Agendas 2006 Archive Partial (2)Councilmember Isom represents Yelm on the following committees.
• Thurston Regional Planning Council Yelm Economic Development
Councilmember McGowan represents Yelm on the following committees.
• Thurston County HOME Consortium . Family Initiative Invest Committee
Councilmember Fetterly represents Yelm on the following committees.
• Nisqually River Council • Yelm Emergency Operations Board
Councilmember Thompson represents Yelm on the following committees.
• Yelm Transportation Committee • (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board
Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees.
• Yelm Community Services Liaison Thurston County Solid Waste
Advisory Committee
Mayor Harding represents Yelm on the following committees.
• Thurston County Justice Project Nisqually Tribe Two Percent
Oversight Committee Committee
• Thurston County Economic 0 Yelm Emergency Operations Board
Development Council
• Thurston County Mayor's Forum a Yelm Economic Development
11. Executive Session — Approximately 20 minutes to discuss Real Estate
20 Min Acquisition
12 Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request.)
Thurston Regional Planning Council Pre -agenda, December 1, 2006
Comcast Channel Update, November 14, 2006
►Comcast Service and Rate Update, November 22, 2006
►AWC NLC Policy Committees 2007, Call for membership
13. Adjourn
Upcoming Meeting
Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, December 26, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 9, 2007, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
Council Study Session, Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall
All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For
information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402.
Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable
time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the
public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing
elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or
are anticipated.
Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402
It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a
person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in
government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4)
working days prior to the scheduled event.
The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at
b. ORDINANCE 860 Public Safety Building/Municipal Equipment ACTION
Presenter: James M. Nelson, Senior Municipal Underwriter, Martin
2oMin Nelson & Company and Agnes Bennick, Treasurer
Attachment la. Ordinance 860 Update
Attachment 1. Draft Ordinance 860 and Legal Opinion
Attachment 2. Standard and Poor's Bond Rating
Attachment 3. Preliminary Official Statement
(Copies are available for viewing at Yelm City Hall.)
9. Old Business — none scheduled
10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission
a. Council Reports:
Councilmember Miller - Represents Yelm on the following committees:
• Thurston County Law and Justice 0 Thurston Passenger Rail Workgroup
Committee 0 Yelm Fire District Liaison
Councilmember Baker - Represents Yelm on the following committees:
• Yelm Transportation Committee 0 Intercity Transit Board
• Yelm Adult Community Center Liaison
Councilmember Isom - Represents Yelm on the following committees:
• Thurston Regional Planning Council • Yelm Economic Development
Councilmember McGowan - Represents Yelm on the following committees:
• Thurston County HOME Consortium • Family Initiative Investment
Councilmember Fetterly - Represents Yelm on the following committees:
• Nisqually River Council • Yelm Emergency Operations Board)
Councilmember Thompson- Represents Yelm on the following committees:
• Yelm Transportation Committee • (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board
Councilmember Hendrickson- Represents Yelm on the following committees:
• Yelm Community Services Liaison • Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory
• Thurston County Project Access Committee
b. Mayor Harding - Represents Yelm on the following committees:
• Thurston County Justice Project • Nisqually Tribe Two Percent
Oversight Committee Committee
• Thurston County Economic • Yelm Emergency Operations Board
Development Council • Yelm Economic Development
• Thurston County Mayors' Forum Committee
11. Executive Session — None scheduled
12. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request.)
* 1-933 Snohomish County Farm Bureau, 1-933, Property Fairness
Coalition (attachments)
* Thurston Regional Planning Council, 11/3/06 Pre -Agenda
13. Adjourn:
9 Old Business — None scheduled
10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and
Board/Commission Business
a. Council
b. Mayor
1) Board/Commission Appointment
11. Executive Session — None scheduled
12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.)
Thurston Co. Board of Health re Smoking/Clean Indoor Act
Old Roy Gym Renovation Open House 3/15/06, 7 pm
Comcast: Channel Lineup Changes and The Family Tier
13. Adjourn
Regular Meeting, Wednesday, March 22, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
Study Session, Thursday, March 23, 2006, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall
Regular Meeting, Wednesday, April 12, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
Regular Meeting, Wednesday, April 26, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
Study Session, Thursday, March 27, 2006, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall
All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For
information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402.
Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable
time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the
public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing
elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or
are anticipated.
Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402
It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a
person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in
government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working
days prior to the scheduled event.
The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at
Council Study Session, Thursday, January 26, 2006, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall
Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, February 22, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
Council Study Session, Thursday, February 23, 2006, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall
Council Retreat, Friday, February 24, 2006, All Day, City Facility Tour & Yelm City Hall
Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, March 22, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall
All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For
information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402.
Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable
time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the
public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing
elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or
are anticipated.
Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402
It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a
person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in
government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working
days prior to the scheduled event.
The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at