1951 Minutes ,6' S",:. . . , . " \". January 10th, 1951 ~ayo~ Henderson,opefie~ the regular meeting ~f the C6uncil with Councilm.en Tr'imble, ,Brown, Pollard-', and Swanson present. Councilman Eids was absen~~ Also on hand ~t. this meeting were citizens Archie Fergu~on and l\/Ir. Reiss. .Minutes of the ~December meeting were. read and ,approved. " The following bills we~eordered paid on a motion by Councilman B'roi,'\f!l and a second. by Councilman Trimble. Vote was unanimogs. Curren t Expens e ,Tri~blets Hardware-------~--------~--~-.---$.2.37 Woifts--~--~_______~-----~---~------------_ 5.25 Blake's Caf'e----.;..-...;-.;....;..;..-.:...;.._.;._______________.. 7.99 Field's Motor Co.-----------___~~______~___ 35.95 D &'H Mobil.----.;..------_~-_----~--~-------- . 53.51 . Standard Oil of e.alif..;.---;..;:..---:..___~----'--...... 68.17' Yelm Telepb.0ne Co. ----.;...------;..____:a,;__.;...;..____ 2lH L~O Pioneer, Inc.-------~---~.;...-.-~-~---_.;..~~---- 10.62 P.S. Power & Light Co.--~-:..----------~----- le.62 E.L. Baluss-----~-------__~___~~___________ . 50.00 Pickett Drug Store------------____~_~~~---- 1.80 Nisqually Valley News--------------___~____ 12.10 Water Fund . H.D. Fowler-Co., Inc.------~----~--________ 13.53 Yelm Lwnber Co.-~---------------__________~. 112.45 P.S. Power & Light----~---~~-~--__~_~------ .40.27 Garbage Fund D & Mobil Service~------~------------------ Street Fund D & H Mobil Service--------------~-~_______ . P.8. Power & Light---------....---------....__....____. Sundovln Logging Company--~~----------..:._____ Yelm Te1eph0ne.Co~--~~--~~-~~~---~-_w........--__ New .Wf3ter Constraction Fund' Trimble Hardware----------------____~______. 13 13 ( . . H.D. Fow~er COl, Inc.--------~-------------3547.84, <> o 8.49 ,6.41 33.00 68.00 10.00 'rhe treasurer's report up to the date was' given. Twas incom- plete as books w0uldntt close'until Jan. 20th., 1951. The State examiner" s report"was read and thDDoughly discussed" and th~ necessary corrections ma~e. A letter from Ray Cruikshank of Brown Bros. Garage ~nformed the Council of a 19l~.9 Chassis and Cab . Dodge Truck which was a good, buy at this time. Purchase of this truck for the garbage depar~ment was discussed to some' length but no definite action restllted at this time. ! r ) Nfr. Reiss: 'brought facts to the Councl1 of the great' amount of water.drainlng tnto his alley and lots from the great amount of water on the ~~ain Highway. To great lenths this problem had been, previous~ ly discussed and the aid of the Sta te, .1Iighway Department sought, ' so the matter was turned over 'to, the rr1own's attorney to investigate the State' s responsibility toward this' problem. . Archie Ferguson offered a location to. the Town to use as agar... bage disposal spot. Mr. FergQson offered ,the location at $25.00 a month which would include bultrdozing the- dlli~p when necessary. The clerk was ordered to contact 'the Co. Health Department to have it approve' 'of the location and the Council would inform :Mr. Ferguson of .the decision. . }J1r. Fergus'on also requested Railroad Ave. opened for traf,fic. . .0.' '.' After c'onsiderable. discus'sion, Councilman Brown motioned' to hire Archie Ferguson an~the pay the sum of $100.00 to open the following stre'et--Railroad Ave. from Jones to Mossman Street. Councilman . Swanson seconded the motion and it carried unancimously. o The' Mayor stated.thatJanuary 20th was registration date for civilianstn in:torm authorities what part of defense whty would be. 'willing. and able to perform.:, The ,age would include ~5 years ~o 90 years. . Mayor Henderson expressed need for great Interest In this registration and Bnlished the Councilmen's aid in advertising this ~mportant dat~. I ,I ~I C .(Councilman Pollard informed the -Council the. street signs were readJ and would be. uprighted in their respeeti~e\'spots~i~ ditections wohldbe on' ha,nd. . , As .no word had been received' from Olympia Nove.1.ty Compapy of i~s plans for the coming jear, the olerk was advised to contact the Company-to learn of its intentions as the licens~swere:past due~ The meeting adJourned. ~ 7-0. 2~~ ~ an W. Henderson, Mayor f, .' -" ':feb'ruary -'i3.~' 19:51 At the City H.al1tne Citi'zens Party' b.e~d a caucas rruesday evening, February iJ, 1951 at 8 p.~~i . " I Mer'le Curry was named cha.ir".q1an 8l?-.d ~a:r~ ~Pollard " secretary. E~E?ven electors,'were present. . Oscar Swanson was nomina,ted '"by Earl Pollard for Counc-ilman to serve a two-year term. The motion was seconded (by Nate Henderson and carried. Ed Pickett.wss.nominated bv HaDold " , ~....~ _~. . ~ . " ...._ .." "'. t,.> .. Smit:p. to serve as C'ouncil-man fo:!; two.yeaJ;".so O~C0.:V Swanson s'econded this motion and it ccarrled. Ed Bro\/vn was nomif:lated '''by Jack Louti~ ~ enhiser to. serve fun the counc"ii for a two-year termo rrhe moi::ion.' ~, was seconded: by Harry'Ha"i'nes '?-nd' carried-I" . " The meetingadjour~edt I . ~ . .... ~~ cP~~. Earl Pollard, Secr~tary WI . ql?' ':J,r;~ - \ (~ '"""\ \ .'? 1.\ . I.~V, ~ebruary 14, 1951 I, L. 'On hand for "the regular February, meeti~g held the l4th, were iCouncil- \ m'en Swanson, ~ide ~ and, Pollard..' Councilmen Brovyn and Tri~hle were a.bsen~': 1V~ayor Henderson presid.ed.' I'/I1: ~ T' ~~. .Fraru{ Tangney~of Rockwell Manufac~uring Company was present to display. the new and improved Empire Meter. " , The minutes of the January meeting and minutes of the Citizens Party ',0aucus were reaq. and approved. " The' following bills were ordered paid on a motion by Gouncilman Swanson and 'a second by Co,uncilman Pollard. . Motion carried unanimously. l " ' Q~rent Expense ' puget Sound PO'V1ler & Light-...,.------------------$ Assn. o:f Vlfn.' Oi ties-----------~--------~----- IvIo SnlQn Agenc y- - - - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - -- Norton Agency----~--------------------------- '1e1m Telephone Cp. -----------1-----"":'----------' ,'D & Hi Mobil Station-------------------------- Standard, Oil----------------~---------------- . 'vVo If t s - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- . > Yelm. Lumber Co. ----------- ------------;...- ----.:. 18.75 30.00 15.00 2'.13 4l~. 70 115.27 70.81 , 5.;37 7.47 ,garbage Fund. Field's Motor 00.------:-------:---------------- 15.50 ,'Water Fund 'Ye'lm fumber- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - _.: -_.- W. S. Darley' & Co.--------~.------:_-----.----:..-- P. s. po'wer & Light---------- --------.-----~--- . Trimble's Hardware---------~--~-~---------~-- street P. s. power & Light----':""-.;.------~---------'--- D & H Mobil Se'rvice------------.:.-----~------- Trimble's Hardware:...------:--------------------- 1.81 26.50 39.00 4.80 3;3.00 .. 4.,20 2.27 A letter f'rom the .state Health Departmentgave light to the 'chemical analysis of the Tovm!s new well water assuring the Council the water was on par with most of the waters of the state. ~e tr-easurer' s report vvas read add' accepted. . On' a motion by Pollard and a s'econd by' Bide, the Conncil voted. unanimously to sellWeyerhouser 100 feet of its surplus pipe. The mayor had a request f'~om the School District Lt_OO to contrtlct :for . . water for a' period of four months during the Sl.nmner season for the sum of, $100.00 a season.Much intensive discussion followed the consideration of all consumers, the ability of the ~quipment to, produce, and maintain a supply of water, the financial status 'of' the water'departfuent, fuJ.4d the request was shelved until. the Division of Municipal Corporations lrould be contacted. . Ordinance N'o. 62 authq,rizing the tra..11s:fer, of' $1, OOO!,~'OO from the. street Fund to the Current Expense. Fund had its fil"st and second r.eading and was passed unanimoysly. The Council ordered the Clerk to contact the Ol~~pia Nove~ty Company , and inform them the maste~ts license has to be paid according to the TOV1l11' s Ordinance.' ' Meeting adjourned~ t:eu-e(P~J NATHAN w: HE~NDEH30N, l\'~:AYOR ~~~[~~ H' f'. v 'f.? ('l 14' .' n c' I r -I .,. .J. R.c~HC'_I'J .w. DROJIJErn:, C ' RK , . o^ .0;-': I ' 'I L O. '.'-" j j :[ <I I.' I:. '71.. February 2~, 1951 - ( r At' a Special meeting of the Council of the ,'T.ovvn at Yelm, CotfficilD).el?- BrO\-'V1:1" Pollard" ,Trimble apd the, Mayor. were present. , .fvlr. 'E'.'F. pug'sley presented:a,'~gragress payment due on :V1!ater 'Main Contract Job which was ok'd by Engineer R.T. Harst~d. The Bill as' follow ProgrE;lss, ',payment on water Main cOntract~.f~---~~-,--------"':$3,920,.09 . '.Councilman BrOiJ'ffi ,motioned to pay Mr. Pugsley the Progress pay- ment and . Councilman Po11ar~d secon,ded. The. motion carl'-'iedu.nan:Lmously. .Ordinance' 'Q2 had' its third and final reading and was passed unanimous- ly. It was ordered published. 1reeting'a~journed. Acting, Mayor e ~~ ~ H!2/;IA?~. Nathan W. 'Henderson, Mayor f' b~~g;. ~ces E. Drags .~ , ~ March J!.~, 1951 " 'Earl Pollard, Acting 'Mayor, Called the regular meeting of the Council wi th Cou.ncill11en Swanson, Brovrn, and Trimble present.. Councilman Eide and, Mayor Henderson were absent. Min~tes of the previous meeting. and special meeting were read and~ , app;roved. "- I; Tl'le following bills we~e allo:wedq.on,..a motion .by"-Gouncilman Trimble, a se'cond by Councilman ,Bro~Yfn and a unanimoljs vote. Current Expense /., ~ . ,. . -' . - -, . >- Norton Agency--------~.~..:..~------$ 1..82. Yelm Tel. . Co. --~--'--.~.-~---;..-:---29. 05- .Amalia Docherty---.;..":"-:...-"----,,,.--- .-1-2.00. Dat sy ,D~ Fristqe~-~--'...-'t----.- -....- 12.00 .. Frances 3mi th----.--.-..;.---------- .12.00 . Frances E. Drogseth-.:.:.~~-----.--- .5.50 Rosano f S -...---..;..--...~_.--~--------.- - 6.90 Mosman,Agency-.~-------~-------- .1.75 ) Brol,nm Bros. ~,.Ga::age--..;,--~--':"'----- 58,.96- . P.'s. Power' & Light---.-----.;..---- 12.59 WateJ~ FUnd P. S. Power & Light Co .-.~-------' .3.2,.-09 ' .. ~..'- Bre'wn Bros. Garage---:--,-.------- .71.-19 Service Hwd & Imp. Co.---,------- 59.32' ,stre'et Fund r.' .. -. . ,. . . P.S. "Power &- Lig1:lt co.,.~-----...- ..33.-00 -- - ., Garbage Fund .' " .Mosman Agency------------....----- 1.75 Bro'wn Bros... Garage-----.~------- -20.48' New Water Construction Eund Richards.on Well Drilling Co. --- h8.00 . .. - -... )!fr. F.R. star.rett of 'puget Sound Power and Light Co:rnpany was on hand vri tho a new contra,ct to .handle the addt tion of new tral'tsformers. As the old contract_ didn It expire until July, :,1952, the Council requested the old one run as usual and a new conthr-act he formulated ~o care for the new transformers'; c.' Tv'Ir. starrett advi sed the Council he vlottld bear the w~sh 'of the _Council to headquarters and report the result at a later 'date. . .-------.~ . - . - ~........ ~ \ The treasurer's report was read and approved. 1 As . th~ 'Co11n~y Library reques.ted their' sign tq, be C!isplayed in a suitable lo.catlon, Mllt Jo:tmson consented to place it in its proper place. - l. - . As the. Olympia Novelty Co. had not paid the :Master t s license for 1951 , / 11'~',.,,:I" ...... ),."t. t\5\ I '. ". ~, - the COl1l1.cil re'quest'ed the e1erk turn the matter over to I the To~vn f S Attorney, 'Robert Fri'stO,e. The Water 'Bepartmentpresented a new approved water statement it wished to use when th~ following supply was depleted. Af~er some _ discussiqn and consideration Councilman SWa11.son'motioned to purchase and accept the nevv post 'card statemf3nts, Councilman Brovm seconded the motion and it carried. The meeting"adjourned. 0- . w- HAN W. HENDERSON, ~~ cP~cU~' EARL Pt11LLAHD, ACTING' :NIAYOR April 11, 1951 Mayor Henderson presided ovel~ the regular meeting of the Co1.1ncil . wi th Courtcilmen Swanson, Pollard, and.; BroilVl1 present.. Councilmen Eide ,and .Trimble were absent. \ . Minu.tes of the March regular meeting ~:were l~ead and ~pproved.' I The following bills were ordqred paid on a motiop. by Councilman Swanson and a second by Councilman Pollard. Vote was unanimous: , f' ,Current Expense:', . ~ ,Pioneer, 'Inc---------------.-:---------$ 4.27 Collector of' Int. ,Rev---------------- 37.60 Dept. of' Labor & Ind.~--------,------- 15.23 Floyd f s Pump & PlHmbing-~',----~.---....--.-..... '15.97 Rosano t s----------------------:,-------,... '2.97- l:VoJ_f t s~-----------------------,---.----" 7 .54 Mosman Agency-------'----------:.---:..---. 30L~:24" . Stand. Oil of Calif. ----------,-----'--,.- 79~;'91' , P. S. Power & Light---------~--;,--'---'--' 12.54-, Field t s Moto'r Co.-------------:-------'...... 3 7.21" ..... ,Pickett Drug Store-,-------~--_:------- " " 1..83 Yelm Tel. Co. -----------------;-,-----.--'.. 19.95 Water Fund: ' , ~. .....,.. Martin J. Gruoer~-~-------------~---- 5.54 P .s. Power' &Light....----.--,"':'----~~------.. 2..-0.0, Brown Bra s. Gar,'3.ge-,------- ----,-------.,' , 8.29 Street: Collector of TlInt. Rev .~---;..~-:----:----~ 2.20 P., S. Power & Light------------..----.---. -3'3..,00 Dept. of' labor & Ind.---------------- 13.90 Garbage .' .' ,1_ ... \' " :..llr,chie Ferguson---------------,-----,--.. 140.00 street: ' Archie Ferguson-~------------:'-,.~-----~, lOO'~:OO o ;> ... "'; o The treasurer t s report was read and e.pproved. ~ Mayor Henderson presented the timely issue "of Daylight S~ving fo=r ' ,considera tion and solution as its place in the TO:Vffi of'~ Yelni';: ' 'Co:uncl1- man ~rown motioned to stay on Standard Time if' Taroma does. Counciiman Swanson seconded the motion arid it cal~ried. Marshal J"ohn Cullens~ declared the Police Car was in dire nee'a. of new tires. Co~mcilman Swanson motioned to buy two new ,tires for the Police Car if the garage would cut down 25% on the cost of the tires. Cou.n'ci;J-man: E.ollard seconded the motion and it carried. :Milt Johnso~ transferred to the Council,.the wish of several persons 'I I 'I 7' ,'l,Y -,tJ~. to' 'purchase old pipe re-surrected .from the .ree.ent .main job.- Tile wa t($r superintendent lN8:S given: ,the autho'rity .toa.ell the' pip'e he - . saw'the departmant would,not~need ~nd use, his 'good judgment on the ,pri ce.' '> - -', , The water superintendent suggested the water tower territory be 'fenced in. The general sentiment of the i cOtL11.cil vtTasthat the inrrnediate 'action on this was :q.ot necessary.. ' The unattrac ti ve ~rontage' of the city hall wa'g di seuss,ed and its .remedy. Councilman Swanson motioned to concrete the front at tile time the park board, used cement, Brown ,seconded th~s motion. Motion carried. Oi tizen Ed Pickett ,,'lias on hand to pl'lopose ,to the Mayor that Dr. Os'car 'K. 'Williams be nominated as the Tovm of Yelm t s~ Health Off-icer., Mayor Henderson followed'this suggestio},\' :j..nrrnediately by appointing Dr., Willl:ams the Health officer, of Yelni;: Ed- BrO\"ln motioned ;to pay. Dr~, 1JVilliams as ,his, salary .for this posi tion the sum of nil. Pollard seconded this motion and it carried"unanimously. ' ,As the question of be,tter lighting in the main streets again arose, the Mayor was named for.ipvestigating with the proper authorities on this new interest. " ' De.linquent utili--t:YE.'paNIDents were questioned but no di.fmni te action was taken as the necessary steps to collect or w.scontuLnue. service' were previously passed. The Clerk was ordered ~o request the townts editor to publish ~ notice suggesting the citizens have the:Lr dogs-and cats innoculated for rabies due to the presence of' the disease elsewhere... ' Engi^nee~ HG T.' Harstad notified the Council ,qi' the, progress' pay- ,ment due Nfr. E.F. Pugsley. The amount--$1,297~'OO. . This payment . wa~ approved anq. ol")dered paid. The meeting adjourned.. ~w.J~. ahan W. Henderson, Mayor tA .Drogseth May 9, 1951 Presiding at the May regular Council'meetlng was Mayor Wi th CounciLmen Swanson, Pollard, Eiae and ,Brovvn present. Trimble was absent. Also on hand were Citizen Ed Pickett employees., Marshal Cullens an~ Milton Johnson. . \ Henderson Councilman ap.d Ci ty . \ \.. Minutes o.f, tl?-e Apri'l 11, meeting were ,rea,d a;nd .approved~ Pollard ..11fotion$d to pay the' foll~~nl1ring bills' wi th .a 'second by Eide~- Votew~s unanimous. Current Expens'e D & H MbbilService---.----~-------__________.:..$ Trimble t S Hardware-----.------~--------______ .' Art' Burnside & Co. ----,------------_..:._~------- Standard Oil Co. ~~--..;,------.-----____________ Yelm Telephone 00.--.:.:..----------;:..-..:.-________ P. S. Power & Light CO.-,~-------------------- }f'r anc e s E. Dr a g seth - - ~;;;:. - "';'- - - - - - _ _ _ _._ _' _ _ _ _ _:_ Wate'r" Fund ,. , ' ~iT11ble 1'8 Hardware.;.-;..:-----------____________ P. S. PaV'fer S:C Light---------..:.-...;.~---..;;":"--------- street Fund Trimblets Hardware~----~~---------__________ SundO'Nn flogging Ca. ---'..:..--------________ ____- P. S. Pawer & Light-------;~--.;..--:...-----------. 31.87 11.09 '6.25 27~82 9.50 11..63 1.{..46 16~91 96.-39 9~78 96..00 33.00 , , '(.4' Garbage ,Fund , , D & H Mopil Service~---~-----------~---~---$ 9~09. Field t s Motor Cb~:-------------------------_. 53.45 New Water Construction Fund ',.' Howapd' T.. Hars'tad----..:.--~------------------ 1~75.58 .The treasurer's report was read and approved., ~eso~ltion No. 6t autho~izing the executio~'an~ delivery of a contract with the puget Sound Power & Light Company for Furnishing M~ulicipal ,TJiJater P"Looping Po'Vver Service was presented to the Council~' Cou~cilman, Br.oiiVn motioned to pass Reso'lution No. 60; Councilma1'\ Swanson s,eccnded this motion and it carried unanimously. o ''l"'he final'navment on the waterworks construction contract .to . J. v Mr. E..F. pugsley, :Contractor \vas presented. Councilman Brovm.. motioned to withhold the payment of $1,595.33 until alleys were.satisfactorily cleaned and leveled. CounciL"I11an Pollard seconded this motion and ' it carriep. unanfumously. '. Mayor Henderson appointed the folloYfing Board of, Park. Commissio:i1~ , ers: cJ.:1airma?--Janette Loutze:r;l.b,i.ser, Lou Pollard, and Jack, Conner. Milt. Johnson requested the pu~chas8 o~ meter parts for repairing defected ones. 'J.'he v~8.ter superintendent \vas granted the perTnission to purchase' the par~s he needed." . ,- . As Dr. O.K. V\Jil.liams. advised the CO"lillcil to ,take;;- action on the innocu1ation of animals for rabfe's, Attorney Fristoe presented Or-' . .dihance 63. The Orp.inance had its fir'st and second readirtgs and . vIas passe'd tlnanimously. . Qrri-1n~n~e 6-3 pD-d l,ts first aHa, ::>ecunJ. .L-ed.J:Lugs and was .f:Jd.~~t;;d u..u.cu'r.i:nrouslYe. 'Meeting adjourned. ,/ ~ ~lu,/~ ban w. Henders0n, Mayor n LJ: , RES9LUTION . ~ WHER~AS, PUGET SOUND POWER &' LIGHT COMPANY has offel'led to furnish .C> "...., .\^> ~' J. \,.,.1, . for a period of Five (5) years,tipon 'the- terms set' f"or'th l'in the 'fo'11owing proposed, form .of contract, , to-wit: . PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, herein .called IlCompany, n and th'e Tov'ffi of Yelm" a muni cipal' corporation of the .state of 'f'fash- ington, herein called tfCityff, agree as follows: F'IRST: This, contract only dovers_, power, used in'" connec.tion 'w'i th the opepati'on of ...vater qistrib'lltion systems. ) SECOND:' DELIVERY-.;..In c.onsidepation of~' the payments, and subj~ct . to the limi tations, herein si1ipulated, the Company agrees for fa period of ':5 yonsecutive years, beginning Februar'Y- 1, 1951, to" ~-!,~ ' re serve "i'or ,and, furni sh,to the Ci ty, and Ci ty agree s d1.n'ing said per'~,' iod.,to buy .exclusively from the Compapy, at the rates here,in 'rived, all electric power required to operate the Cityts water pump1ngp1and" or pls.nt's located',ail.d des"Cribed as follows: ' Wa tar pumping plant located on the '$ol.:J.theast side, of Second . . 0":, . street midway" between TvlcKenzie" 'stree:t. anq. Wa~hington street ~n the Town ~f' Yelm, r Tl11.:u">'stoh . "C?ufity, Washi!lg~ono "" ~ Metering V0ltage~ 240 volts. ,. .::':.":,~".. . .. ,,' ~ Tran.sfon~t1er Rental-3:"'5"i{vA, 7200/120/21.1_0 volt transfoX'mers Transformer Losses to be added monthly- .3 Kilowatt$and 219 Kilovlatt Hours. -- ". . ....... .":',.:. ',':' _ '. 'Said' electric power shall be three-phase, sfxty CYC:P3', ~~- ternating current at approximately:}2.0b .y~Jts. Company agrees to .furnish not exceeding'-15--horsepovJ"8p, but \ivill furnish anX Cl-ddi..;. tional amount ~require'd' by' the" 61 ty "if 'i t has the pOvyer available. The point of delivery shall be the primary side of' transformer' 'J:7~' , i!' _U~,."~"~ ':\." .... ...;.~, ~..,. ~"'i." ...... _, _: ."'~ .''''''~ -""':;"...............o.l;"": ~,1'"'~ ~, 0(...... -4 ... ..~~..... ....,.... ~;..~, ~. thecem19a:.H~,..t0 secure a renewal the:r>eof'. , - b'" Dated ,...this ,day of _ ;19 " TO\fm 'of Yelm Attest: 0:1.. fy C1 e r k '!?JT , Mayor PUGET SOTJND POWE~R &'J LIGHTCOMP ANY :0.,":. ~ Vvi tness: : By..,."..",_.,-- June ~, 1951 Mayor~ Hende~so~ presided at a special meeting of' the Council of TO\Vll of Yelm, wi th Councilmen Pollard,: Bro'wn, Swanson, Eide and Trimble present.. Attar ney J:I'ristoe was also on hand to rende",r ::Legal advice.' Resolution 67 drawn up by Attorney Fristoe was adopted by unanimous ,vote. " The thil,d and final reading was given Ordinance 63 and it passed by a unanimous vote. The ' ordinance was ordered published. RESOLUTION ~ \ o Whereas, the Town of Yelmhas heretofore entered into a cbnt,rgct wi th t:Q.e E.F. Puggsley Cbnstruction Co. for the, con-, struction of certain improvements on the water system of, the Town of Yelm, 'and " , \Nhereas" the Town of Yelm has 'retained IlIo'ward T. Harstad &.. Associates, Consulting Engineers, ,as engineers to oversee and generally' supervise the performance of the said contract ." qnd to act ~n the stead of the Council of the Town of ~elm in matters ,,-concer1!-ing the said contrac~, and 'v'lfu.ereas, on the 10th day _of April" :1951, Howard T. Harstad of the aforesaid firm of consulting'engineers, acting for and on behalf of the Town of Yelm and its Council advised, that the, pe~formange of the said contract was completed an~ acceptable, NO~V, rfH;EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNDIL OF THE ~TOWN, IN COUNCIL ASSEMBLED:' ~ . '. That the performance by E.F~ Pugsley Construction Co. of that,1 certain, contract for' the construction of certain improve-: ments on the water system of the Tovm of YeL~, be and it is hereby qecl,ared completed and acceptable,"and the acts of the' aforesaid me.ward T. Har.stad, in accepting the said contract 031- behalf' of the ~ovvn of Ye~a and its Council are hereby rati~ied and approved,., o PASSED by-unanimous vote of the .memhers of the \ -Counqil of the Tov~ of Yelm this 2nd, day of' 'June, 1951 ';; ~w,~__ 'Ma.yor " '\7:' " '. ATTEST: ~'?:'~ '.,""/ -, " CLERK . ~~ .1: . "I I 71', . ! June 13, '1951 , \, Mayor Hehderson presi~ed at the regular Council meetfng \v:i th Council- men Swanson, Pickett, Brown:, Pollard on hand. 'Councilman Trimble was-absent. . - ) Others attending this meeting wi th hheir diff re'nt' interests w,ere' Citizens, Ray Raab, John Rogers-, Milton Johnson. cnd Marshal ,~llens. On June 5th.. 1951 Oscar Swanson, Ed Brown and Ed P~ckett took the oath of office for COuncilmen for a term of, years befor'e Nudge Joe Miller. Thefollowi~g b~lls were ordered paid on a motion by Councilman Swanson and a second by Councilman Brown~ Vote was unanimous: ~URRENT E~PENSE " ye lin ,Te 1. Co... . . .'. . . ." . " . " ... . " . . ..$ -2.1._15 ' , P.S. Power & Light.................~... 1.3e81 'Ye..L11l Lurnber Co.. .'. · ",... . · .. · ... .. · . · 14. 9ft Br 0 wn Br 0 s. q-ar a. ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . " 34 .4~ Att. E~ Robert' Fri stoe'..; . " " . . . . . ~. . 34.Lili Nisqually Valley News. ; " .. . . . . . . . .,.. '23.64 WATE~ FUND Brovm Bros. . Garage. . . . . . . " . . " . ,,'. . .". Badger'Meter Co.."" ". .' . . . ... . . . . . . " .. p ...3. Po we r & Li gh t Co .. . 0 0 . (I ~ 0 ~ . . . . . Nisqually Valley News Printing...;.. STREET FUND J Br 0 wn Br 0 s ~: Gar ag e ~, . . . " . ,0 ... " . . . . . .. . Ye lm Buinber ,Co........,............. o. p" S. Power & Ught Co................ j. F. Fo~be s Dr'. ~ . . 0 .- . . . . ; .'. . " 0 . . (I . . 0 GARBAGE FDliJD ErO\ivr1. Bros'. 'Gar">age/. .',e 0 . . . '0 . . . ... . . . 12.04 , P ARI( FUND Ye lrD. Lumber Co it . 0 .. it .. . . .-. . . ... . II .. ..- 11.07. ~arlin,Stillin~s.""......"o.....o.... 25.00 Milt Johnson,'.. ~.' . Ray 'Haab, al).d John Rogers voiced their' desires' to he connected to the' C1 t:r Main vvater syste~. The three ci tizens"avered t:tley'would dig the necessary trench for the 'new extension of the 'Jilater maln. . Consider'able discussion and weighing of the enterprise as to cost and future'benef~t~ followed. Pinally Cbtinc:i,lman Brovm motioned t6, extend the Ci ty' Main ~ froin ,Van Trump on Solberg Street to Coates Street a distance of' 610 feet and to install one water hydrant at third and McKenzie, providing the' remainder of the New. Water Cons'truction Fund mfght be available for financingth~s extension. Councilman Swanson seconded this motion and it carl"ied' unanimously. The Clerk was instructed -to .c-ontact Mr. Terry . Thompson on using th? monies' remaining in 'the above .aesigE.~te,d fund.' If' a:vailable Bids for the pipe was to be adveI~t-ised. 1.29 97.hl L~o .45 98.51 7.73 3 .19 ~ . 33.00 12.-67 The treasurer's report for the month of May,was read and'approve4.' , IvTarshal Cullens reported he could not secure the tires qtt' 25-% oft' as had previously been motioned. The patrol car 'Nould. need new .tires or it, would have to cease operations. Councilman Pickett motioned" .HAs the Police Department, could not purchase tires at 25% orr'at any place of busines:s, to ~uthorize John Cullens, MarShal, to secure the ttvo needed tires at the, best price for the best 'product at an available concern. 'Councilman Brovvn seconded the motion and it carried unan- imously. Attorney Fri?toe transferred throughtthe Clerk the message that . the Olympia) Novelty Company's represeptative could not meet with the Council this particular evening, but would cpntact the Mayor'or Councilmen latter part of the wee~., 0 ,A.s several busine's's men had requested infdrmat~on on any further a9tron on fireworks,restrictions, the Counci~ stated Ordinance 4,. Section 4, contained the only restrict~ons at the present .time,. Any temporary , building would have to be co~structed accordiing to the 'Tovm 1 s building laws'. Councilman Brown was to be consulted in any case.. Several Yelmi tes had requested the, placing of' Caution, Signs where' a- nunlber of children co.ngregate for play. ~1J:1e Clerk was instruc~ed '-'~-""-"''--'' 1~.t): ...", tp draw out' information from the state Penitentiary for the price of sig signs and .~he Warning, signs If/auld be placed where', necessary. Councilm8~n Pollard motioned to send uni ted thank-s to the. Lioi'lS' Club fOr their aid in .placing the street posts.' Councilman' Swanson seconded this1motion and'the ~yes were unanimous. The me~ting adjourned. ~Zu.~ ayor f1~G)!..- d ark ~ June 21;';1951~~'.. .c Jj ;"':- .: -" ') ::. 1"< At a ::Special Meeting called: "by) the - Cou.ilty 'Health" Board, On hand were Mayor HendEn')son, Councilme:0- Bro?:~i: r;rr~m~~~; ~ ?W8.1;SOn,' Pick:ett~ ,a~d Pollard. ' F-.t:om the Health Department were Dr. Bucove and Mr. AmUndsen. " ~ . t f:" {;. !: ~ f'; ~ fJ- :- -: ~ The Council requested the CIerI\: to contact the AuditOldS 'Office concerning a d~ed on the territory at the location of the old 'pump. The meeting adjourned. . .' ~." .~ ~."~ yor,Nathan W. Hendersen ^ n l-.-J o o I ,I , 1 :1 , Q\>- "'"~ ~. / ,.,Jt- '7,9>' J-Llij. 11, 1951 . At the 1')egu1ap CouncIl r~eeting Maydr :Henderson 'pl')8sided wi th Col1ncil- men pollard Brovrn" Trimble, Pickett. and. Swan';so'n on h'and.rJlarsl?-al ' , CU:llens and'1\1ilt Johnson were on deck and Dr.. .W:re:fr.liaiifsJsvm?&wha t ' later ':entered the meeting. J . Minutes of the June Meeting wer.e l.;ead and appi"oved.. Tlle Curr'ent bills w'ere read. On a motion by Pollard, a Second by. Brow-n and a u- nanimous vote the f.ollowing bills were ordered' paid: . CURRENT EXPENSE . Frances B'II, Drogse'th------------------~---~$ Field's Motor-~-------~----------------~-- Vifo If T s- :-----:.. - -.-- --~- - -----.-,------- -.------ Paul Paulk--------~--~-------------------- P. S.Power & Light Co..------.-....----~------.... Standard'Oil 'of Calif.------.------------~- Ye J.J:11 Tel. Co.,- -- ---.------- ---- --- --- - -:"'--- Nisqually Valley News-------------~-------. Tr imb 1e Hard wal")e - - - - -: - - - ~ --.-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- Collector of Int.. Rev. ---------...;--------...~ " WATER D s'. PotMer ((1' 'T.le r'i'ht Go -_....;___.__.:._;..~________ J: .'. . \: ~.1 . _\..1 ..0..-.0 b. . Ye ;Lm Lunip e :rCo . - ~ - -- ;... - - - - ~ - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - -- . Trimble 1 S Hardy\Tare----------.-~-.-,----.---:_-- STREET . P. S. Power & Light Co.:---------------.----- 5~98. 69~15 11~68 ' . 7 ~oo 9~74 3L~~ 94 . 25~lO 5~92, 1~72. 61..60 .,45.20' 25~66 42.93 ;> 33.00 ~~e treasurer's report ,for .~lne WaS presented and approved~ A letter,fx'orn Sheriff Harold Bird of Pierce, COl.lnty was r;e:ad higijU.y , ',commending' and offering thanks to Marshal. John ,Cullens for his serv'ices in captul'>1ng nortorious bandi ts. , .. , 'Mayo~ Henderson displayed the new St~eet Lighting plan whi~AJ dra~m up by the puget Sound authorities: Installation of th ~--~. Vapor Lights was to fl~ further discussedunder'the direction of Ray Starrett. 'at the 'August regv-.1ar ,Council iaeetinge.' " I . Mr. ThJkeman transferred:' a re,g,uest to be c,onnected to the Town Watel~ Main. No defini te act.ion i(fas t.alr.en.,', , Co1J.nci,lman Bro1J'1ffi motioned to, discontinue the Toym M?-in on Fi~st st. by the County Barn and Coa~es Building and 'that . any outsidecqnnecti,oriS, to 'the To\~m 'Main would have to meet .the Council's Standards.withinthe Tov'ln .01' Ye1:m. t s limi ts of installation Vii th Ll~-inch pipe.' Councilman" '", ,Pickett seconded this motion 2J1.d..i t. .car;ried unanimous:J.y. , . . ~ '" '. (}Juncilman Picke.tt inf'or.med th~. Council Dro Williams desired the Street by his place of bus~riess.oiled or su,rf'a'ced. No ~ction',res\llted at this time. ~ Ftlrther discussion on Yelrn St. concerned" the Street' pa.st the, creamery. fX.s1t seemed imperative to-: open this particular avenue, The ,Council reques'ted the Clerk, to contact Mr. Harstad, the engineer, and ne,quest ,that he. survey, . engineer surfac~ng anddr~inage of Ra~lroad Ave. ~rom Yelm .Ave. to stevens, st.,' and .f~om Edwards st." to Railroad Avenue on Jef'f'er'son street.' , , Dr. Williams consulted the Council at this', time cfulcerning usage of 'the To\:vn' A1nbu1ande in cases of emergency and no. marshal available ror operation 01' vehicle. Dis~u.ssi.0n f'ollovled but' no' action was taken. ,'The' clerk was instructed to inf'orm tl'1e State' Patrol, Bravost J\ilarshal, and Sheriff Tronblyn of the dates ,for the Lions Carnival in order t~ se~1ire,c60peration in safe movement of' traffic ang suf'ficient aid in control of crowds. ' : - ! . Af'te,r:' surri oi ent . dis cussion on.,continuing Stevens $tre~t, . Go'Llncilman F'ollard motlone'd. to obtain Russe=!-l ~tG survey e,nd sUl"'f'ace Stevens stre.et 'f'rpl11 Raill"'oad Ave. to' Edwards st~. 'Councilmail Swanson se.conded this motion and it carried. .Meeting adjburned~ ~t:~_A~/ . Prances E.n-.r:~Clerk Mayor Nathan W. Henderson ~W~~ i 8~J. July 13, 1951 Presiding at a ~pecial Meeting, of' the Collncil \ivas Mayor Nate Hen dersan-Vlli tp CouJ;1cilmen Trimble, Pickett, and Pollard on ha:nd. 9oun~ cilmen Swanson and Br.o1J1m '\vere abs'ent. .Purposeof the meeting 1,"las t 0 open and read bids on the' new 'Bn- " tension 'o.fTo\vn'Main. Bids .from B. D. Bowler and . Jorms-Manville '\ive're reaCl and discussed. C91incilman Trimble motioned ''>to reject all bids' due to extrerhely h1gh cost", of the materials. Councilinan Po-l1ai?d seconded the motion and it carr'led unanimously. -i Meeting adjourned~ .~.cff:~...: Frances E. Drogseth, '" Cler~ 'P"," . ..,... ... '" '" ~. . , ,Nath~n ,Wo 'Hendel->son, IvI~yqr ~W.~ o ... ,_ August 8, 1951 Mayor Henderson' presiclerda-at' ,the regul'ar' August Me'eting' wi th all~ . CO-Ll.nciIrn.eri on hand. '- Also pr'e's'ent: at .this' m'eet'ing were lJIr. M9sman" Mr. starrett, andrvir." Nort'on"~-"" ., .tiTinutes of the i)revious~'mEfet'irrgs' were rea"d.'" One correct:ton'was~ 'requested and Tn.ade immediately. rYlinutes were then ap?rov~do' Mayor Henderson invl ted Tv11-'. starrett and TvTr. Norton to explain ,their . Ne'IN plan for lighting the Yelm'Streets with Mercury Vapor Lights.' Difinite decision on installation was postponed. ;., , . The 'Mayor~ request~,d the bills and, with .a motion by Gounci~man Brovm a second by Councilman Trimble', and a unLmimous vote the .following 'bills ~erB orde~ed paid:' , CLTRRENT. EXPENSE'. ' . Po , In' , ,,If. 3.",04 . loneer,c.~------------------____~ Art Burnside & Co. --------~-.:.---'----6~57 Earl Harp.er---------.---------....--____ ; --1~55 " " D. &. H :Mobil Service-------,-----;..---- 29,.39 P..S. ,Power &. Light CO.------~---.:--- 10~ 67 Yelm Tel. Co. -----~----------------- 23~50 Wolf'f' s..;.-'::".':':_,':"'--- --------- --'-.---.- -- -'-- 2,.55 Mosman Agency-,------'-------------.--_ ~D.32" Water 'FUnd " ' peD-11.o' Salt Co.---~--------,----~-'--,-.;... 12.22 Ro s ano 'I s.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -16 ~ 1.0 ' Irrimble 1 s Hardware--..;.....-------------- 2~ 02 .. H~'/"De Fowler 06.-------,------------_ '6l~.90 Yelm Lumber CO.-~'--------..:.---------- 1li.~ 79' 'J , BB.T'l;'ett 8c Yost,;.;;....-'"--...;-"'7-------:..------. 300~09 P;s. Power & Light---------~-----_:_~- 50~38 Tacoma-Rainier Freight-----------,--- 3.90 . Park Fund ~ '. Larry Jol'lnson--------------------___ 7 ~oo ~ SUndOV-Tll lDgging Co.------.......--------.- 16:.00 Street' Fund 9 P. s.' Power & Light Co.---------....----- 3;3~.OO Larry Johnson------------~---------- u.OO Trimble 1 s Hf;lrdware---------~-------- ,6.Ll~1 0has.. F~; Russ0:i1---:----....:-.----------.;.. 1..1.0.00 o "Mr.';:'BillMosman w~s invi ted to take the' flO'Ol-', to explain' the 'plight of the Thurston ~). Fire District # 2 in regards to its lbss o~ mills' .for the, year of 1952. The District requested Ii mills: from the, Tovm of Yelm to financially handle the coupons on its bonds. Pollard mo- tioned,to give I! mills to the Thurston Co. Fire Dist~ict,# 2, P~ckett Jseconded this'.:n1otion and it carried. . (I'oIj1m of YelcI1fs budget for 1952 VITould 'ine lude the remaining ~3~ m1tlls. o ";. '""..; '\ ,"l.' ~r.....-:;..._.. ::"'";"'\'.';. IP"",~ .....'.....iAf;"" .....~ .~.. 1"' ~~ , "":<\4lo.....'...... W. ","''4''',,\<'1'' It': ' . .",'.~.;,. .."".,~.....,.,.\~ ~ . ". ~ W_: ...~. i'.~ '.... ~...:;;,,',.. "'- ,->"_ ,~ <'0; ...., ~ lo'~ ...",. ~ '~n.~... l'~ ,". jt...... 81: .. \'" . ...". ' One bid was received on the new street Imnrovernetit plan~.:.tha t ; ofJ. F~,'. i 'Forbes of' Olympia,: with a total '~ln01J_nt o,tfer~d of ,$3,4i4'~oo.', The de'cisJ;' ion of the bid was - retained (or' f~rther' o.i scussion and' 'contact wi th- tht3 Tovm t s engineer', ry~~ Harstad., .-" . A letter ~Y{as read from Yelm School Distrip,t II 2 reque~ting a permi t: for ,avvel1 011.\' the athletIc field for irrigation purposes. Gn motion ,duly. made and ,carried the district vias gi von permission to drill the well for ('J purposes of irrigating onl~,on school property. .1 , ' The ,Council t s attention ""vas called to the Regional WIeetings .to be hel9- by, t,ne Association of Washington Cities from September 5th to "October .' 24th.'. '( Letters' fro:m the Tovm em:ploy-ees Were r'ead re'que sting201~ inc1~?ase iJ:?. Salaries. The, Treasurer f s report was: read' and approved. Budget for 1952 was the next millstone of the regular mee"G:J.ng. .Estimated .expenditures were well on the'ir' vljaywhEYn 'th'e~. e-ting' iJiTaS .. postponed until later date. ~_.... ....~. . '~'d' , - -'-'-.W, -. '., -. ~- ....{)..... . . . &:.~~^~ . .... .~HenderSOn,MaYOr'., O~. ,("lI~~ '- ~ances 'E. Drogseth,. Clerk ) Augus,t 21,' 1951 ' " I Continuing the Regulal" Augus't. Tv1eeting. 'were Mayor Henderson, 'Council- men Trimble, Pollard, -Broiivn, Pickett and Swanson..Engineer Harstad and Mr. Forbes wer~on hand to discuss new ,street improv~ment~. As the COlincil changed the plan of 'street work' to be constructed; i/I1?4i 'Forb~s, stated he 1:l!oulCl have. to make, changes in his price for the job of' 'con-s true tion. . : The'. Council 7agreed to request Sundo\!iJTI Logging. Company to grade the st~eets to be improved. _ l\1ilt Johnson r'equested permission for Hay .Raab and-~himselfto hook ' thett~ wa,ter systems :to the Ci ty Miin. OJuncilman Swanson 111otioned '\' 'to .tz;rant ,this permi.ssion and pr'ovide their 0'f[iJ'11 lines. . Co~.lncilman Pickett seconded ,the motion and.it carried unanimously. n~emeeting adjourned.' ~~~ ' ..' , . .2>> .. -..-' -"". --- -, ,1l.an W. HendersGl1; Mayo 1') , ::1 : ~il ,tj,2., 'h if /:'. ! " j1' i September l2, 1951 , ~ " Mayor Henderson opened the regular Cou.ncil 1118:?ting with CQunci1men Swa,nsor;, Bro'wn,' Plc~{ett, Trimble, and Pollard on hand. .Minute s of, t:p.e pl,~evious me,etings were read and 'approved. ',The ~fol:)..owing bills vV9re allowe'd by 'a motion from Po11ard and a second frOTII Pi,ckett. Motlon 'Lmanimously darried'~ CUHR:EI:NT J:I:XPENSE , Trimble f s Hardware-------------f----~~ MosmanAgency-----~---------------- Yelm Tel. C6.,--:-------'-------------- Pioneer' Ine. ----------------------- : Wolfts~.:..-------------.:..------------- Po,s. Power . & Light Co.--~----.-----.;;, Br01[1[11. Brqs. Garage---:..--------:...---- WATER , ", Penn. Salt Co.-----....---...,--------...-- A~ ,L~ Fr ank s~"" - - - -.... -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -....- P.S. Power & Light' Co.-~----------~ Auto li1reight Depot,,' )nc. ----------- srfHEET' . ' Sundovv'll LOgging CO.-----~----,--!---- P. s. PO'J1Ter '8c Light~---':'------------ BrOV\7n Bros. Garage--:..--------------, PARK Yel1)1 Lumber Co.-------------------- Po s. POWf:3P & Light Co. --------...;----~ GARBAGE , Trimble t.s / Hardware--------..,.--~----- Brovm Bros. Gar0ge~---~------------ ResolutIons regardi~gsawage disposal Health J)istrict were read and di'scussed. carried the, CC)11ncil ordered the Clerk' to yal pf the se He so lu t'ions. 1~20 35~oo Jl~05 4.03 lO~12 11.95 37.55 10" , ,L '" 28~05 2~_. 21 51.38" 5.20 516..00 33~OO , 3..l~6 , Jl~_. 2L~ 18'.70 '.0 \' .73 7.37 r.~: an~ food-h~ndling from the On' mot ion duly made all.(l. " inform Dr. Bucove ofi tsappro)'o /'~ il U TreaSllrG1:" t S l?eport for the end of August was read and"approv:~d.. 00l1,Ucilman Brovm moti6Tled to raise .all tOi/im employees t salarie s 20% for the'year of 1952. Councilman Pickett secpnded this motion' and it carried unal1imou,s1y. The great' task' of balancing ~nd "completing the budget' for 1952 was then accomplished. _ 'The public hearing was set for September 27th at 7 :3q P.M. at the To~m HalJ-. Considera1hle discussion took place oJfi, the pr9sent amoll,n't. of ,'Water Consumers Deposit of $6.00. rrhe reSlllt was a"'motion by Councilman' , Pickett to raise the Water Consumers Deposit that renters pay $ie~Oe6~Oo effective October 1, 1951. Councilman Pollard sec()nd~d this moti6n and it carried. ' .~ ' J Ordinanc'e 6~_ was re8:d and passed its second reading. on a motion by pOlrxhr~~)(a~d":i,?af~.S;(:}lftfPn.Kl~,:~~wc1.~ro, Vffi. Vote wa~ unanimous for pas~a,e.." . . Mes-cing adJourned. , . 2u.~ " IN ~ Hf~ND.8HSUN, MAYOR ~~. PHANGES E. DROGSErrE, , 1 " ' ~.~ ;It Q ...,'-~'- 'I,' .1 .1 .:.:1: " . .. 80', iJ. ol'I..~, """"", OO:~hto.l~"',,,,,, .:'r"'-:t.<:~~ J,~.... ~:' P'f. . " I~ ~.. l "".)~ ' september 27,s~951 Pre sent 'at a special.meeting of' the Coun~il of ~own of Yelm vv:.e~~ Councilrne~ ''Brovvr1i '-Trimble,' "P:L'ckett., "PolJ.ard' and Mayor Hender'son. ~ Councilman Swanson 1Nas absento 'r ~1e following budget for 1952 was adopted on a.illation,by Pollard, a sec(,;nd by Brown' and a unanimous vote: ESTIM~TED REVENUES FOR 1952 . Taxes~' '11 mills--- Current Expense---------...;.--~--4~' 3, li+2~ 20.. 2 mil1s--~Library-------~~---~---------- 57l~30 -?a ,mi i 1- - - - p ark Fund~ - - - - - -- -- - - -.... - - -.... - - - ~r~.4tt5-, \ OJin Machine ,R~ve!1-ue-----.7'",-----..:. ----------- ----..::- 48.00.. .Admission Taxes-.-..:-------'---------------....-....------ '75.00 . .St8:~e Liq.uor Revenues---------------------------- 2, 2L~2.80 Police' Court Fines------------------------------- . 1, 100. QQ.; Amhulande SE?rvice~--------------------,----------- 11l-4.0.0' 1\~otor Vehicle l~cise Tax--'---....-:------.:..----------- ' 556; 25 Garbage Revenues------------------...;-------------- 2;,100.00 Estimat'ed Balance on Hand----------..:----'.:.:----.......~-. 1,770.00" state Gas Tax Furid's--~------.-----.---..:.-----;...-:--.-,-.:.:.:.. l,,464~ 05 Wa ter ..Revenues----------------.;.----------------:--~.-~ 7', ooo~ 00 Es.tim. ated Revenues on Hand----------------------- 2''',' 70'0~ 00 - ~ . New iNa ter Construction Fund--------'-:----- --~- ---- .-'-~p2;tl., Oll;})2 . . . '~4;~-67~ 97 EST 1M1\. f}.lED EXPENDI ~PUR.ES --""..,. CU1"reri t. Exnense . . '., . TreasurE3.~lary-~-------....------7"----....-.----gS 300~OO ~ Clerk1s'Offic~ Expense--------------------- lOO~OO~ Attorney Salary & Expsnse------------------ 130~00-:- Police Court & Expense--------------------- .400.00-- Re~istration~ &Elections------------~----- '50;00- Ta~n Hall &cpense-..--------:..---'.:.-'--.-.:..:.'.:.'.:...:..-.--' '7'1S0'~OO ---- Publishing .& Advertislng--:...---..:..--.-'-..:.-..:..-..:.'-.-.-.. . 50~Ob ~ .. Bonds-..:.----------------.---:..-.;...-'.:.---.--.-.-.-'----. ,-,' c 60~.oo---- . Medical Aid & Insurance-.--'-----~'--:..:..-..:..'---'.:..:.-.:. ',YO~OO"----- As soc i a t-ion of 'lJ~~l. Oi t ie s- -~.;.. - -..:....:....:...:.. -'':'''-'':' -'-':" -'..:.' ..... - . "J(}~~O'O..Y" .. .Pl'6te cti,oh, to. Person 8;:, Prop,:rty .' .... . ... ." Marshal t s Salary-----~----;;....:.--"-~-...:...:...:..--.-;.:..-.-- 3,O'84.00~ . Marshal f s 'EJcpense.---------;;..---.::.--..:...:.-..:.-.:..-.-..:..--. . 80'0'; 00'............ Jai 1 Expei'1se & Meals...:-----;;..------..:..-.:..'---....;--..:. '15 ~ 'o'Oc~'" 'rhurston-Mason Health Di stric t'-'-----.-'-'.:.-"-.-.-". .. '270~'()b'./ ..~ A1J.di ting' Expense-----.----------~--------:....-- . 250.00- . Bookmobile Libral.y-----~--:..---'----.-'-.~.--.~--...:.-... , 520~55/ '. .Transfer to' the street FIc.md------~----"7'---- 1,000. 00'--- ~* 7,879.55 Ga~?ag~Expenses r " . -" ....:. ;", '\) Ga!-"ba!3e j)is.Posal.-Salary--.-:..---~--:--._:_--.:.-:-....;-:- 1,B'o'0~oo" .....~\.. , Truck Expense-~~.--..;-------'.:..---~------.---.-:--- .., 35o~0'0~:. Dump Rental---------------.:..--~._-.--.--~------- 300~ 00 . Clerk t s Salary-- - ---..:---- -:;.-- ~ '-- -''':' ~..:..:.'-.-:-.-"-:.. " 60o~.oo New .Equipment, IrJ1pl"lovement:.--~:..:-'-..:.:-.:..:.<-:.:.-:.:.-:..:... _~20~OO~ $ 3,870.00 Park.J!.J;cpendi ture s Labor,,' Expense, 6utlay.----;Z.---~:....-:..~...:.~~~~~~~ .... -'iL~'2~8:S;' $'" ].1-!-2085 street Expen$e '. . ~ I . stree t -Supt. Sa1ary-'---_:_-_.:._-_:":':" -~~:..:~-:..: ~--- Labo}:':".. - -=- - ---- --..:. - - --.- - -- :._--:..- ~- --:.....:.:....;.. .:.._:... . I Rental of Equ.ipment---------------------~-- street Light s-~;':" ~-- - -'- -- - --- - -- - -,-- -- - - ---- , Tr.uck Expense--.:..-.-----~-----------.---.---.--.-- Ind. Ins 0 & :IViedo Aid---------------.------:-- Water ..EX![endi:tur-e s . Supt. Sa ;~r.y --'------...;..------...;..;.-------------: Repair & Maintainence~-----------~---------.' Power---~-~---------~~---------~----------~ Sll pp 1 i e s ...: - -.- - - - .:.. - - -- - - - - - - _::.. - - - - -.- - - - - - - - -. _ . 'Ind.' Ins. & Med" Aid----------o:--------:---..;...--- 'Clerk's Saiary---~~--~-~--~-------~--~--~:- Offic.e-- ----,~.--- --- -.- -~-- - -.-~ -- -..:. -.-__ -_ - --- . . ~ . . . 1< ( ..Th1pi~ovemen.~ . &. .Extensions:---.:..----.~---------- ,BoI?-~ R~d.emp,t;ion---------:---:--.--------~-~-~ BOlld Re Sel"lve-....:---------_.__...._____"':'__.;.._._.____._. "600~oo 11li-~ 05' ,. 20o~.ob. ~_oo.oo 75.~ 00 75.00 \ --... ~~ 1,1.~64..,05 + 1,200~OO- . 300~ 00--' ~ 600~oo"'" '. 800.00..-' It-o~oo''''''' 900'..00/ 306~.oo~ 1~4l1_0. 00- 3,220.~OO r"~'.f . '9 oot;;OO :$9.~ ~O.o1:~~Q <:> Z :._, " 8'4..""'" , . ~, -~ .:t~'. New"Watel'> Construction Ftmd Ex~e:r:).sion ,& nnprovement-:-----~--.:..-_:_---.:_----":"-,----.---~.---;$ '1,011.52 ,~~1,.Oll..52 . GRAND ,TOTAL ~~24, 067.97 ordinance 64 had its fina12..udthird. readiD.g and on a :motion h~r.. Colll1ci 1- man Trimble anc1a' second by"~i,cke'tt" it was passed lUlanimolisl,Y and ordered Dubl~shed. , J.: . _ ,~ne meeting ~djourne~~ ,0 Mayor Jj October '10,:'; :l?$;t At the i'-'egtllar- lJ1ee-tfng' of 'the 'Counc1I~' 'IvIayol") Henderson pre$id?d wi th 'Cov.ncilmen Tr'imhlB;, Pollard, "$yiaiison and ~pickett present. Councilman Bro~~ was absent.~ . , I Minl.ltes of the September reqular meeting and a specia'l l11eeting. were read an~approved. ' ThE? -following bills Viers ordel";ed p8~id on nlcd:;ibri by Councilman, Swanson second by Pollard ~d ~ una.~ifr16u.s. vote: .' -.:.' Current Expense Franc e s ' E. - r:>-rogse th:' - - - -.- - -.-:-:..:....-:.:;...:..:-.-'- - -:-.":'".~~' ~ ~~.84 western'Union----~-~--~-------------~~-- 1.00 . ~l~;c~~r~~o~~~d R~~::::=:.::~:~~=~====::::.~ t~:4g . Ficke tt Drug.:.---- --~----~--,~~-~~~.-~~..:..-~--.~:- '. IJ~ 6:5' Yelm Tel. ,. Co. ~--.:.--:.--.,.----------------~ '25~85 Fie ld t s 'Motc:n'") Co. -.----- -----~~,-.-~,--~--._:~." ,27.~ 57 P. s. Power &_ Light:.---~------..:,---------: 13..90. Standard' 011-- - _: --.:. - - - - - - -..:, -''':'''':''':' ~ ":':-''':' - ..:,...:..:. "2'0. i8 Mosman Agency---.---=------.--:-~.~:~~:-:~--.---.~' "5"00' !f1ark ';; . P.S. Povver' & Light -Co.....-.---::...::.:....:,..:...:..----..:....:..-. "j'~56 Water .... .. p....... .~.....H. . ,P~S PoWer &' Light ::.---:.---''':'_'-':''':''':'':'_-'':'-:''':':'''44.6LL Pioneer, Inc.-:~~-----------------~---~-- 21~h6 Floyd t s Pll),mbing---~--- :"---":'_-":'-'';'''-:--'--.::'':'. .~.5,. 65. Penn. Salt. 00.----.::.---------...:...:.-.-..:.-..:.---- ,7~22 Tac oma Rai nl er Au to" l?re i gh t-":' ''':-'- :':'- - - - '-'':' '.;:,' "'5.37 Co llec tor of rnt. Rev. ---=- -~-:.: :;.-~~~~--,:~:, 4.i:.,~0" , stree t ~ .. , . Robel"lt Huret---------------,------------- 6.00 Wash. State Peni tentiary---=-:.:...:.:.,...:.'..:.--:.. ..:.:..:.:." . 5'~L~0'" Po S. . Power" & Light Co. ~----~-------..:---- 33.00' De pt. 0 f ta b 0 r & In d 1J. S t T~ i e s":' - ~ ~, :.. :... - :...: :...: ..:. ~ :.. :.: .. ~ ~.~ 82' . ,,' o. " . ~ ; ~. ^: I - . ~ . ;.f. . . "/," \ Tl1.e tre asure r t s apP1"~oved. report fo~., t~1.~. end 0~'" p~ptenlhe! iN8.$ l:~ad and O'~" " .' The co~respondence i'or the everiing..\~~ts.iet:tel~.of application from Dan Carew 'requesting the COuIlc~l...~onsiq.~~..~I1gagi.p.g J;11m .e.:3 J\lIarsfJ.a:J-\}for Tovvn (~f Yel:m. 1ID:+e applicat~on VI~~ qrd~1~?4,filed!il,' . . . l'Mrs.. Kenneth MacAuley, l\l[rs~"Bl1l- Iv1iskey,':a.ntl'Jbhn"Cu11ens"vJereS on han 'tCl request perni~.ssiE)nto connect"'Cheir"respective 'home's"for v~ater with tll$ (rO~.Nn t s Main \Jvater system'.' --Aftei"'" leiigthy, disC11ssiol1 .on the r~qtle~t fJjom eve'ry possible' angle, ,Art':Tri:rnble' t1btidned" to reijlace existing main ". . fr<')lJl Van' Tr'ump to Yelm ,Av-e. on"wngm.i.I'@f'St..--8,. eli st8~hce' of" 590"feet--\'iJi t . 590'..feet of 4-inch pipe,p[1ovillElilQgtt'Bill~jlMi'Sk'ey, John Cullens, and' Ken.nqth MacAuley la.y' 4-inch. piPIP to, .the.., .to\iTil' l;l.m-i-ts--a,di's.t'f1.nce of.' 350 l'ee't.., Also. tIiat je$.~~ of tp,c; above-,p,a;r;'~t.i-e's' ;;v:i.l'l'~'gr'ant '-an "eam:Hnent to reach the 8-5~ ,.:jl':'; ...,., ,Jr "...,,,.1.,..,. ,,,.' '~'*"-""""':"1'<''''\''''''''''''''''''' ,~ ",,' '~..'.... ''''::'~ ~ ,. "~""t .,... "."". '+ "".ll, ~ '''''...., ~;~.;.-'w~...."""'"1 ,.,\ ~':''''' ~ ",:a.~... ~'r"~"" ,. j '''' . meter and each. of the above part'ies will.pri:whase hi's own meter. C01.Jnei IPickett seconded this motion and it p.g.sse,d by a unanimous 'vote. I, '., . Councilm&:ns Trimble mo,tioned that Kenneth MacAuley,. Bill Mislcey arid Jorill..Crlllens .furni 8h theil-' ~4are of the mo~:Les for the mat'erial to ,lay their ne'eded pipeline and the Tpwn 01' Ye-lm would purchase. the entire lot.", Councilrnan Swanson seconded' this motion and it' carried 'unan~mous~y. . . As1VIllt Johnson .declared the carpon had to b,e removed. from the' fur~1.ace the Council ordered him to hire an available person' to' tend to the ,job. I: ,Councilman. pollard transferred the request ,of Chas. Donaldson. to permit hi-Into he a d-eputy marshal durin? the gay on the. streets dlf Yelm and he W0111d make the proper arr!3S"GS. A:qter much discussion" Councilman Pollard motioned to permit Chas. Ddnaldson to- be deputized, - pt.trchase a bond of $lOOO~OO and issue the necdssary. tick'et books' for hi~ duti~s,. w:lth~ ~he sa~ar:r of nothing. . Cound1ilman Trimble seconded" thlS motlon and J. -c carrled.. . . \' The. meeting adjourned.' n~~2P~~' . Nth~." Hender.son, Mayor " 11-" .' ". .. a .' "~~n;OgSeth,. " November 14,1951 ,Tb.e' Council held :'its reg,~lar meetftng with Earl Pollard presiding as acting Ma.yor, Ed 'P:Lckett as acting Clerk and Councilmen Bro\Jvn, Trimbl~., and S\yanson being on hando Mayo I>, .Hendez"son was ab'sent., . . . Minutesoof the October meetings were read and approved. "I "a motion by Swan~on, ,~he f&llowing bills werB read and approved on a 'secorid b:r Brown and" a unanimous vO,te:"" ..' , CU.rrerit ExpeBse ~ ... -'" D & H. Mobil Servi c e- -:... -:.--'- - - -":'" - ~ "-.- ~u;5s;J. 86 . standard Oil of Ca11to-"---";'--_":~....:"; '12-.66' " y elm Tel. Co. -~- - - - - .;.. - - - -~- -~ - - :- - ..: ..: ..:. ~ ~2 6. 20' Ho sano t s-- -- -- - - -- ---- ___~....:_.___;J-..;;,--'-.... " '1.11 Mosman ..Agency-....-------.-'---------':'"""'...;. 15.90 , po,s. POWG1-; & Ligh_t-----~....:..-----...;.:..--' 18.28' Park . -:--P. s. Po~ver & Light-'-:--o-------...;.---. "1.00 Water . A , . r..s"po,\'ver & Light----.---...:.----.;:...--~. 91e.50 -Po s. pO'INeI' & Light ---"-------..;...:---- 'ij.T.'81 Tac. Rainier Auto Frt.- Co.----...::...-....; "1~30 B~dger Me~8r Mfg. Co. ---'---------- 1.61 Barrett _& Yost--------.---.;.------:..""'-10.~23" Penn Salt Co.-----.---------------- 1.21 Pftcifi c Sales Co,. ---- -~-- - - -:.- -";-":":111.:.61 Yelm Lumber Co.-------~:....-------.:.:..-- '35092 . street P..s. i'ovver '8c Light Co~------------ 33.,00 . 9'arba~ D & II Mobil Swrvlce-----,---------- 12~o8" Field t s Motor---.------....;------:7--...;- 11.39 -Robert Huret---------------------- 8.00 COun~:tlman Trimble made a motion' t? arr.ange for an ~.greement that would provide for; any party oL?:-tsi~.~ the present Ci ty 11mi ts who desired .fo ~ corulec~. to the 'Towntsmain water line on Yelm Ave. which was in~talled and pa:td :fa]:"" b,y J..'vV. Cl.111ens, Myrtle Nicholich IVIlskey, and Kenneth Wr~cAuly~6-m}.Tl16~t 'g~.yr h'i.sdsbarhe Of the. cost involved 'before donnection. Nr&>EPtlfn-g1.~...j61:1.1Qfieu.s;econ ed v eJ.s motlon and l't carrled. . . 'J1nLi.._c UJ ~, . ifJili;;~vv-: Henderson, 'Mayor ( ,I "~~U2:~ff _Ilro,nces.w:~. . Drogseth, . Clel')k 86 I J Novembel'" 21" 195'1 'A spec.:i.al mee tin[!~ of the ,Co11ncil was 1'1'e Id vii th l'/layor Henderson, Councilmen Picket.t, / BrO'VTL1 'and Tvimble' on hand. .Milt. Jormson was also pre sept. ,The current question Was concerning the' En"Lunclaw Crealhery 11lr;$ing wa-tei'7 without notifying the Water Slipt. whfch involved m~y irr$.gularities' in operating the vvate:e system. After serious discusston about future 'operations wi t~l., the 'Creamery the Council re,quested the Clerk to contact IVb.'l~ Van' Patten cpncerning these problems and invi te him to the ,Deceraber Cou.l}-cfl m.eeting. TheClel~k was informE2d not to transfer the ~)l. 000..00 from the Current &"'\.pense to the street Fund this year as thetaxes'had not been generously paid so faro '111.e rneyting adjourned. u ~~At~, ,-~ E. Drogseth, "Ilerk. , ~DECEMBEB 12, 1951 /0 With ~lVIayor Henderson presidfung--Councilmen Swanson, Pickett, <.Tri.mble, and Brovm' were on hand for the regt'tlar meeting of the Town of Yelm. Milt Johnson and :Marshall Cullens _ \]'~ere [-11so 'presentf> 1 ,The minutes of the Noverabel' me'etings 'INs'rs' read B..:i:1d Opproved~l fThe treasurer' 1 s report VT~S ',presented and -accepted. The f'::ollowing bills wel~e ordered paid ~ on a motion by Swanson a'no. a second by Pickett", Vo'te was unanimous._ CtJ.rren t Expense pfcket-t . Drug--.--------------------~-~~ Browl~ Bros. G0r~ge------------------ ...L. l,.. (".....\.. ..~.... (,:) .., Regional Public' Library-.-:-------'-:..---- Pioneer Inc.----------------~------- 'E. Robert Fristoe-----------..:----:--:- Trimble Hardware------------.:------- Standal"'d Oil of . Galif-----..;.---.---:-,--- \Vo If , s ~ .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '- - .:: -..- - -.- - - P. S'" Powe1" 8~ Light COoO----:---q---~:...-:-: Water. ~ iT1""'"- R ~. A.' 'Gl-. . , t C lacoma _ alnler _ U'GO J..'J."'elgl1:- 0.--:-:-- It, Do. Fowler Co.----- --:-- -- - - ...:;---- --- B~eoV\m, Bra s.' Gart~=ge- - - - - -- -- -- -.-- -_-:--: Ye Ll..1mber Co. -.:..-....----------"--.;..-::---,- Po S.o' Povver & Light COo-------:.:---.-::-- Park P:-S:- Rower & Light Co. -- - ----'-- --.:--- street , ~, . Howard To Harstad------------~------ Tl~J.mb Ie Hardware ---:-.;.. - - -- - - - - - -'~:" - -~: -- P. S~ Powe1'" -tJ.~ L..tght CO'll ~_--_--J-~._:_:,---- Garbage..' '\ ' ..'_. . Bl"'own Bpos. Garage-----------:.-.-,...-~'-." 2.)2 50.42 . 520.55 ... ..5. J~ ~, . . loLLoLL ') . ... , ~S8 . ... , 0 .. . 20 .1.~_1 ... . ., 5..92 l5.~95 o "'" !-.. 1.3Q,,, 1,139.1\..7/ J..O ~ 0 lL~ .~. i.81 .. ...... 1~9. 2L~.' () , 1 00' /..... 0 ir~Oobo ..? . '., ,2.95 33.00 20.30 . " . ... . .. . ,. ~ . . ,After lengthy di scut3 sian on the Po.13.s:t Q:j..jj,j;J.~.$, .o..f ..f'<;n'lning' a wa'ter district in stead of' an agreell1Qn~..,fo:r..t);J,~...P.J.::Q.~.$ction .of' parties in- volved on Ye:Unn AV;8. out of Tovn.l. limits, -.the decislon was shelved untll la tel" da to .:['01'" .furthel"') consul ta tiano' o ) The next problein Vias" tb.e remov.al' of excess dirt on Hatlroad Ave. and . . . J'effer'son. . Counc.i 1manJ Trimble motioned tb 11.i1'8 No 'Do' Iffieip fX')91n Eatoiiville and tl1ree trucks to r"emove' the dil'"t. on Raj.ll"'Oo.d A.ve. and Je;f'f!'"- ersono IvIot:ion was. seconded by BrO\'\TIl al1d the vote WriG 1J.nanimous~ ~LC)}],k:;':j_ . l~Gl~.o'v~~.L o~ o::(~ess ......., . " t tl.V(~ "'; \( ~ ~ ~ . '" . ~. '. 8',.,' , ., ,:S " The Mayor' and. COllnci1' agrf;ed to leave the amhulan'ce' keys in safe keeping fm.-the. fire hall for easier ac~ess. " Milt Johnson 31 gg'e s ted the TO\V1:1 $}J.Ol11d :purchase several meters, as the pl'J. cos would rise and a shortage seemed apparent. Councilrnan l)ickett motio11ed to permit Milt Johnson to purchase 1 dozen.meters to he "delivered in 1952.- Councilman 11'")::'Lmb1(~ seconded this motion and it ... .., 1 " . oarried unanimously. . / Mayor hendel~Son requested that a'street Light be ins,talled on the ~orner 0:8 McKei1zie. and. Second,. as it wa~3 q dire' necessi ty. 00unci1-, , ma~ Swanson motioned to request one place at the corner of McKenzie and 2nd. . Co'uncilrnan Bro'wn :seconcled this motion and the vote was 11nanimou s . ,I Paral1e1 parki~g and continued parking arose again for' discussion. After ,much consideration it was decided.to consult the merchants of' the Town to secure their' opinions and wishes. '~1e m~e~ing adjourned~ ~.2u..~ thanW. Henders'Ol1., :Mayor January 9, 1952 P~es.ent at ,the regular January Council Meeting were Councilmen Brown" P'ick~tt, Swanson, Pollard and Ma.yor' Henderson. Councilman Trimble. wasl B:bsent. HeE. Wolf was also at this meeting. . . Th~minutes for the' December were read and approved. The following bills were ordered paid on a motion by P.1ckett 8\nd a second by Pollard. Vote was unanimous: .1 CURRENT EXPENSE . D & HMobil Service-""------~...""--==...=-=""'...-,$ puget 3::ound Poser & Light .Co.-:...........-............-- . Joe's Place----...--=-...=--====-=--==------- Blakets Cafe-~---------------------~---=- Association of Wash. Cities~--""==--=----- Y elm Telephone Co.--=---~-----------=-=- 9...19 18.08 6.66' 3.50 35.00 ,49.85 2.02' 35.20 15.42 88.87' ~ . Ros ano. t s....-.'.. c:::t CQtI all" ~ -=" ==... -..eo _~ _ ~.. C2' a::e -,.-_ __.. CIaI_ C!D" d:O..." cs.ee Field'a Motor Company--~--~--=-----=----- Dep.t. of Eabor & Industrie,s----.......-....--:.......-'- Standar~ Oil of, Calif. ....~--""...........-~....--...-...~-... .P'ark 'Puget Sound Power & Light.......-........-------...........- Wiater . ' Puget Sound Power & Light Co..------.........._-- 39~.e7 Tax'Commission------~-----=-----_....~----....- 220.41 v Collector of. Internal Revenue.............-..............---' 22'.00 Nisqu~Ily Valley News----....---------~----- 11.73 C.W. Hughes....-----.=.---........;-~-=-----,----...---, 7.21 1.,00 ~I Street , D & H Mobil Service---------~------------ PugetS:ound 'Power & Light Co..-l....--............---- K'neip t s Trucking Service'""!------....-=--....-'~_.... Sundown EDgging~Company--------------~--- Dept. of Labor &.Industries------~----=-- Nisqual~y Valley Ne.s--------~--------~-- M. J,e S'chnei.der..":'- =,""''''''' ....___....EO -... -= -... -- =_...........- Garbage ' D & H Mobil Service-~-------------------- 4.47 33.00 160.00 1440: 00 29.97 F1~ 11. ~1~ 60.00 11..10 T~~, tr~asurerrs report. was read 'and approved. . . H a:r:-01d E. Wolf and Helen M. Wolf pet! t.ioned fO'r Jvacating that por- t-ion~ of Jeffe'rson Street lying northwester1y of First Street to the Tewn' , of Y elm,'Washington, an d lying, betwe en lL.ot 1 of Block 18 of Mc- Kenzie t s ,First Addition to the Town of Yelm; and Lots' 1 and 2~ of Block 1. 'fir McKenzi.e t sFirst Addition to ,the Town of Yelm, all a according, to. the 'plat thereof on' .fil'e . in the records of the Auditor of Thurston County, StB:te of Washington.