1947 Minutes
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Febrllary 12, '1947
Regular meeting of the Town Council of. the Town of'Yelm with Mayor
Curry presiding and all councilmen present.
_Minutes of January mee~ing read and approved. Current monthly
bills were read and on motion by Pollard with second by S'~nson s~me were
ordered paid ,by. unanimous vote of all councilmen present.
A garbage contract drawn by Town Attorney, J.'T. Trullinger,
between Clifford Hewitt and the Town of Ye1m was presented, apd on motion~
for acceptance by Swanson witp second by Henderson, the Council voted
unanimously for the acc~ptance of same.
A motion by Eide, second by Henderson, that the amount of $250.00
be transferred from current expense to' the Garbage Department.. Motion
carried unanimously. .
A motion by Trimble, second by Pollard', that the resignation of
Police Judge J. R. Loutzenhiser be accepted. Iv!otion carried unanimously"
A motion by Hepderson with second by Pollard that appointment of'
J. S. Miller as Police Judge be accepted. Carried unanimously.
Ordinance #50 amending 'Ordinance #35 given its first and sepond
Meeting adjourned to call of the Mayor.
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. . Frl'e, lfown Clerk
March 12, 1947"
Regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Yelm. Due to
the illness of Mayor J. M. Curry, -he had requested that Councilman Oscar
Eide serve as acting Mayor for the meeting of March 12, 1947. All council-
men were present.
-, A formal resignation by J. M. Curry was read by the clerk, .stating
,that it was his desire ,to resign ,as mayor due to ill health. It was the
consensus of opinion among all councilmen that action upon the resignation
of Mayor J. M. Curry be deferred until so~e future time.'
Current bills were read and on motion by Swanson with second by
Trimble same were ordered paid by unanimous vote of the council.
Moved by Trimble with second by Henderson' that Ordinance #50
amending Ordinance #35 after its reading be adopted. Carried unanimously.
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'Meeting adjourned.
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w. H. Fri~bie, Town Clerk
A'pril-16, 1947
Postponed regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Yelm
with Mayor Curry presiding and all council~en present.
Minutes of March 'meeting rea~' and approved. ,
c.urrent 'monthly bills were read. and on motion by Pollard with ,'r;
second by Swanson same were ordered paid by unanimous vote .of the council.
, .
A motion by Eide with/second by Pollard that remaining funds in
L.I.D. #1 and L.I.D. #2 be transferred to Current ~xpense.. M~'tion car:ried
By sentiment 'of the entire council it-was decided to request of
Jack Loutzenhiser a daily record of his activities on water and street "
department and police department. Also a daily report to be requested from,
Marshal Dwight Schultz.
Meeting adjourned.
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V'(. H. F-ri'sb}e,' Town Clerk
May 14, 1947
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Regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Yelm with
Mayor Curry pr~siding and all councilmen present.
Minutes of April meetingread'and approved. Current monthly
bills were read and on motion by Swanson with second by Trimble same were
ordered paid by unanimous vote of the counc'il.
Engin~er A. K. Stillman was present and explained the proposed
place fora Sewe~age Disposal Plant and a possible method of financing.
It was suggested that a notice be' placed in the Nisqually V~lley)
News in regard to building permits and calling attention to pe'nal ties
attached thereto for failure to obtain permit.
Meeting adjourned.
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W. H. Frisbie) Tqwn Clerk
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June 11, 1947
Regular meeting' or the Town Council of the Town .of 1e1m with
Mayo.r Curry presiding and councilmen Eide, Henderson, Pollard, Swanson
and Trimble present.
. "- ..rm'inutes 'of, May meeting read and approved. ,Current monthly bills
were read and on motion by Eide' with second by Pollard same were ordered
paid by unanimous vote ,of the council~
Citizen Mrs. J. S. Miller was'present to ask for help in care.of
the west entrance to the Town of Yelm, wbich assistance was granted by the ".
On a ~otion by Henderson with second by Eide, the mayor and clerk
were authorized to sign a Resolution as submitted by the P. S. P. & L. Co.
for power and light service. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
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w. H. Frisbie, Town Clerk
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June 17, 1947
Called meeting by Mayor Curry with councilmen Eide, Henderson,
. Pollard and Swanson present, Trimble absent.
Meeting was called for the purpose of opening sealed bids for
street improvement project. A bid of J. F. Forbes, Olympia, Washington,'
was opened witb the following esttmates:
~p2,654. 00
Ori motion by Swanson with second by Henderson the bid of J. F.
If'orhes ,was accepted by unanimous vote of councilmen .present.
Me.eting adjourned.
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Oscar Eide,. Clerk "pro tern. '
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July 9, 1947 .
Regular meeting of the Town Coun~ii of the Town of Yelm with
councilmen Eide, Henderson, Pollard, Swanson and Trimble present. _ In the
absence of ' Mayor Curry, councilman Eide presided.
'Current bills were read and~ on motion by Pollard ~tb . second by
Swanson, were ordered paid by unanimous vote of ~he council.
Motion by Eide with second by Henderson to transfer L.I.D. Funds
to Current ExPense Fund passed unanimously. '
Meeting adjourned.
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August 13, 1947
Regular meeting of the 'Town Council of the Town of Ye1m with
Mayor Curry presiding and councilmen Eide, Henderson, Pollard and Swanson
presen~ - Trimble absent.
Current monthly bills were read and on motion by Swanson'with ~ r
second by Pollard same were ordered paid by unanimous vote of all councilmen
'Motion by Eide with second by Henderson that two hundred fifty
dollars ($250.00) be transfer~ed from Garbage Fund to Current Expense Fund.
Motion by Swanson with second by Eide that Resolution #59, relative
to transfer of eighteen hundred dollars ($~800.00) from Water Fund to Cur~ent.
EXpense Fund, be adopted. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Henderson with second 'by Pollard that a rate of '4% be
'paid on outstanding Current Expens'e Building Fund 1Narrants upon their 'issue.
Carried unanimously.
Metion b~" Hondo1'30n with oocond' b~7 :?ollard teat 'G, rei to of 4~ be
~utst~~ding Curr@nt Expenoe Build4ng Fund ~~rrnntD upen their iS0UO.
Meeting adjourned.
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WH.EREAS, there now exists a surplus in the Water Fund. of the
Town of Ye1m in the approximate amount of $1800.00, and which said surplus
'was'origina1ly created by the deposit in said WaterlFund of moneys rj~ght-
fully belonging in the Current Expense Building Fund-of thecsaid Town, and
, WHEREAS, in the construction or '[the new Fire Hall and''''' ";"
Jail for said Town, the above surplus is now required for the completion
of sa~d construction project, now, there~ore,
BE I~ RESOLVED BY the Mayor and the Council of the Town of Ye1m '
the t the surplus,it? .the Water Fund' of the Town .of Yelm amounting to-
. $1800.00 be 'tran~ferred to the Current 'Expense Fund, of the 'said Town, ~nd
the Treasur~r Qf the Town, of Yelm be and he is hereby authorized to make
said tran sfer. -
DATED '~his 13th-day,of August, 1947.
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r- <If/ J. M. cUrry, Mayor w_~,...
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TN. H. Fr~sbie, Tovm Clerk,
A~st 13.!I 1947
Adopted- .
August 13, 1947
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sept .10, 19L~7
,Regular meeting of the TOVID Council of the Irovtn
of Yelm with Mayor J. M. Curry presiding and all counoilmen
Minutes ot Aug~st meeting read ~nd approved.
Current monthly bills were read and, on motion by
riencterso'n with secoi1c1 'by Pollard, same were orderect paid by
unanimous vote ,of the council.
A :formal resigna'tion of', lifiayor J'. M. Curry- was, read.
A motion for the acceptance of the resignation was 'made by Eide
wi th second by Sv.ranson and the council voted. unauiw.ously tor
acceptance, The entire official fmuily'of the mayor expressed
regrets at his resignation.
Motion by Eide \^li th second by Pollard thatcouncilman
Nathan Henderson be made temporary chairman for the 'purpose 01"
appointing a mayor to fill the office of Mayor Curry; resigned.
Mot ion carri ed unanirn.ously.' ..' . '
Motion by Eide with second ,by Pollard that councilman
Nathan Henderson be appointed to fill the unexpired yea~ o~ '
J. M.Curry, resigned, or until the next reguJ..arelection.
Motion carried unanimously.
A tentative budget'for the year 1948 was presented
'and, on motion by Swa.nson with second' by Trimble, same was
unanimously' adopted with date of hearing set for October 8, 1947.
Meeting adjourned.
VV. H. ]J'risbee, -"Tovm "Ulerk
Octo'ber 8, 1947
Regular meeting of the ~own 60uncil of the Tovm o~
Yelm with Mayor Henderson presiding and councilman Eide, Pollard,
Swanson and Trllllble present.
Minutes of September meeting read and approved.
Current monthly bills were read and, on motion by
, Trimble with second by Swanson, same were ordered paid by mnan-
imous vote of t'he council. '
Engineer A. K.Stillmall was present and. a lengthy
discussion took place relative to the di'sfunction of the Rusta
Restor in the elevated tank and the contract with the 'Chicago
Bridge & Iron Co.
Also the contract with'J. F. Forbes concerning the
street improvement and it t S unsatisfactory condition vras discussed
at some length.
Meeting adjourned.
W.H. Frisbee,To1~-dl-erk---
, '
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November l~, 1947.
Regular meeting of the To~vn Council of the TOvVll o~
Yelm with Mayor Henderson presiding and councilmen Pollard,
Swanson and Trimble present. Eide absent.
IV1inutes of October Ineeting read and approved.
Current monthly bills were read and, on'motion QY,
Svvanson vITi th second by Trimble same VIere ordered :pa.id by unanimous
vote of the council. '
A TIlotion by Swanson with second by Trimble to purchase
a safe from Chas. Demicl?:"for$75.00 carried unanimously.
A healthy discussion"took place on the possibilities
of equiping the town marshals with uniforms and the concensus
of opinion was that the proposition had a great deal o~ merit.
. Gi tizen Ed Brown, by unanilnous vote ,of the coune il, "
was asked to fill the unexpired term of Nathan Henderson vacated
by the latter being appointed Mayor. \
Meeting adjourned.
iN. H. Frisbee, Town Clark
November 18, 1947
A called meeting of the Tovm -Council of the To~~ of
Yelm called by Mayor Henderson.
~ .
Attorney Truman Trullinger was present and a"tenworary
solutlon was found in handling the folloifling contract,s.
Chicago Bridge.& Iron Co. Tank contract.
J. F. Forbes
street contract.
Also the Theatre Admission'Tax problem was satisfactorily
Meeting adjourned.
W.R. Frisbee,Tovm Clerk
December 10, 1947.
Regular meeting of the To-v~".a Council. of the Town of
Yelm with 'IYiayor Henderson presiding. and all c01Ll1cilruen present.
Minutes of November meeting read and approved. .
Current monthly bills were read and, on motion by- Pollard '
with second by Trimble same were ordered pa~d by unanimous vote of
the council.
A formal resignation of/l iN. H.' Frisbee was. read and
accepted by Nlayor Henders'on. C: ~M. McFalll was appointed by Mayor
Henderson to succeed W. H. Frisbee as To~\m Clerk. .
The physical examinations' of the fire department per-
sonnel was discussed and Councilman Bro~n voluntered to take the
exmninationlist to the P~lditors office and determine whether or
not the exara.inations will be okay for the year 1948 ~. ,
The garbage dump'situation was discussed. Council de-
cided that the dump was ad~quate for one more year.
A letter from Attorney. Trllilian Trullinger expressing
willingness to accept the counci~~s offer of. retaining. him on an .
.annual basis as Tovm Attorney in accordance with the provisions of
the budget was read. On motion by Pollard with s~pond by.Eide'the
T01J\rn Clerl~ is directed to '\rvri te a letter of ack-nd'ledgemen"t to
Attorney Trullinger.
A model ordinance to create a Planning Oommission for
the Tovm of Yelm.was introduced by Mayor Henderson. After discussion
by the council and upon motion by Eidewith second by Pollard the'
council voted unanimously to adopt the orclinanee.
The Clerk was instructed to get a price on ten (10)
National 5/$ Water Meters froln the Anlerican- Plu..rn.bing Co. .
The Clerk was instructed to ~~ite a letter to the
Chicago Bridge &, Iron Co. advising them of the release of Engineer
A. K.. Stillman and send copy of the letter to stillman. .
Meeting adjourned.
C. M. McFaul, To~m CTer~
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