1949 Minutes ,I I \ \. \ \ \ I ; , \~ .... , 1\ ,...,":":"'-:\ , I ': J' ,J January 12, 1949, 2.9 , Before th~ meetin~ wad c~lied t~ order the oath of , offic~ was takin by Mayor Henderson a~d Councilman Brovm. The meeting was then called to order by Mayor Henderson with' Councilmen Brown, Pollard and Trimble pr~sent.. Council~ ~len Eide and, Swanson were, absent. ' Minu~es o~ the previous meeting were 'read~and ~pproved. Wne follOWing bills were ,read and on a motion ~y Pollard and, secop.ded ,by Bro\m were ordeI~ed paid: CURRENT EXPENSE P.S. Power & Light Co. ----------- P'.S: Power & Light Co. ------------ Standard Oil Co. ----....--------~--- Thurston County Library ---------- Pioneer, Incoppor~ted ------------ Yelm'Telephone Co. --....--........-------- Yelm Telephon~ Co. -:---~-----~--....- Mosman Agency -------....------------ Ye 1m Lumb ere o. - - .... - - - .... - - - - -, - .... - - .... - Tri~ble Hardware --~--~~---------- WA1JEER FUND D. &H. Mobile Service ----------- P.g~ Power & Light Co. ----------- P.S. Power & Light Co. ----~~----...- ,H.D~ Fowler Coo,-Inc.--~-----~--- STREET FUND Trimble Hardware -------------....-,-- TI.' & H. Mobile Service ---~------- H . L. WO If &, Co. - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - GARBAGE FUND D. & H~ Mobile Ser~ice -----~--~-- $11.28, 26.50 63.20 297 .:71 , ~-' . 26 . ::25 ';,~'2 .. 2'2 6.50 11.36 2$76 14.36 12.44- 31.70 92.59 l~ .' 44 8.53 l~. 70 46.20 \.. 'Disscussion was held on erecting stre~t signs on all str~>ets an avenues of the town. The Manual rfraining of ,Yelm High School offered to do the Vllork on the signs ii' the t01Jiill furnished the materials.,' Councilman Pollard made a motIon vvhich was seconded by Councilman 'llrimble that' .the town "furnish material for the street signs. Motion was' carried unanimously. ~, Meeting adjourned. . ~P'^".w, ~. N.KTHAN W~ HENDERSON, MAYOR " ~ ELVE:RA Ie.. JOHNS 1!',], ~ ~ ~-t " :a. " ,'" I 3~O... . ~?';'"": ~-'!:.. ."'1 , )- 11 I February 9, 1949 r The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was ~'called to order by Mayor Henderson with Councilmen Eide, Brovm, Pollard.and Trimble present. Councilman Swanson was absente The oath of office was :ta}ren by Councilman .Eide. Meetings; of the January 12th meeting were read and approved. The following ~onthly bills were and on a motion by.Brown and a second byPol1ard'were. ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE Stardard Oil Co. -----------_________ Yelm Telephone Cae ---------_______~_ Joe's Place -----------~---__~---_--~ Mosman Agency -----~----------------- Pioneer, Inc. ------------___~_-____~ Yelm Lumber Go. ---~----------------- Dr. B~ L. Phillips ----------___-____ P.. S.. 'power &, Light Co.. ------ -_______ Trimble's H~rdw~re --------~-----____ WATER FUND' P . S.. Power & Light Co.. ----..:-- -_____ __ . u. SOl - Post Office --------..----------- Brown Bros. Garage --------____~_____ STHEET FUND (. Ye.lm Lumber Co. ----------..:.-___...;_...___ Wolf's -------------------_~-_-__---- Trimble's Hardware -~-------'--------- GAHBAGE FUND Roger Eide ~---------~------------_-_ Fiel~ts Motor Co.' ---------__________ . ;t~91. 12 36.60 12.35 10.00 5.82 13 . W-l 5.00 26 .. 9 c{' 38.98 D"- , ; 4).38 14020 2L~ .. 4 7 7.03 5o~1 '3 .. L~8 24.00 3.73 On'a motion by Brown with a second by Trimbl~ that Resolution No., 60, relative t'o closing of a:J-l oiled streets in Yelm be adopted. Motion carr&ed by Council. - f C6rrespondence read was a letter from Ralph G. Swanson acting . as an aI)plication for Attorney for .the 1110wn of Yelm. 'The' Cauncll decided to first contact our former Attorney, J~ T. Trullinger to see if he would still be interested in above position before taking any definite action. . . , o I r t ,. . House Bill x,Tos. 119, 2L~ 7 and 217 were read and dicus sed by the . Council and- the conclusion '"vas to endorse Bill No e 119 and 217 and . sent' same endorsel11ent .to the Legi ala ture. . .,. $ ~ :..." i~.~. ;,-."';..... -'J'......... , ~ .. ~, to,. .... k' ~ Coun4il ordered garbage pickups be halted' temporarily due to . the c&osing og the streets. ,~ Citizen Bell arid Mr. Fro~t of Frost and Glover were present to discuss the lo\ver of the license fee of the game of shuf.fle.board. Since Ordinance No. 38 states that the fee is ~~5.00 a month, this Ordinance '\~{ould have to be amended. The Council decision was to dis- ~ cuss thisvii th the Attorney be.vBre amending any Ordinariee.. \ J Meeti?g adjourned. ~lV.~ N~lHAN w. h~NDERSON, MAYOR o ~. ELVERA K. IJOHN - I 3.2" ~.\,.,-, } ; J 1/ I March "9, 1949 The'regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Ye~l was called to order by il/layor Henderson wi th Councilmen.Broil'm, Pollard and Trimble present. Councilmen Swanson and Eide were absent. Minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. lJ The fo.llowing bills were. read and on a,,:motion by Trimble and seconded by Pollard were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE Yelm Telenhone Co. ------------- TrimblerskH~rdware ------------- Qeorge W. Sickles -------------- ~tandard Oil 86. --------- -~--- Yelm Lumber Co. -------~-------- Western Uninn.---~-------------- Lyla Eide ---------------------- P. s. Pow~r '& Light Co., -------- P; s. Power & Lfght Co. -------- WATER 'FUND J. Guy Eernissee --------------- Trimble's Hardware ------------- P.. S. Power & Light .Co... ----.---- Yelm Lumber Co. ---------------- STREE~FUND . Ye1m Lumber Co. ----------.-----0:- Wolf t s -------.--.- --- ------- - ---- GARBAGE FUND. Bro~ Bros. Garage ------------- ~l, 36.97 'It) 19.58 17.75 58.91 5.77 2.74 3.50 23 . Jl~ 26.97 50.50 JlI_~ 86 44..35 8.85 ~-.45 5.55 106.87 I 'Correspondence read was the inspect~on report of the cathodic protection in the water tank made by J. Guy Eernisse'.j... Engineer; also Mr. Trulltnger's letter of acceptance for Tov"rn Attorney. After some discussion, ~"motion.was madepy Brovm which . \ was se.conded by Pollard that an ordlnance 'bedravvn up to make all .streets of Yelm subject to parallel parklng. / A decis~on was reached by the Council to' set up a list of specifications in a form of' a resolution for applicants who live outside the tOWN limits and who desire to hook-up to, the tovm's water system. . A .lengthy di-scussion was held on the possibilities of' drilling or digging a' nevI]' wel1~ Meeting adjourned. ~~'W,~ N1rflfA:~r~, RENDER,S ON , MAYOR ~. . --.........."". I I I -r:; ~j4 i), ,', April 13,' 1949' The, regular meeting of the) Council of the Town of Yelm " 'was called to order'by Mayor Henderson with all the Councilmen, present. The '111inutes of the March meeting were read and approved. On a motion by Brown and seconded by Trimble that the following monthly bills be paid: CURREN1' EXPENSE Yelm Telephone Co.. - ---- -------~4t~22,. 60 Pioneer, Inco ------------------ 13457 Trimblets Hardware ------------- 17.61 P.S'. Po'vver& Li'ght Co. --------- 3L!-.24 Wolf's ~------------------------ 6.19 standard Oil Co.' ----~-----~---~ 26.21 WATER FUND ' 'Bro't/lffi Bros. Garage------------- 15.19 F. S. Power & Light Co. - -- -~---- 36.9LI- Badger :Meter IVffg.. C'o 0------.---- 6.26 STREET FUND Mosman Agency ----~--;...,---------- 30.24 GARB/\[},E FUND D & H Mobile Service ----~--~~-- 60.96, Resolution NQ. 61 was read and 'on a' motion by Pollard and , second~d by Trimble that it be adopted. , Ordinance No. 5~. amending ,~ection 1S and 1>epea1ing Section ,27 'of Ordinance No.8,. was' given its first and second reading. Discussion was held on a two-way Radio Telephone for the Poli\ce De'partrrre\1.t but no action was taken.. Meeting adjourne~e ~w.~ Nl-\.TRA.N W.. HEND;3RSOl'!', MAYOR OSCAR EIDE, CLK-TREAS. Pro Tern . ~ I ~ I v' J .1 I :May, 11, 1949 3 }'lV' , ,~'}:' (- The r0gular meeting 'of the Council of the To~~ or Ye~m was called 'to order by Mayor, Henderson with Cou~c~~wen Swanson, Trimble and' Brovm presente Councilmen Eide, ;andR,oJ-lard were' .'absent. ' , , The minute s of' the April'meeting were read and' approved~ ' . , ' The',following bills wf3re read and on a, motion by ~wanson and ,seconded by Trimble were ordered paid: ..1:.. CUHRENTEXPENSE 'P. . s. 'Power &, Light Co. -------- p~. s. Powe~ & Light Co. -~------ Mdsman Agency ~----------------7 'Standard Oil Co. -------------~- T~imbleJs Hardware --------~---- WATER FUND, , Po S. P01!ler & Light Co. -----~-- Trimble J.s Hardware --,----------- Yelm LQmber COm ----~----------- STREET FmJD Trimble's Hardviare -----;;..'------- _ J.' Fo'F6rbe~ ----~----~--------- GARBAGE FUND , Field'~' Motor Co. -------~------ A":'mo"tion was made by Brown and- seconded by !rrimble that' ,the Town of Yelm t1urchasea two-way radio for the police. car. ' ~otion barried. ~ ~ ) 'rl' 26.91 7..76 11,& 51 32.70 2.72 34.48 \ 2..51 104.94 .... 8m47 12..36 35000 Motion v>Jas made by BrovVll and seconded by Trimble that the Tpwn of Yelm go on daylight 'saving time on June 1, 1949 to , correspond wi th the time .of surrounding tov1ffiS and ci ties. . Motion carriedo I Ordinance NOm 54 was given its third and final reading and ord.ered publi shed 0' Meeting adjourned. ~w.J~ NL-'..Il HAN W. HENDERSON,\l' MAYOR ~~.. ,. ELVERA K. lIOHNSON I .36. \.. June 8, 1949 The regular meeting 'of. th~ Council of the Town of 'Yelm was called .to order by Mayor Henderson with Councilmen Pollard, Swanson, Eide and Bro'V'1rn present. . Councilman Trimble was absent. ' The minute s of the May 11th me'e ting ,were 1"'8 ad and approved. On a motion by ~ide and se'cond.ed by Swanson tha't the following'bills be paid: CURRENT EXPENSE' P .S.' P.o'vver 8c Light Co. -----&~ 6..24 'Pc S. 'Power & Light Co~ ----- 25.50 VII 0 If's ;"7 .--.- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 .44- Yelm Telephone e6.. --~------- 50.15' . Yelm Telpl1011e .Co. -:---------- 13.35 WATER FUND . P. s.. Power & Light Co. ,----- 31.48 c' j ". F.. S. Power ~ Light Go. ----- ~.~o Trimble's Ha~dware ---------~ 6.87 STREET FUND ( Yelm Lmnber Co. ------------- 8.51 Brown Bras.. Garage ---------- '1.45 GARJ3.A[J:E FUND Brown Bros. Garage ---------- 8..36 Correspondence read was the survey report on garbage dis- posal in Thurston Count-y.. A lenghty discussion.was held on possibilities of improv- ing some of the town streets e' Council.man Eide made a. motion which was seconded by Pollard that the f'ollowing streets' be graded and widened:' . " . .' . Longmire St. f'ro~ Yelm Ave. to Stevens st. Solberg 1St. f'rom Ye 1m /lve. ,to Van Trump St .", Van TrlTh~p St. from SolbergSt. to Longmire St. Jones St. from Rice St. to Edwards Street. Solberg Ste from Yelm Ave. to Mosman Street. Rice Street from l\/Iosman St.. to Yelm Avenue. Motion car>ried unanimously. Meeting adjourned..' .~~~~. ELVEHA K. JOHNS~..:::rt:CLERK-TREA.sURER' ." . ) , o o TvTA YO R D. '.1' " , ' ,;;, " ,I , . 'I ~..", .' . eJJ.:~ ~l-.. ,'June 29, 1949 , A:' special meeting of the Council of the TOitm of Yelm vvas called to Qrderby --!vIayor . HerldersQn~~fyd:Jtha,all councilmen pre.sente Present at .this meeting were citizens Mrs. JoR. IDutzenhiser, ,Mrs... John wutzenhiser" ItiIrs and MrsG charles Demich, Mr. & Mr.s.1!DJ. 1.Bill Gifford and ,1 John A Connep. ~ . This meeting,'was called atnthe request 'o,fthe above citizense WIre! Cha~les Demich expressed his desire to dEled to the Town of 'Yelm;Block 3, Lots 1 to 6, and Lots 11 to 17.Bnd Block 4, _ Lots 10. to l4\of Me' Kenzie'.s Se~ond Addi tiont":)to be'l.:lsed for park purpos:s~nly~ . , . _ ,;., Co.uFicilman Eide made a motion whiJch was seconded by iPrimble that the"Tov~ 'of'Yelm aC2ept the deed to this propertYe~ It .was decided in discussion tl1at followed th~_t the tOi.Itf".n f s attorney.draw up 'the provisions for ~he deed desirable to both: parties.: ,', , The,~motion,' was unanimOl..1.sly. carried~ Meeti~g adjDurned. J '- , ?1~__~~ I~ NA'THM.~NDERSON, MAYOR ...~' ~_v ~. ELVEHA K. JOH~, CLERK-TREASURER >~")'U'. ~:,Q,.; July, 13,1949 I ( +neregula:t;> meeting of .tl~~ Council of the Tovm 'of Yelm was called to, order by Mayor Henderson with all Councilmen presento 'J;he minute s ' of: the June ~th',meeting ~nd .the special meeting, June 29th ahd the treasurer's report were. reag and approvedo On a mdtfon by Trimble. and a sec9nd by 'Councilman Bro\'V1l ~he, following bills) were. allowed: CURRENIJ.l EXPENSE . Wolf f s- ----- --- ~--- -- -- ----- -~----- ------- -.... ~~ 3835" Joe's Place.;;(.-------------------------"':.'----.:..- 23079 Pickett Drug store....--------~----~~---~------ 1&01 Northwest Sanitary Supply-....----------------- 22~15 Yelm Telephone--------...--------'--,----------- 6.20 Yelm Telephone-~-------~-------------------...J33 060 puget SOli.nd Power & Light-~----------------.... 7.39 puget Sound Power & Light------------------.v;~$~&50 Mosman Agency----.---------....-----~ --------"7-- 30. qo Mo sman Agency---- -..., ..- -- -- - - -:... ------------.;.- -' 5 f).QO ye 1m IlLm ber- ... ... - - -: -'... - -'- - - - - - - - - - - ... - ... - - - - - -......; - 20" 3 7 WATER FUND .. He.De Fowler Coo Inc" --------------:---------- 53&94 H.D. Fowler Coo Inc.------------------------ 1ge83 BroV'{'[l Bras. Gal?age-------- ------ ------- ----- 5. 74. puget Sound Power & Light------------------- 12.80 puget SO'Llnd povver & Light-----.:..--....---------- 39.64 STREET FUND ' Chas" Po Russell~--- -.------:---------------....-_... 86.00 Charles Morehouse-~--------------~---_...----- 6~Od Jimmy Marr----""! --'- ------------ -------------~ 8e 00 Gordon Fi,elder---- -- ------------------------ 8e.00 o A discussion- on the street improvement followed~ Councilmen Brown and Swanson consented to rent their trucks if neede~ No definite action resultedo o fheplan'of .purchasing a patrol car for police'& 'ambulance use ~'Vas presented by the Mayol-'. Suggestd.ons were to contact deal~rs and consult Att. Trullinger's advice on cilling bids before any definite action would .be taken. T'.ne delinquent water. and ga2'bage bills ''\lere requested andt: the necessary action ordered to remedy according to city ordinanc~ The clerk was requested to place the necessary . meter readings on the w~ter bills if space allowed. Several CounciL.ilen presented the wishes and complaints of SOlne oi" the Yelmi tes to have the corner2:,lot of' 2nd & Yelm AV8e clear<3d and .cleaned if possiblee Tl'le clerk was instructed to 'in1}orm the OV111ep of the lot. of its condition and to have it 'cleared. The new street. trash cans received their due honor q,nd the. clerk' . wa's requested to publish the value of such receptacles and s~ek the citizens t coop,eration in their use ~o keep oux:' nnainavenues c,leane 'FJ!}WCrri%6El~iP;gog&j~~~\~:ia~1:lcppoir:ted ,to fill the vacancy ?f clerk-treasurer caused by the resignation of ~lv:era' h.. Jphnson. . Meeting adjourned. .~~~-- . ril1{TH.AN W. HENDERSON, MAMOR o ~ . ~ ~I: ; . I I " 3.9. August. 10, 19L~9 'At tD~ regular meeting of the Comicil of the TovVll of'Yelm, called to order by Mayo:r Hender'son, Councilmen Swanson, Pollard, al1d Trimble .were p:r.'esent" Councilmen Eide and Brov1ffi were abse:qte Tne minutes or the July 13th meeting were read and appr9ved~ The 'tr~asure~1s 'report, was read and approvede . T.he Mayor presented n]:}.'soj:utillo.ntNo.;~62 which was read and passed unanimoustj::,,'by the Tvlayor and all councilmen presente The following bills were read. Trimbl$ motioned to pay al~ bills read and a. second was made by Pollard~ A unanimol1s vote fol,lGwede "", CURRENT EXPENSE . . Yelm Lumber Co., ---- -- - --_._~ ---- --------$26Q 27 D .,& M ~Jgewriter C00-.-.----'-------------.,. 44164 Ye'lm Telephone COG _.:.._-~- --- ------- ------170 75 P.,SoPower & Light Coe------------.---....- 3L~Q59 ,WATER FUND Badger Me~er Co~---~-~-------------~--- 2~74 1;>'$ Sft Power & Light COe - - --- ----..~ - -~- ~--- '5'lQ~6 Trimble's Hardware-----'"'"----"':"--...-~----- 19.29 GARBAGE, FUND . Trimble's Hardware-.-------...,-~-_:....----,--- 24$82 " . Field's Motor Company------------'------. 36,,30 , S,,,eetF'<.nd-,5t.(..ndown J-~'8;)J'- ..-, ...1!035.~1:J . Correspondence read was f'rom Reglonal PubllC Llbrary of Olympla beari:llg information of' the increa~{e in the library levy f'or our . 'tovm.' ,The' levy is 2 mills on the Town 'of' Yelm@ An i'nvitation and information on the ~egional meeti~gs ror municipal officials was disclosed'", Letters were read., fropl the Provost Marshal and state Patrol' assuring the Mayor of full cooperation from them , during the Carnival Days(J .. One bid \vas received--that a,f Fleming-Harvey Motors in OlW1npia ,submi tting a 1940 Ford Sedan Delivery state No.5L~ at $6154100 plus 3% sales Tax.'. )' , Ordinap.ce 'Noe55' p'roviding and declaring an emergency :for the purchase of t;he patrol wagan was introduced and given its first and second ,readings. It ~d$ u~ a~ ;'Mo~s \y ddo'ried. ' Trimblemotione'd to purchase" Se'ssion' Laws for 1949 needed for the JudicIal department,. pollard seconded thE}" motion' ,p.nd it carriede / , "".. ~e meeting adjourned. .../;h. . ~ .. ~ROGSETID'C ~ w.~&.~ ,_---- N RAN IN. HENDERSON~MAYOR ' ' " -.. -" -----. 4.Q- L RESOLUTION NO. 62 WI-IEREAS, the Council and", Mayor 'of Town of YeJJ:lf'i.s in regular session, and . - ~~\ . 'iD-~ ;," : . . . ....t VJHEREAS, there now exists a surp.lus in the Current Expense Fund of the Tovrn of.Yelm in appro~im~tely $lOOOoOO,and . \I1JHEREAS', by reason needed in the improvement of streets of the. Town of Yelm .the above -surplus i.s, now re51uired in the street Fu~d , and so it is hereby, RESOLvED BY.the Mayor. and the Council of the T01JID of Yelm that the surplus' in the Current Expense Fund of the T01w'ffi olf Yelm amo~nting to $lOOOoOO.b~ transferred as a 'loan to the street Fund o~.tne. ~o~m.of Yelm and. the Treasurer of the Town of Yelm is herebY~D~horized to make said transfer~ DATED THIS l~th DAY OF AUGUST, 1949 I .' I . /1~ tu. ~,,<o~' . ~~iJ.; Henderson;' Mayor' ~--u . France s Ec. Drogseth, Introd~ced August. 10,1249 Adopted August 10, 1949 , .' " I Dc -I ." '.." " I '" 4..3~:'.. septembex~ .14, 1949 . Mayor Hender~on,'opened the, regu~ar. meeting ,of the ,Council wi th Council.... lDe:nmen 1?rovvn, J~pl~ard, ,Eiq.e ,and Trimble present~ Councilman, -Swanson'vfas, absentiJl . " Minutes 'of the August lOth meeting were read and approved~ The treasurer~ s ~eport'was, ref.kd 81;ld approvedo 'l "< ~.' ~ - lqll.ard maude a ~notion. to' pay all' .bills. readlll Eide seconded the lTIoti?Il ,,', and'the motiondarried unanimou.$lyo '..1",,' , , CURRWNT EXPENSE ... '. ., . . Vifo'lf t s-:....=-.--...----=---....-.-=--.:..-------=.-----,$ P<9~S. . Power & Light=----------~.-.....-.-~:.......,=~-. p.rt Burnside' & Co. -- --------- ~--------,-- Johnny CUllens~~-------------~-------~-- Ye1m.Telephone COe--=...;-~-....----..,-_:......-=_....-. Mosman Agency------~---------------~---- Pickett .Drug store--.-------------------- Nisqually Valley Nevvs--:------'----.-----""'- ?~ances Ee Drogseth--------------------- . Brovvn Bros. Garage......--...-----....-------..;.--.... P,~ one ,er , mc Q ,'" '!'"" ':'" - ~ ....,-.~ --.- - -'.- - --.;. -.- -..;. -.-,- -.... Flemirig:- Harvey .Mo to.r.s-,- -.-"" -.... - "'" - -.-.-- -.-'" -... . . E~.rl C~e,. Seco of state--~-----------,--..... WATER FUND- . H~ D'Il FOiJvler. ,Co Q Inclll....----------...'----.-...--, . p"~ S" Power &Light-...-----<;'"---...---=-....~,....-- y~ 1m. ;Lumber., .Co.$ - ....,_............... ":"'''''''' -.... - - ~ -'-.- - -.- -... ~.... . Brown BrOSe Garage---~----""---,,,:,,,"":-------'~:' , Trimble i s Hardware-----...-.":"~":"--":".-.~--.---.-= " '. Nlsqually. .Valley News--==.----.-.......---...=":',":"~. STREET" FUND ..' . . . Brown BrosG Garage-------------_....-----:.:..."'" GARBAGE . , r~~OVfn BrOSe Garage------~-.......-------~--~- t~. . 2084 36~ 68. ' 27*99 1.4Ll- 22~05 '35.05 8060 58.09. ;34 ".42 46.10 . .25e 93 ..636.45 ,1100 .2~7 eLI-5 47.(# 70 6.; 97 " ,13 fJ lit. . ~2,6. .27' ,~, '129.53' 24.7 <173 13 ",80 Correspondence was rea<l concerning. the district meeting with infor~ mation of' ,time fu"'J.d places..o . .. .' e ~.. ' l' ~~. . 111 . . . It was' brought to the Council's attention for its oplnlon on permitting,. the Seattle Radio Dispatch IncG to. use the water tower for' a central means' of improving communications ~1'ficial cars and ,fire trucks :etc. 'Trimble motioned to allow the Dispatch to use the tower and Bi"oijlJn seconded the motion-~it carried unanimouslYe I A seriou~disc~ssion took place next on the matter of being included in ',a health district as Dre K. Lc Partlow, He'alth officer of Olympi'll, 'reque stede . In the discu ssion, th\73 opinions seemed uni ted in, the fact 'that the e'xpehse involved would be too< greato The mayor appointed 'Pollard and ,Trimble to meet i:ywith the to'VV!lS as expected and the clerk was instruc~ed to call Dr<<l Partlow about the conve~ient time for the . . gathering. I A.tentative 'budget for ,1950 was'presented to the Mayor and Oouncilfor their considerati6h. Careful study ,and seriouD discussion follbwedo Arter the' necessary 'and importantre~isions were made, pollard motioned to adopt the following budget, Brown seconded the motion and it carried . unanimouslYe The budget was ordered published and the date set for the hearing" on October 12th. ' . ES~I~illTED EXPENDITURES 1950 BUDGET '\ . CURRENT EXPENSE Ole-rk....Tre..asu,rer! s Salary & Expen~e---------...._...._-----=..,--$ Attorney! S Salary & Expense--------....---.----.-----------.-- Police >Court & Expense-----....----~~-------~-------------- Registrations & Elections--~-----------------~---------- To wn _ ria 11.. Exp ens e - - - =, -........ - - - ....... .........-.... -.... - -.... ......:. .... .... - - ... - - - - -.... - .... - ... """ p ark La bo r & ~xp ~n s e.... -.... - .... - - .... - - - ... .....,., - - .... ... "'" "'" - om"", ... .... .... - ....... - - .... -.... ........... Ptibli shing and, Adverti-sing---------.--------------------- 'Bookmobile Libl">ary------------- -- - - - .---- - ~~--- -----...: -- ...."'?- Dues Assno o~ Washington Cities-...~---~-------------~-...-~ Barb ag e . Exp en s e ~ - .... - - -.... - -'- - - - ... - .... - ..:..... ... - - - - - ~ .... -... - .... - -.... ... .... -.... "'" ........ . . :l\ u.d:1 t i ng Ex}) en s e - .... .... ... ""! .... ....... - - ... .... - ... .....- ... - ... ... - - .- = ....- _.... ... ... .... ... - ... .... - - "'" .,.. .... .E1nerg:e.ncy Fun~--,-,:" -....~ ---...-- ..:.--- -=- --""; --.... -- - --- -... -....-- -......."'" .1"". ,', ,; 'lj~800. 00 . 110800 450.00 150,>00 1,500600 600@00 200000' , 400000 30.00 1, 920e 00 . 225$'00 1,089.68 . . $8,514~68 44..'1" -,'.. " ",:,) , .. . PROT.ECTI oN. OF LiFE~' ie. PROPERTY ~ Marshal? s Salary & Expe'hse-.---<----------------------...:-- -Jail Expense & Tvleals--....-;;;,.------,-...-=----=>~""-...--...------ S t r e e tr Li ght s... .- ... - -:- "': ... ... "'" .- - ... - -.... ... -:' - ... -... "'" "'" - ... ... .,.. ... ....... ... ':", - ... ... ... -..: - -. " ,~ l 3 , 100 e 0 0 ~ ~oo.oo 00$00 -"'$3,.800000 STREET' FUND Labor & Materials, Jmprovements--~-------~-~-------=- 1,300cOO Rqu:tpmel1.t Renta1------------------------------;..;.;----- 102. ~1,402". 75 WATER FU1JD Bond Redemption---=---------------------------~...----- Supplies, Labor,: Repairs & '1VIaintatnence, Im:provem~nts- Power-----------~-------------------=---------------- IncL. & Medical Aid..;.-~.--.----------'---------.--~---.------ Office Expens ~-'-~ - - - -..;... ------ ~~~~~.-- -... -...:- - -- -~.;..-:-"':'-... --- GRAND TOTAL-....:---....----= ~.ESTIMA.TED BUDGET ,FOR 1950 1,600$00 },650eOO 550.00 100$00 lOO~OO f$6, OO~ 00 $19,717.43 Wa tel'")' Revenue s- -.:- --- - -.... --- - - ....................;......:.--.... .......................-... ......;---- --$' 6,000 GOO Taxes: 15 mill levy---...-""'-;,.,--.-.-.-....-.-...-.-....-..;..--------~--..... q 3, 282fl48 Pin Ball Revenue,..--- --",.,.....--....... "'" ........-.......-.-................. - --- --... .......... --..." 1,360 CI 00 Admission..Taxes----~-----------------------------~--- 500eOO state Gas Tax Funds-----.--~---.....--._------.-_....----....--...-- . 1,L~02:e75 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax_...____...:..'.;.._._._____..;..___-_______~__h 360-.45 State Liquor Revenues-.--.......-----.---------.--.:..---....--....--.... 2, 291~ 75 Police Court Fines--~----..._------------.----'.:..-----...-~~ 600.00 - Garbage Incomes-':"'--.:..--.-.".;,---...-"-...;.,...;..--.---..;,,-.:..---.---------- : 1,920&00 Est.ima ted Cash on Hand-.;.....--.--_.~._-.;..'--_..:..----:"----------- 2", OOOe 00 The .mee.ting adjourned. , $19 ,717 oL~3 o 74;, ~~'- 0 HENDERSON- MAYOR . . - " \\ ~ I;' <>. .v ,Iff' o ..1" .." . . " -f I. 1 f"./ : /\ . J' . ' .:...... .' 1. \ ! " 4,5,... October 1'2" 19L..9' :r\l1~yor' Henderson 'opened j~4e. regular' meet'in'g'o:r tfilie council, vvi th Council-' 'men, Swanson, Trimble & Pollard presento gouncilmen Etde and Brovrn ,were . absent. . . Minutes r'ead ,of' September Jl+th me'et.,ing were read and approved. ~~e' budge~ previously adopted was not accepted by asses~or Barwick, , as the to\lm had a larger valua,tiOn due' it than was accounted .foro' The m111Thevy was cut to 14 m;Llls this being broken to allow a consider,abl~ SD.m ;to enter the ,Stl"eet Fu..'tld" Hence the fo llowing budget was adopted-.... the motion being voiced by Trimble and a second by pollal"'do Motion carried unanin~.ously 1'), J.J;;:~ Y'efJ~S'1irilit~ATEi5)tEq{PENDIlrURES. (1950 BUDGET dURREI1T EXPENSE 'Clerk:'Treasurer 1 s Salary & Expense ""'...--------~.:--------~---$ Attorney's Salary & Expense-------=----------:..--~--...----..... Police Court & Ex::Pense----.--...---~---....--_...:--------------.....> Registrations & Elections----------------------~----~-=~- To\V!1 pa 11 Exp ens e "'" - -...... .......... - - _.- ........................................ ""'.............. -.... ................. .......... -.... Park, I.8.bor & Expense-----.------.----..:.....-------....-------....--":'- . Publisliing and Advert.ising-----'-;:>~-...; --...-- --~-""'-...._;...------;...- ~ _I . . Bookmobile -Li brary- ~~- - --:=-_.......... --- -.---- ~...=- -----:-- -~.-- 0=........... Dues AssnQ of' Washington Ci ties--.--....--~------------...;.----.... Garbage ExDense----------------....~---....----....-----==-=-....-=-- . Audi t i ng Exp e ns e.... ..., - - - - .....-.... .... .............. .... - .... <- -,-"'''''''' - .......... ... - - - -.... ............ :-........ ;",,-. :En1e r g en cy ;Fu_~d-'- ~ - -.... ........ .... ... ~ -.... -- .... - "" ... ....... - - - -.... _.... ........ -, .......... .... .... - .-.... ;....- ... - <= '{RROTECTION OF LIFE & PRCfPERI~eY Mal")shal t sSa1ary., &Expense=....-------....:----...----....-~-----""'=- J ai 1 EXD ens'e' &' Me a 1 s......... --............... - -... "'" - - -........... ........ - -'............ ........ ... ............. -....... stree.t Lights-----~-----L----------~----~------...--..._---~=. STREET FUND Labor Matel"iais, . Improvements------....--....-....-..............-.;.......~----""-~ Trans:ferLoan to durrent Expense----------....:...-----...---.......,-- E-:'1 '.. t 'D ' .l- I ' qUlpmen 'Hen0~ ....------...----~--------------------~------- 1, 800'~ 00 110.00 1-!-50'$ 00 7:5eOO' 900~OO 600Q 00 . 200000 4l}.o@oo, 3'0.,00 1,'920000 225~ 00 -,' 1~19l.57 . . . ,$7 ~ 941Q57 . 3,100000 150() 00 . 400000 ,'. $3 ,650~ 00 2,199027 1,00.0., 00 . 102$ 7:2. . , Q ~p3, 202~ ID2 WATER FUND . Bond RedelTIption~- ------- ---------...--------...----------.......-.... 1, 600~.OO Supplies; Labor Repairs, Improvements & &x~e,nsions------- 3,650~OO' 'Po.wer---'.- --- --.- -:- ---""'=-.----.... ----------... - - --------------....- 550. '00 Industrial Insurance and MediCal Aid-,-------------------- 100000 Office Expense---------....-.-------- -- -- ---- ----------...----... 100'000 " . .. . $6000.,00. G~and' To~al------~-:-~------$20,793059 ' . . . ESTIMATED BUDGET FOR 1950' Water, Revenues.......- ---,---;...=~----....;-~---$6~ 000. 00 Taxes:.6t,m~lI levy-----~--~...------...: 1,559037 Taxes: 77:;' lTIlll levy-.gtpeet-F\..raa--.,~,--Jl, 799,,27 Pin Ball 0 Revenue-----------........-~----= 1,36o.~OO . Adm~ssion Taxes...-----:------'----------- 500.00' stave Gas Tax Funds---------------=- 1,402Q75 Motor Vehicle :Excise Tax....--...----'---..:- 3601Sl45 :. state Liquor ReveniJ.es-------...------- 2,291.75 ~Police Court Fines-~---------------- 600.00 , Garbage L11.comes----------------=--.;....... 1,920.,00 Estintated Cash on Hand----'---------- 3jOOOlllOO $20,793059 ( Bills' I'ead INere motioned .to be paid by Swanson wi th a second i'rolTI . Trimble and it carriede' 'CURRENT EXPENSB ' pI,) S. Power & Light--:---...-.---=---~=-$ 36t1J07 , VV 0 If' f s - ... ... - - - - ... - ... - - - ...... -. - .... .... ..., ~ .... '... - - ... "": ... ... 2 e 72 F:J.eld~s M~tor 00(,)----------------...:... 65077 Yelm Lumber 000--------------,----""0- 1.,55- standard Oi1----~-...------------...--_ 34&39 Shell Service---.-------------.......--...- 1060 '-<.., Trimbles Hardware--.------------....---. 16,;,82 Joe r s .Place-------------.:.---:------_=_ 9r~2 'Ye 1m Telephone'= ;,. - - - ~ - - - --;...- -- - -.... - - ;:ND.(ll,5 Nisq~ally Valley News-------~------ 2~o64 ',4,0 WA1JlER FunD " \ " Pe S. Power & Light----------~------,-----------'""-.~$39,,90 Mo sman Agency-- ------- -- _f_ -- -- .-- - --- -.- -_:..- -------, 5000 STREETFm\fD ' Washington state Penitentiary--------------------- 18Q72' , T8"con~a R:qinier Auto F1')eight Co~--------~-"-,------~- 2089 GARBAGE ", ' Trimble 1 s Hardware----------------------'---------- L~~J~~ In the correspondence Parkland Cor~aunity Club requested cooperation in developing' the f'acili ties at Rainier Parl{.. No action -resulted$ The Regional Pubiic, Library informed the Council the latest figure ,,:,:,.0, ~ " on Yelm t s proportion for support would be $412.63" or 1072 mills 'o-r' '}I the assessed valyationQ Mavor Henderson informed the council that a topographic map establishing points & preYiminary survey Ilne~ of Ye1m'was possessed by , Ae Go "stil'lmar:i 'irr Olympia".-- 'As"this' would be of' value --Co the - t.oYl/l:f of - 'Yelm~the clerk i,njas inh.strttcted,.to' contact"r/Ire Stillman in an atterJ1pt to secur-e the map~ ' Oz-zie Edwards Was preserttqa:na"ap:oi.;oacnea'the Council on the increase of th'f; water-rtftes> for' 'coYfullerciaI- 'use.' -Elirier Pr>is toe was present too, to explatn,a lower ra:te was previously granted Mre Edwards\!) In his case IVIro Edwards stated, a gi')eat D.'mOiint of 'water \!Iras 'u:s'ed for. the locker system :lnd he--'w.gsinterested 'lh"the 'possibility of a lower rated) The matter vva's studied, discussed 'ahd' weighedfrol11 every"arlgle and the ,council conclude-d,' before any' definite"'s:c'tion sTiould"result, t];1e ,clerk should, contact s'e'veral watei")"mutiicipal 'O~Vrie'd ~. to\l~Tnsd6n par vvith - :(elni to 'secure their rates ~Or COITU11ercial usee ' i. ' " . ~ , , ~, ! ',,'.,' " ,', '.In';'~; l(3tt'er~:from' Ho'he'rt 'Gral'la:m; state "st"a tistician, he advi'sed the ,>, to,h,?,.ncL out vouehe'rs' t'o"'a'll' clai'mees 'befOl";e~' rs-s'Liing a warrant. The . ,t1?6)1~~urer i s cleek the~ sh?~.ld be' 'sen! t'o the bank as oft'en as' bank ~'r~;.q<UJ..redo The clerk was lnstructed lI0 do SOli> ,-;:. Delinquent' wa t'er and garbage b'fll-g ':vvere ch'ecked and' the clerk VITa's requested-'to B'end r'eminde'!'1s' to bring the necessary 'payments up to date IJ' , ......' The meeting ~dyourned$ . NJ\~~DER'sO~'WIAY:R ~ ':. ''] town o D. ..1 :'1 . . I 4"1;";:: ....' . ~ .....~:.;~ c. N0vember 9th, i91..~9 Mayor Henderson opened the regular meeting of the Council of the Town of yelm with ,Councilman fEide,Pollard and Swanson present. Absent were Councilmen Brown and. Trimb.le. .' M.inutes of the Oetobe,r 12th m~eting were r.ead . a!ldapproved. The", \ . tr.easurerts report was read and 'approved'. . . ''fb.ef611owing bills were' presented and wi th a motion by Pollard and-, a second by Eide ordered pa:id. Moti0n'carried unanimously. {t mURRENT EXPENSE --., H' ~ . . " Puget. SQu~nd Power &' Light----- ----~------.-...---'":"..:....--$ 30.01 , :Pickett' Drug store-~----~-...--------------...----------. 4~61t- ~~stancl.a.rd .011 of 'Qali~0rnia---'-~----------------~""--- ~2.1~ Cap! tal ~i ty May .&. Blue' Print Co. ------------~--"!...-- . 2.@.2 Frances' E. Dregseth----------':'"-----....------...-...--.-.---- . 13-.00 Yalm Telephone 00. -------------------------..~,--""!'--.--... 19.15 Colson & :..MedleyTavern- - ---.:.. "'!"-- -'- ----~ --":" - - -. - - --- - - ,2'.48 .n &, H "Mobile Service-------~----------....------..;.~-.----73~25 WATER FUND. 0 puget Sound Power & Light---....-------...--...-----~--.---- 34.71 Yelm 'Lumber 00.---....-'------------------.-.-------.-----.:. 9~4.5 (, Badger. Meter. Mfg. . .00..------------...-----...--...;.--------.... 25..47 We'sternutili ties 'Supply OO.----...--------------~--ioe--~..55..87 Chicago Bridge & Iron Company-----------------.------ 392,,~55' Tax .CommissiQn of state of Washingtol7.l.....,----..;.-~--..;..---~ 60";'''00 STREET FUND~ .. D & H Mdbile Service-----------------~---.--------'!'.....;....:.. Ye 1m I.itlmber ." Co ..- - - - - - - - -.-... - - _.- -.:. -- - -.- - - -;.. -- - ...:.._-- -,-- GARBAGE FUND.. J . D &, H Mobile Service---.---.--:---...--.;..----------------- , Fieldts . Moto~ CQmpany-.-------.:..---~------------.----....- 7~,02 .18.97, 20.06 20.57 Correspondence for the month included a letter from Attorney Trellinger "advising the Council 'the '3% sale.s tax rnustbe paid on the' watertaru{~as the tax was not paid at time of the pUDchase. . Mr:. McDowell' of' Cherokee Cafe 0 ttended. the' meeting in behalf of his des~re ,to receive permissi9n from"the Council to place \'Vitl:lin'lhis . establishment, 'a cafe, the pinball maChine. ,PermissionvvRs gr~ted. FUrther correspondence was received from a new District Health Off-- 'ieer" Dr.' B. Bueave,' requesting the Council to appoint one ~epresent- . ative to meet with the Board oBealth. "The Council instructed the . . clerk. to confe,r with Attorney Trelli'nger and secure his&.'advice ~n this' matter. . Water rates .frOYll.fourteen fourth class ci ti'es had been racei ved 'and together.with the data,from Ass'oeiation of Washingt.on Cities' the .Council 'studied the rate.s. .TO'WIl of Yelm \vater rates a.veraged on pa.r. with rates. of other tow:rl's.' 'mh'6'rewere no special rates for lOCker systems 'such as the one. in Y,?lm.Discussion followed in the interest of IfJ? Qzzie Edward's rates for his locker system. No definite action .resulted as the Council needed more time to give the matter further oonsideration. The meetin'g adj,ourned. . ~ 7~-~-.--_ NA AWe HgNDERSON,~:iAYOR \ )' . \ 48 il" -. "~I December 14th, 1949' t Present a t the regula:!? rne'etingo' of the Councilor. the Tovrn. of Yelm were Mayor Henderson, Art Trimble, Earl Pollard, and Oscar Swanson. Councilmen Bide 'and Brown were absent. " The minutes of the previous meetilJ. November 9th, were read and approved. The' treasurer t s report was read and approved. The following bills were read and on a motion by Oscar Swanson and a second by Art.Trimble were o~dered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE . .Mo.sman Agency --":'--'---~----""!------'----------l--$ . Ro'"sano ' s---- - - -...- - ---- --...-.....-... -----.. -----....... ...-- -- o ., t~~. Wol;C.t 8---.-.--..---.-.---.--.----.:..-----0;-...;.-.---...;.-------- '. .3..08.,00, J. W4!" .Cullens,..........:..,....---.-~~-~..-c->.......-....._-->.............._.",,;.............:.'--~ 4 P':lone'erI:n:c ..---.---:'.-.-....:..-----.-.--.--.-.--...-.------....:-. · 19.88 ;Brown Bres'.'.. Garage~-----~-~---..;.-------------_:"- 77~58 ':Regional~:Pu.bl1e. .Library----------.------------- 427 ~ 14 Attorney J.T. Trullinger-~----~----------~---- 100.00 P.S. Power &; Light-------~-------------------- . 39.~5 Harry Li vings.,t0n-----,-----------~---,-------~-,~ 61,%.90 Harry Livingston-----------------.----------~--' 468.h5 WATER FUND, . ,....."...., ,. P'.S. Power ,& ..Light-------'!"'-----------.---...;":"'--~- Brown. Bros.' ,Garage-.,;.,---------~-':""---.:..--~---~--- 'rrim b Ie ,1;8' ,. Hardware- ..;.... - - - --:- - - ..; - - -. -._- -.;.. - - - - - - - -- , Ye J,111 . Iilrnb er-.-:':" - - - - -.-.-,-.:.. - - _.-- - - -... - -- - - - -.' - ""'!'.- - -.-'!- STREET FONt>" , ~.. . Ye 1m Lunlbe r - -.-'- - - - - - _.- -..... - - - - - ,-;" - - - - - - -- - - - - -.- BrOV'ffi Bre.s..; Gara-ge-.-.-.--.------.-.:...---.-.-.-:---.----.-'--- . . 1 GABBAGE FUND. .. , " . 50.'.50 ' 194.23 . 23.14-2 . 3.86 7.61 4.47 . 26.8J . ~ .., \ In the c0rrespondence received was a letter from' Bucoda18with ~ts water rates as requested;. a letter from the Tovrn.' At'torney in, regards . .O"~'. to the'. new ele'ction-' laws and all the -information the connell needs to carry off this election legally and smoothly; Attorney Trullinger ifdvised~ the Council, as reque'sted, that i~ hi.sopinD:r0n, financial contribution wa.'s not mandatcbry to the newly formed District Health District, and that if the town desired it need not be taken '1n that.",," district. The .Counci,l'decided to not join the Health Districtyetr~ Represent'ati ve.s were present in the interest o;C. pinball ,operators t 1i- censes.w In the event that pinball TI1ad~l. inesare dec'lared illegal again or'def'init'e).y, the Council heard the first and second readings 'of,: Ordinance No. .57.. Ordinance No. 57 amends ordinance No. 46 Section 6, thereof to praVid-:e,,~;;r.or the remis,sian of .the operator's lieense fee under certain condi..t,io:h!s~;'Ji a1f!'.1is _ ordinance was adopted unanimously. . cIohn Cu.llens,. Tovm Marshal, was ppesent to .report special 'events in his nightly;watch. . He reported Demieh Hardware, D & H Mobile, and Brown Bros.. ~had doors ~locked and Field's Motors had ga$ pumps and oil pump open. <} The 'digging of a new weI'l was discus'sed and the clerk was requested to contact Attorney Trul.,linger about 'the necessi ty' o:Ci'an engineer ts" specifi;'" "cations to call.for bids-. Art Trimble, Oscar Eide and Earl pollard weJ~e appointed to i-riv:estigate the situation. 'The Council requested the delinquent water~bills and took the action on same: . Nlrs. F. . Marshall----------------se.nd reminder A. G., Loney---.---:---:...----'--.:.---.....-Sen.t Cut of':C notic'e Jan. 1, rllrs.' R. H. Ismay--------~-------send reminder 'Robert De.ford-------------------cut off' immediat'ely until deposi t paid' Blake's Cafe (send. cut o:rf notice Jan. 1, 1950 ' Hugh Blake (' . ~ Martin Cahill~----~--------~.:_---send' Gyt'Gotf ~notic~ Jan~ 1, 1950 '(fahill's Cafe Bill---,..:.----------send bill to Sampson, the o\mer., 'Jones' Shoe Shop~~-.;;.-.-----....-----..;-send bill to' O.K. Edwards, 'the 01vV11.er. Lloyd Renner-----..:-~-,...;---..._--'---seJ;1d reminder " c G~orge-' Brovm-----,-------- ------- send cut pff notice Jan., ~, 1950' Virgil Moore------~-------------s'end reminder fOllOWing,O. ... 1950, I: ~I I 'OrdlflaBce'~;5e':~~i5'~o,v:f.a~ri'g~~e.~~:n?mtriatton:. oJ: .' cana:(aa1;B"S'_a~cC'::.p.~e s,crI~{nff th~..~"i \ manrler of 'holding "party "'.cfnicllses -naEL.its" f)irst ,an~.. second, readJ..ngs.' '."T.' It .w'as ,ado.p.ted "unanimousl.~:t.. ' , . . " , , . The. meE1,ting ~d,~ourn.ed. < ~ '~ .. .< , ~. ' mr N W. ,HENDERSON, MAYOR A1 E: I ~ ;~~. ^ cJ~ .b~. FR~NCES 'E~ DROGSET'" C~RK-TREAS. January 11, 1950 ':~At the regular meeting, of the Council of the Towno~'Yelm" C?Ullci1men Eide ,"'Trimble, Swanson, 'ana' Brovm. we:re'presentwi th' M8:YOl~, Hender$on., pre":", ,siding. Abs'ent was'- Councilman' :r:ollaru'.' , ',MiJiutes'of th~ 'December 14th meeting were. read and' apprQved. The . .following "bill~ ' wel~e' ordered, paid by a motion by SVfanson and a Second .by Trimble. The Iv1otion carried.. 'CURRENT EXPENSE . ' , Ba.ncrof't~\IVb.i tneyCompany--- - --~ - ---.... - --- ~-'--- -~---.--$15 ~ 97 Darla 'D. . Dayton--:i---...;-;..._--,----,---_-------_~----,----- l5,~20' . Field t s Motor' Comp8J:~y-------_..:.....----'.:..--~~~-.:~..-~---;..~- 83..59 vVolf l s- ,;"...;....---------- .:.---------------.---,-,--...-----~ -- 6. '73, 'standard Oil of Ca1ifornia---_~---.:--------.:..-_-----,58~91 Yelm Telephone Company:..-'~---'-":"------------...--.~----- 50~ 25 PS. Power 81: Light Company----------.....-.:.-.---_---~----, 40.98 Ray Nort.on;..:..~----~--.:.-------'-~---------~---.:..~------ ,> J..; 00 . Pioneer Incorporated---------~------~-----~-------~ 24.33 MO'Slnan Atlency- -----,- -- --- --- :--;.. - - ------...-'---".:.- ----- 16~.75 Trimb lef.:~ Hardware"': -- - -- - - ----.~----- - -.;..: ":" -,-- -- ....:.- - - 8~:31 WAT;ER F1JND" , . C.' VV., Hughe s - - -.:. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -~- Ye 1m LU.mber Co. -'~--....--------... --- -- ~- - --_ -..:. - -.~- - - ""-,7' .P. S. Power and tight--;...-,-.;.'--'"':':---------~--_---------- STREET Y~~D " . Washington State' Pe'ni tent:tary~------------~-~-----~ Tl1.omsen Lumber Company-~-----~------,....----~-------~- I GARBAGE FmiD , . , Roger. Eide~--..;-~---~---.----------,--------------:---~ 1.55 19~o4 41.93 3~86 .78.30 2.5.00 I I . . , , 'Ihetovm 'm,~shal repol'"lted during the month of Decembe~ doors were found ajar in"-Demich 'Hardwa're and Fristoe'ts raw of'fice. . Financial. repo.rt was f-J.ries and forfeiturE1s from Julyl, to. 'Jan.. 1, a;moun~ing .to $1,216.00.' . ' Oscar Swanson was appointed to attend the' meeting of TI:l1;rston-}\flason- , Olyrnpla :a:ealth District Meeting January 12th--the' plirpose of them.eeting to embarlt'.o.fficially' the new health distric,t. - ~ I . . . A.G. Loney requested the council to a sstire the EOumclalN Creamery the. . TO'i,rn of Yelm nad no. debt or claim against the prope'rty on which the Grea."ner'Y of Yelm is located. It was decidedbe:Core the statem~nt could be made the Gounci'l wou.ld contact lVIr.Loney ,;about an easement or half. interest in the wat~r line on the ~~eamery land. ' The.:clerk was .:Lnstructe'd to contact Attorney Trullinger about .the" ,legality of' pin~alls operating after January 15th. " Ordi~ance No. 56 had its ''Phfu:f?d and final reading, was adopted unanimous,:tt~ and ordered published. ,Ordinance N'o. 57 had its third and final reading. .It was adopted unani- rriou~'lyand ,ordered published. 'The c.lerk V{~S ordered 'to publish no"tJ.ce of' the nominating caucus to be }:leld FebrJ1ary Jl~th at 8'-:00 PM in ac.cordantce wi.t4...ti-ie, ,new. election laws. It ,was announced by the ~11ayor that t\yO Councilmen's terms of' office' expired-- Art Trimble. ~:nd'. Earl. :Pollard, and the clerk:--tr.easurB~f s position open, to election as the . present o.ff'icial was' appointed.. .) . FJ:he 'treasurer fs report wasr?,ad:apv:poved. '