07-12-06 Minutes 1. 2 3. 06-49 4. 5. 6. a. 1) 2) 06-50 7. 7. a. YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2006 MINUTES Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call. Present: John Thompson, Don Miller, Joe Baker, Mike McGowan and Pat Fetterly. Excused Bob Isom. Agenda Approval MOTION BY PAT FETTERL Y APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations - Mayor Harding presented Beth Stonecypher with a Certificate of Achievement. Public Comment - Kellie Peterson, Molly Court, read a letter expressing her belief that unwarranted comments were made by Councilmember Isom at the June 28, 2006 meeting, when he made a public response concerning an invitation to attend a Ramtha School of Enlightment Fabulous Wealth retreat. Ms. Peterson expressed disappointment in city leadership and believes the comments and response were was unprofessional. She indicated disappointment that other elected officials did not interrupt Councilmember Isom's comments and stated that city leadership is not meeting her expectations. Ms. Peterson defended Mr. Klein's motives and his right to disagree with council. Council member McGowan indicated that some governing regulations are unclear and suggested this as a study session topic to clarify the appropriateness of attending events of this nature and value. Councilmember Baker stated that the entire council didn't necessarily agree with comments made by Council member Isom. Discussion concerned the monetary value of the gift, reporting requirements, special meeting requirement triggers, past attendance at functions hosted by Ms. Knight, appropriateness of expectations stated in the invitation, and council's right to express individual views. Consent Agenda Items Council Minutes: June 28, 2006 Regular Meeting June 29, 2006 Study Session b. Payables: Checks 28484 - 28636 totaling $206,561.70 Manual Checks 28484- 28559 totaling $10,763.79 c. Payroll: June 2006 Final Payroll, Checks 10764-10872 totaling $238,501.66 MOTION BY PAT FETTERL Y APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s) Ordinance 850 Amending Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 12.12, Assessment Reimbursement Contracts - Mayor Harding opened the public hearing at 7:44 announced the place, date and purpose of the hearing. Grant Beck provided background on Assessment Reimbursement Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city council/200617 -12-06 Minutes Approved: 7/26/06 Page 1 of 3 (Latecomer's) Contracts and reviewed situations that would require participation in an existing agreement. The proposed amendment retains development activation as the trigger requiring latecomer's participation, but exempts property owners who connect to City utilities due to health code requirements. Mayor Harding indicated that this was a good example of government responding to community input from prior meetings. Being no additional questions/comments, Mayor Harding closed the hearing at 7:50 p.m. a.1) Ordinance 850 Amending Ye/m Municipal Code Chapter 12.12, Assessment Reimbursement Contracts 06-51 MOTION BY PAT FETTERL Y ADOPTING ORDINANCE 850 UPDA TING CHAPTER 13.12 YMC TO REQUIRE PA YMENT OF A LA TECOMERS ASSESSMENT ONL Y UPON DEVELOPMENT OF A PARCEL OF LAND. CARRIED. 7. b. Ordinance 849 Amending Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 16.32, Flood Damage Protection Ordinance Update. Mayor Harding opened the public hearing at 7:51 p.m. announcing the place, date and purpose of the hearing. Grant Beck reported that the proposed changes resulted from a Department of Ecology Community Assistance visit in January. Yelm was found to be significantly compliant with federal rules and a tour did not result in identification of any specific cases that would impel a request for additional information. Mr. Beck explained the requirement to have both a Critical Areas and Flood Damage Protection Ordinance, even though there is substantial duplication. Mayor Harding closed the hearing at 7:55 p.m. 7.b.1) Ordinance 849 Amending Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 15.32, Flood Damage Protection Ordinance Update. 06-52 MOTION BY PA T FETTERL Y ADOPTING ORDINANCE 849 UPDA TING CHAPTER 15.32 YMC TO REMAIN CONSISTENT WITH REQUIREMENTS TO REMAIN ELIGIBLE FOR FLOOD INSURANCE UNDER THE NA TlONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. CARRIED. 8. New Business a. Public Safety Building Design and Construction Management Services Agreement Authorization. Stephanie Ray briefly reviewed project history and work to date resulting in a schematic design. The $438,760 agreement includes full design services, bid ready documents, as well as full construction management services. 06-53 MOTION BY PA T FETTERL Y AUTHORIZING MA YOR HARDING TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH ARAI JACKSON ELLISON MURAKAMI, LLP IN THE AMOUNT OF $438,760 FOR DESIGN WORK AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING PROJECT. CARRIED. b. Resolution 467, the 2007-2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. Mayor Harding called for a staff report. Grant Beck responded that the program is updated annually and guides transportation funding for a six year cycle. Annual updates remove completed projects, add new projects, and reprioritize projects. The Yelm Transportation Committee reviewed priorities against changing needs and funding conditions and recommended updates to the STIP based upon the evaluation. Discussion: movement of projects in relation to possible funding. 06-54 MOTION BY PA T FETTERL Y ADOPTING RESOLUTION 467 ADOPTING THE 2007 TO 2012 YELM SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. CARRIED. c. Ordinance 851 Amending the 2006 Budget by Authorizing Transfers for Longmire Community Park Development. Staff reported that the ordinance was prepared as requested at the June Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 3 clerk/city council/2006f7 -12-06 Minutes Approved: 7/26/06 Study Session. The Ordinance provides funding for completion of Phase I and II during 2006. Phase III funding will be scheduled for discussion during the 2007 budget process. Staff estimated a 50-75%, or higher at council's option, fund rebuild to the Cumulative Reserve Fund during the 2007 budget process. 06-55 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON ADOPTING ORDINANCE 851 AUTHORIZING INTERFUND TRANSFERS TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR COMPLETION OF LONGMIRE COMMUNITY PARK PHASE I AND II. CARRIED. 9. Old Business - none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business Councilmember Baker attended a Transportation Policy Board meeting where discussion concerned the Cross Base Highway and an Intercity Transit meeting where a study of a Flex Car Pool Program found costs to be too high due to the small size of the community. Councilmember McGowan attended a Thurston Co. HOME Consortium meeting where planning is underway for an October retreat. Councilmember Fetterly attended a Yelm Emergency Operations Board meeting where an exercise is in the planning stages. 11. Executive Session - Mayor Harding closed the meeting to go to executive session at 8:23 p.m., for approximately 30 minutes. The purpose of the executive session is to review and evaluate candidate qualifications for appOintment to the newly created seventh council position. Mayor Harding reopened the meeting at 8:43 p.m. (Before motion A was determined, out of order motion B was introduced and died. Following disposition of motion A, motion C was introduced and carried.) 06-56 MOTION BY DON MILLER FOR APPOINTMENT OF GLEN CUNNINGHAM TO COUNCIL POSITION SEVEN. MOTION FAILED. 06-57 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY FOR APPOINTMENT OF RUSS HENDRICKSON TO COUNCIL POSITION SEVEN. MOTION CARRIED. Opposed: Don Miller. 12. Correspondence reviewed included upcoming AWC training session and a letter supporting park and ride lots in the Yelm community. 13. Adjourn: 8:50 p.m. Attest: Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city counciI/200617-12-06 Minutes Approved: 7/26/06 Page 3 of 3