09-27-06 SS Minutes
1. Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly,
John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson
3. The agenda was approved with changes reversing the order of items 4. a. and 4. b.
4. Presentations
a. 2006 Revenue Update - staff presented an overview of revenue sources thru August
31,2006. Overall, local collections are approximately 10% ahead of target; state
shared revenues 18% ahead; and utilities revenue on target:
b. 2007-2011 City of Yelm Current Fund Budget Forecast - staff provided a presentation
demonstrating actual revenue/expenditures from 2000-1995; 2006 end of year
estimates based on year to date actuals; and projections for 2007-2011. Projections
included staffing, machinery and equipment increases and reserve amounts held in
the current fund. Revenue estimates were generally held to 5%, although some were
adjusted for various reasons.
5. Mayor/Council Initiatives
a. Fire Department - Councilr]1ember Fetterly reported on the October 12 meeting with
representatives from the city and all districts as they move to form a Regional Fire
Protection Authority. City benefits of the new configuration would be equal
representation and voting rights that would be extended to the City's citizens. City
goals for discussion at the meeting include response times/station staffing/urban level
services and costs.
b. Grant Beck informed Council that T-Mobile submitted a request to lease space on the
Rhoton Road water tower for a cell tower. Mayor Harding indicated that he was not in
favor of the lease and requested Council feedback on the proposal. Council
consensus concurred with Mayor Harding's recommendation. It was noted that the
Mayor's action was related only to the lease of City property and it would not preclude
a company from making application to construct a tower in the City, provided it met
development regulations.
c. Grant Beck reported that 'A community that thoughtfully provides for the needs of its
residents with efficiency and stewardship for the future" is the proposed 'sustainable
development' definition to be used throughout the Thurston Highlands Master Planned
Community environmental and project review process. Council consensus supported
scheduling the matter on a Yelm Planning Commission agenda for endorsement:
d. Councilmember McGowan requested consideration of implementing an intern
program, in at least some City departments. Discussion concerned physical
space/confidentiality concerns fo(some departments and where an intern position
would be most beneficial.
13. Adjourn7:25 p.m
Attest:fJ&.4U~ .afffi~ctJt
gnes Bennick, City I K
Janine Schnepf, Deputy CrotyyClerk
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Yelm City Council 88 Minutes
clerk/city council/2006/09/27/06 SS
Minutes Approved: 10-10-06