10-03-06 BWS Minutes
1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
2. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Pat Fetterly and Russ Hendrickson.
Mike McGowan and John Thompson arrived later.
3. Major revenue sources were reviewed and revenue increase options were
presented for consideration including an admissions tax, internal utility,
property taxes and rental fees. Council requested additional information on
how an admissions tax would be structured for non ticket sales.
4. A listing of funds that are not scheduled for review was provided, along with
information concerning two assessment debt related funds that will be added
this year and carry over to 2007. Council requested a Park Advisory Board
review of park donations and possible park use fees.
5. City debt at the end of 2005 was reviewed and an explanation of debt types
was provided.
6. Grant Beck provided an overview of data network support needs spanning
several years that includes a security camera network, replacement financial
and accounting software, coordinated software licensing, and hardware
upgrades that would connect City buildings/departments and provide an level
of consistency.
7. The Current Fund review began with an explanation of items included in 2007
appropriations. An overview and detailed listing of staff and capital requests
was provided. Department heads provided information about maintenance and
operation increases.
8. The Current Fund department/segment reviews included: Legislative,
Municipal Court, Executive, Administrative and Financial Services, Legal and
Professional Services, the Retrospective Rating Program, Fire Suppression,
Prisoner Care and Custody, Pollution Control and Animal Control. Council
requested additional information concerning the Nisqually jail contract,
and unused bed cost recovery possibilities.
9. Adjourn: 7:30 pm
Attest: !c
gnes Bennick, City
Janine Schnepf,
Deputy City Clerk
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Yelm City Council Minutes
clerk/city council/2006/1 0-03-06 BWS
Minutes Approved: 10- 1 0 - 0 6