11 08 2016 Updated Agenda Packet AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2016 6:00 P.M. Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated d resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not have attachments. Call to Order 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Approval ACTION 3. Special Presentations- 4. Student of the Month Bridget Davila Public Comment 5. the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speak are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. Consent Agenda ACTION 6. Minutes; Regular Meetings October 25, 2016 & Study Session October 26, a. 2016 Payables; b. Checks #67853 - #67976 Totaling $1,902,838.04 Public Hearing 7. - a. Ordinance No. 1015, Ad Valorem Tax Rate Budget Year 2017 b. Ordinance No. 1016, 2017 Preliminary Budget New Business- 8. Ordinance No. 1015, Setting Ad Valorem Tax for 2017 (7.a.) ACTION a. Presenter: Noah Crocker, Finance Director Attachments: Staff report, Ordinance No. 1015 Ordinance No. 1016, 2017 Preliminary Budget (7.b.)ACTION b. Presenter: Noah Crocker, Finance Director Attachments: Staff report, Ordinance No. 1016 Contract for Services Yelm Community Services ACTION c. 15 min Presenter: Grant Beck, Community Development Director Attachments: Staff report, Agreement Pavement Rating Professional Services Agreement and Port of ACTION d. Olympia Grant Acceptance 10 min Presenter: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director Attachments: Staff report, Agreement Interlocal Agreement Creating the Thurston County Regional Health ACTION and Human Services Council Presenter: Mayor Foster Attachments: Interlocal Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding Old Business none scheduled 9. Council and Mayor 10. Councilmember Curry represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County Solid Waste Finance Department Liaison Advisory Committee (SWAC) County Fire Public Safety Liaison Authority Liaison Councilmember Carmody represents Yelm on the following committees. Intercity Transit Board Community Investment Partnership CIP) Community Development Liaison Finance Department Liaison Councilmember Littlefield represents Yelm on the following committees. Councilmember Stillwell represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County EDC Board Finance Department Liaison Public Safety Liaison Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston Regional Planning Public Works Liaison Transportation Committee (TRPC) TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember DePinto represents Yelm on the following committees. Yelm Transportation Committee Thurston County Law and Justice South Thurston Economic Development Initiative group Public Safety Liaison (STEDI) Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County EMS-Medic Yelm Emergency Operations OneBoard Public Works Liaison Mayor Foster represents Yelm on the following committees. Yelm Economic Development Yelm Finance Committee Committee Yelm Emergency Operations ForumBoard Yelm Transportation Committee Executive Session-none scheduled 11. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request) 12. Yelm Chamber of Commerce Newsletter November 2016 Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall reminds voters to vote by Nove 2016 Adjourn 13. Upcoming Meetings Council Study Session, Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 1:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, November 22, 2016, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, December 13, 2016, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per CD (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8437. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with s time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated w elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which arings have been conducted or are anticipated. a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodatiate in government processes or activities, please contact Lori Mossman, at 360.458.8437 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is a employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us. Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes 10-25-16 & 10-26-16 Page 1 of 7 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2016 MINUTES 1. Mayor Pro-Tem Wood called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Jennifer Littlefield, Tad Sti DePinto and Russ Hendrickson. Absent: Mayor JW Foster. 3. Agenda Approval 16-122 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL MOTION CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations Yelm Cemetery District Betty Kitchen Betty Kitchen explained that the role of the Cemetery District regulatory compliance and to restore confidence in the district. newsletter, a new brochure and written policies and procedures f Every gravesite will be identified. She is encouraging the commu to the Yelm Cemetery, share any historical information you might th contacted the school district and is attempting to put on a proj and th 8 look at the beautiful grounds. A survey has been recently done a district knows exactly how many sites are available. There is a the cemetery district with a background in finance. All the reco audited, starting with the year 2000. Councilmember DePinto than Kitchen for all that she has done for the district. Councilmembe the size of the Yelm Cemetery. Betty stated it is 12 acres. 5. Public Comment- Nancy Games explained she has grown up in Yelm and has concerns growth of Yelm. She has seen drug houses and outrageous traffic. but does not see anything about the Nisqually Tribe around Yelm. Nancy would like to see these issues addressed. Mayor Pro- Tem Wood thanked Nancy. Councilmember Carmody also thanked Nancy coming and would like to see a deeper relationship develop betwe the City. Cynthia Schmier, Yelm Business Association President asked if t received the letter that she dropped off at City Hall Concerning he Wolf Family Community Center. Last June, Yelm Business Association Executive Board member Dan Crowe presented a letter asking to name the Yelm Community Center The Kathy Wolf Memorial Community Center and have not heard back regarding the request. The Wolf family has been very active in the community and has served it f decades. Councilmember DePinto would like to move forward with t and take a vote or discuss at the upcoming Study Session. Counci Littlefield has asked for clarification on the naming of the Com Cynthia stated that the letter dated October 25, 2016 requests t Councilmember Littlefield asked if the Yelm Business Association the family about the naming of the center. Cynthia stated yes an 10-25-16 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes 10-25-16 & 10-26-16 Page 2 of 7 supportive and honored to even be considered for the naming of t Mayor Pro-Tem Wood thanked Cynthia Schmier for addressing Counci 6. Consent Agenda Minutes Regular Meeting October 11, 2016 & Study Session October 5, 2016 Payables Checks #67775 - #67852 Totaling $238,638.98. 16-123 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY JENNIFER LITTLEFIELD. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing none scheduled 8. New Business a. Ordinance No. 1014, 2016 Year End Budget Amendment Noah Crocker explained that variations in both the revenue and t appropriations occur throughout the budget year, creating the ne amendments. The City of Yelm adopts the annual budget by departm the Current/General Fund and by fund level for all other funds. note that many revenue line items (and ending cash) are anticipa year well above the original budgeted amounts, this amendment ad expenditures only except where there are transfers to balance or department/fund. The 2016 Amendment total is $491,963.57 and inc General Fund, Emergency Disaster Fund, Community Development Blo Fund and the Sewer/Reuse Utility Fund. Discussion on the differe the Council. 16-124 MOTION BY JENNIFER LITTLEFIED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1014, AMENDING THE 2016 BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR 2016 CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS, TRANSFERS, AND OTHER EXPENDITURE RELATED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS. SECONDED BY RUSS HENDRICKSON. MOTION CARRIED. b. Resolution No. 570, Interlocal Agreement between AWC RMSA and th City of Yelm Lori Mossman stated that the Risk Management Service Association municipal self-insurance pool formed in January 1, 1989, under R provide property and liability insurance coverage to participati Association of Washington Cities (AWC). RMSA offers coverage for provide cost stability and the potential for long-term savings f liability coverage. The City of Yelm joined AWC RMSA in 1992. Cu 95 members (cities/towns) in AWC RMSA. AWC RMSA recently updated bylaws requiring an Interlocal Agreement to be signed and submit members. The deadline for the Interlocal Agreement to be submitt 1, 2016. AWC, the sponsoring entity of RMSA would like to mainta standing relationship that has been achieved over the years beca goals of both entities, which is to support all cities and towns Councilmember DePinto asked if there were any major changes in t major changes, just updating the verbiage. 16-125 MOTION BY TAD STILLWELL AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN RESOLUTION NO. 570, AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES RICK MANAGEMENT SERVICE 10-25-16 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes 10-25-16 & 10-26-16 Page 3 of 7 AGENCY AND THE CITY OF YELM TO PROVIDE PROPERTY AND LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Curry attended a Public Safety meeting along with Councilmember Joe DePinto and Chief Todd Stancil and was given an the Court system and the jail costs. Councilmember Curry along w s Molly Carmody and Tad Stillwell met with Finance Director Noah Crocker to discuss the Budget. The Budget is not looking very go Councilmember Carmody attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and things are moving right along. They are considering moving back reduce the maintenance cost of the busses. Councilmember Littlefield as a Community Development liaison, attended the department meeting along with Joe DePinto and Molly Carmody. They went over the Comp Plan and history of the condensing the C were some interesting ideas for getting more investment in the d area. Councilmember Stillwell met with Noah along with EJ Curry and Molly Carmody to firm up some numbers from 2016 moving into Councilmember DePinto attended the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Group (STEDI) meeting and discuss the Buy Local program that is being installed in the South Thurston Cities. Met with the Yelm Chambe Executive Director Line Critchfield and discussed the Buy Local campaign and how to get more involved locally. Also attended the Public Safet meeting with Ej Curry and Molly Carmody. Councilmember DePinto reminded everyone of the upcoming Public Forum on Friday at 7pm in the Yelm Community Center. Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Medic One meeting and the Budget is now in front of the Thurston County Commissioners for approval. discussion on a possible Levy. Mayor Pro-Tem Wood attended the Thurston Regional Planning Transportation Committee meeting and discussed the items of importance to the committee. Community Development Director Grant Beck also attended and toge expressed the importance of the Yelm Bypass Loop to not only the Yelm but also the commuters from all around the region that also Grant Beck gave a presentation on the Yelm Loop and the importan the status of the funding and our legislative agenda to get the 11. Executive Session none scheduled 12. Correspondence included November 10, 2016 at 6pm; 10-25-16 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes 10-25-16 & 10-26-16 Page 4 of 7 Thurston County Commissioner Sandra Ro December 2, 3:30pm-5:30pm @ Thurston County Courthouse; Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall News Release-Ballots mailed an opened for the November 8, 2016 General Election; Letter from The Yelm Business Association dated 10-25-16 regarding the naming of the Yelm Community Center; Thurston Regional Planning Council Pre-Agenda Friday, November 4 11:00 am. Councilmember Littlefield asked Councilmember DePinto for an upd YMCA Survey study. Councilmember DePinto spoke with the CEO of t Sound YMCA a couple of weeks ago and it was moving along. Counci DePinto will get updated information and report at the Study Ses 16-126 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. MOTION CARRIED. 13. Adjourned at 6:35 pm. ___________________________ Attest: _________________________ Tracey Wood, Mayor Pro-Tem Lori Mossman, City Clerk 10-25-16 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes 10-25-16 & 10-26-16 Page 5 of 7 YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, October 26, 2016 5:00 P.M . Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. Present: Tracey Wood, EJ Curry, Russ Hendrickson, Joe DePinto, Tad Stillwell. Councilmember Molat 5:15 p.m. (Excused Absence: Jennifer Littlefield.) Staff: Grant Beck, Cha. Guest Presenters: Kathleen Collins & Davor Gjurasic, City Lobbyists. Scott Bradley. 4a.Review upcoming Legislative Session Presenter: Lobbyists Kathleen Collins & Davor Gjurasic Kathleen & Davor introduced themselves, thanked the city for re upcoming legislative session. Davor continued with a list of th for the city. The 2017 legislative session will begin as always on being the first year of a two year biennium when they put together the three budgets: state education funding issue and how that impacts other funding needs/requests through-out t state. There are many funding pressures on the budget, includin provisions for law enforcement and homelessness issues too. Good news for Yelm is we already got transportation funded in th so that is a separate budget and less susceptible to the upcoming funding pressures. the upcoming session: Transportation Budget item: money ($58.5M) is earmarked to complete the loop but the problem is towards getting some of the funding now (approx. $4.6M) to get t project and then the remainder of the money in the 2019 & 2021 bienniums. on/Upgrades of Chehalis-Western Trail (Yelm to . Discussion followed on funding strategies by Kathleen & Davor. Councilmember Carmody stated she ing priorities should be for the lobbyists. Davor agreed, but said list it will be easier to move forward with strategizing for the leg with Councilmember Carmody, but also thought it best to tag thes the list of priorities to Kathleen & Davor as soon as possible. panel projects), anything like that? Kathleen said yes, funding Capital Budget and this is something they need to watch for. So Mayor Foster asked Kathleen & Davor to move forward with this li have other ideas/projects that come up we can add them in as deemed necessary. City staff will be directed to prioritize and add numbers to the list so that we can get this information to Kathleen & Davor soon. Short Break for 15 minutes allowing council and staff to eat dinner. Meeting b- Mayor Foster thanked staff for making arrangements for the meal, -After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the group to address the meal issue in the next month or so. Page 1 10/26/16 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes 10-25-16 & 10-26-16 Page 6 of 7 4b. Budget Discussion Presenter: Noah Crocker, Finance Director Noah explained the budget process and then presented the Prelimi presentation. The presentation included discussion on the follo General Fund Projected Revenue & 2017 Revenue Forecast Property Tax Revenue Trendline & Sales & Use Tax Revenue Trendl Business & Occupation Tax Trendline & General Fund Major Revenu General Fund Projected Expenditures & General Fund Budget Summa City of Yelm Debts/General Obligation Debt, Water & Sewer Oblig Capital Expenditures & Water Operating Fund Projections Water Fund Operating Expenditures & Water Capital Funds Sewer Fund Projections, Sewer Operating Fund & Sewer Capital Fu 2017 Projects ional - him to the meeting where there were 18 other cities also in attendance. Mayor Fos confident that we could see bigger businesses coming to Yelm in Mayor Foster reported that they concluded union negotiations to Next week, he will begin the union negotiation process for a new Public Works Union group. Mayor Foster received a call from Bill McDonald from the Prothm meeting with Bill tomorrow to go over the new list of applicants hopefully narrowing it down to thre th next round of final interviews for November 16. Discussion followed. Mayor Foster recently spoke with Carmen Ottley- which are located on the outskirts of Yelm, down Bald Hill Rd near the Four Corners area. He through tough times in their lives . Ottley talked with him about an issue the residents face during this tr and one of the current Yelm Intercity Transit (I.T.) bus routes only goes as far as Creek Street. Mayor Foster asked Councilme Corners area? Discussion followed. Councilmember Carmody asked contact information for Ms. Ottley and she will find out more information from I.T. 6. Council Initiatives Stillwell and DePinto talked about Cynthia Schmier attending th meeting last night addressing the city council on behalf of the Yelm Business Asso (YBA). She talked about naming the community center after the Wolf fami a document which More discussion followed about the current process. Mayor Foster suggested the city council and st the YBA to one of our current committees (i.e. the Yelm Historic) or we create an purpose - and maybe make a recommendation to the city council. Councilmem (per the current policy) that we appoint the Historic Commission gathering public input on ideas for names of the community center, a Grant Beck stated a different committee than the Historic Commis time, because the Historic Commission is not currently scheduled current city staffing issues. Grant suggested the Community Dev maybe a couple members from the Historic Commission joining this Councilmember DePinto would like to see a response to t Foster agreed and after more discussion, stated it is the consen Page 2 10/26/16 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes 10-25-16 & 10-26-16 Page 7 of 7 the suggested Adhoc committee and direct staff (Grant Beck, Comm. Dev. Director) to engage this committee with the request and make a recommendation to the Councilmember Hendrickson asked how someone finds out who the me but she could find out who the contact person is and she will email that information to Councilmember Hendrickson. Councilmember Carmody asked about the study session schedule fo said that there was a discussion about this and it was decided to move the November study th session up one week to Weds., November 16 instead of having it the night before the Thanksgiving holiday. Councilmember DePinto said that Councilmember Carmody asked the night. He contacted the YMCA today and they are in the process of doing their studies and surveys. The YMCA is working towards having numbers and informa studies by the end of November and they are hoping to be able to make their decisions from this compiled information. th Discussion about upcoming public forum/town hall meeting on Fri. Mayor th Foster explained the agenda and process of the meeting on Nov. 4. There was discussion about the format of this meeting. Adjourn : 7:45 p.m. ________________________________ Attest_______________________ JW Foster, Mayor Lori Mossman, City Clerk Page 3 10/26/16 Agenda 6.b. VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of checks approved for payment at Tuesday, November 08, 2016 council Payroll Direct Deposit-Employee 9999999999$149,781.04 Payroll Checks-Employee 6785367855$7,468.60 Payroll A/P Checks 6785667863$6,379.45 Payroll A/P EFT & Drafts 9999999999$172,774.39 A/P Checks/Voucher 2016 6786467940$448,034.55 A/P Voucher EFT & Drafts 9999999999$1,112,844.18 Utility Refunds6794167976$5,555.83 TOTAL$1,902,838.04 ____________________________ /_______________________________/________________________________ Mayor Councilmember Councilmember ____________________________/________________________________/________________________________ Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember ____________________________/_______________________________ Council member Councilmember ATTEST:_____________________________ CITY CLERK:_______________________________________ The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by______________________________________________at a regular council meeting held this 8th day of November 2016 1 of 21 Agenda Item 7. Public Hearing Notices Page 1 of 2 CITY OF YELM PUBLIC HEARING REVENUE SOURCES AD VALOREM TAX RATE BUDGET YEAR 2017 The City of Yelm has scheduled a Public Hearing to receive comme Revenue Sources for the 2017 Budget, as part of the Tuesday, Nov City Council meeting. The Public Hearing will consider Property Valorem) for collection in 2017. The meeting will be held at the Building, 206 McKenzie Ave. For additional information, please contact Lori Mossman, (360) 458 -8437. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodat with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability in need conduct business or to participate in government processes or ac contact Lori Mossman at (360) 458-8437 at least 5 working days p scheduled event. Lori Mossman, City Clerk Published: Nisqually Valley News, October 21 and October 28, 201 PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Distribution: City Council Packets: Mayor: JW Foster Councilmembers: EJ Curry Molly Carmody Jennifer Littlefield Tad Stillwell Tracey Wood Joe DePinto Russ Hendrickson Newspaper of Record Nisqually Valley News Posted Yelm City Hall Yelm Timberland Library Agenda Item 7. Public Hearing Notices Page 2 of 2 CITY OF YELM PUBLIC HEARING 2017 BUDGET The Yelm City Council will hold a Public Hearing to consider the Tuesday, November 8 in Council Chambers at Yelm Public Safety Bu McKenzie Ave, 6:00 p.m. The Hearing will be continued to Novembe. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodat with disabilities in need of accommodations to conduct business government processes or activities, please contact Lori Mossman at least 5 working days prior to the scheduled event. Lori Mossman, City Clerk Posted: November Published: October 21, 2016 and October 28, 2016 PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Distribution: City Council Packets: Mayor: JW Foster Councilmembers: EJ Curry Molly Carmody Jennifer Littlefield Tad Stillwell Tracey Wood Joe DePinto Russ Hendrickson Posted Yelm City Hall Yelm Public Safety Building Yelm Timberland Library Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 1015, Setting the Ad Valorem Tax Rate Page 1 of 4 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To:Mayor JW Foster & Yelm City Council From:Noah Crocker, Finance Director Date:November 4,2016 (for Nov 8th Council Meeting) Subj:Setting Ad Valorem Property Tax for 2017 Recommendation Motion to adoptOrdinance No.1015 setting the amount fixed as Ad Valorem for the regular levy of property tax necessary to raise revenues for essential expenditures for the City of Yelm for the fiscal year 2017. Background Thephrase ad valorem is Latin for "according to value". In the case of municipal property taxes, property owners have their property assessed on a periodic basis by a public tax assessor. The assessed value of the property is then used to compute an annual tax, which is levied on the owner byhis or hermunicipality . The legislative body must hold a public hearingand discuss any increases in property tax revenues that are being considered.The publichearing and the vote on the property tax ordinance may be done at the same meeting. In order to setthe property tax rates they must beidentified in the adopting ordinance both by the dollar and percentage increase amounts and certified with the county by a th November 30deadline. Cities with a population of less than 10,000 can increase their levy amountby one percent without a vote(highest lawful levy calculation).Normally, taxes on new construction are exempt from the lid/limit factor and may be added to the tax levy that is being requested.However, this is only if the statutory maximum levy rate times the assessed value of the city exceeds the highest lawful maximum. The city has not exceeded this for several years due to the economic recession. Current Situation The City of Yelm is held by the statutory dollar rate which is $3.60 minus the Fire District at $1.50, minus the Library District at approximately $0.409468, leavinga new levy rate at approximately $1.7105321 per $1,000 of assessed valuation(statutory rate limit x assessed value per $1,000). Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 1015, Setting the Ad Valorem Tax Rate Page 2 of 4 CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1015 (RCW 84.55.120) AN ORDINANCEOF THE CITY OF YELMSETTING THE AMOUNT FIXED AS ADVALOREM FOR THE REGULAR LEVY OF PROPERTYTAX NECESSARY TO RAISE REVENUES FOR ESSENTIAL EXPENDITURES FOR THE CITY OF YELMFOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2017. WHEREAS, the City Councilof the City of Yelmmet and considered its budget for the calendar year 2017; and WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing to consider the 2016 regular property tax levy rate was held as part of the regular city council meeting on Tuesday, November 08,2016; WHEREAS, the population of this is district is less than 10,000; NOW THEREFORE, the City Councilof the City of Yelmdo ordain as follows: Section 1. The Yelm City Council determined that the City of Yelm requires a regular levy in the amount of$1,369,840.85and an additionally levy for the administrative refund in the amount of $20,440.89 in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the city.This amount is derived using the state- assessed property values,amounts resulting from the addition of new constructionandimprovements to propertyas authorized by law. $19,255,618. Section 2. State Assessed Utility Value reported at As required by RCW 84.55.120 to report, The City of Yelm actual levy amount $1,206,831.74 from the previous year was . The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy amount from the previous year $112,235.189.30%. shall be , which is a percentage increase of This increase is exclusive of additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvements to property, any increase in the value of state assessed propertyandany annexations that have occurred. Section 3. ACertified Budget request or estimate is filed with the County Legislative Authority, separate from this ordinance. As required by RCW 84.52.020, that filing certifies the total amount to be levied by the regular property tax levyon the Department of Revenue providedform for this purpose, REV 64 0100, “Levy Certification”. Certification is made in a manner prescribed by the County Legislative Authority. Section 4.Effective Date: This ordinance shall become effective five days following passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 1015, Setting the Ad Valorem Tax Rate Page 3 of 4 Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, Section 5. clause, or phrase of this ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance. th ADOPTED this 8day of November, 2016. _____________________________ _______________________ JW Foster,Mayor Tad Stillwell Councilmember ____________________________ _______________________ EJ Curry Tracey Wood Councilmember Councilmember ____________________________ _______________________ Molly Carmody Joe DePinto Councilmember Councilmember ____________________________ _______________________ Jennifer Littlefield Russ Hendrickson Councilmember Councilmember Authenticated: __________________________ Lori Mossman, City Clerk PASSED AND APPROVED; November 8, 2016 PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, October 21, 2016 & October 28, 2016. Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 1015, Setting the Ad Valorem Tax Rate Page 4 of 4 Levy Certification Submit this document to the county legislative authority on or before November 30 of the year preceding the year in which the levy amounts are to be collected and forward a copy to the assessor. In accordance with RCW 84.52.020, I,Noah Crocker, (Name) Finance Director, forCity of Yelm, do hereby certify to (Title)(District Name) theThurstonCounty legislative authority that theCouncil (Name of County)(Commissioners, Council, Board, etc.) 2017 of said district requests that the following levy amounts be collected inas provided in the district’s (Year of Collection) 11/08/16 budget, which was adopted following a public hearing held on: (Date of Public Hearing) Regular Levy:$1,369,840.85 total (State the dollar amount to be levied) Excess Levy: total (State the dollar amount to be levied) Refund Levy:$20,440.89 total (State the dollar amount to be levied) Signature:Date: For tax assistance, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/property/default.aspxor call (360) 570-5900. To inquire about the availability of this document in an alternate format for the visually impaired, please call (360) 705-6715. Teletype (TTY) users may call 1-800-451-7985. REV 64 0100e (w) (10/7/08) Agenda Item 8. b. 2017 Preliminary Budget Page 1 of 9 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Noah Crocker, Finance Director thth Date: November 4, 2016 (for November 8 City Council Meeting) Subj: 2017 City of Yelm Budget – Ordinance No. 1016 Recommendation To open the Public Hearing on the 2017 City of Yelm Budget and after the staff report th and public comment, continue the Hearing to the November 22 City Council Meeting. At this meeting additional public comment will be heard and the budget will be scheduled for adoption. Background The 2017 budget forecast was presented to the Council by Mayor JW Foster on October 26, 2016. Current Situation Mayor Foster and staff presented a balanced 2017 Budget for public comment. The $7.390 million dollar general fund budget reflects a moderately aggressive approach to revenue projections ($5.190 million), as well as a thorough analysis of planned expenditures. It maintains current programs, contracts and levels of service provided to the community. Highlights of the 2017 Budget include: Fills necessary staffing positions in City Hall, Public Works and the Police Dept Replaces failing equipment and adds needed equipment SR507 Side walk project AC water line replacement projects; Cochrane Park Control System and SCADA Repairs Spray Park Completion of the Sewer Capital Facilities Plan Completion of the Water Comprehensive Plan Agenda Item 8. b. 2017 Preliminary Budget Page 2 of 9 CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1016 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF YELM ADOPTING THE YELM MUNICIPAL BUDGET AND SALARY AND BENEFIT SCHEDULE FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2017. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, THURSTON COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The monies in the funds of the City Treasury as identified in (title), Appendix II and Appendix III annexed hereto and by this reference incorporated as though fully set forth, or so much thereof as shall be found necessary, are hereby budgeted and appropriated for the calendar year 2017 to be used for the purposes for which said funds have been established and maintained. Section 2. The 2017 salary and hourly salary rates for officers and employees of the City of Yelm shall be, and the same are hereby fixed and established as set forth in the “2017 Salary Schedule”, annexed hereto as Appendix II, and by this reference incorporated as thought fully set forth. Sick leave, bereavement leave, vacation, holidays, medical, dental and life insurance benefits shall in calendar year 2017 be accumulated and provided to officer and employees of the City of Yelm in the manner set forth in the “2017 Benefit Schedule”, annexed hereto as Appendix III, and by this reference incorporated as though fully set forth. Section 3. Copies of this Ordinance shall be sent to the State Auditor, Thurston County Auditor, and Municipal Research Services. Section 4 Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following publication. Section 5 Ratify and Confirmation Clause. Any action taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior the effective date is hereby ratified and confirmed. _____________________________ JW Foster, Mayor Authenticated: ______________________________ Lori Mossman, City Clerk PASSED AND APPROVED: PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, October 21, 2016 & October 28, 2016 Agenda Item 8. b. 2017 Preliminary Budget Page 7 of 9 AppendixII SalarySchedule2017CityofYelmAnnualSalary ClassificationFlatRateMinimumMaximum AccountingClerk/OfficeAssist.$39,976$47,730* Accountantvacant$45,600$54,448 AssistanttoCityAdministrator$57,048$66,628 AssociatePlanner$65,191$77,841* Baliff$17.49 BuildingInspector$54,295$64,835* BuildingOfficial$62,025$74,049* CertifiedCourtInterpreter$40$55persession CityAdministratorVacant$107,979$144,702 CityClerk/HRManager$72,140$86,136 CivilServiceSecretary$18.98* CommunityDevelopmentDirector$103,83486,959.00$$103,834 ComputerSupportSpecialist$53,757$64,536* * ITNetworkAdministrator Vacant Councilmembers$7,200$7,200 CourtAdministrator$65,440$76,435 CourtClerk$42,712$51,031* DeputyCityClerkVacant$48,957$58,467* FinanceDirector$83,412$99,601 Judge$34,343$34,343 JudgeProTem$45hr$0 Mayor$30,000$30,000 PermitCoordinator/OfficeAssistant$41,215$49,215* PoliceChief$111,965$93,769$111,965 PoliceDept.AdmininstrativeAsst.$46,577$55,632* PoliceDetective(Officersrate+5%)$66,352$75,468 PoliceOfficer$63,195$75,468 PoliceRecordsClerk$42,712$51,031* PoliceSergeant$85,283$88,300 ProvisionalPoliceOfficer* PublicWorksAdministrativeAsst.vacant$46,577$55,632* PublicWorksDirector$105,835$88,635$105,835 PWFieldSupervisorvacant$64,092$76,528 PWManager$76,304$91,113 PWMaintenanceWorker$44,202$52,836 PWMaint.Worker/EquipOperator$49,995$59,669 PWMaint.Worker/Mechanic$53,816$64,266 SeniorAccountingClerkvacant$53,418$63,784 Treasurervacant$56,270$67,178* UtilityClerk$46,675$55,730* WaterPlantOperator$55,743$66,564 WWTPReuseSystemManager$68,235$81,472 WWTPReuseSystemOperator$55,741$66,564 WWTPReuseSystemOperatorAsst.$46,135$55,110 *TOBECHANGEDPENDINGCONTRACTAPPROVAL PW&PDPERCONTRACT 11/08/16 Agenda Item 8. b. 2017 Preliminary Budget Page 8 of 9 AppendixIII OrdinanceNo.1016 CITYOFYELM2017BENEFITSCHEDULE Allregularfulltimeandregularparttimeemployeesareeligibletoparticipateinthebenefitslisted below.Regularparttimeemployees(min20hoursperweek)receivebenefitsproratedaccordingto hoursworked. PAIDSICKLEAVE mployeesorone(1) Sickleaveaccumulatesattherateofeight(8)hourspermonthforfulltimee equivalentworkdaypermonthforparttimeemployees.Uponterminationofemploymentforreasons otherthandismissalformisfeasanceormalfeasance,eachemployeewillbepaidfortwentyfivepercent (25%)ofthetotalnumberofaccumulatedsickleavedaysattherateofpayapplicableforsuch employee.However,thepaymentofaccumulatedsickleaveshallnotexceedanamountequaltoone monthofgrosssalaryorequivalentwage. PAIDVACATION Eachemployeecoveredbythisagreementshallbeentitledtovacationwithpay.Unlessapprovedbythe Mayor/CityAdministrator,newemployeesmustsatisfactorilycompletetheirtrialperiodtobeentitled touseaccruedvacationleave. Vacationleaveaccruesmonthly.Eachregularfulltimeemployeeisentitledtovacationleaveasfollows: YearofEmploymentVacationDaysEarnedPerYear FirstandSecondYear96hoursperyear ThirdandFourthYear104hoursperyear Fifth‘NinthYear120hoursperyear Tenth‘FourteenthYear160hoursperyear Fifteenth‘NineteenthYear180hoursperyear TwentyorMoreYears200hoursperyear Regularparttimeemployees(min20hoursperweek)receivebenefitsproratedaccordingtohours worked. MEDICAL,DENTAL,VISION,EMPLOYEEASSISTANCEANDLIFEINSURANCEBENEFITS Regularfulltimeandregularparttime(min20hoursperweek)employeesandtheirdependentsare eligibletoparticipateinthe/z·äx­medicalinsuranceprogramonaproratabasis.AsofApril1,2016, withtheexceptionofthePolicehEEz-;©x­F.O.Pmembership,thecontributiontothisbenefitis95% employercontribution,5%employeecontributionforemployeemedical,and80%employer contribution,20%employeecontributionforeligiblefamilymembers. Employerpays100%ofthePolicehEEz-;©x­HealthFirstemployeemedicalpremiumand80%ofthe medicalpremiumforeligibledependents.EffectiveJanuary1,2016,PoliceOfficerswillmovemedicalto theAWCHealthFirst250Plan,withthesamecostsharingpercentagestatedinthissection. 1o2 OrdinanceNo.101611/08/16 Agenda Item 8. b. 2017 Preliminary Budget Page 9 of 9 AppendixIII OrdinanceNo.1016 Currentinsurancecompanypolicyrequires100%participationindental,visionandlifeinsurance programsbyall{w;mҌ©|fulltimeand/orparttimeemployees.Thispolicyalsopermitsamaximumof 25%ofall{w;mҌ©|fulltimeand/orparttimeemployeestoforegoparticipationintheCitysponsored medicalplan.{w;mҌ©|fulltimeemployeeschoosingnottoparticipatereceiveamonthlypaymentof $150.00inlieuofmedicalinsurance.{w;mҌ©|parttimeemployeesreceiveonehalfofthestipend amounts.Dentalandvisionbenefitsforemployeesandeligiblefamilymembersremainactivewhen choosingthisoption. RETIREMENT AllemployeesparticipateintheSocialSecurityprogramwiththeCitypayingamatchingcontribution. PoliceofficersareeligibleforparticipationintheLEOFFIIretirementprogram.Otheremployees participateinthestatePERSI,PERSIIorPERSIIIprogram.The/z·äx­contributionisdeterminedbythe programandissubjecttoadjustmentsatvarioustimesthroughouttheyear. Employeesmayelecttoparticipateinastatesponsoreddeferredcompensationprogram.TheCitydoes notcontributetothisprogram. OTHERBENEFITS TheCityprovidesstateޚ©‰;©x­compensationandunemploymentinsuranceforemployees.The programdeterminescoveragecosts. PAIDHOLIDAYS timeemployeesreceiveeighthoursofpay ThefollowingpaidholidaysarerecognizedbytheCity.Full foreachoftheholidays:Regularparttimeemployeesandpolicepersonnelreceiveaproratashare basedupontheusualnumberofhoursworkedperregulardailyshifthoursforeachholiday. st New—;©x­DayJanuary1 rd MartinLutherYz“mx­Birthday3MondayinJanuary rd t©;­z7;“·x­Day3MondayinFebruary MemorialDayLastMondayinMay th IndependenceDayJuly4 st LaborDay1MondayinSeptember ;·;©“x­DayNovember11 th ThanksgivingDay4ThursdayinNovember DayafterThanksgivingFridayafterThanksgiving ChristmasDayDecember25 One{CŒš·z“m|HolidayDateselectedbyemployee UNPAIDHOLIDAYS Employeesareentitledtotwounpaidholidayspercalendaryearforareasonoffaithorconscienceor urch,orreligious anorganizedactivityconductedundertheauspicesofareligiousdenomination,ch organization. 2of2 OrdinanceNo.101611/08/16 Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 1 of 11 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To:Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director Date:October 28, 2016(for November 8, 2016 City Council Meeting) Subj:Pavement Rating Professional Services Agreement and Portof Olympia Grant Acceptance Attach:Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Recommendation Authorize Mayor Foster to accept the up to $10,000 grant offer from the Port of Olympia and enter intoa contract in the amount of $18,760 with SCJ Alliance for services to complete pavement ratingand inspectionof City streets. Background In May of 2016 City Staff was notified of a $10,000 Economic Development Grant opportunity made available from the Port of Olympia (Port). This is a grant that the City has received every year for several years to help promote Economic Development opportunities. In the past the City has utilized this funding to augment transportation project costs. The grantrequires a 1 to 1 in-kind matchfrom the City of up to $10,000. City staff, with the guidance of then Mayor Harding, elected to pursue an application to rate City’s streets to planfor improved transportation mobilityand positioning for future grant opportunities through a comprehensive inspection of our infrastructure. The City has not conducted any pavement rating or inspection since 2012. On June 29, 2016 the Port approved our grant application for this project. Current Situation Upon approval from the Port to proceed with the pavement rating, City staff reviewed prospective consultants utilizing the MRSC Professional Services Roster to select qualified consultants to consider forthe work. City Staff selected SCJ Alliance to assist with this project. The grant funding is required to be expended before December 31, 2016 of this year.Adequate City matching funds are available from the City Street fund (fund 101). Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 2 of 11 SHEA,CARR&JEWELL,INC. AGREEMENTFORPROFESSIONALSERVICES This Agreement for Professional Services (or October 31, 2016, and is made and entered into by and between: Firm: Shea, Carr & Jewell, Inc. (dba SCJ Alliance) SCJ Address: 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Suite 200, Lacey, WA 98516 Telephone: 360-352-1465 Fax: 360-352-1509 and Client: City of Yelm, Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director Client Address: 105 Yelm Avenue West. Yelm, WA 98597 Telephone: 360-458-3244 Fax: NA Email: chadb@ci.yelm.wa.us Section 1 The Project. SCJ shall perform all services, as described in Section 2 below, a. Project Name: City of Yelm - Pavement Management Update ) b. Project Number: SCJ# P2218.01 Client# NA c. Project Location: Yelm, WA d. Project Timeline SCJ shall perform its services as expeditiously as is consistent : skill and care and the orderly progress of the Project. If SCJ is delayed in meeting this projected timeline due to causes beyond its control (including, but not limited to, war, r accidents, energy failure, equipment breakdown, delays of suppli civil authority, or acts of God), then the projected timeline sh Section 2 Scope of Work. SCJ shall described in Attachment A: Section 3 Compensation to SCJ. SCJ shall perform the Work for Client for the following compensa Budget Summary Fee Amount Fee Basis Phase 10 Coordination Meetings $ 2,400 T&M Phase 20 Roadway Inspection $ 13,000 T&M Phase 30 Data Entry of Inspection Information $ 2,160 T&M Phase 40 ADA Sidewalk Ramp Documentation $ 1,200 T&M _______ TOTAL ESTIMATED FEE: $ 18,760 SCJ Agreement for Professional Services Page 1 Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 3 of 11 Time and Materials. When the basis of SCJmaterials, Client will pay SCJ for the time SCJ spends and all the expenses SCJ incurs (see expenses addressed bel the Billing Rate Schedule shown in Attachment B. SCJ may change its billing rates and/or the reimbursement rate for the expenses it incurs from time to time due to market condi. If SCJ changes any of its billing rates and/or reimbursement rates for its expenses Billing Rate Schedule to Client. Changes in billing rates and/or reimbursement rates for expenses Fee shown above. Lump Sum. When the basis of SCJlump sum, Client will pay SCJ on a percent-complete basis of the Total Maximum Fee for the Work described in Section 2 of thi. SCJ will be compensated in full upon completion of the Work. Any out-of-scope or extra services requested by the Client will be paid to time and materials basis in accordance with the provisions descr Expenses. Expenses will include, but not be limited to, the following: tra and lodging; laboratory tests and analyses; computer services; w binding, and reproduction charges; all costs associated with out facilities; and other similar costs. Expenses which SCJ incurs on Clientoutside consultants and other outside services or facilities shall include a 10% markup to com expenses, such as: excise tax, liability insurance, profit, and Section 4 Billing and Payment. SCJ will provide Client with an invoice once per month for Work during the prior month. Client agrees to pay SCJ within 30 days of receiving SCJ, after which date, if the invoice has not been paid in full, Client. Client is deemed to have received an invoice three days after SCJ mailed it to Client at its address . If Client account becomes delinquent at any time, the following shall appl SCJ may, in its sole discretion, cease all Work on the Project product in its possession related to the Project until such time current; and/or SCJ will assess interest at the rate of 1.5 percent per month a balance, unless such rate of interest exceeds the legal limit, i assessed against the delinquent invoice balance at the highest l Section 5 Standard of Care; No Warranties. SCJ will perform the Work consistent with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by professionals practicing in the same circumstances at the time the Work is performed. SCJ does not make or intend to make any warranty, expressed or implied, by performing any of the Work. Section 6 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The parties do not intend, and no such intent shall be inferred, assumes a direct obligation to any third party by entering into Section 7 Notice to Cure a Default. If SCJ materially breaches a provision of this Agreement, SCJ ma in default. If SCJ fails within five (5) business days after written notific correction of such default with diligence and promptness, then C termination within three (3) business days following the end of . Section 8 Termination by Client. SCJ Agreement for Professional Services Page 2 Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 4 of 11 8.1 Client may terminate this Agreement as provided in Section 7 this Agreement. completing the Work, exceed the unpaid Compensation to SCJ, SCJ excess costs as limited by Section 10 below. Compensation to SCJ, Client shall pay the difference to SCJ. In the event Client exercises its rights under this Section 8, C shall furnish to SCJ a detailed accounting of the costs incurred. 8.2 Client may terminate this Agreement for its own convenience SCJ. Upon any termination for convenience, Client shall pay SCJ for a date of the termination including, but not limited to, the amoun expected profits. 8.3 If Client terminates this Agreement, with or without cause, have the right to complete such services, analysis, and records, ed pursuant to this Agreement . The time expended and expenses incurred by SCJ in carrying out t Project Closeout shall be billed to Client in addition to all ti to the date of termination. Section 9 Termination by SCJ. 9.1 SCJ may terminate this Agreement upon five (5) days written a. Client fails to pay SCJ in accordance with this Agreement. b. Client otherwise materially breaches this Agreement. 9.2 Upon termination by SCJ pursuant to this Agreement, SCJ shal for all sums due through the date of termination and for any pro not limited to, the amounts owing from Section 3 above, expectedut. Section 10 Limitation of Liability. The parties directors, officers, employees, and agents) to Client for any lo e or nonperformance under this Agreement shall be limited to the total Compensation in Section ($100,000), whichever is greater. IN NO EVENT SHALL SCJ BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, LOST PROFITS OR LIFE EXPECTANCY DAMAGES ARISING OUT . Section 11 Indemnification. 11.1 SCJ shall indemnify and hold Client harmless from all claim personal injury or property damage arising agents, employees, or subconsultants; provided that nothing here harmless Client from Claims based solely upon the negligence of , its agents, officers or employees. 11.2 Client shall indemnify and hold harmless SCJ, its officers, claims, demands, or lawsuits at law or equity for personal injur whole or in part fro subcontractors; providing that nothing herein shall require Clie Claims based solely upon the negligence of SCJ, its agents, offi SCJ Agreement for Professional Services Page 3 Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 5 of 11 11.3 The indemnifications contained in Sections 11.1 and 11.2 ar collateral to, a contract or agreement relative to construction, from, improvement to, or maintenance of, any building, highway, structure, project, development, or improvement attached to real in connection therewith, a contractor agreement for architectura land surveying services and where the damages are caused by or r (i) SCJ or its officers, employees, and agents, and (ii) Client . This paragraph is intended to comply with RCW 4.24.115. 11.4 Both SCJ and Client expressly waive any immunity, from claims Washington State Industrial Insurance Act (RCW 51) or similar ac. The provisions of this section shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on ben . This waiver design professional immunity from claims by an injured worker or. 11.5 Both SCJ and Client acknowledge that they have mutually negoti Initial here for Voluntary Waiver waiver of immunity under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act SCJ (RCW 51). Client Section 12 Concurrent Work. This Agreement shall not limit, in any way, other work SCJ may undertake for any other client. Section 13 Insurance. SCJ shall obtain and keep in force during the terms of this Agre as follow as required by applicable statute; (b) Comprehensive General Li$2 million per occurrence and $4 million in the aggregate; (c) Auto Professional Liability, $1 million per claim and $2 million in t SCJ will provide Client with thirty (30) day notice prior to cancelling any of the aforementioned policie Section 14 Dispute Resolution, Jurisdiction, Venue, Attorney Fees, and App. 14.1 Mediation. In the event that any dispute arises between the part agree to submit the dispute to non-binding mediation upon either notice describing the dispute in detail. The parties shall cooperate in selecting the mediator, and the mediation shall occur within 30 days of a party providing writte. The mediation shall take place in Tacoma, Washington. 14.2 Arbitration. Except as provided below in Section 14.3., if such dispute shall be submitted to final and binding arbitration Uniform Arbitration Act (RCW 7.04A). The arbitration shall be conducted in Tacoma, Washington. The prevailing party in any such arbitration shall be entitled to recover its r 14.3 Fee Disputes. Following mediation pursuant to Section 14.1, pay SCJ pursuant to this Agreement for SCJmay be resolved by commencing a lawsuit in court. Venue for the lawsuit shall be Pierce County, Washington. The prevailing party in any such lawsuit shall be entitled to recover its reasonable costs a 14.4 Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the law SCJ Agreement for Professional Services Page 4 Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 6 of 11 Section 15 Ownership of Work Product and Confidentiality. All reports, plans, specifications, field data, notes and other documents, including all documents on electronic media service and shall remain the sole property of SCJ, unless agreed. Client shall not reuse or unreasonably withhold. without liability to SCJ and the Client agrees to defend, indemn resulting from such unauthorized use. Client shall maintain the confidentiality of information specifi withholding such information would violate the law, create the r Client from establishing a claim or defense in an adjudicatory p. Only information designated as confidential by SCJ shall be deemed confidential as provided by . Section 16 Electronic Files and Data. Subject to Section 15 above, if requested, SCJ will provide electronic files to Client for its use and reference in connection with the Project. Client acknowledges and agrees that it shall be solely responsible for inspecting and testing any such electroni are free from bugs, viruses, or other destructive or har. Further, SCJ does not make or intend to make any warranty, expre provides to Client will be free from Viruses. Therefore, Client waives any claim it may have against SCJ which waiver includes all measures of damages, including, but not limi consequential (including loss of profits and/or business), exemp electronic files SCJ provides to client contain any Viruses. All deliverables provided to Client for the Work shall be hard c. If requested, SCJ may provide electronic files to Client; however, solely responsible for verifying consistency between electronic . In the event of any inconsistency between hard copy deliverables and electronic file Section 17 Notices. Any written notice provided by one of the parties to the other i Agreement shall be received when personally delivered, when rece mailing by USPS, postage prepaid, to: SCJ: SCJ Alliance Client: City of Yelm Attn: Brandon Johnson, PE, Principal Attn: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director 8730 Tallon Lane NE 105 Yelm Avenue West Suite 200 Yelm, WA. 98597 Lacey, WA 98516 Fax: NA Fax: 360-352-1509 Email: chadb@ci.yelm.wa.us Email: brandon.johnson@scjalliance.com Section 18 Survival and Severability. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall survive the com the Work and the termination of this Agreement, whether for caus. If any term or condition of this Agreement is ever held to be unenforceable, all remaining t effect. Section 19 Modifications. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Agreement be hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, o. Except as provided in Section 3 above regarding the periodic adjustment ofbilling rates and/or reimbursement rate of expense, this Agreement may only be amended, modified, or added both parties. The parties acknowledge the general contract rule that a clause SCJ Agreement for Professional Services Page 5 Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 7 of 11 prohibiting oral modifications is itself generally subject to or. However, in order to ensure certainty as to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the parties wa Section 20 Assignment. Neither party may assign all or a portion of its rights under th all or a portion of its obligations under this Agreement without Section 21 Independent Review. The parties acknowledge that they have read this Agreement and f understand its terms. The parties further acknowledge that the terms of this Agreement negotiated at arms-length. The parties waive the general rule of construction, therefore, t be construed against its drafter. Section 22 Acceptance and Authorization to Proceed. By signing this Agreement, Client agrees that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are acceptable and approved. If Client is a legal entity (e.g., a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company), then the person who the authority to bind Client to the terms and conditions of this. If Client is a legal entity and it claims at any time that the person who signed this Agreement lacked the au addition to Client, in any lawsuit or arbitration which arises r person liable, along with Client, in such proceeding. Upon SCJhis fully executed Agreement, SCJ shall have authority to commence the Work. Section 23 Attachments. The following attachments are hereby made a part of this Agreeme Attachment A Scope of Work Attachment B Billing Rate Schedule SCJ: CLIENT: SCJ Alliance City of Yelm By: By: Brandon Johnson, PE (Print name)(Print name) Principal (Title)(Title) (Date)(Date) SCJ Agreement for Professional Services Page 6 Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 8 of 11 Scope of Work City of Yelm Pavement Management Update Yelm, Washington PREPARED FOR: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director City of Yelm PREPARED BY: Jim Gibson, PE SCJ Alliance DATE: October 19, 2016 Introduction: It is our pleasure to provide the following scope of work for SC engineering inspection, data entry, and updating of . Project Understanding: We understand the intent of the project is to upda system. This rating system is used to assist the City in deciding which maintenance and to prioritize the roadways for future maintenanc. SCJ will meet with the City prior to the inspection to agree on the standards by which documented. Following that meeting, SCJ will provide staff to complete a windshield inspection of the public roadways and record the conditions. Additional notes will be recorded to document the existence and conditions of the ADA ramps within the public right-of-way. PHASE 1 COORDINATION MEETINGS This phase includes tasks to plan, manage, and administer the wo provide quality assurance/quality control. The following tasks i 1.1.One meeting with the City at the beginning of the project to coordinate the work, schedule 1 completion, and finalize the methods to record the pavement rati. 2 1.2.One close-out meeting to transfer the updated database informati. 1.3.Work associated with project updates, quality assurance, and bil PHASE 1 FEE: $2,400 1 Meeting to be held at Yelm Public Works office 2 Meeting to be held at Yelm Public Works office 8730 Tallon Ln NE Suite 200 Lacey, WA 98516 Office 360.352.1465 Fax 360.352.1509 scjalliance.com Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 9 of 11 October 19, 2016 Scope of Work & Fee Proposal Page 2 of 3 Phase 1 Deliverables: Written memo of rating criteria, inspection process, and decisio meeting. Weekly written project updates. Billing, accounting, and coordination required for the project. PHASE 2 ROADWAY INSPECTIONS This phase includes the costs to conduct the visual inspection o streets. It at this inspection shall be completed while inside a vehicle. Additional walking investigation may be done for roadways that require a mo. These instances will be defined in the coordination meeting. 2.1.Complete a driving inspection of the public street system locate limits.3 4. 2.2.The SCJ staff will conduct additional walking inspections to doc in depth 5 6. The length of this area has been estimated to include 4,000 feet PHASE 2 FEE: $13,000 Phase 2 Deliverables: Labor needed to conduct inspections. PHASE 3 DATA ENTRY OF INSPECTION INFORMATION This phase includes the effort to pavement data. The City will provide list prior to the beginning of the roadway inspections. The database is to be provided by the City of Yelm and mobile laptop. 3.1.SCJ labor will update existing information to include new street constructed since the last update. 3 A list of roadways will be finalized at the coordination meetin. This scope assumes no more than 12 miles of roadway (no state routes). 4 A vehicle will be provided by the City with required markings a 5 During the coordination meeting a rating system will be put in inspections may be required. 6 SCJ has budgeted for one Engineer to supervise and one Engineer Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 10 of 11 October 19, 2016 Scope of Work & Fee Proposal Page 3 of 3 3.2.Prepare and enter the new inspection ratings Streetwise pavement 78 management system . PHASE 3 FEE: $2,160 Phase 3 Deliverables: Streetwise database with updated data from inspections. PHASE 4 ADA SIDEWALK RAMP DOCUMENTATION This phase includes the effort to perform visual inspections on pavement inspection routes. These inspections will consist of visual inspections noting 1) t of the ramps, 2) if they meet current standards, 3) their general condition and 4) whether or not 9 additional inspection is needed . 4.1.SCJ will provide labor to complete the ADA visual inspections an Streetwise database. PHASE 4 FEE: $1,200 Phase 4 Deliverables: Inspection notes will be made in the Streetwise database Budget Summary Fee Billing Type 1. Coordination Meetings $2,400 T/M Fee 2. Roadway Inspection $13,000 T/M Fee 3. Data Entry of Inspection Information $2,160 T/M Fee 4. ADA Sidewalk Ramp Documentation $1,200 T/M Fee TOTAL PROJECT FEE $18,760 END OF PROPOSAL N:\Marketing\Proposals\Proposal Numbers\P2218.01 City of Yelm - Pa 7 Database shall be provided by the City of Yelm 8 SCJ has budgeted for one Designer for this phase of work 9 Additional inspection will be performed by Public Works Departm Agenda Item 8. c. Professional Services Agreement & Letter of Approval from Port of Olympia Grant Acceptance Page 11 of 11 SCJ Alliance Billing Rate Schedule April 2016 /Œ­­zEz-·zš“ IšÒ©Œä .zŒŒz“m w·; Senior Principal Consultant $245.00 - $275.00 Principal $190.00 - $240.00 Principal Landscape Architect $130.00 - $170.00 Senior Consultant $180.00 - $225.00 Senior Project Manager $142.00 - $205.00 Project Manager $128.00 - $152.00 Project Engineer II $123.00 - $130.00 Project Engineer I $110.00 - $125.00 Senior Designer $105.00 - $118.00 Design Engineer $90.00 - $105.00 Project Landscape Architect $115.00 - $130.00 Landscape Architect I $100.00 - $115.00 Landscape Designer $80.00 - $100.00 Senior Planner $125.00 - $140.00 Planner $95.00 - $110.00 Environmental Scientist $135.00 - $152.00 Environmental Planner $105.00 - $115.00 Senior Transportation Planner $135.00 - $155.00 Transportation Planner $100.00 - $120.00 Traffic Analyst $95.00 - $105.00 Designer $85.00 - $95.00 Project Coordinator II $90.00 - $105.00 Project Coordinator I $75.00 - $85.00 Project Accountant $105.00 - $145.00 Administrative Assistant $70.00 - $80.00 Information Technology Specialist $105.00 - $145.00 Communications Director $100.00 - $125.00 h·w;© C;;­t Direct project expenses and reproduction costs are billed at cost plus 15% w;z’,Ò©­,Œ; 9ã¦;“­;­t $0.65/Mile Mileage $2.50/Sheet Bond Paper Plots $20.00/Sheet Mylar $35.00/Each Reports Agenda Item 8. d. Contract for Services - Yelm Community Services Page 1 of 7 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Grant Beck, Community Development Director Date:October 28(for November 8th City Council Meeting) Subj:Contract for Services - Yelm Community Services Recommendation Authorize Mayor Foster to sign a service provider agreement with provide assistance to the poor and infirm. Background The City of Yelm has provided funding support to Yelm Community mid-1990s (when the organization was known as United Citizens Betterment Organiz assist in their mission of providing assistance to the poor and This contribution was never memorialized in an written agreement Services did not invoice the City for the contribution. In 2015, with significan City staff including the loss of the City Administrator and a ne contribution was discontinued, although not through a deliberate YelmCommunity Services provides many needed services to those citize surrounding community in need. YCS operates a food bank, shelte educational programs. The City of Yelm and Yelm Community Serviined an excellent working relationship for many years, with the City act Community Services for several CBDG grants. In addition, Yelm C for the City the Neighborhood Stabilization Grant by Housing and three single family homes are available in Yelm for low to moder Historically, the City has contributed $200 per month to Yelm Co been authorized, but not spent, by the adopted 2016 budget. Mayor Foster is proposing to increase the contribution to $250 starting in 2017 and will be i proposed 2017 budget. Agenda Item 8. d. Contract for Services - Yelm Community Services Page 2 of 7 Current Situation If the Council wishes to continue to provide support to Yelm Comrvices as the City has provided historically and to increase the support to $250 per mo authorize Mayor Foster to sign the proposed agreement. Agenda Item 8. d. Contract for Services - Yelm Community Services Page 3 of 7 CITY OF YELM FUNDING AGREEMENT WITH YELM COMMUNITY SERVICES THIS Funding Agreement("Agreement") is dated effective this ______ day of _______, 2016. The parties ("Parties") to this Agreement are the City of Yel Washington Municipal Corporation ("Yelm"), and Yelm Community Services, a Washington Non-Profit Organization ("YCS"). B ACKGROUND A.The Washington State Constitution, Article VIII, Section 7 provi "No county, city, town or other municipal corporation shall here money, or property, or loan its money, or credit to or aid of any individual, association, company or corporation, except for the necessary supeople who are low to moderate income, or become directly or indirectly the owner of any stock in or bonds of any association, company or corporation." B.The mission of YCS, a nonprofit, community development organization, isto provide social and economic programs to enhance the quality of l community. YCS operates a food bank and USDA commodities, a clothing bank and thrift shop, provides youth activities, operates a emergency shelter, and provides housing for seniors and people with develo disabilities. C. A principal purpose of YCS is to serve people who are low to moderate incomeas defined by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. D. Providing funding for the necessary support of people who are low to moderate income meets the intent of serving the poor and infirm as noted in Article VIII, Section 7 of the Washington State Constitution, and is a legitimate public purpose for which government funds can legitimately be expended. E. The City has previously provided monthly funding to YCS to further the purpose and work to serve people who are low to moderate income. F. The Parties have agreed to execute this Agreement to document the monthly funding amount and to document the purpose for which the funding Agenda Item 8. d. Contract for Services - Yelm Community Services Page 4 of 7 A GREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 1. The City agrees toprovide monthly funding to YCS in order to further YCS's work for the necessary support to people who are low to moderate income(as defined by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development) without discrimination, and so long as YCSis in compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 2.Services. YCS shall provide services for the necessary support of people who a low to moderate income, as provided in YCS's mission statement (the "Services "). 3. Reporting Requirement: YCS shall submit to the City an annual report outlining the services provided (in accordance with Section 2), their frequenc numbers of clients served. This report shall be due the last day of January for the previous year. 4. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the executi Agreement by the Parties and shall continue until terminated by the City as provided for herein. 5. Termination. A. Termination for Convenience. The City may terminate this Agreem whole or in part, at any time, by at least thirty (30) days writnotice to YCS. The City shall pay for work performed to the date of termi B. Termination for Cause. This Agreement shall terminate if YCS fails to maintain its 501(c)(3) status or fails to fulfill its purpose an support those with are low to moderate incomes or fails to comply with Section 2 related to the provision of services. Termination shall be effected by serving a notice of termination on YCS setting forth manner in which YCS is in default. YCS will only be paid for se performed while having maintained its 501(c)(3) status and in ac with the manner of performance set forth in this Agreement. 6. Funding. Beginning with the month of January 2016, the City shall pay YCS Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per month. Payment shall be made by check and mailed to YCS by the last day November, 2016. Agenda Item 8. d. Contract for Services - Yelm Community Services Page 5 of 7 Beginning with the month of January 2017, the City shall pay YCS and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per month. Payment shall be made by mailed to YCS by the last day of each month. 7. Compliance with Laws. YCS shall comply with and perform the Services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and City laws inc limitation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, standards anow existing or hereafter adopted or amended. 8. Indemnification. YCS agrees to indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and demands, losses, actions, and liabilities (including costs and all attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limita respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Agreement to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of YCS, its partners, shareholders, agents employees, or by YCS's breach of this Agreement. 9. Equal Opportunily Employer. In all YCS's services, programs or activities, and all YCS hiring and employment made possible by or resulting from this Agreement, there shall be no discrimination by YCS or by YCS employees, agents, subcontractors or representatives against any person because of (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, creal origin, marital status or the presence of any disability, includ or physical handicaps, unless based upon a bona fide occupationa in relationship to hiring and employment. This requirement shall be limited to the following: employment, advertising, layoff or of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for trainin apprenticeship. YCS shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Di Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or any other appli state or local law or regulation regarding non- discrimination. Any material violation of this provision shall be grounds fortermination of this Agreement by the City and, in the case of YCS'sbreach, may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. 10. General Provisions. a. This Agreement, together with attachments or addenda, represents entire and integrated Agreement between the Parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements written or oral. This Agreement shall be binding upon and insure benefit of the Parties' successors in interest, heirs and assigns Agenda Item 8. d. Contract for Services - Yelm Community Services Page 6 of 7 Agreement may be amended, modified or added to only by written instrument properly signed by both parties. b.YCS shall not assign, transfer, subcontract or encumber any rights, or interests accruing from this Agreement without the express prr written consent of the City, which consent may be withheld at th discretion of the City. c.Any action for claims arising out of or relating to this Agreeme governed by the laws of the state of Washington. Venue shall be Thurston County Superior Court. d.In any suit or action instituted to enforce any right granted in Agreement, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled its costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney's fees from th party. e.Any notices required to be given by the City to YCS or by YCS to the City shall be in writing and delivered to the parties at the followin Cindy Marchand-CecilCity Administrator Yelm Community ServicesCity of Yelm, Washington P.O. Box 5320 105 Yelm Avenue West Yelm, WA 98597 Yelm, WA 98597 f. A waiver or failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement, thereof, shall not be construed as a continuing waiver of such p or breach, nor shall the same constitute a waiver of any other p or any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. g. The article and paragraph headings contained in this Agreement h been included solely for reference purposes and shall not affect used in connection with, the construction or interpretation of t Agreement. Each separate paragraph shall be treated as severable end that if one or more of such paragraphs shall be judged or de illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, this Agreement shall be inte shall remain in full force and effect, as if such paragraphs had contained in this Agreement. h. This Agreement is intended to solely benefit the parties and sha construed or interpreted to create any rights or benefits to any parties. Agenda Item 8. d. Contract for Services - Yelm Community Services Page 7 of 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement the day and year first herein above written. ____________________________________________________________ JW Foster,Cynthia "Cindy" Marchand-Cecil, Mayor Executive Director City of Yelm Yelm Community Services ATTEST: ______________________________ Lori Mossman, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________ Brent Dille, City Attorney Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 1 of 14 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Yelm City Council From: Mayor JW Foster Date: 11-07-16 for Council meeting of 11-08-16 Subj: Thurston County Regional Health and Human Services Counci w;-š’’;“7·zš“ Authorize Mayor Foster to sign the contract with the Health and .-‰m©šÒ“7 The cities of Tumwater, Lacey, and Olympia joined with Thurston cooperative efforts to fund basic health and human service needs became clear that inclusion of the other municipalities within t efforts and provide opportunity for those cities to provide serv support efforts to provide those services regionally. /Ò©©;“· {z·Ò·zš“ This contract provides that opportunity by making our city part contribution to the fund comes from a Community Development Bloc Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 2 of 14 AMENDED "County"), a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the cities of Lacey,Olympia, Tumwater,Yelm, Tenino, Rainer and Bucoda(hereinafter the "Cities"), municipal corporations within Thurston County, tocreate "Council"). WHEREAS , Thurston County, and the cities of Lacey, Olympia, and Tumwater originally entered into this Interlocal Agreement in December 2012; WHEREAS , the original Interlocal Agreement anticipated that at some point in the future the cities of Yelm, Tenino, Rainer and Bucoda may be eligible and choose to be part of the Council; WHEREAS , the cities of Yelm, Tenino Rainer and Bucoda have become eligibleto join the Council, and Thurston County and the cities of Olympia, Lacey and Tumwater all agree the South County cities should become part of the Council; WHEREAS , the County and the Cities agree to work together and join resources necessary to address common gaps in meeting basic health and human services needs within this region; WHEREAS , pooling and coordinating health and humanservices resources can be more effectiveinmeetingthese needs; WHEREAS , there is a benefit to the participating Parties to develop common approaches ·utilizing Evidence Based and Promising Practices to meet these needs; WHEREAS , creating a single Council with consolidated administrative services will increase efficiency and effectiveness in meeting these needs; WHEREAS , the County and theCities recognize theneedtocreate a governance structure for the Council tomanage the functions and decision-making process identified herein and hereafter; WHEREAS , This Amended Interlocal Agreement is made and entered into pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, the Interlocal Cooperation Act. NOW THEREFORE ,in consideration of the mutual promises madehereinand themutual benefits received hereunder, thePartiesagreeas follows: A. Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 3 of 14 B. The function of the Council istosetpriorities,issue Requests for Proposals (RFP), decidewhichproposals should be awarded funds, and provide directionto the County to ensure betterutilization of healthand human resourcesin Thurston County. A. Themembershipiscomprisedoftheeightjurisdictionsthatarepartiestothis InterlocalAgreement. MembershipontheCouncilis conditioned on each jurisdiction’sagreement tocontribute an amount equal to onehalf ofone (SeesectionIV A forfurtherdetail); percentageoftheirsalestaxrevenueand2) to adheretotheconditionsassetforthinthisInterlocalAgreementandanyBylaws adoptedbytheCouncil. B. A Memberjurisdiction mayparticipateas a non-voting member of the Councilwithout providing the full amount of funding with the unanimous agreement of theother Memberjurisdictions. Suchagreementwill be accomplished by anamendmenttothis Interlocal Agreement. A. The Council membershipwill include one (1) electedofficialfromeachparticipating jurisdictiontoserveas a representativeandone(1)electedofficialtoserveasan alternate.Representativeswillparticipateinallactivitiesandreporttotheirrespective legislativebodies.Stafffromparticipatingjurisdictionsmayalsoattendandparticipate inadministrativefunctionsatthedirectionoftheirCouncilmembers. The Council may: Bylaws . Adopt a setofbylawssettingforth the manner inwhichitwillperformits functions. DecisionProcesses . Develop a set of decisionprocess protocols based on best practices.The Council may adopt theseprotocols prior to issuing RFPs and making decisions on which proposals should receive funding. Voting: Eachofthe participatingjurisdictionsintheAgreementshallhaveanequalvotein recommendationsfortheallocationoftheavailablefundingandselectionofthe proposalsthatshouldreceivefunding.Councilmembers'eligibilitytovoteon a contractawardderivedfrom a specificfundsourceisdeterminedbythat jurisdictionslegalauthoritytoallocatethosefunds. If thejurisdictionisnot, for example,partoftheUrban Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 4 of 14 1) 2) 3)4) 5) 3.(10) F. in 42.30 2.The Council shall adopt a resolution settingforthallregularlyscheduled meetings for the year. 3.Anymeetingheld outside of a regularlyscheduledmeetingshall be considered a specialmeeting pursuant toRCW 42.30.080. 4.The Council, throughtheMemberjurisdiction providingtheadministrativestaff functions, willmakeallmaterialsrelatedtotheRFPprocess, applications, reportsand other relatedmaterialsavailablefor public review. Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 5 of 14 Regional Projects The Council mayimplementcertain regional projects, including but not limitedto the following: Develop regional healthand human servicesdatabase; Develop a singleapplicationforallRFPs/contracts; Develop performance measures for contracts; Developservicepriorities; Identify future fund sources,e.g.HOME and CDBGEntitlement; Identify potential crossCounty/City coordination of resourcesformanagement of the Council; Employutilizationmanagementpractices. FundingPrinciples A. The annual funding contribution fromeachjurisdiction shallbedrawn upon invoice for appropriate expenditure of the funds.Provided that the contributions for the cities of Yelm, Tenino, Rainer and Bucoda have been satisfied through 2018 by allocating a portion of their share of the Community Development Block Grant funds. The funding contribution fromeachjurisdiction shallconsist of a minimum, annual amount equal to notlessthan one half of one percentofthelastfullyear of general sales and use taxescollected pursuant toRCW 82.14.030(1) as of the timethejurisdiction is adopting its budget. For example,the 2013 funding contribution for ajurisdiction adoptingitsbudgetin the fall of 2012 would be based upon the 2011 fullyearof collections. In addition, any of the jurisdictions may choose to contribute additional funding, subjecttotheapprovalof the Council and the requirementsoftheapplicablefund source. These funds willbe incorporated aspartof the Council'spurview. Funds remaining at the end of a calendar be available forexpenditure inthefollowingyear. The County shallearmark yearshall such funds forfutureexpenditure,and,ifnecessary,budgetthesameintheadoptive budget for the ensuing year. B. a jurisdiction chooses towithdrawfrom the Council,the funding from that jurisdictionthathasalreadybeendeposited by thejurisdiction shallremaininthe accountcreated by the County until expended for purposes setforthinthisInterlocal Agreement. the Council disbands, unobligated funding shallbe returned toeach participating jurisdiction through a formulabased on a percentage of whateach jurisdiction contributedfor the mostrecentyear. C. Funds willbeawarded through contracts issued by the County toserviceproviders qualified tooffertherequestedservicesin a timely manner basedon fund awardsby the Council. Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 6 of 14 V. ItistheintentofthePartiesthatthis InterlocalAgreementshall continueinforceuntilamendedorterminated.ThisInterlocalAgreementwillterminate upon: 1)withdrawalofallbutone(l)participatingjurisdiction;or,2)theunanimous decisionofallparticipatingPartiestoterminatetheInterlocalAgreement. VI.Legal Scope ThisInterlocalAgreementcreates no separatelegalentity. VIIPublication . Priortoitsentryintoforce,this Interlocal Agreementshallbefiledwiththe Thurston County Auditor's Officeorposted upon the websitesofthe County andCitiesas provided by RCW 39.34.040. VIIIEffectiveDate . This Interlocal Agreementshallbeeffective upon thelast signature of all the Parties hereto. : . r NowaiverbyanypartyofanytermorconditionofthisInterlocalAgreement shallbedeemedorconstruedtoconstitute a waiverofanyothertermorconditionor ofanysubsequentbreach,whetherofthesameordifferentprovision. X.Amendment The provisions ofthisInterlocalAgreementmay be amended withthe unanimous approvalofallParties.Noadditions to, oralterationsof, the terms of this Interlocal Agreementshall be validunlessmadeinwriting and formally approved and executed by the duly authorizingagentsofallParties·. XI.ApplicabilityofLaw ThisInterlocalAgreement is and shall be construedas being executedanddeliveredwithin the StateofWashington and itis mutually understood and agreed by eachpartyheretothatallAgreementsandStatements of Workshall be governed by laws of theState of Washington, both astointerpretationand performance. The Parties agreethat the venueforenforcement of any provisions shallbe the Superior Courtof Thurston County. XII. IfanysectionorpartofthisInterlocalAgreementisheld by a courtto beinvalid,suchaction shallnotaffectthevalidity ofanyotherpartofthisAgreement. XIII.EntireAgreement The Partiesagreethatthis Interlocal Agreementisthe complete expression of theterms hereto, and any oralrepresentationsor understandings not incorporated hereinare excluded. Further,any modifications ofthisInterlocalAgreement shall be inwriting and signed by allParties. Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 7 of 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Interlocal Agreement to be executed by the dates and signature herein under affixed. The persons signing this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the Parties represent that each has authority to execute this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the Party entering into this Interlocal Agreement. Sandra Romero, Chair of the BoardScott Spence, City Manager Date Date Approved astoform: JON TUNHEIM PROSECUTING ATTORNEYApproved astoform: By By Dave Schneider, City Attorney Deputy Prosecuting Attorney City of OlympiaCityof Tumwater Cheryl Selby,MayorPete Kmet, Mayor DateDate Approved astoform:Approved astoform: By: Mark Barber, CityAttorney Karen Kirkpatrick, City Attorney Tenino Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 8 of 14 JW Foster, MayorWayne Fournier, Mayor Date Date Approved astoform: Approved astoform: By: City Attorney City Attorney Randy Schleis, MayorWayne Fournier, Mayor Date Date Approved astoform: Approved astoform: By: By: City Attorney City Attorney Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 9 of 14 AMENDED MEMORANDUM OFUNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)is entered into by and between the Thurston County Regional Healthand Human Services Council (hereinafter the “COUNCIL”),and The United Way of Thurston County (hereinafter “UWTC”), a non- profit corporation, forpurposes of defining a structureto manage the COUNCIL and UWTC’s combined funding initiative which shall be referred to as the Community Investment Partnership (hereinafter called the “CIP”). The COUNCIL is referenced in the Regional HealthandHuman Services Interlocal Cooperation Amended Agreement (hereinafter the "Amended HHSC Agreement," attached by reference as Attachment A) between the County and the Cities to facilitate services necessary toaddress unmet essential basichealthand human servicesneeds within the Thurston County region. The UWTC is a fundraising organization working onfinding solutionsforourmost critical issues that providesfunding for identified human needs in the Thurston County community. WHEREAS, the COUNCILand the UW T C agree to work together and join resources necessary to address commonneeds in meeting basic health and human services needs within this region; and WHEREAS, pooling and coordinating healthand humanservicesresourcescan be more effective in meetingthese needs; and WHEREAS, there is a benefit to the participating parties to develop common approaches, common strategiesand common performance measures;and WHEREAS, effectiveness increases with use of Research Based and Promising Practices; and WHEREAS, the COUNCIL and UWTCrecognize theneed to create a structure for the CIP to manage the functions and processes identified herein and hereafter. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of themutual promisesmade and the mutual benefits received,the Parties agree as follows: Formation of the CIP, its Administrative Purpose and Capacity. I. The COUNCILand UWTCapproveand accept this MOU for the purposes of detailing theCIPstructureand function.The purpose of the CIP is to help allocate a pool of funding contributed by each party to address critical areas of need in health and human services as well as look at avenues toward consolidation and collaboration of Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 10 of 14 other health and human services funding. The general function of the CIP is to identify priorities, for Requests for Proposals (RFPs), identify appropriate projects for funding, and review funded program outcomes. Membership. II. The membershipof the CIP shallinclude all members of the COUNCIL and fourrepresentatives of United Way of Thurston County. Roles: III. 1.The CIP Steering Committee shallinclude up to eight members of the COUNCIL and fourrepresentatives of the UWTCtobe selectedby theUWTC Board. The CIP agrees to these Guiding Principles: Honor the principles of collective impact (common agenda, shared measures, aligned activities, communication and backbone organizations). Honor the community work of Thurston Thrives Action Teams when possible. Honor the process created by the CIP. Fund results, not programs: no proposal/idea is too small or too big Apply fairness, thoughtful progress and transparency 2. Processes. The CIP Steering Committee shall develop a set of process protocols based on best practices. Theseprotocols are intended to be used in letting RFPs andContracts. 3. The CIP Steering Committee shall make recommendations on all fundedprojects through this initiative provided that UWTC will have only one vote for projects being funded with HOME and other state and federal housing funds. ts of interest. A conflict of interest exists if a person 4. Conflic or a member of their immediate family receives in any waya direct financial benefit from an applicant for CIP funding. Examples of a conflict of interest include, but are not necessarily limited to, working for the applicant as an employeeor engaging with the applicant for a feeas an independent contractor. If a person has a conflict of interest, he or shemay not serve on the CIP Steering Committee. If a conflict of interest ariseswith regard to a person who has already been made a member of the CIP Steering Committee, heorshe must immediately disclose the conflict and resign Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 11 of 14 from the CIP Steering Committee.A potential conflict of interests exists if a person or a member of their immediate family has a connection withanapplicant forCIP funding, but that connection does not involvethe person or a member of their immediate family receivinga direct financial benefit from the applicant. Examples of a potential conflict ofinterest include, but are not necessarily limited to, servingonthe applicant’s board of directors, formerly havingworked forthe applicant or engaged with them as an independent contractor, or makingdonations tothe applicant. If a member of the CIP SteeringCommittee has a potential conflict of interest, he or shemust disclose the conflict tothe CIP SteeringCommittee as soon as possibleafter the applicant has applied for CIP funding, and thereafter,the member with the potential conflict must recuse him or herself from all committee discussions, deliberations andvoting onthe subject applicant’s application. This provision is in addition to state and local laws concerning conflicts of interest. 5. Noneof the participating jurisdictions in theCIP orthe United Way may apply for fundingfromthis program. 6. Voting. Eachmember of the CIP Steering Committee shall have one vote in making recommendations to the Board of Thurston County Commissioners to allocate available funding and recommendations to select proposals. PROVIDED that UWTCmembers shall haveonly1 vote for all county federal, state and local homeless and affordable housing funding (HOME, 2060, 2163, CHG, ESG). 7. The CIP Steering Committee shall appointtechnical groups as neededincluding RFP Review Committees whowill submit ratings based on criteria published in the RFP. The CIP shall createan administrative work group comprised of County and UWTC staffs to developRFPs, advertise and solicit responses, provide outcomereports and any other administrative functions relevant totheaccomplishment of the CIP objectives. The administrative work group will provide regular progress reports and performancereviews offunded agency programsto the CIP SteeringCommittee. Leadership. TheCIPshall annually e l e c t C o - Chairs (oneeach fromtheHHSCandthe UWTC) to manage the administrative tasks necessary to the CI P's functions. The Co- Chairs shall preside overtheCIPmeetings. Administrative Staff. Staff functions may include: 1) supportforthe CIP activities in support of their member(s) including staffing the meetings; 2 ) preparing and releasing R F P s 3 ) contractmanagement, and; 4) resources for special projects, (e.g. data collection, quality improvement and reports). Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 12 of 14 Administrative staff functions for County staff shall be funded entirely by the administrative allocation of the COUNCIL, and shall not exceed the funding allocated and available for these activities as identified in the Agreement. Administrative functions for UWTC shall befunded by UWTC and shall not exceedthefunding allocated and availablefor these activities. If thereare additional requestedactivities, the CIP willidentify and approve strategies to addressthe need for additional administrative funding and howthese services will be provided. Public. All meetings will be noticed publicmeetings as per RCW 42.30. The CIPwill make all materials related to the RFP process, applications, reportsand other related materials available for publicreview. The COUNCIL’S staffing agency, as set forth in the Agreement, will ensure notice requirements are met, minutes of meetings are kept and all necessary documents are retained. IFunding Principles: V. For the COUNCIL, as set forth in the Amended HHSC Agreement, the annual amount allocated by each participating jurisdiction to the COUNCIL shall be an amount not less than one half of one percent of that member’s prioryeargeneral sales and use taxes (excluding criminal justice and treatment salestax collection). Unspent COUNCIL funds will be administered consistent with the terms of the Agreement. th A single RFP will be available on orabout February 15of each yearforproposals to be submitted on orabout April 15th and to th be awardedby June 15of each year. Funds will be awarded to service providers in a timely manner based on identified priorities established by the CIPSteering Committee. E. The CIP Steering Committee will appoint RFP Committee(s) whowill submit their ratingsbased on criteria published in the RFP to theCIP. F. The intent of this MOU is to provide clear guidance to the parties that for the allocation of and approval of HOME and other state and federal housing funds, the Thurston County Board of CountyCommissioners has final approval of the award selection and authorization of funding the grants. With respect to United Way and HHSC funds, the ThurstonCounty Board of CountyCommissioners will authorize funding these grants, but will not have authority to change the award selection. Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 13 of 14 G. The CIP desires and will seektoinclude otherfunding sources in the pool of money.Funding will include federal, state and local homeless and affordable housing revenues as made available by member jurisdictions, private foundations and others. Regional Projects with CollectiveImpact: V. In service of the purpose of this MOU, the CIP mayrecommend implementingfewer awards, focusingon regionalprojects, or providing larger awardsto encourage broader cross-agency collaboration and greater collective impact.Proposals will be judgedfortheir potentialto coordinate communityassets (agency and community volunteer time, staff and otherresources) to implement research-based orpromising strategies. Legal Scope. VI.This MOU creates no separate legal entity. Public Record. VII.Priorto its entry into force,this MOU shall be filedwith the Thurston County Auditor's Office or posted upon the websites of the County and Cities asprovided by RCW 39.34.040. Effective Date. VIII.This MOU shall be effective upon the signature of the last of the Parties hereto. Waiver. IX.No waiver by any party of any term or condition of this MOU incorporated in this MOU shall be deemed or construed to constitute awaiverof any term or condition or of any subsequent breach, whether orthe same or different provision. Amendment/Renewal. X.Theprovisions of this MOUmaybe amended or renewed with themutual consent of the Parties. No additions to, or alterations of,the terms of this MOU shall be valid unlessmade in writing and formally approvedand executedby the duly authorized agents of all Parties. The voting structure shall be reviewed and amended if new members are added to the CIPSteering Committee (new Community funders for example) or new funding sources are added to the available fund. (TST for example). Dissolution. XI.Should the CIP cease tofunction and the membership voteto disband, any assets of the CIP shall betransferredtothe COUNCIL and UWTC, proportional to theamount contributed by each.Such transfer will be made in full compliance with the Agreement and whatever laws are applicable. Applicability of Law. XII.This MOU is and shall be construed as being executedanddeliveredwithin the State of Washingtonand it is mutually understood andagreed by each party heretothat all agreementsandstatements of work shall be governed by laws of Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 14 of 14 the State of Washington, bothasto interpretation and performance. The Parties agreethat thevenue for enforcement of any provisions shall be the Superior Court of Thurston County. Severability. XIII.If any section or part of this Agreement is held by a court to be invalid, such action shall not affect the validity of any other part of this Agreement. EntireMOU. XIV.The Parties agreethat this MOU is the complete expression of the terms hereto, and any oralrepresentations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. Further, any modifications of this MOU shall be in writingand signed by all Parties. Termination Clause. XV.It is the intent of the Partiesthat this MOU shall continue inforce until amended or terminated. This MOU will terminate upon: 1) withdrawalof a party; or 2) the mutually agreed upon decisionof all partiesto terminatethe MOU IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Partieshereto have caused this MOUtobe executed by the date and signature herein under affixed. The persons signing this MOUonbehalf of theParties represent that each has authority to execute thisMOU on behalf of theParty entering into this MOU. Thurston County Regional Healthand Human ServicesCouncil By:Date UnitedWayof Thurston County By:Date Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 1 of 5 What's Happening at the Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce News for November Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce November 2016 What's Happening Upcoming Next Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce Events Forum & Luncheon November 8, 2016 November 1 11:30 am Registration Closes Prairie Hotel & Conference Center Christmas in the Park $20 Members $25 Non-members Parade The City of Yelm Department Heads: Who They Are and What They Do November 4 Your Municipal Government Activities Committee Subheading 8:30 am Come and Mr. Doug's meet the new department heads for many of Yelm's critical roles. Learn what each group is charged with and where responsibilities lie within city government. November 4 City of Yelm Public Forum 7 pm Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 2 of 5 Yelm Community Center November 5 YoungLife Annual Celebration Banquet 6 pm Yelm Community Center November 8 Chamber Forum & Luncheon 11:30 am Prairie Hotel November 10 Best of Nisqually Gala 6 pm Puget Sound Entertainment Center November 10 Crowe Law Office Ribbon Cutting 10 am Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 3 of 5 Visit our Events Calendar! Welcome New Members! Two Sisters Gifts, LLC October Membership SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE Renewals CITY OF YELM PUBLIC FORUM The City of Yelm has scheduled a Public Forum to discuss Regulations concerning Food Trucks and Cannabis Retail Locations in the City of Yelm. This Forum will be an opportunity to voice your Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 4 of 5 concerns regarding these issues. It will be a listening session for the Mayor and Council. All testimony will be taken into consideration when developing regulations for these two issues. The meeting will take place at 7:00 pm at the Yelm Community Center located at 301 Second St. S.E. For additional information, please contact Lori Mossman, 360 458 8437. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Lori Mossman at 360-458-8437. Prairie Street Rod Association Agenda Item 12. Correspondence Page 5 of 5 www.yelmchamber.com Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce | 138 Prairie Park Lane | Yelm, WA Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 444, Yelm, WA 98597 Forward this email | Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by info@yelmchamber.com in collaboration with Try it free today Mary Hall AUDITOR NewsRelease FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, November 3, 2016 PRIMARY CONTACT: TCAuditor@co.thurston.wa.us Mary Hall,Auditor, (360) 786-5408 TTY(360) 754-2933 Election Day Reminder 33.6% ofThurston Countyballots have been returned in the General Election OLYMPIA, WA –The Thurston County Auditor’s Office reminds voters that Election Day is Tuesday, November 8.Voters who have notreceivedor have misplaced theirballotcan request a replacement ballot by contactingthe Auditor’sOffice at 360-786-5408or elections@co.thurston.wa.us. Ballots must be postmarked by Tuesday, November 8or deposited into one of the 27ballot drop boxesno later ThurstonVotes.organd in the than 8:00p.m. on Election Day. A list of drop box locations may be found on voters’ pamphlet. Voterswho mailtheir ballot should check mailboxpickup timesto make sure the ballot will receive an Election Day postmark. “We havean opportunity to vote on everything from protection orders to president. We’re also voting on importantstatewide and local offices and issues.”said Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall. The Thurston County Auditor’s Office is a designated voting center. In addition to business hours (Monday - Friday,8:00 a.m. -4:30 p.m.),the Elections Division will be open the following extended hours: Saturday, November 5: 10:00 a.m. –2:00 p.m. Monday, November 7: 8:00 a.m. –7:00 p.m. Tuesday,November 8 (Election Day): 7:00a.m. –8:00 p.m. The Olympia and Lacey Post Offices will also stay open unitl 8:00p.m. on Election night to ensure ballots receive a postmark. “We are happy to assist the community in this important election. We’re proud of the partnership we have with the Auditor’s office.” Stated Dean Jack,Olympia Postmaster. Voters may obtain a ballot, ask questions, use the AutoMARK™ voting assistance device, and take a selfie with Billy the Ballot Box. The Auditor’s Voting Center is located inthe Thurston County Courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge Dr SW, Building 1,Room 152, Olympia, WA 98502. -30- Elections Ballot Processing Center Financial Services Licensing and Recording th 2000 Lakeridge Dr SW, Bldg 1 Rm 118 2905 29 Avenue SW, Ste E & F 929 Lakeridge Dr SW, Rm 226 2000 Lakeridge Dr SW, Bldg 1 Rm 106 Olympia, WA 98502 Tumwater, WA 98512 Olympia, WA 98502 Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: (360) 786-5408 Phone: (360) 786-5408 Phone: (360) 786-5402 Licensing Phone: (360) 786-5406 Fax: (360) 786-5223 Fax: (360) 705-3518 Fax: (360) 357-2481 Recording Phone: (360) 786-5405 Fax: (360) 786-5223 Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 1 of 14 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Yelm City Council From: Mayor JW Foster Date: 11-07-16 for Council meeting of 11-08-16 Subj: Thurston County Regional Health and Human Services Counci w;-š’’;“7·zš“ Authorize Mayor Foster to sign the contract with the Health and .-‰m©šÒ“7 The cities of Tumwater, Lacey, and Olympia joined with Thurston cooperative efforts to fund basic health and human service needs became clear that inclusion of the other municipalities within t efforts and provide opportunity for those cities to provide serv support efforts to provide those services regionally. /Ò©©;“· {z·Ò·zš“ This contract provides that opportunity by making our city part contribution to the fund comes from a Community Development Bloc Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 2 of 14 AMENDED "County"), a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the cities of Lacey,Olympia, Tumwater,Yelm, Tenino, Rainer and Bucoda(hereinafter the "Cities"), municipal corporations within Thurston County, tocreate "Council"). WHEREAS , Thurston County, and the cities of Lacey, Olympia, and Tumwater originally entered into this Interlocal Agreement in December 2012; WHEREAS , the original Interlocal Agreement anticipated that at some point in the future the cities of Yelm, Tenino, Rainer and Bucoda may be eligible and choose to be part of the Council; WHEREAS , the cities of Yelm, Tenino Rainer and Bucoda have become eligibleto join the Council, and Thurston County and the cities of Olympia, Lacey and Tumwater all agree the South County cities should become part of the Council; WHEREAS , the County and the Cities agree to work together and join resources necessary to address common gaps in meeting basic health and human services needs within this region; WHEREAS , pooling and coordinating health and humanservices resources can be more effectiveinmeetingthese needs; WHEREAS , there is a benefit to the participating Parties to develop common approaches ·utilizing Evidence Based and Promising Practices to meet these needs; WHEREAS , creating a single Council with consolidated administrative services will increase efficiency and effectiveness in meeting these needs; WHEREAS , the County and theCities recognize theneedtocreate a governance structure for the Council tomanage the functions and decision-making process identified herein and hereafter; WHEREAS , This Amended Interlocal Agreement is made and entered into pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, the Interlocal Cooperation Act. NOW THEREFORE ,in consideration of the mutual promises madehereinand themutual benefits received hereunder, thePartiesagreeas follows: A. Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 3 of 14 B. The function of the Council istosetpriorities,issue Requests for Proposals (RFP), decidewhichproposals should be awarded funds, and provide directionto the County to ensure betterutilization of healthand human resourcesin Thurston County. A. Themembershipiscomprisedoftheeightjurisdictionsthatarepartiestothis InterlocalAgreement. MembershipontheCouncilis conditioned on each jurisdiction’sagreement tocontribute an amount equal to onehalf ofone (SeesectionIV A forfurtherdetail); percentageoftheirsalestaxrevenueand2) to adheretotheconditionsassetforthinthisInterlocalAgreementandanyBylaws adoptedbytheCouncil. B. A Memberjurisdiction mayparticipateas a non-voting member of the Councilwithout providing the full amount of funding with the unanimous agreement of theother Memberjurisdictions. Suchagreementwill be accomplished by anamendmenttothis Interlocal Agreement. A. The Council membershipwill include one (1) electedofficialfromeachparticipating jurisdictiontoserveas a representativeandone(1)electedofficialtoserveasan alternate.Representativeswillparticipateinallactivitiesandreporttotheirrespective legislativebodies.Stafffromparticipatingjurisdictionsmayalsoattendandparticipate inadministrativefunctionsatthedirectionoftheirCouncilmembers. The Council may: Bylaws . Adopt a setofbylawssettingforth the manner inwhichitwillperformits functions. DecisionProcesses . Develop a set of decisionprocess protocols based on best practices.The Council may adopt theseprotocols prior to issuing RFPs and making decisions on which proposals should receive funding. Voting: Eachofthe participatingjurisdictionsintheAgreementshallhaveanequalvotein recommendationsfortheallocationoftheavailablefundingandselectionofthe proposalsthatshouldreceivefunding.Councilmembers'eligibilitytovoteon a contractawardderivedfrom a specificfundsourceisdeterminedbythat jurisdictionslegalauthoritytoallocatethosefunds. If thejurisdictionisnot, for example,partoftheUrban Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 4 of 14 1) 2) 3)4) 5) 3.(10) F. in 42.30 2.The Council shall adopt a resolution settingforthallregularlyscheduled meetings for the year. 3.Anymeetingheld outside of a regularlyscheduledmeetingshall be considered a specialmeeting pursuant toRCW 42.30.080. 4.The Council, throughtheMemberjurisdiction providingtheadministrativestaff functions, willmakeallmaterialsrelatedtotheRFPprocess, applications, reportsand other relatedmaterialsavailablefor public review. Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 5 of 14 Regional Projects The Council mayimplementcertain regional projects, including but not limitedto the following: Develop regional healthand human servicesdatabase; Develop a singleapplicationforallRFPs/contracts; Develop performance measures for contracts; Developservicepriorities; Identify future fund sources,e.g.HOME and CDBGEntitlement; Identify potential crossCounty/City coordination of resourcesformanagement of the Council; Employutilizationmanagementpractices. FundingPrinciples A. The annual funding contribution fromeachjurisdiction shallbedrawn upon invoice for appropriate expenditure of the funds.Provided that the contributions for the cities of Yelm, Tenino, Rainer and Bucoda have been satisfied through 2018 by allocating a portion of their share of the Community Development Block Grant funds. The funding contribution fromeachjurisdiction shallconsist of a minimum, annual amount equal to notlessthan one half of one percentofthelastfullyear of general sales and use taxescollected pursuant toRCW 82.14.030(1) as of the timethejurisdiction is adopting its budget. For example,the 2013 funding contribution for ajurisdiction adoptingitsbudgetin the fall of 2012 would be based upon the 2011 fullyearof collections. In addition, any of the jurisdictions may choose to contribute additional funding, subjecttotheapprovalof the Council and the requirementsoftheapplicablefund source. These funds willbe incorporated aspartof the Council'spurview. Funds remaining at the end of a calendar be available forexpenditure inthefollowingyear. The County shallearmark yearshall such funds forfutureexpenditure,and,ifnecessary,budgetthesameintheadoptive budget for the ensuing year. B. a jurisdiction chooses towithdrawfrom the Council,the funding from that jurisdictionthathasalreadybeendeposited by thejurisdiction shallremaininthe accountcreated by the County until expended for purposes setforthinthisInterlocal Agreement. the Council disbands, unobligated funding shallbe returned toeach participating jurisdiction through a formulabased on a percentage of whateach jurisdiction contributedfor the mostrecentyear. C. Funds willbeawarded through contracts issued by the County toserviceproviders qualified tooffertherequestedservicesin a timely manner basedon fund awardsby the Council. Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 6 of 14 V. ItistheintentofthePartiesthatthis InterlocalAgreementshall continueinforceuntilamendedorterminated.ThisInterlocalAgreementwillterminate upon: 1)withdrawalofallbutone(l)participatingjurisdiction;or,2)theunanimous decisionofallparticipatingPartiestoterminatetheInterlocalAgreement. VI.Legal Scope ThisInterlocalAgreementcreates no separatelegalentity. VIIPublication . Priortoitsentryintoforce,this Interlocal Agreementshallbefiledwiththe Thurston County Auditor's Officeorposted upon the websitesofthe County andCitiesas provided by RCW 39.34.040. VIIIEffectiveDate . This Interlocal Agreementshallbeeffective upon thelast signature of all the Parties hereto. : . r NowaiverbyanypartyofanytermorconditionofthisInterlocalAgreement shallbedeemedorconstruedtoconstitute a waiverofanyothertermorconditionor ofanysubsequentbreach,whetherofthesameordifferentprovision. X.Amendment The provisions ofthisInterlocalAgreementmay be amended withthe unanimous approvalofallParties.Noadditions to, oralterationsof, the terms of this Interlocal Agreementshall be validunlessmadeinwriting and formally approved and executed by the duly authorizingagentsofallParties·. XI.ApplicabilityofLaw ThisInterlocalAgreement is and shall be construedas being executedanddeliveredwithin the StateofWashington and itis mutually understood and agreed by eachpartyheretothatallAgreementsandStatements of Workshall be governed by laws of theState of Washington, both astointerpretationand performance. The Parties agreethat the venueforenforcement of any provisions shallbe the Superior Courtof Thurston County. XII. IfanysectionorpartofthisInterlocalAgreementisheld by a courtto beinvalid,suchaction shallnotaffectthevalidity ofanyotherpartofthisAgreement. XIII.EntireAgreement The Partiesagreethatthis Interlocal Agreementisthe complete expression of theterms hereto, and any oralrepresentationsor understandings not incorporated hereinare excluded. Further,any modifications ofthisInterlocalAgreement shall be inwriting and signed by allParties. Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 7 of 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Interlocal Agreement to be executed by the dates and signature herein under affixed. The persons signing this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the Parties represent that each has authority to execute this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the Party entering into this Interlocal Agreement. Sandra Romero, Chair of the BoardScott Spence, City Manager Date Date Approved astoform: JON TUNHEIM PROSECUTING ATTORNEYApproved astoform: By By Dave Schneider, City Attorney Deputy Prosecuting Attorney City of OlympiaCityof Tumwater Cheryl Selby,MayorPete Kmet, Mayor DateDate Approved astoform:Approved astoform: By: Mark Barber, CityAttorney Karen Kirkpatrick, City Attorney Tenino Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 8 of 14 JW Foster, MayorWayne Fournier, Mayor Date Date Approved astoform: Approved astoform: By: City Attorney City Attorney Randy Schleis, MayorWayne Fournier, Mayor Date Date Approved astoform: Approved astoform: By: By: City Attorney City Attorney Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 9 of 14 AMENDED MEMORANDUM OFUNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)is entered into by and between the Thurston County Regional Healthand Human Services Council (hereinafter the “COUNCIL”),and The United Way of Thurston County (hereinafter “UWTC”), a non- profit corporation, forpurposes of defining a structureto manage the COUNCIL and UWTC’s combined funding initiative which shall be referred to as the Community Investment Partnership (hereinafter called the “CIP”). The COUNCIL is referenced in the Regional HealthandHuman Services Interlocal Cooperation Amended Agreement (hereinafter the "Amended HHSC Agreement," attached by reference as Attachment A) between the County and the Cities to facilitate services necessary toaddress unmet essential basichealthand human servicesneeds within the Thurston County region. The UWTC is a fundraising organization working onfinding solutionsforourmost critical issues that providesfunding for identified human needs in the Thurston County community. WHEREAS, the COUNCILand the UW T C agree to work together and join resources necessary to address commonneeds in meeting basic health and human services needs within this region; and WHEREAS, pooling and coordinating healthand humanservicesresourcescan be more effective in meetingthese needs; and WHEREAS, there is a benefit to the participating parties to develop common approaches, common strategiesand common performance measures;and WHEREAS, effectiveness increases with use of Research Based and Promising Practices; and WHEREAS, the COUNCIL and UWTCrecognize theneed to create a structure for the CIP to manage the functions and processes identified herein and hereafter. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of themutual promisesmade and the mutual benefits received,the Parties agree as follows: Formation of the CIP, its Administrative Purpose and Capacity. I. The COUNCILand UWTCapproveand accept this MOU for the purposes of detailing theCIPstructureand function.The purpose of the CIP is to help allocate a pool of funding contributed by each party to address critical areas of need in health and human services as well as look at avenues toward consolidation and collaboration of Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 10 of 14 other health and human services funding. The general function of the CIP is to identify priorities, for Requests for Proposals (RFPs), identify appropriate projects for funding, and review funded program outcomes. Membership. II. The membershipof the CIP shallinclude all members of the COUNCIL and fourrepresentatives of United Way of Thurston County. Roles: III. 1.The CIP Steering Committee shallinclude up to eight members of the COUNCIL and fourrepresentatives of the UWTCtobe selectedby theUWTC Board. The CIP agrees to these Guiding Principles: Honor the principles of collective impact (common agenda, shared measures, aligned activities, communication and backbone organizations). Honor the community work of Thurston Thrives Action Teams when possible. Honor the process created by the CIP. Fund results, not programs: no proposal/idea is too small or too big Apply fairness, thoughtful progress and transparency 2. Processes. The CIP Steering Committee shall develop a set of process protocols based on best practices. Theseprotocols are intended to be used in letting RFPs andContracts. 3. The CIP Steering Committee shall make recommendations on all fundedprojects through this initiative provided that UWTC will have only one vote for projects being funded with HOME and other state and federal housing funds. ts of interest. A conflict of interest exists if a person 4. Conflic or a member of their immediate family receives in any waya direct financial benefit from an applicant for CIP funding. Examples of a conflict of interest include, but are not necessarily limited to, working for the applicant as an employeeor engaging with the applicant for a feeas an independent contractor. If a person has a conflict of interest, he or shemay not serve on the CIP Steering Committee. If a conflict of interest ariseswith regard to a person who has already been made a member of the CIP Steering Committee, heorshe must immediately disclose the conflict and resign Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 11 of 14 from the CIP Steering Committee.A potential conflict of interests exists if a person or a member of their immediate family has a connection withanapplicant forCIP funding, but that connection does not involvethe person or a member of their immediate family receivinga direct financial benefit from the applicant. Examples of a potential conflict ofinterest include, but are not necessarily limited to, servingonthe applicant’s board of directors, formerly havingworked forthe applicant or engaged with them as an independent contractor, or makingdonations tothe applicant. If a member of the CIP SteeringCommittee has a potential conflict of interest, he or shemust disclose the conflict tothe CIP SteeringCommittee as soon as possibleafter the applicant has applied for CIP funding, and thereafter,the member with the potential conflict must recuse him or herself from all committee discussions, deliberations andvoting onthe subject applicant’s application. This provision is in addition to state and local laws concerning conflicts of interest. 5. Noneof the participating jurisdictions in theCIP orthe United Way may apply for fundingfromthis program. 6. Voting. Eachmember of the CIP Steering Committee shall have one vote in making recommendations to the Board of Thurston County Commissioners to allocate available funding and recommendations to select proposals. PROVIDED that UWTCmembers shall haveonly1 vote for all county federal, state and local homeless and affordable housing funding (HOME, 2060, 2163, CHG, ESG). 7. The CIP Steering Committee shall appointtechnical groups as neededincluding RFP Review Committees whowill submit ratings based on criteria published in the RFP. The CIP shall createan administrative work group comprised of County and UWTC staffs to developRFPs, advertise and solicit responses, provide outcomereports and any other administrative functions relevant totheaccomplishment of the CIP objectives. The administrative work group will provide regular progress reports and performancereviews offunded agency programsto the CIP SteeringCommittee. Leadership. TheCIPshall annually e l e c t C o - Chairs (oneeach fromtheHHSCandthe UWTC) to manage the administrative tasks necessary to the CI P's functions. The Co- Chairs shall preside overtheCIPmeetings. Administrative Staff. Staff functions may include: 1) supportforthe CIP activities in support of their member(s) including staffing the meetings; 2 ) preparing and releasing R F P s 3 ) contractmanagement, and; 4) resources for special projects, (e.g. data collection, quality improvement and reports). Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 12 of 14 Administrative staff functions for County staff shall be funded entirely by the administrative allocation of the COUNCIL, and shall not exceed the funding allocated and available for these activities as identified in the Agreement. Administrative functions for UWTC shall befunded by UWTC and shall not exceedthefunding allocated and availablefor these activities. If thereare additional requestedactivities, the CIP willidentify and approve strategies to addressthe need for additional administrative funding and howthese services will be provided. Public. All meetings will be noticed publicmeetings as per RCW 42.30. The CIPwill make all materials related to the RFP process, applications, reportsand other related materials available for publicreview. The COUNCIL’S staffing agency, as set forth in the Agreement, will ensure notice requirements are met, minutes of meetings are kept and all necessary documents are retained. IFunding Principles: V. For the COUNCIL, as set forth in the Amended HHSC Agreement, the annual amount allocated by each participating jurisdiction to the COUNCIL shall be an amount not less than one half of one percent of that member’s prioryeargeneral sales and use taxes (excluding criminal justice and treatment salestax collection). Unspent COUNCIL funds will be administered consistent with the terms of the Agreement. th A single RFP will be available on orabout February 15of each yearforproposals to be submitted on orabout April 15th and to th be awardedby June 15of each year. Funds will be awarded to service providers in a timely manner based on identified priorities established by the CIPSteering Committee. E. The CIP Steering Committee will appoint RFP Committee(s) whowill submit their ratingsbased on criteria published in the RFP to theCIP. F. The intent of this MOU is to provide clear guidance to the parties that for the allocation of and approval of HOME and other state and federal housing funds, the Thurston County Board of CountyCommissioners has final approval of the award selection and authorization of funding the grants. With respect to United Way and HHSC funds, the ThurstonCounty Board of CountyCommissioners will authorize funding these grants, but will not have authority to change the award selection. Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 13 of 14 G. The CIP desires and will seektoinclude otherfunding sources in the pool of money.Funding will include federal, state and local homeless and affordable housing revenues as made available by member jurisdictions, private foundations and others. Regional Projects with CollectiveImpact: V. In service of the purpose of this MOU, the CIP mayrecommend implementingfewer awards, focusingon regionalprojects, or providing larger awardsto encourage broader cross-agency collaboration and greater collective impact.Proposals will be judgedfortheir potentialto coordinate communityassets (agency and community volunteer time, staff and otherresources) to implement research-based orpromising strategies. Legal Scope. VI.This MOU creates no separate legal entity. Public Record. VII.Priorto its entry into force,this MOU shall be filedwith the Thurston County Auditor's Office or posted upon the websites of the County and Cities asprovided by RCW 39.34.040. Effective Date. VIII.This MOU shall be effective upon the signature of the last of the Parties hereto. Waiver. IX.No waiver by any party of any term or condition of this MOU incorporated in this MOU shall be deemed or construed to constitute awaiverof any term or condition or of any subsequent breach, whether orthe same or different provision. Amendment/Renewal. X.Theprovisions of this MOUmaybe amended or renewed with themutual consent of the Parties. No additions to, or alterations of,the terms of this MOU shall be valid unlessmade in writing and formally approvedand executedby the duly authorized agents of all Parties. The voting structure shall be reviewed and amended if new members are added to the CIPSteering Committee (new Community funders for example) or new funding sources are added to the available fund. (TST for example). Dissolution. XI.Should the CIP cease tofunction and the membership voteto disband, any assets of the CIP shall betransferredtothe COUNCIL and UWTC, proportional to theamount contributed by each.Such transfer will be made in full compliance with the Agreement and whatever laws are applicable. Applicability of Law. XII.This MOU is and shall be construed as being executedanddeliveredwithin the State of Washingtonand it is mutually understood andagreed by each party heretothat all agreementsandstatements of work shall be governed by laws of Agenda Item 8. e. Thurston County Regional Health & Human Srvs Council Contract Page 14 of 14 the State of Washington, bothasto interpretation and performance. The Parties agreethat thevenue for enforcement of any provisions shall be the Superior Court of Thurston County. Severability. XIII.If any section or part of this Agreement is held by a court to be invalid, such action shall not affect the validity of any other part of this Agreement. EntireMOU. XIV.The Parties agreethat this MOU is the complete expression of the terms hereto, and any oralrepresentations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. Further, any modifications of this MOU shall be in writingand signed by all Parties. Termination Clause. XV.It is the intent of the Partiesthat this MOU shall continue inforce until amended or terminated. This MOU will terminate upon: 1) withdrawalof a party; or 2) the mutually agreed upon decisionof all partiesto terminatethe MOU IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Partieshereto have caused this MOUtobe executed by the date and signature herein under affixed. The persons signing this MOUonbehalf of theParties represent that each has authority to execute thisMOU on behalf of theParty entering into this MOU. Thurston County Regional Healthand Human ServicesCouncil By:Date UnitedWayof Thurston County By:Date