06-29-06 SS Minutes
THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2006, 5:00 P.M.
Moved to PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY, 901 RHOTON RD, for this meeting date
1. Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, and John
Thompson. Excused: Pat Fetterly.
3. Agenda Approval
4. Presentations
a. Department: Community Development
Topic: Proposed 6 Year Street Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
Grant Beck reviewed the STIP lineup, changes, transportation funding
applications, and other transportation related issues. Ranking: I) SR51 0 Loop, 2)
Stevens Ave. Connector (Y4), and 3) Coates Ave. Connector (Y4), followed by
the chip sealing program. Projects dropped include 103rd Avenue, which has been
completed and Yelm A venue/Ki1lion Rd area improvements, projects which are,
at least partially, within the proposed LJD boundaries.
b. Department: Program/Projects Manager
Topic: 2007 Transportation Project Grant Cycle, Stephanie Ray reported that the
county is willing to support Coates Road improvements, but will not contribute
financially. Right-of-Way as a match wi1l be discussed with the county at a future
Discussion concerned the importance of strategizing to keep Yelm projects
visible, and the potential benefits by funding both state and federal lobbyists to
provide that visibility and help obtain funding for Yelm projects.
b. I) Department: Yelm Public Works
Topic: Longmire Community Park Development Costs. Tim Peterson identified
three remaining phases and associated costs estimated at $334,000. Agnes
Bennick provided an overview of existing funding alternatives.
Discussion concerned the amount and method of funding for each phase. Phases
1 and 2 could be completed in 2006 using Cumulative Reserve and CDBG funds.
The Phase 3, $110,000 estimate will be considered for funding as part of the 2007
budget process.
Yelm City Council Minutes
clerk/city council/2006/06-29-2006 SS
Minutes Approved: 7/12/06
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Staff was directed to prepare a budget amendment ordinance addressing the
appropriation changes discussed.
c. Department: Programs/Projects
Topic: Public Safety Building Project Update, Stephanie Ray reviewed a
schematic design showing the footprint on the lot and internal room layout in the
11,000 square foot building.
Discussion concerned: use of reserve line funds within the Municipal Building
Fund to keep the project moving forward; pro's/ con's of solid/movable wall
between the training room and council chambers/court room; use ofthe training
room for council overflow; equipment needed to provide audio to the overflow
space; bonding limitations and process; repayment estimates and next steps.
5. Mayor/Council Initiatives
An initiative was introduced by council concerned alternative language
requirements, with no need to address changes identified.
Mayor Harding brought up the benefits of moving council meetings forward one
day to allow more timely local press coverage of meeting business. Council
supported the change and staff will prepare an ordinance for a future meeting
changing council meetings from the 2n and 4th Wednesday to the 2nd and 4th
Tuesday of each month beginning in September of2006. Possible budget Works
Session possible changes will be discussed at a future study session.
New Business - None scheduled
Old Business - None scheduled
':;00," 7.50 pm II
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Ronald W. arding, Mayor
All", ~4<, 16 U. ~k
Ag s Bennick, City Clerk
Yelm City Council Minutes
clerk/city council/2006/06-29-2006 SS
Minutes Approved: 7/12/06
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