02 23 2016 Updated Agenda Packet
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2016 6:00 P.M.
Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated d
resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not have attachments.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Agenda Approval ACTION
4. Special Presentations- none scheduled
5. Public Comment
the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere on the
agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speak
are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements.
Consent Agenda ACTION
Minutes; Regular Meeting February 9, 2016
Payables; Checks #66290 - #66363 Totaling $175,180.93
Public Hearing- none scheduled
8. New Business-
a. TIB Funding Agreement, SR507 Sidewalk Mosman/Washington Ave SE ACTION
10 Presenter: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Manager
min Attachments: Staff Report, Exhibits, TIB Letter and Agreement
Ordinance No. 1011, Budget Amendment, Fund 102 and 316 ACTION
10 Presenter: Noah Crocker, Finance Director
min Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 1011
Professional Service Agreement, RH2 Engineering 2016-2021 Water ACTION
System Plan Update
10 min
Presenter: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Manager
Attachments: Staff Report, Agreement
d. Professional Services Agreement Confluence Environmental Company, ACTION
10 min Olympia/Lacey/Yelm Final Design Deschutes River Habitat
Restoration Project
Presenter: Ryan Johnston, Public Works Director
Attachments: Staff Report, Agreement
Yelm Planning Commission Appointment Confirmation, Shawn ACTION
5 min
Presenter: Grant Beck, Community Development Director
Attachments: Staff Report
f. Resolution No. 565, Yelm Community Center Rental Fees ACTION
10 min Presenter: Grant Beck, Community Development Director
Attachments: Staff Report, Resolution No. 565
g. Interlocal Agreement Yelm Community Schools and City of Yelm, ACTION
Office of Drinking Water Grant, Prairie Elementary
15 min
Presenter: Grant Beck, Community Development Director
Attachments: Staff Report, Interlocal Agreement
9. Old Business none scheduled
10. Council and Mayor
Councilmember Foster represents Yelm on the following committees.
Thurston County Solid Waste
Advisory Committee (SWAC)
Councilmember Carmody represents Yelm on the following committees.
Intercity Transit Board Yelm Adult Community Center
Councilmember Isom represents Yelm on the following committees.
Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Economic Development
Council Committee
Yelm Finance Committee
Councilmember Stillwell represents Yelm on the following committees.
Thurston County EDC Board Yelm Finance Committee
Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees.
(TRPC) Transportation Policy Yelm Finance Committee
Yelm Transportation Committee
TComm 911 Admin Board
Councilmember DePinto represents Yelm on the following committees.
Yelm Transportation Committee Thurston County Law and
Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following
Medic One Yelm Emergency Operations
Mayor Harding represents Yelm on the following committees.
Yelm Economic Development Yelm Finance Committee
Yelm Emergency Operations
Yelm Transportation Committee
Executive Session- none scheduled
12. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request)
Olympia Master Builders Housing Summit, March 23, 2016, 8:00am -12 @
Lacey Community Center
13. Adjourn
Upcoming Meetings
Council Study Session, Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 5:00 pm, Public Safety Building
Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building
Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 22, 2016, 6:00 pm, Public S
All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.
information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please ca
Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with suled agenda items the allowable
time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speak
public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated w
elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have b
or are anticipated.
a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate
in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Sch
working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is ad
The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are availabl
Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes
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1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
2.Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Molly Carmody, Bob Isom, Tad Stillwell, Tracey
Wood, Joe DePinto and Russ Hendrickson.
3. Agenda Approval
Councilmember Carmody stated she received an email from Karen that stated
Shawn Christensen would be considered for the vacant Planning Commission
position at this meeting. Mayor Harding stated it would be brought to Council at
the next meeting.
4.Special Presentations
Student of the Month Kalista Fourre
Kalista Fourre is a talented senior at Yelm High School. Near the top of her class,
Kalista has challenged herself in many ways. As an Honors and Advanced
Placement student, Kalista has maintained her academic standing while
committing to a rigorous program. Athletically, she is a 4-year letter winner in
basketball and was
the leadership summit last summer, performs with the band, and volunteers
significant time serving as a youth basketball coach. Always smiling, Kalista
stands tall among the best that YHS will graduate this year.
5.Public Comment
Steve Klein, Thurston County resident shared his concerns for Bald Hill Road with
all the rain we have had recently. There have been a couple of issues in the last
year and a half that has shut the road down due to flooding. This project is on the
6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan but it could take years to fund the
project. Mr. Klein would like to see something done very soon since it is a well-
traveled road. Mr. Klein suggested putting up a concrete wall and dredging under
Highway 507 to help with the drainage. Mayor Harding stated that Public Works
Director Ryan Johnstone is aware of the problem and he is working on it.
Cameron Jane, owner of the Triad Arts Theater presented the Mayor and
a valentine coupon and invited them to the theater on February
13 for a Valentine Special Show.
6.Consent Agenda
Minutes Regular Meeting January 26, 2016 & Study Session January 27, 2016.
Payables Checks #66183 - #66289 Totaling $715,047.24
7. Public Hearing none scheduled
8.New Business none scheduled
Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes
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9. Old Business none scheduled
10. Mayor and Council Initiatives
Councilmember Foster attended an informational meeting concerning the
formation of a group that is interested in bringing an Art Institute to Yelm.
Councilmember Foster is involved with the Thurston County Medic One EMS
system and is happy to report that after compiling data from last year, Thurston
County is now at a 59% save rate for cardiac arrests. The national average is
somewhere around 10% so Thurston County has worked diligently to have such
an impressively high save rate.
Councilmember Carmody attended the same informational meeting as
Councilmember Foster regarding the Art Institute group and added that it was
very informative and it is going into the pre feasibility stages. Councilmember
Carmody state it would be an awesome opportunity to bring art classes to Yelm
and technical, vocational, educational classes as well. Councilmember Carmody
also attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and they approved a new
contract with their Attorney and Lobbyist and approved a chairperson to the
Council. Councilmember Carmody met with EJ Curry from the Yelm Adult
Community Center and one of the needs that conveyed was that the Senior
Center needs more volunteers and money.
Councilmember Wood attended the TComm 911 Admin Board meeting, the
current Chair and Vice Chair were reappointed, and they discussed the Text 911
service. More information regarding this new system will be brought to Council in
the future.
Councilmember DePinto will be reaching out to neighboring cities regarding
their Parks and Recreation departments so we can improve upon ours.
Councilmember DePinto met with Farron McCloud, Chairman of the Nisqually
Indian Tribe to discuss partnerships and how we can work closer together and
improve our relationship. Councilmember DePinto asked when the Yelm
Transportation Committee meets. Mayor Harding stated they are held on an as
needed basis. Councilmember DePinto has reached out to the STEDI group to
determine when they meet.
Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Yelm Emergency Operations board
meeting along with Chief Todd Stancil, and discussed the Alert Sense system.
The Hazardous Mitigation
Plan is moving along. The Yelm School District has purchased a big generator
from Fairpoint Communications to be used during emergency fuel situations. The
Executive Seminar for Thurston County will be March 21, 2016. That is Cascadia
Rising, which will be a State wide emergency exercise that will last for 5 days.
Yelm will be involved in the exercise for 3 days. In the event of an actual
emergency, the Public Safety Building will be the set up. Mayor Harding clarified
the Alert Sense program is very similar to an Amber Alert system. All the
jurisdictions in Thurston County are subscribing to the program. A system would
send out messages to the community via text.
Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes
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Mayor Harding explained for the new Councilmembers, that the City sub
contracts with the Yelm School for fuel for their vehicles and the ongoing issue
has been that if there is an emergency and there is no power,city vehicles cannot
fuel up. Mayor Harding stated the Council retreat that was scheduled for February
11, 2016, has been cancelled and will be rescheduled.
11. Executive Session none scheduled
12.Correspondence included
Comcast Upcoming changes to set-top boxes dated January 26, 2016
Nisqually Land Trust 2016 Conservation Dinner and Auction invitation, April 2,
2016 4:30-9:00pm @ Indian Summer Golf & Country Club in Olympia, WA.
Public Notice -Elected Officials Retreat
Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall News Release reminding voters that Election
Day is Tuesday, February 9, 2016.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell: Witness Testimony
13. Adjourned at 6:20 pm.
___________________________ Attest: _________________________
Ron Harding, Mayor Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk
Agenda Item 6.b.
The following is a list of checks approved for payment at
Tuesday, February 23, 2016 council
Direct Deposit-Employee
A/P Checks
A/P Checks/Voucher
Voucher EFT & Drafts
Utility Refundsxxxxxx
____________________________ /_______________________________/________________________________
Mayor Councilmember Councilmember
Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember
Council member Councilmember
CITY CLERK:_______________________________________
The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment
passed on a motion by______________________________________________at a regular council meeting held
this 23rd day of February, 2016
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Agenda Item 8. a. TIB Funding Agreement, SR507 Sidewalk
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City of Yelm
To:Mayor Ron Harding
Yelm City Council
From:Ryan Johnstone,Public WorksDirector
Chad Bedlington, Public Works Manager
Date:February 12, 2016 (for February 23, 2016City Council Meeting)
Subj:SR 507, MosmanAve SEto Washington Ave SE
Project Funding Approval Request
AuthorizeMayor Harding to enter into an Agreement with the Transportation
Improvement Board(TIB)to mutually fund the construction of sidewalk along SR507
between Mosman Avenue SE and Washington Avenue SE.
Expense authority for this project requires Council Approval via a separate budget
amendment as it was not an anticipated expense when the 2016 budget was adopted
via Ord. 1008 (the 2016 budget)in December of 2015. Adequate funds exist in fund
102-Arterial Streets Reserves to fund the City’s portion of the project costs in 2016 if
approved by City Council.
On July 28, 2015 City Council adopted Resolution 559 which adopted an updated six
year transportation improvement program(STIP).The STIP is the capital facilities
document that guides transportation funding for a six year cycle. Itis based on the
Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan and is the ‘implementation’ document forthe
overall plan. Projects that are on the STIP are eligible for State or Federal funding, as
well as funding from the use of Localfunding sources, such asTraffic Facilities Charges
Agenda Item 8. a. TIB Funding Agreement, SR507 Sidewalk
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The proposed 2015 list includes:
Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects List
Project Name Project #
Bald Hill Rd to SR 507/SR 510 Loop Intersection -New Connection Y2C
Killion to Coates - New Connection Y4A
103rd Ave. SE Bridge Replacement & East Approach Y4C
Burnett/93rd Intersection - Realignment & Traffic SignalY5A
Longmire/SR 510 Intersection - Traffic Signal Y5B
Central Business District - Cullens to 4thY5C
Mill Road SE - 107th to 104th Y6B
Mill Road SE Sidewalk - 104th to Cochrane Park Y6C
Mill Road SE Sidewalk- Cochrane Park to SR 507Y6D
Connect Prairie Line to Tacoma Rail Y7A
Rail Trail - Power Canal to Roy Y7B
Mosman Ave. -Railroad to Longmire Y8A/Y8C
Mosman Ave. -2nd to 4th Y8E
Mosman Ave. -4th to Clark Y8F
Bald Hill Road - City Limits to 5 Corners Y9
Cullens Street - Yelm Ave to Van Trump Y15A
Cullens Street - 94th to 450' north Y15B
100th Way -Middle Rd to Green Acres Y16
SR 507 Sidewalk -Mill to Mosman Y17A
SR 507 Sidewalk -Mosman to Washington Y17B
Railway Road SE Sidewalk - 1st to Middle Y18
Middle Road Sidewalk -Railway to 300' east Y19
Creek Street Sidewalk -103rd to Algiers Y20
Identified within the 2015 STIP list above was the “SR 507 Sidewalk – Mosman to
Washington” projectY17B which Public Works pursued funding for in 2015.
Current Situation
In the Fall of 2015 Public Works submitted an application to the TIB for funding of the
SR 507 sidewalk project. On November 20, 2015 we received confirmation that our
project had been selectedfor funding in 2016-17.Estimated project costs for this
project are $400,400, inclusive ofa 20% matching requirement from the City ($80,080).
We were informed in December 2015 by the TIB that design funding for this project can
be authorized immediately upon submission of the appropriate verification and
agreement execution. It would be prudent to expedite this project into design as quickly
as possible to take advantage of the adjacent Yelm Skatepark improvement project
proximity for continuity of projects and better design.
Agenda Item 8. a. TIB Funding Agreement, SR507 Sidewalk
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Agenda Item 8. b. Ordinance No. 1011, 2016 Budget Amendment - Fu
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City of Yelm
To: Mayor Ron Harding
Yelm City Council
From: Noah Crocker,Finance Director
Date: February 17, 2016 (for February 23, 2016 City Council Meeting)
Subj: Ordinance No. 1011, 2016 Budget Amendment Fund 102 and Fund 316
Adopt Ordinance 1011, amending the adopted 2016 Budget to increa
authority in Fund 102 (Arterial Street Fund) and 316 (Roads/Streby
$80,080 and $445,889 respectively to complete the SR 507 Sidewal
release retainage from the Cullens/Solberg Construction Project
Mosman Phase 2 Engineering.
In the Fall of 2015 Public Works submitted an application to the
Improvement Board (TIB) for funding of the SR 507 sidewalk proje
2015 we received confirmation that our project had been selected
17. Estimated project costs for this project are $400,400, incl
requirement from the City ($80,080).
The City was informed in December 2015 by the TIB that design fu
can be authorized immediately upon submission of the appropriate
agreement execution.
For the estimated project cost of $400,400 TIB will provide a gr
City identified $80,080 from Fund 102 as a source to provide the
TIB. As the project will be paid for out of fund 316, a transfe
from 102 to 316. The anticipated grant proceeds will be added t
funding source.
Secondly, as the Cullens/Solberg project has reached completion
retainage to the contractor. The original 2016 budget did not p
retainage as the project was anticipated to be fully completed i
expenditure authority of $10,010.62 is requested as a part of th
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Agenda Item 8. b. Ordinance No. 1011, 2016 Budget Amendment - Fu
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Finally, during the 2016 Budget process the forecast was for hig
incurred in the 2015 budget year for the Mosman Phase 2 project.
Mosman Phase 2 did not occur in 2015 but are anticipated to occu
budget year. This amendment will move expenditure authority fro
to the 2016 fiscal year.
There is sufficient cash in Fund 102 to provide the grant match.
the TIB grant, fund 316 will have sufficient cash to complete th
Current Situation
The Council should adopt Ordinance 1011 in order to provide the
expenditures to construct the SR507 Sidewalk project,complete the Cullens/Solberg
Project and complete the Mosman Phase 2 Engineering.
February 23, 2016 Page 2 of 2
Agenda Item 8. b. Ordinance No. 1011, 2016 Budget Amendment - Fu
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AN ORDINANCE amending the 2016 City of Yelm Budget as adopted by
Ordinance No. 1008 in December 2015, by increasing appropriations in
excess of original estimates.
The City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington ordains as foll
Section 1. 2016 budgeted amounts for expenditures/transfers from fund 102, for
for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016, are increased by $
for SR507 Sidewalk project;
Additionally, 2016 budgeted amounts for expenditures from fund 316, for
the SR507 Sidewalk project, completion/release of retainage for
Cullens/Solberg Construction project and completion of Mosman Ph
Engineering for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016, are in
by a total of $445,899 ($400,400; $10,011; and $35,488 respectively) as
shown in Exhibit A in the Staff Report;
Section 2. The budget for the year 2016 as amended by the changes in Section 1
shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk who is hereby dir
transmit this supplemental budget to the Auditor of the State of
Washington, Division of Municipal Corporations.
Section 3. Ratify and Confirmation Clause Any action taken pursuant to this
ordinance but prior to the effective date is hereby ratified and
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect five days following publica
PASSED and signed in authentication on this 23rd day of February
Ronald W. Harding, Mayor
Authenticated: __________________________________
Janine A. Schnepf, City Clerk
Passed and Approved: February 23rd, 2016
PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News:March 4, 2016
Effective: March 9, 2016
Agenda Item 8. c. PSA RH2 Engineering, Water System Update
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City of Yelm
To: Mayor Ron Harding
Yelm City Council
From: Ryan Johnstone,Public Works Director
Chad Bedlington, Public Works Manager
Date: February 12, 2016 (for February 23, 2016 City Council Mee
Subj: 2016-2021 Water System Plan Update
Authorize Mayor Harding to enter into a Professional Services Ag
RH2 Engineering, Inc. to complete the Water System Plan Update f
exceed $190,000.00.
Expense authority for this project was approved by City Council
(the 2016 Budget) within the 404-Water Capital Improvement fund.Adequate funds
exist in the budget for the Water System Plan (WSP) Update.
As a water purveyor regulated by the Washington State Department
the City of Yelm is required to update its WSP every six (6) yea
resources in order to provide high-quality service and protect the health of its
The WSP covers 6- and 20-year planning periods. A schedule of im
updated with this WSP, along with a financial program update for.
Planning assumptions will utilize the most recent population pro
developed by the Thurston Regional Planning Council and Thurston
The City advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Profe
December of 2015 for the WSP Update. We received four (4) submi
February 12, 2016 Page 1 of 2
Agenda Item 8. c. PSA RH2 Engineering, Water System Update
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qualifications and completed a scoring and panel review of all p
interested in performing the work. RH2 ranked the highest and i
responsive firm for this project.
The City has completed the planning kickoff meeting with the DOH
the prospective consultant to develop an accurate scope of work
garnered during the planning kickoff meeting. Staff recommends
entering into a PSA to have RH2 perform the attached scope of work
PSA). The City is required to complete and adopt the updated WS
31, 2016, and as these plan
move forward with the update as soon as possible.
February 12, 2016 Page 2 of 2
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Agenda Item 8. d. PSA Confluence Envirn. Co. Final Design Deschu
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City of Yelm
To: Mayor Ron Harding
Yelm City Council
From: Ryan Johnstone, Public Works Director
Date: February 11, 2016 (for February 23, 2016 City Council Meeting)
Subj: Deschutes River Habitat Restoration Final Design
Attach: Final Design Professional Services Agreement, Consultant
Authorize Mayor Harding to sign the professional services agreemen
Environmental Company in the amount of $35,000 (one-third of the
$105,000) for completion of the final design effort for the Desc
Restoration project.
Expense authority for this project was approved by City Council
(the 2016 Budget) within the 401-Water Utility fund. Adequate f
for the Deschutes River Habitat Restoration Project final design
The Deschutes River Habitat Restoration project restores former
on 200 acres of property jointly owned by the Cities of Yelm, La
property was originally purchased in 2011. Habitat restoration d
since that time.
This project is one of a suite of mitigation projects agreed to
of Yelm, Lacey, and Olympia in order to mitigate for groundwater
associated with water rights that were awarded to the Cities by
Ecology. However, because Yelm's water rights award was reversed
State Supreme Court, the City has committed to support the final
particular project only. Any further mitigation efforts to be fu
including the construction of this project, are "on-hold" until
award of future water rights to the City of Yelm are settled.
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60% design of the habitat restoration project was completed in 2
that final design will be completed by late summer of 2016. The
$105,000. The Cities are splitting the cost evenly three ways wi
final design cost being $35,000.
Construction of the designed improvements will begin in 2017.
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Agenda Item e. Yelm Planning Commission Appointment Confirmation
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Agenda Item 8. f. Resolution No. 565, Community Center Rental Fe
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City of Yelm
To:Mayor Ron Harding
Yelm City Council
From:Grant Beck, Community Development Director
Date: February 12, 2016 (for February 23, City Council Meeting)
Subj:Community Center Rental Fees
Adopt Resolution 565 establishing rental fees for the Yelm Community Center.
The Yelm Community Center is nearing completion and will soon be available to rent.
Mayor Harding had requested that the Yelm ParksAdvisory Committeedevelop
proposed rules and procedures, and a rental fee schedule for consideration by the City
The Committee reviewed the operations of similar facilities within the Thurston/Pierce
County region and, from these examples, forwarded recommendedpolices, rules, and
rental fees to the City Council. The Council first reviewed the proposal at its study
session inOctober,2015. At that time, there was discussion about discounted rates for
local community service organizations and City residents.
The matter was revisited at the January 23, 2016 study session, after the Committee
reviewed the Council’s concerns with Councilmember Foster and Mayor Harding.
At the January study session, the Council requested that the fees, recommended to be
comparableto similar regional facilities, be set lower than comparables until operations
costs and the capacity of the facility had some history. With lowerrental fees, the
Council indicated that discountsmay not be required.
The resolution before Council reflects the discussion from the January study session.
The City Council may choose to adopt Resolution 565 to establish rental fees at the
Community Center.
Agenda Item 8. f. Resolution No. 565, Community Center Rental Fe
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W, the City has constructed a Community Center in Yelm City Park as
in implementing an overall Master Parks Plan; and
W,theYelmParks Advisory Committee worked to develop rules, rental
procedures, and fees for the Community Center; and
, the Parks Advisory Committee forwarded its recommendation to the Yel
Council at a study session held January 27, 2016; and
,the City Council desires to set rental fees at a rate lower than the co
facilities recommended by the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee to e
by the residents of the greater Yelm community;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Yelm that the following
rental fees are hereby established for use of the Yelm Community
All room rental fees include City staff set-up of tables and chairs. Set up and clean up time
must be included in the room rental time.
Room Rate
North event room $50/hour
South event room $50/hour
Both event rooms $100/hour
Kitchen with room rental $100/day
Kitchen without room rental $75/hour
Deposit Rate
Reservation deposit 50% of total rental
Damage deposit $250
Damage deposit (event w/alcohol) $500
Other Rate
Early open/Late close $45/occurrence
City staff assistance (as required) $30/hour per employee
Audio/visual equipment $50/day
Cancellation (more than 90 days) $50/room
Cancellation (less than 90 days) Full reservation deposit
Cancellation (less than 14 days) Full room fee
Agenda Item 8. f. Resolution No. 565, Community Center Rental Fe
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The minimum rental for event rooms is 2 hours Monday through Thu and 5 hours Friday
through Sunday. The minimum rental for the kitchen without a room rental is 5
Events sponsored by the City and City programs and functions are exempt from all fees and
The fee for room rentals by groups renting the facility for comm
community service project or local non-profit organization is 200% of the full rate.
APPROVED this 23 day of February, 2016.
Ron Harding, Mayor
Janine Schnepf, City Clerk
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City of Yelm
To:Mayor Ron Harding
Yelm City Council
From:Grant Beck, Community Development Director
Date:February 11 (for February 23, 2016 City Council Meeting)
Subj:Interlocal Agreement Yelm Community Schools
Authorize Mayor Harding to sign an interlocal agreement between
Community Schools for the application of the Office of Drinking
Yelm Community Schools has requested that Prairie Elementary be
City of Yelm Water System. Prairie Elementary is currently serv
system owned and maintained by the School District. The school
service area of the City and is within Yelms Urban Growth area,it is currently
outside the City limits.
The cost to design and installation of a water main extension to
borne by the School District. The Washington State Department o
Drinking Water offers grant assistance to water systems extending service to facilities
such as schools. The water system is the entity eligible for th
the City of Yelm.
The City and School District would like to enter into an interlot to allow the
City to apply for grant funds to design the water main extension
The City Council should authorize Mayor Harding to sign the inte
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This INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made on this ____day of February, 2016,
by and between the Yelm Community Schools(School District) and the City of Yelm
(City), collectively referred to in this Agreement as the Parties.
A. Project.The School District wants to connect Prairie Elementary School
to the public water system provided by The City. The Cityis willing to apply for a grant
of up to $30,000 from the Office of Drinking Water (ODW)on behalf of the School
District to help pay for costs associated for connectionto the City of Yelm water supply.
B. Need.The School District has determined that it has a need to connect to
the City of Yelm water supply to provide potable water in lieu of the current well
maintained by the School District.
C. Two-Party Agreement.The School District and the City have mutually
determined that the public interest would be best served by connecting to the City of
Yelm water supply and applying for a grant from the Office of Drinking Water to offset
costs associated with the project.
D.Authorization.The Board of the Directors of the School District and the
City Council of the City have authorized and directed their resp
enter into the Agreement.
E. Agreement. The School District and the City therefore enter into this
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1. Authority.This Agreement is entered into under the authority of Chapter
39.34 Revised Code ofWashington, whichallows local governmental units to make the
most efficient use of their powers by cooperatingwith other localities on a basis of
mutual advantage and thereby providingservices and facilities in a manner and
pursuant to forms of governmental organization that will accord
economic, population and other factors influencing the needs and
communities.This Agreement is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of
successors andassigns of the Parties to this Agreement.
2. Duration.The term of this Agreement runs from February1, 2016 until the
grant is completed.
3. Purpose.The Agreement is entered into by the City and the School
District pursuant to Chapter 39.34 Revised Code of Washington for the pur
authorizing the use of common or shared resources to apply for t.
4. The Responsibilitiesof the SchoolDistrict
The SchoolDistrictwill use any grant funds received as a result of the Citys
efforts under this Agreement towards the costs necessary in connecting to the City of
Yelm water supply.
5. The Responsibilities of the City
The City shall make application for grant funds from the Office of Drinking Wat
on behalf of the School District. This responsibility will inclu
applications and following up as appropriate on said application
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6. Joint Responsibility.The School District and the City agree towork closely
and cooperatively to apply for the grant and follow all compliance requirements.
7. Hold Harmless
7.1The City agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend at its ow
expense the School District and its officers, agents, and employ
against any and all claims, judgments, actions, suits, liability
expenses, or damages arising out of or in any way resulting from t
acts or omissions of the City, its officers, employees and/or ag
of its performance underthis Agreement.
7.2The School District agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defen
own expense the School District and its officers, agents, and em
and against any and all claims, judgments, actions, suits, liabi
expenses, or damages arising out of or in any way resulting fromgligent
acts or omissions of the School District, its officers, employee
the course of its performance underthis Agreement.
7.3If any claim, judgment, action, suit, liability, loss, cost, exp
damage arises out of or results from the joint negligent acts or omissions of both
the City and the School District with respect to acts done pursu
Agreement, each party shall be responsible for its own share of
8. Representatives. The School District Superintendentshall represent the
School District and the City Mayorshall represent the City on all matters related to this
Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Representatives). Each Party
this designation toindicate any change, asneeded. Revisions shall be delivered to the
other Partys Representative.
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9. Dispute Resolution. Any disputes between the Parties arising out of this
Agreement shall be resolved as follows:
9.1 Site Level Party Conference
. Either party may notify the other in writing of
a dispute which requires resolution. The notice shall include asummary
of the issues of the dispute not to exceed five typewritten page
calendar days of receipt of such faxed notice, each party shall
steps to assure that all key staff, with knowledge of the facts
dispute issues, as well as the Representatives, can timely attenaconference.
The conference shall be held at a mutually agreeable site. Attobe
present for either party.
Attendees and Procedure
9.2 . The key staff people of each party who have
the information central to the dispute shall join together with
at the meeting topresent to the Representativesthe information and documents
that they have developed about the disputed issues. Minutes shal
conference. The Representatives shall adjourn from the conferen
together privately in an effort to resolve the dispute. If succthe
matter, the Representatives shall continue to work together unti
reduced their decision to written form which shall be signed by
circulated as necessary. The settlement terms agreed to by the
reduced to writing at the completion of the conference prior to
Representatives departure and the document prepared shall be ap
signed by the Representatives.
9.3 Mediation. In the event the disputed issues considered at the Party
Conference have not been resolved within 24 hours of the date ofrty
Conference as discussed in 11.1 and 11.2 above, then the matter shall be
submitted to a mediation service, such as Washington Arbitration
Services, Inc., for mediation. Either party may apply to the me
selected for theestablishment of a mediation file to deal with this dispute. Th
Agenda Item 8. g. Interlocal Yelm Community Schools
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mediation service selected shall proceed to set the hearing date
held within five calendar days from the date that the mediation ce accepts
the dispute for mediation. Upon selection of the mediation serv
mediator shall be named bystipulation of the parties and identified in a writing
forwarded to the mediation service. In the event a specific med
selectedby stipulation of the parties within 72 hours of filing notice o
with the mediation service, then a mediator shall be promptly ap
mediation service so that the mediation may proceed within the 5
The mediator shall mediate all unresolved issues that exist between the parties.
Each party shall identify all such issues in writing within 72 h
notice to the other party and to the mediator. The minutes of t
Conference shall also be submitted to the mediator for her/his u
shall be conducted pursuant to the rules of procedure published
mediation service selected. The Representatives must attend the
authority to settle the matter in full at the mediation.
9.4 . If the dispute is not settled at mediation, either party may
commence a court action to resolve the matter. The prevailing p
dispute shall be awarded its costs and reasonable attorneys fee
10. Ownership. Title and ownership of the systemshall always remain vested
with the City.
11. Severability
. If any term of this Agreement is held invalid or
unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement will not be affect, but continue in full
Termination. This Agreement once fully executed, may be terminated
upon written mutual agreement between the Parties.
13. Non-waiver. Failure of either Party to insist upon the strict performance of
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any term of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver or relinquishment of any Partys
right to thereafter enforce such term.
14. Integration.
This writing contains all terms of this Agreement. It replaces
all prior and contemporaneous negotiations and agreements. Modi
writing and be signed by each Parties representative.
15. Filing and Recordation of Interlocal Agreement.This Agreement will be
filed pursuant to RCW 39.34.040 with the ThurstonCounty Records and Election
:_______________________________ :_________________________________
Superintendent Mayor