Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
2. Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Molly Carmody, Bob Isom, Tad Stillwell, Tracey
Wood, Joe DePinto and Russ Hendrickson.
3. Agenda Approval
Councilmember Carmody stated she received an email from Karen that stated
Shawn Christensen would be considered for the vacant Planning Commission
position at this meeting. Mayor Harding stated it would be brought to Council at
the next meeting.
4. Special Presentations -
Student of the Month - Kalista Fourre
Kalista Fourre is a talented senior at Yelm High School. Near the top of her class,
Kalista has challenged herself in many ways. As an Honors and Advanced
Placement student, Kalista has maintained her academic standing while
committing to a rigorous program. Athletically, she is a 4 -year letter winner in
basketball and was named Honorable Mention All League'. Kalista participated in
the leadership summit last summer, performs with the band, and volunteers
significant time serving as a youth basketball coach. Always smiling, Kalista
stands tall among the best that YHS will graduate this year.
5. Public Comment -
Steve Klein, Thurston County resident shared his concerns for Bald Hill Road with
all the rain we have had recently. There have been a couple of issues in the last
year and a half that has shut the road down due to flooding. This project is on the
6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan but it could take years to fund the
project. Mr. Klein would like to see something done very soon since it is a well -
traveled road. Mr. Klein suggested putting up a concrete wall and dredging under
Highway 507 to help with the drainage. Mayor Harding stated that Public Works
Director Ryan Johnstone is aware of the problem and he is working on it.
Cameron lane, owner of the Triad Arts Theater presented the Mayor and
Councilmember's a valentine coupon and invited them to the theater on February
13th for a Valentine Special Show.
6. Consent Agenda
Minutes - Regular Meeting January 26, 2016 & Study Session January 27, 2016.
Payables - Checks #66183 - #66289 Totaling $715,047.24
7. Public Hearing - none scheduled
8. New Business - none scheduled
9. Old Business —none scheduled
10. Mayor and Council Initiatives
Councilmember Foster attended an informational meeting concerning the
formation of a group that is interested in bringing an Art Institute to Yelm.
Councilmember Foster is involved with the Thurston County Medic One EMS
system and is happy to report that after compiling data from last year, Thurston
County is now at a 59% save rate for cardiac arrests. The national average is
somewhere around 10% so Thurston County has worked diligently to have such
an impressively high save rate.
Councilmember Carmody attended the same informational meeting as
Councilmember Foster regarding the Art Institute group and added that it was
very informative and it is going into the pre feasibility stages. Councilmember
Carmody state it would be an awesome opportunity to bring art classes to Yelm
and technical, vocational, educational classes as well. Councilmember Carmody
also attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and they approved a new
contract with their Attorney and Lobbyist and approved a chairperson to the
Council. Councilmember Carmody met with EJ Curry from the Yelm Adult
Community Center and one of the needs that conveyed was that the Senior
Center needs more volunteers and money.
Councilmember Wood attended the TComm 911 Admin Board meeting, the
current Chair and Vice Chair were reappointed, and they discussed the Text 911
service. More information regarding this new system will be brought to Council in
the future.
Councilmember DePinto will be reaching out to neighboring cities regarding
their Parks and Recreation departments so we can improve upon ours.
Councilmember DePinto met with Farron McCloud, Chairman of the Nisqually
Indian Tribe to discuss partnerships and how we can work closer together and
improve our relationship. Councilmember DePinto asked when the Yelm
Transportation Committee meets. Mayor Harding stated they are held on an as
needed basis. Councilmember DePinto has reached out to the STEDI group to
determine when they meet.
Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Yelm Emergency Operations board
meeting along with Chief Todd Stancil, and discussed the Alert Sense system.
Yelm's share of the system will be $1,600 for the year. The Hazardous Mitigation
Plan is moving along. The Yelm School District has purchased a big generator
from Fairpoint Communications to be used during emergency fuel situations. The
Executive Seminar for Thurston County will be March 21, 2016. That is Cascadia
Rising, which will be a State wide emergency exercise that will last for 5 days.
Yelm will be involved in the exercise for 3 days. In the event of an actual
emergency, the Public Safety Building will be the set up. Mayor Harding clarified
the Alert Sense program is very similar to an Amber Alert system. All the
jurisdictions in Thurston County are subscribing to the program. A system would
send out messages to the community via text.
Mayor Harding explained for the new Councilmembers, that the City sub
contracts with the Yelm School for fuel for their vehicles and the ongoing issue
has been that if there is an emergency and there is no power, city vehicles cannot
fuel up. Mayor Harding stated the Council retreat that was scheduled for February
11, 2016, has been cancelled and will be rescheduled.
11. Executive Session - none scheduled
12. Correspondence included -
Comcast -Upcoming changes to set-top boxes dated January 26, 2016
Nisqually Land Trust 2016 Conservation Dinner and Auction invitation, April 2,
2016 4:30-9:00pm @ Indian Summer Golf & Country Club in Olympia, WA.
Public Notice -Elected Officials Retreat
Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall -News Release reminding voters that Election
Day is Tuesday, February 9, 2016.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell: Witness Testimony
13. Adjourned at 6:20 pm.
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Ron Har g, Mayor
Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk