11-16-16 Study Session MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2016 1:00 P.M.
Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
Present: Councilmembers: EJ Curry, Tracey Wood, Jennifer Littlefield, Tad Stillwell, Joe DePinto
and Russ Hendrickson. Molly Carmody arrived at 1:30.
Staff: Sonia Ramirez, Grant Beck, Chad Bedlington, Dana Spivey, Karen Bennett, Todd Stancil,
Bill VanBuskirk, Lori Mossman and Noah Crocker. Public: Steve Klein, Dominic Rivas.
Mayor Foster amended the agenda to add Yelm Community Services presentation right after
the 30 minute Executive Session.
4 a. Executive Session
At 1:01 pm Mayor Foster announced that Council will go into a 30 minute executive session to
evaluate the qualifications of candidates for public employment (RCW 42.30.110(g)). Mayor
Foster invited City Staff and Community Panel members to the executive session.
At 1:31 pm Mayor Foster closed the executive session and reconvened the Study Session.
4 b. Yelm Community Services Presentation
Cindy Marchand -Cecil explained the services that are provided by the Yelm Community
Services (YCS). Some include Vehicle Licensing, Head Start, Krislen Apartments for low income
or elderly families, Summer Day Camp, Emergency shelter, Thrift Store and Food bank. Yelm
Community Services also manages the three homes that the City of Yelm purchased through
the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to be rented to families with low to moderate incomes
to promote affordability in the Yelm community. Cindy Marchand -Cecil first came before the
Council in 1989 to ask for financial support from the City to assist in providing services needed
for the Yelm community. At that time, YCS received about $75 a month from the City. The new
proposed amount to come before Council for approval is $250 a month.
4 c. WRF Facilities Plan Update
Brian Bunker with Parametrix Inc. provided a detailed power point presentation of the different
phases and costs of upgrading the Waste Water Treatment Facility. Plant Manager, Bill
VanBuskirk and Public Works Director Chad Bedlington were also present to answer any
questions. Brian stated that the plant has reached or exceeded the recommend life for many of
its pumps and motors. An upgrade will have to be done to accommodate upcoming growth in
Yelm. The Capital Improvement Plan will be coming before Council for approval soon. This
document must be approved to move forward for grant opportunities and the city must show
they are planning for growth and that the plant can treat the needs of our growing community.
The total cost of the three mandatory phases and one optional additional phase is $27.8
million. Brian suggests that Phase I upgrades are critical to prevent major operational
disruptions in the event of the system failing. Grant applications have been submitted for some
of the funding and other state agencies are being contacted for possible funding. One option to
offset the costs of upgrades is to raise the sewer rates. The rates could be raised as much as
8.1% over five years.
4 d. Budget Update
Mayor Foster explained that some last minute updates have been done to the budget to
accommodate the AFSCME union contract. Mayor Foster invited discussion about the 2017
Budget that will be on the agenda for the November 22 Council meeting.
Councilmember Stillwell asked for clarification on the new Officer being funded for 2017. Mayor
Foster explained that Council approved an additional Officer to be funded and hired for 2017.
This approval was given early so that there would be a new Officer on board by the beginning
of 2017. There is a Commander position in the 2017 Budget, but no funding for that position at
this time. Chief Stancil and Mayor Foster are looking at options for funding that position and
the four additional Officers requested by Chief Stancil. Mayor Foster stated when we start
looking at the revenues quarterly in 2017, we will have a better idea of the timing of that
position. Unfortunately, the Police Department is funded solely by the General Fund. Mayor
Foster explained that although most departments are understaffed at this time, we cannot fund
all the positions requested at once. Monthly budget reports will be done to keep the Council
aware of revenues. When we add staff, we want to make sure that we can financially support
that position so that we do not then end up laying that position off if funding is not available.
Discussion followed regarding the approach -conservative or aggressive for the 2017 Budget.
Councilmember Carmody will not be at the November 22 meeting and Councilmember Curry
will call in for the meeting.
4 d. Public Forum Discussion
Mayor Foster asked for comments on the recent Public Forum discussing Food Trucks and
Retail Cannabis locations. Council consensus is that the Forum went well, great turnout from
the community and would like to see more of them in the future. Mayor Foster asked
Community Development Director Grant Beck for an update on the Draft Comp Plan. The Comp
Plan is a goals and policies Plan and the Unified Development Code (UDC) is the regulation
document. Grant explained there are policies in the draft Comp Plan that already address food
trucks. The Community Economic Development committee will be reviewing the responses to
the public comments received during the public comment period. The Comp Plan includes
additional policies that would allow food trucks. Once the Comp Plan has been approved by
Council, those regulations will be incorporated into the UDC as the regulatory document and
would clarify regulations for food trucks. The intent with the Cannabis regulations was to be
consistent with the State regulations. The State has changed the regulations to allow reduced
buffers from Schools and Daycares. Cannabis retail stores must first obtain a license from the
Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board before they can even apply with the City of Yelm.
Any changes must be vetted through the Planning Commission then will come before the
Council for vote before becoming part of the UDC.
S. Mayors Report.
Mayor Foster asked Public Works Director Chad Bedlington the status of the newly hired Public
Works Manager Maryanne Zukowski. Chad stated she is very qualified and will start on
December 1, 2016. Mayor Foster suggested that Maryanne attend the December 13, 2016
Council meeting so everyone could meet her. Mayor Foster asked Police Chief Todd Stancil to
update the Council on the Panhandling issue. Chief Stancil reported that panhandling has
tapered down due to the change in weather. Chief stated that this issue was looked at several
years ago and found that we have disorderly conduct laws in our Municipal Code that address
the aggressive panhandlers, which was the primary concern. Chief Stancil reported that a new
Police Officer, Tillman Atkins will start December 1, 2016. He comes from the City of Roy and
has about 8 years of experience. Chief Stancil also reported that Officer Joel Turner and
Reserve Officer Joe Rivera attended a police themed birthday party for twin four year olds. It
was a surprise to the boys and it turned out fantastic. Noah Crocker, Finance Director reported
that interviews are scheduled for December 5, for the Senior Accounting Clerk position. Mayor
Foster reported that Dana Spivey, Executive Assistant and Lori Mossman, City Clerk moved
their offices with the help of Tony Reece and Jim May from public works in preparation of the
new City Administrator's arrival. Mayor Foster stated that he received a letter from the Yelm
Business Association asking that the City buildings be decorated with white lights this year.
(Unfortunately, the power poles along Yelm Avenue are not equipped for lights). Mayor Foster
has received several complaints from citizens stating they thought that the Community Center
was the Fire Department. The Yelm Community Center could get a new name if the
Community Development special naming team brings forwards a name that can be agreed
upon. Grant Beck, Community Development Director reported that his department has started
preparing plans for the Santa Booth for 'Christmas in the Park'. Mayor Foster stated that on
December 16, there will be an City Employee Appreciation Luncheon at the Community Center
from 12-2pm.
6. Council Initiatives
Councilmember Stillwell would like some clarification on the absentee rules in the Mayor -
Council Protocol Manual. He has missed several meetings due to his military service. Mayor
Foster stated that if Councilmember's are making an effort to either call in or attend the
meetings, they would be fine. It is the unexcused absences that the manual is addressing. If
you notify the Mayor or one of the staff that you are not able to attend the Council meeting
then your absence can be excused by a vote of the Council.
Councilmember Carmody has received requests from citizens about the boats and extra
vehicles parked along the streets in developments.
Councilmember Hendrickson received a disturbing and unprofessional email stating citizens
were selling their houses and moving out of Yelm due to the most recent Councilmember voted
in to Council. Councilmember Hendrickson checked with real estate companies and they had
not heard of anyone selling and moving out of Yelm because of that reason.
Councilmember Littlefield stated that some of the street lights around town come on and then
go off immediately. Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director just put in a request to Intel Light
to replace the bulbs in about thirteen lights. The photocell in some of the lights has failed.
Councilmember Littlefield asked if the City has "Welcome to Yelm" packets that they give out.
Noah Crocker stated that new citizens receive a "Welcome to Yelm" packet when they sign up
for utility service. Grant Beck stated that John Rowland, Building Inspector also leaves
information at the time of new construction inspections. Mayor Foster will forward information
onto the Chamber of Commerce.
Councilmember DePinto asked for clarification on the Open Public Meetings Act and the recent
email exchange. Grant stated it could be a violation if the email went to the whole council and
there was back and forth exchange. Councilmember DePinto asked what the City's financial
obligation is to the Library. Noah Crocker stated that the City owns the Condo building where
the Library is located. The City has a monthly payment on the building, monthly dues to the
Condo Association and monthly utilities for the library. We have a contract with Timberland
Regional Library and are supposed to receive $37,000 a year for the maintenance and
operations for their space. Noah stated for the 2017 Budget, $55,000 has been budgeted for
the utilities and the association fees. Discussion followed about the building.
Noah Crocker reported there will be an exit interview with the Washington State Auditor's
Office at the end of the month. Mayor Foster will share the date and time with the Council
when he receives it and everyone is invited to attend.
Adjourn 4:13 p.m.
JW F115'ster, Mayor,
Attest: o
Lori Mossman,- y City Clerk