11-28-06 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2006 MINUTES 1. Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan and Russ Hendrickson. Excused; Pat Fetterly, Absent: John Thompson 3. Agenda Approval 06-102 MOTION BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - None scheduled 5. Public Comment - There was no response to the call for comments. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes 1) November 14, 2006, Regular City Council b. Payables: Checks 29789 - 29851, $202,012.42 Manual Checks 29789-29793, $1,290.00 Claims Checks 29794-29851, totaling $200,722.42 c. Payroll: Preliminary November 2006 . 06-103 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing(s) Final Budget 2007 Mayor Harding opened the Public Hearing at 7:31 p.m. to hear the presentation and comments regarding the 2007 City of Yelm Budget. Being that there was no one present that did not have knowledge of the 2007 Budget, the Hearing was continued to the December 12, 2006 Council meeting. 8. New Business a. Backhoe Purchase Approval. Tim Peterson was available to review the staff report. 06-104 MOTION BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING MA YOR HARDING TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF A NEW CASE 580-SM BACKHOE IN THE AMOUNT OF $69,466.62 FROM WESTERN POWER &EQUlPMENT AFTER JANUARY 1ST, 2007. CARRIED .... b. Stevens Street West, Gray & Osborne Inc. Addendum No.5. Stephanie Ray reviewed the staff report explaining the complexity of coordinating the acquisition and relocation work required for the Stevens Street Project. This would supplement the existing engineering contract addressing the real estate acquisition and relocation needed. 06-105 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN ADDENDUM NO.5 CONTRACT WITH GRA Y & OSBORNE, INC. FOR RELOCA T10N SERVICES REQUIRED AS PART OF THE STEVENS STREET WEST PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $23,455.25. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city council/20061 Minutes Approved: 12/12106 Page 1 of 2 , 9. Old Business ' 10. . Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business' a. Council Report . Councilmember Baker attended financial meetingat the Senior Center and discussed fund raising efforts. b.' Mayor's Report Mayor Harding 'announced upcoming community events in,cluding Chamber. Ball, December 8, Cuffs and Trucks Fundraiser Game and Christmas in the Park lead by Grand Marshals, Councilmember Isom and Mrs. Isom, '. December 2, 2006. Stephanie Ray annoLinced the Public Safety information Open House, November 29, 2006. . 11; Executive Session , . Mayor Harding announced at 7:54 p.m. that Council would be going into Executive Session for approximately 20 minutes to discuss Real Estate Acquisition. At 8:20 staff requested an extension of 20 minutes. The Executive Session was closed at 8:40 p.m. and the regular meeting continued. 12. Correspondence was available for review. 13. Adjourn: 8:45 pm. Attest: Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city council/20061 Minutes Approved: 12/12/06 Page 2 of 2