10-17-06 BWS Minutes Yelm City Council Budget Work Session Tuesday, October 17, 2006 Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Pat Fetterly. John Thompson arrived later. Staff: Shelly Badger, Agnes Bennick, Grant Beck, Tim Peterson and Stephanie Ray. Budget Work Session to discuss Individual 1 Project Funds.. 101 City Streets- Operating transfer from current fund and MVET to meet increased cost to repairs, maintenance and double the cost in chip seat. Adding Parks position then recruit for Streets. 102 Arterial Streets - Public Works projects. 104 CumulativeReserve for capital projects brought before Council, example Longmire Park. 114 SR 507/510 Loop Lobbyist funding needed to keep Loop project a fresh issue in front of Legisiature. . 11.6 Tree Fund increase to cover increase to staffing covered in BWS 10-10-06. 118 Park Fee-In-Lieu Of funded by developer fees in place of park construction In sub-divisions. Can be used for property acquisition only, not equipment. 120 Transportation Facility Charge has not changed since inception but remains a healthy fund based on development. Fund has made improvement s to Stevens, Edwards and 103" possible. 302 Municipal Building Fund - Public Safety Building 312 Yelm Creek Project - maintain corridor in preparation for bigger project. 314 Longmire Community Park - 430 Short Line RR - F'und carryover and other grant application for design engineering services for Yelm Trail Project. Also incorporate Safe Walk to School. Moved on to Tab 6 REVENUE 1 EXPENSES 401 and 404 401 Water and 404 Water Capital Improvement Fund. Water utility sufficient to operate and move forward with capital projects. Projects related to all water issues. Discussed Regional Stewardship Coalition for work on water rights issues inthe Nisqually Basin without having to hire in house. CONSENSUS TO ADD LINE ITEM FOR STEWARDSHIP IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 (for partial year) Wafer Tower is in need of repair for use as water storage or remain empty with cosmetic painting. CONSENSUS TO BUDGET $50,000 ADDED EACH YEAR TO BUILD A FUND TO PAINT TOWER IN THE FUTURE. 412 Sewer remains a healthy fund with increased sewer rates and growth projections will allow increase to Fund 413 Capital Improvement Sewer Project. . Attest' Janine., -. js/BWS 10-17-06.doc ,