01-27-16 Study Session MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION
WEDNESDAY, January 27, 2016 5:00 P.M.
Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. Present: Councilmembers JW Foster, Molly
Carmody, TracTfWood, and Russ Hendrickson. Joe DePinto arrived 5:10 p.m. Staff: Grant Beck, Ryan
Johnstone and Chad Bedlington. Guest Presenter: Anne Wahrmund, Parks Advisory Board. Audience:
Ken Garmann
4. Community Center Rental Policies- Grant Beck and Anne Wahrmund. Staff provided reports for
review: Fees, Policy, Rental agreement and Application as recommended by Parks Advisory Board Ad
Hoc committee. Anne presented, stating that the committee reviewed fees and policies from other cities
with comparable facilities, naming Lacey, Puyallup and Spanaway. Challenge is to be competitive and
subsidize the budget for operating and maintaining the building, estimated at $60,000 annually, including
staff time to set up and tear down prior to and after events. Council thought the operating costs were
estimated high and the fees should be lowered. Council suggested that fees be revisited annually, after
discovering actual operating costs. Additionally, look for volunteers to assist with setup for events and
determine if dedicated staff is needed in the future. Council review found edits for clarification on Policy
and Application including: legal description of owner and renter; identify applicant responsible to be
present during event with contact information provided; recycling provided; noise and time limits
recognized; security and kitchen tour required with staff prior to kitchen rental use.
4b. Water Rights Mitigation Plan- Chad Bedlington and Ryan Johnstone. Staff updated Council on
Deschutes River Habitat Restoration Project on the 200 acre, shared ownership land outside of city limits
purchased as part of water mitigation with Olympia and Lacey. Move design scope forward in February.
Design cost of $105,000 also shared with the other cities from the Water Utility and Capital Reserve
4c. Mosman Ave Sidewalk Project -Chad Bedlington. Staff presented map of proposed Mosman to
Washington St sidewalk to be designed in 2016 and built in 2017. TIB grant available for build in 2016 to
complete $400,000 project with 20% City match. Match would require budget amendment. Looking for
direction and possibility of including additional funding for consideration of future site for military
monument set aside in design. Council inquired about other grant opportunities for playground concepts
and would like report back on possibility of DOT adding sidewalk at Skateboard Park. Staff recommended
bringing forward acceptance of grant in February.
Budget being a common theme of questions from new Councilmembers initiated a discussion to
schedule a special budget training session with finance staff and Council.
5. Mayor's Report.
A) Grant updated status of Community Center substantially complete Dec 4, after several missed
scheduled complete dates expired. Some punch list items still remain. Legal Counsel working on contract
closeout. B) CDBG Senior Center 10 year grant completed. C) Interviews ongoing for City Administrator
position. D) Prairie Elementary connecting to City water with Dept of Ecology grant funding. City will act
as pass through by way of interlocal agreement with School District. Accept approx 3.9 water right in lieu
of fee. E) Scheduling full day Council Retreat to include facilitator to review policy, protocol, prior
accomplishments, as well as training with legal counsel that will include Open Public Meeting training
requirement for new council members.
6. Council Initiatives
1) Councilmember DePinto proposed discussion to transfer $200,000 to Public Safety for 2 officers,
sighting growth in population, increased crime and the number of officers on duty at any one time. 2)
Councilmember Carmody asked for clarification on the number of officers and compensation in 2008
compared to fewer officers in 2016 and increased compensation. Discussion followed regarding the cost
of doing business and the economic base to generate revenue does not keep up at the same rate. City
wide budget requests, must be responsible, sustainable and viewed related to the entire city budget and
needs.3) Councilmember Car dy expressed interest in participating in Yelm Creek mitigation plan.
Adjour : :00
on H r n , Mayor Janine, chnepf, City Clerk
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