06-28-06 MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 2006 MINUTES Mayor Harding administered the Oath of Office to John G. Thompson to fill Position No. 6. Call to Order . Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. 1. Roll Call . Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat 2. Fetterly and John Thompson. Agenda Approval 3. 06-46 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations – Certificate of Recognition. Beth Stonecypher was 4. unavailable to receive her recognition. Public Comment - 5. Diane Oberquell, Thurston County Commissioner, was present with two representatives of the Thurston County Fair to invite the Mayor, Council and community members to “Duck In” to the Thurston County Fair, August 2-6, 2006. She challenged Mayor Harding to compete against other elected officials on Aug 2, by presenting him with a rubber ducky to be used in the competition. Other special events include; One buck (and a non perishable food item donation) Wednesday and the rededication of the Heritage Hall. Gail Cane, Snowcap Lane, referenced an article in Reuters regarding President George W. Bush’s executive order to limit government from taking private property through eminent domain for other’s private profit. She also expressed concerns that Yelm is experiencing the trend noted in Reuters that Hong Kong casinos are investing in small town development. Bob Isom addressed her first concern on eminent domain stating that the Washington State Constitution is tighter prohibiting what has occurred elsewhere. Consent Agenda 6. a. Minutes 1) Regular Meeting, June 14, 2006 b. Payable: Checks 28392-28417+28501, totaling $236,499.78 1) Manual checks 28392-28416, totaling $1,150.00 2) Claims Checks 28417-28483+28501, totaling $235,349.78 c. Payroll: Preliminary June 2006 d. Park Use Request Boos/Reynolds Wedding, Saturday, September 23, 2006, Noon-7:00 pm, 75#, 25-40 vehicle parking agreement signed. 06-47 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLEY, SECONDED BY MIKE MCGOWAN APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. DRAFT Yelm City Council Minutes Page 1 of 3 clerk/city council/2006/6-26-06 Minutes Approved: 7/12/06 Public Hearing(s ) – None scheduled 7. New Business - Final PlatCountry Vista, SUB-05-0096-YL, Tami Merriman 8. reported that Landshapes completed the 16 lot subdivision at Mt. View CT S.E. They have met the conditions of the preliminary approval and recommends approval of the final plat. 06-48 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING COUNTRY VISTA FINAL PLAT, SUB 05-0096-YL. CARRIED. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission 10. Business Councilmember Miller attended a 7 a.m. Rail Transportation Committee a. where he continues to promote interest in rail service through Yelm. Attended Fire District meeting, deferred comments to Mayor Harding and Pat Fetterly who also attended. Council member Isom was invited and attended Thurston County Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee meeting to discuss with Lacey, Olympia and Tumwater the three main issues facing all of the county; infrastructure, transportation and water. Feels that what is happening in Yelm is being recognized as an important component for issues to present with the other cities as a united front to the State Legislature. He read the email invitation for the record from Steve Klein for J.Z. Knight 3- day Fabulous Wealth Retreat inviting “.. city’s leaders to learn about, experience and report to the greater Yelm community and our neighbors on RSE” …desire to build bridges of understanding with the area we call home: Yelm.” In addition to pointing out that all members could not attend because of procedural quorum issues he felt that a City Council meeting is the appropriate place for citizens and groups to meet with the Council. Promotion of the school by Council is not appropriate. Mike McGowan responded that it could in fact be interpreted as an olive branch extended to build bridges of understanding. Mayor Harding declined the invitation in a response back to Mr. Klein. Councilmember Fetterly reported that along with Mayor Harding and Councilmember Miller, she attended the Fire District meeting. The district recommends collecting a higher impact fee possibly based on square footage. Council should expect an official report from the district. Attended Nisqually River Council meeting and reported that the Mt. Rainier Visitors Center at Paradise will reopen in 2008. Also reported that Miles, Sand and Gravel was awarded the contract. Attended NRC fundraiser. b. Mayor’s Report Mayor Harding attended entrance audit to review the scope of work for City of Yelm audit. Attended Fire District meeting reporting that the Fire District employed a consultant to offer recommendations to improve efficiency. Shelly Badger has requested a copy of the report to review how these recommendations affect the City of Yelm. DRAFT Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 3 clerk/city council/2006/6-26-06 Minutes Approved: 7/12/06 Reported that the Two Percent Committee awarded funding to Yelm Community Services, Nisqually River Council and Yelm Police Department for digital recording equipment. Mayor Harding reminded Council that the study session was scheduled for June 29 at 5:00 pm at the Public Works Facility. Executive Session – None scheduled 11. 12. Correspondence was available. Mayor Harding pointed out the Department of Transportation notification of the SR 510 night time paving job between rd Lacey’s Sitka Street and Yelm’s 93 Ave will affect night time traffic. Adjourn : 8:05 p.m. 13. _______________________________________ Ronald W. Harding, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DRAFT Yelm City Council Minutes Page 3 of 3 clerk/city council/2006/6-26-06 Minutes Approved: 7/12/06