Schools expects the new school to require seven HEREAS water connections and has requested the City Council reserve the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City o that seven (7) water connections shall be reserved for use by Yelm Co th to construct a new 9 grade school. System Development Charges will be applied at the time the building permit is issued for the new school. th APPROVED this 12 day January, 2016. Ron Harding, Mayor ATTEST: Janine Schnepf, City Clerk Agenda Item 12. Correspondence P TRPC Members & Page 1 of 6 Representatives City of Lacey Virgil Clarkson PRE-AGENDA City of Olympia Friday, January 8, 2016 Nathaniel Jones 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. City of Rainier The TRPC pre-agenda provides our members the opportunity to review the topics of the upcoming Pending TRPC meeting. This information is forwarded in advance to afford your councils and boards the City of Tenino opportunity for discussion at your regular meetings. This will provide your designated representative Pending with information that can be used for their participation in the Regional Council meeting. For more information, please visit our website at www.trpc.org. City of Tumwater Consent Calendar ACTION Tom Oliva These items were presented at the previous meeting. They are action items and will remain on City of Yelm consent unless pulled for further discussion. Robert Isom a.Approval of Minutes – December 4, 2015 Confederated Tribes of the b.Approval of Vouchers Chehalis Reservation c.Approval of RTIP Amendment 16-01 Amy Loudermilk Transportation Benefit DistrictPRESENTATION Nisqually Indian Tribe The Thurston County Board of County Commissioners created a Transportation Benefit Heidi Thomas District (TBD) for the unincorporated areas of the County. This brief presentation will Town of Bucoda provide information about the creation of the TBD, themission of the TBD as well as Alan Vanell potential funding strategies the TBD will consider in the future. Thurston County Transportation Model UpdatePRESENTATION Sandra Romero TRPC has updated their Transportation Demand Model. The model is used for a variety of North Thurston Public purposes including the Regional Transportation Plan and local planning efforts. This brief Schools presentation will highlight some of the updated features of the model, and how it is Chuck Namit anticipated to be used. Olympia School District Call for Written Officer NominationsINFORMATION Pending As called for in the TRPC by-laws, the Chair will solicit nominations for office in writing from Intercity Transit all voting member representatives. At the February meeting, as part of the election process, Karen Messmer the Chair will present the slate of nominees to be considered for each position as well as taking nominations from the floor. LOTT Clean Water Alliance Cynthia Pratt South Sound Military & Communities Partnership ParticipationACTION The Council will consider continued membership and involvement in the South Sound Port of Olympia Military and Communities Partnership (SSMCP) and authorize payment of 2016 dues. Pending Proposed Organizational RestructureACTION PUDNo. 1 of Thurston County Management has undergone an evaluation of the current organizational structure and Russell Olsen determined changes need to be made in order to gain efficiencies, retain staff, and continue to deliver quality services. The proposed reorganization will require the creation of at least one new job classification that must be approved by the Council. The reorganization will Associate Members utilize existing staff, so no new FTE’s will be hired as a result and budget impacts are minor. Economic Development 2016 Operating BudgetACTION Council of Thurston County The 2016 Operating Budget will be presented for adoption. The budget is based on the Michael Cade previously approved Work Program and Funding document that also includes the 2016 Lacey Fire District #3 assessments. The core work elements outlined in that document will be included in the Gene Dobry operating budget as well as estimates for expenditures and revenues in 2016. Puget Sound Regional Council 2016 Legislative PrioritiesDISCUSSION Vacant TRPC will continue to hone its priority legislative issues packet in preparation for the 2016 state Legislative Session. The Evergreen State College Jeanne Rynne The ProfilePRESENTATION TRPC has updated The Profile for 2015. The compilation of data and statistics is one of Timberland Regional Library the most frequently visited portions of TRPC’s website. This brief presentation will highlight Cheryl Heywood some of the datatrends in Thurston County. Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 2 of 6 Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce Chamber Chatter January 2016 Upcoming Events December 31st 10:00am-3:00pm Hands On Children's Museum Annual family- friendly New The Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce Year's Eve is committed to being your celebration SUCCESS! partner in 2016. Get the details . We are thrilled about our new January 12 & SUCCESS! Membership Program and the 26 tremendous value it offers our members. 6:00pm Here is to your SUCCESS! in 2016! City Council Meeting Open to the public. Yelm Public Safety Building Get the details. CHAMBER FORUM & LUNCHEON January 12th from 11:30am-1pm January 29th 9AM-12PM Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 3 of 6 Doing Business with Joint Base Lewis McChord Workshop Lakewood, WA Get the details. Join us at our January Forum & Luncheon as Daryl Murrow from the Thurston Economic Development Council will lead us in an interactive Visit the presentation to help you Make 2016 Your Best Chamber Year Ever! Event Calendar! Daryl Murrow is an entrepreneur and business architect. For the past 25 years, he has started, managed, and sold businesses in retail, services, and manufacturing. In 2008, Daryl formed the Murrow Group, providing training and coaching services to small business owners. In October 2015, he joined the Thurston Economic Development Council to manage their "ScaleUP program," a training program created for growth- oriented business owners. LOCATION: Prairie Hotel, 700 Prairie Park Lane, Yelm COST: $20 Members Catered by CASA MIA Great Schools are Good for Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 4 of 6 Business! Business Breakfast Meeting January 8th @ 8:30am at CASA MIA Please join local business leaders and learn how you can help ensure that we continue to have GREAT SCHOOLS IN OUR COMMUNITY!Presented by Andy Wolf, Superintendent, Yelm Community Schools. Business leaders know that we need great schools. Great schools strengthen communities. They give our young people the tools to compete in a challenging, global economy, where perhaps now more than ever education is a key to opportunity and success. They help our community attract the talented, skilled workers we need to run our businesses, our educational and cultural institutions and our many non-profits. They help our youth lead fulfilling and, we hope, joyful lives. A complimentary light breakfast will be served by Casa Mia! Spread the word and bring a guest.... the most guests The member who brings will receive a gift certificate to The Uptown Lounge at Yelm Cinemas! Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 5 of 6 Plus, door prizes to kick off the New Year! Sponsored by an anonymous donor who loves our community. Vendors & Sponsors 2016 Home & Garden Show April 30th & May 1st Calling all Yelm Area Businesses! Have you registered for your vendor booth? We are accepting registration forms and booths are filling up! We would love to have your business represented at this year's show. Download and complete your form, enclose your payment, and submit it today! It's not too late to be a Sponsor of the Nisqually Valley Home, Garden & Trade show. Don't miss this opportunity to be a Silver, Gold or Platinum Sponsor! Gold & Platinum sponsors receive a free vendor Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 6 of 6 booth! Call our office for more information today (360) 458-6608. A HUGE thanks to our office angels, aka volunteers, who have contributed many hours to support the chamber's office over the past few months! Thank you Stella, Mayra & Jaida! www.yelmchamber.com Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce | 138 Prairie Park Lane | Yelm, WA Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.