10-10-06 Minutes '."" ~>,. ..; " t ,,' I I:a YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2006 MINUTES 1, Call to Order, Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 p,m, 2, Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan and Pat Fetterly, John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. 3, Agenda Approval 06-79 MOTION BY PA T FETTERL Y APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4, Special Presentations - None scheduled 5, Public Comment - . Tina Friesz, Thurston County read from Section 5.02 of the YMC for operating L&M Burger Wagon under a Peddler's license, She believes that they were issued the license and were therefore able to operate and be in compliance with the code as it is described, but are now being unfairly told they can not operate as they understood, Discussion included several specific points from the code and their. misunderstanding of the pre-submission meeting information provided by the Community Development Department. Both Tami Merriman and Grant Beck responded that in order to issue the Peddlers License, L&M Burger Wagon would have to also meet the conditions described in the pre-submission meeting to allow this type of business to operate in. the city limits of Yelm, The intent was to allow L&M to move from spot to spot during the day, not to 'set up in one location to attract customers traveling by. Without meeting the conditions of the pre-sub as attached to the Peddler's license, the Zoning Code would not allow the operation of this type of business, After a lengthy discussion between all parties, Brent Dille, City Attorney, responded thatthis matter should be handled at the staff level, and firmed up with the Mayor and Council at a future study session" . ' Mayor Harding asked L&M for time for the city to revisit this topic before they set up for business in places other than where previously described, Chris Maun, Nisqually River Council (NRC) presented the City of Yelm with Thank-You boards from the students involved with the NRC in thanks for the City's support of the ongoing projects for studying and preservation of all water resources. 6. Consent Agenda a, Minutes: Septemoer 26,2006, Regular Council Meeting, September 27,2006 City,Council Study Session, October 3, 2006 Budget Work Session, b. Payables: Checks 29277-29429 totaling $218,361,91 1) Manual Checks 29277-29346 totaling $3,689.60 2) Claims Checks 29347-29429 totaling $214,672:31 c, Payroll: Final September Payroll, Checks 11100-11214 totaling Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city council/2006/ , Minutes Approved: 10/),1//0(., Page 1 of 3 I I I , . };fj<.- " 06-80 7. 7 a. 1) 7 a. 2) 06-81 8. 06-82 06-083 9. -_:-;j'i d 1) 2) $254,702.72 ~"" ' Park Use Requests YCP, Keystone Masonry Company Picnic, August 11, 2007,150# YCP, Christmas in the Park, Friday-Saturday, DecembE?r 1&2, 2006 . Open to the Public Payroll: Final September Payroll, Checks 11100-11214 totaling $254,702.72 MOTION BYJOE BAKER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. c. Public Hearing for Assessment Reimbursement Latecomers Contract for Water and Sewer Lines on a Portion of Longmire Street. Mayor Harding opened the Public Hearing at 8:03 p.m. stating the time, place and purpose of the Public Hearing. Tami Merriman reviewed the staff report stating' the procedure for reimbursement to the Developer for installation of water and sewer lines on Longmire Street and making these facilities available to the landowners. Community Development has reviewed the frontage property for assessment now benefiting from the water and sewer lines. The Public Hearing was closed at 8:10 p.m. Ordinance 855 Latecomer Agreement Relating to Water System Improvements for a Portion of Longmire Street S.E., Tahoma Terra. Ordinance 856 Latecomers Agreement Relating.to Sewer System Improvements for a Portion of Longmire Street SE Tahoma Terra MOTION BY PA T FETTERL Y AUTHORIZING MA YOR HARDING TO ENTER INTO AN ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACT (LA TECOMERS AGREEMENT) RELATING TO WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN A PORTION 'OF LONGMIRE STREET S.E. CARRIED. a. New Business Ordinance 857, Property Acquisition for continuation of the Stevens Street NW Roadway Connector Project. Stephanie Ray reported that appraisals have been done on the property needed for acquisition and negotiations have begun with the owner. If all efforts are unsuccessful, this ordinance would be in place to proceed with the acquisition. MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE 857 PROPERTY ACQUISITION FOR STEVENS STREET NW ROADWA Y PROJECT. CARRIED. b. Final Plat Vintage Greens, SUB-05-0305- YL Tami Merriman reported that the Developers have met the conditions of the Preliminary Plat specified by Community Development and the Hearings Examiner. In addition, items of value were added by the Developer, including: future assess to the Master Planned . Community's south end of Longmire Street, addition of a man-made pond and special attention working with Tree Board for preservation of many Oregon White Oak trees, a protected species on the property. There was some question from Council about SEPA requirements. Grant Beck responded that the threshold was not reached to demand further review. MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR VINTAGE GREENS, SUB-05-0305-YL. CARRIED. Old Business - none scheduled Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city council/2006/ Minutes Approved: /0/1.'1/06 Page 2 of 3 i,- - 10 " 12 11, 06-84 13, Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business Counci/meinber Baker attended along Intercity Transit meeting appointing a new member, Tom Green, The second appointment was put off for next meeting, Yelm bus rider ship has doubled since inception and they are considering adding a second bus, Problems'remain with trash being left at bus pickup stations, Counci/member /som reported TRPC Regional Improvement Program has been reviewed by staff, He encouraged attendance by Planning Commission members' at the TRPC Vision Reality Forum, November 29, 6pm-10pm, He is impressed and enthusiastic about the TCEDC marketing brochure concept and expects delivery around the 8th of November ' , Councilmember Thompson attended Yelm Transportation Committee tour, reviewing examples of street standards in developments, Counci/member Hendrickson brought information from the Fire District regarding a documentary to be shown October 13 and October 22 on the History channel, He alsoprovided a report from Solid Waste Advisory Committee regarding "Waste Free Holiday" and the success of the TC Wastemobile project setting records for collection throughout Thurston County, Mayor Harding attended Mayor's Forum as well as the Economic Development Council meeting and City field trip, He gave a presentation at City Hall about Yelm's community to members of Lead Thurston County, Also was invited to speak at the induction of Jacob and Joy Butler into the High School Sports Hall of Fame, ' Grant Beck added that Council asked Grant to report that it was not the city's intent to lease space on the Yelm water towers to cell phone providers, Correspondence, Mayor Harding revieiNedthe Correspondence, (Agenda Item 12,) informing the audience that the meeting would adjourn after the executive session, There were no questions or discussion on the correspondence provided, Executive Session -He excused the audience and opened the Executive Session at 8:45 pm to discuss Real Property Lease Purchase for an estimated one hour Mayor Harding closed the session at completior:l of discussion at 8:52 p,m, MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE LEASE, RESERVATION OF RIGHTS, AND CONVEYANCE AGREEMENT FOR MC MONIGLE WATER RIGHTS. CARRIED. Adjourn: 9:23 Attest: anine Schnepf, Dep Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city council/2006/ ' Minutes Approved: I' /Z.'TIDI. Page 3 of 3